* develop:
fix compile error related to ssize_t.
issue #2771: add and change some physics API, and add more documents
[AUTO] : updating submodule reference to latest autogenerated bindings
Some fixes for XXX:getDescription.
Reverts CCSpriteBatchNode.h
size_t —> ssize_t in CCTMXLayer.cpp
issue #2771: add PhysicsWorld function set/getUpdateRate and set/getSpeed. Change name PhysicsQueryRectCallbackFunc and PhysicsPointQueryCallbackFunc to PhysicsRectQueryCallbackFunc and PhysicsQueryPointCallbackFunc
Fix:Add lua binding of ’registerScriptHandler’、’unregisterScriptHandler’ and ’removeObjectAllHandlers’ of ScriptHandlerMgr and some constants define
[AUTO] : updating submodule reference to latest autogenerated bindings
More renames of description() to getDescription()
getDescription() works as expected
fix compiling error after fixing conflicts
fix compiling error after fixing conflicts
use ssize_t for index
use ssize_t for index and capacity
use ssize_t for capacity and index in containers
Fix:Remove some needless lua binding functions and resolve a bug