* Updated android build process to use c++_static
* Comment out org.gradle.jvmargs
* Updated all project in test directory
* Update C++ Template
* Update js and lua projects
* Update Proguard + Lower minSdkVersion to 14
* Added All PROP_* values + updated build.gradle
* Updated versions
* Uses Images.xcassets instead of several icon png files.
* Renames AppIcon.
* Sets AppIcon from Images.xcassets
* Uses Images.xcassets instead of several icon png files for template projects.
* Modify permission to 644
* Supports full screen for iPhone X and uses Storyboard for launch screen.
cpp-empty-tests done.
* Supports full screen for iPhone X and uses Storyboard for launch screen.
cpp-tests, js-tests, lua-empty-test, lua-tests done.
* Removes unused UILaunchImages for test projects.
* Removes unused UILaunchImages for template projects.
* Adds LaunchScreen.storyboard / LaunchScreenBackground for template projects.
* Fixes lua template.
* [android] Fixes AppAcitivity (Sub class of Cocos2dxActivity) is re-created which causes crash if launching app first time and re-opening from icon.
* Update AppActivity.java
* Update AppActivity.java
* [lua-tests] Check the validity of label instance before setString.
fixed http://punchbox.info:3000/issues/26233
* Minor fix: Adds missing test case in NewAudioEngineTest.
* delete unnneded test case on windows
* delete unneeded test cases
* avoid parameter length limit when building android on windows
* adjust project setting to delete unneeded test cases
* remove unneeded test cases for windows10
* remove unneeded test cases for tizen
* remove unnedded test case for android
* [libcocos2d.vcxproj, libcocos2d.vcxproj.filters] Removed entries for non-existent files that were causing "Build is out of date" issues in Visual Studio
[project.pbxproj] Removed entries for non-existent file
* [libcocos2d.vcxproj.filters] Renamed CCStencilStateManager.h extension to .hpp.
* [libcocos2d.vcxproj, libcocos2d.vcxproj.filters] Removed entry for file CCDownloaderImpl.h which does not exist.
* Changed extension of CCStencilStateManager.hpp to .h
* Added support for VS2017 in project files.
* Improve the AndroidStudio configuration of test projects to fit the new implementation of cocos compile.
* Improve the AndroidStudio configuration of templates to fit the new implementation of cocos compile.
* [WebSocket] Adds support for getting url and server selected protocol
* Adds const keyword for getter methods, and make LOGE also works in release mode.