In many places `Dictionary` and `Array` are not being initialized. In fact `Dictionary` doesn't have the `init()` method creating potential leaks.
Also in objects like `Armature` and the new `LabelTTF`, the `Array` object is not being used a pointer. So it doesn't use the 2 phase initialization, creating potential leaks.
This patch fixes all those issues.
Signed-off-by: Ricardo Quesada <>
Modified mismatching parameters doc caused by refactoring.
Added the missing doc of some parameters.
Removed Hungarian notation from parts of the code.
Adds GL namespace. Deprecates the `ccGLFunctionName` functions. New functions are `GL::functionName`
Also, converts the class `DrawPrimitives` into a namespace
- Adds `CC_REQUIRES_NULL_TERMINATION` to methods that require a NULL at the end
- Removes more Hungarian notations in samples
- s/sprite/scene: fix from previous commit
- `CCLog` -> `log`
- `getLayerNamed` -> `getLayer`
- `getPropertyNamed` -> `getProperty`
- and other small fixes
and other best pracitces like:
capacity and "index" are ints and not unsigned int (google's recomendation).
It is easier to detect underflow bugs like this
plus other minor improvements
- class order fixes
- static methods (creators) at the beginning
- then constructors / destructors
- then init
- more `const` fixes
- adds some const getters
- some getters have 2 versions: `const` and no-const version
- renamed CocosDenshion::sharedEngine -> getInstance()
- Adds more `const` in getters
- Overriden methods have the `override` keyword
- Reorganizes the structure of the class:
# creators first, then constructor, destructors, init
# then overridden methods
# variables at the end
- removes Hungarian notation from parts of the code
- nodeToParentTransform -> getNodeToParentTransform() (the same for its friends)
- Deprecates the old methods
- adds 'consts' to those methods
- boundingBox() -> getBoundingBox()
- the new one is const
- Deprecates the old method.
- Adds overrides keywords in CCNodeRGBA and CCArmature
- AffineMatrix are mutables
- creator (static) methods, and singleton methods (static) are always at the top of the class
- Constructors, destructros, and init methods comes next
- Then the instance methods for the class
- Then the overriden methods
- and finally the ivars
Also, overriden methos have the "override" context keyword