* Support MultiView matrix array
Support MultiView matrix array and add new interface in GLProgram to
support shader header definitions.
* support getMatrixStackSize
* optimize code
* remove indents
* rename resetMatrixStack(unsigned int stackCount)
* Add document to interfaces
* Supplement document of render interface
* Use range-based for-loops and allocate std::vector size(), end(), cend(), rend(), crend() on the stack where favorable.
Other minor trivial changes were applied.
* Fixed Android compilation error
* Fixed windows-universal compilation error
* Update js auto binding settings with new ndk version
* Remove unnecessary property from Ref
* Merge part of Cocos2d-x-lite :
1. Improve network bindings
2. Use nullptr instead of NULL
3. Remove usage of some deprecated APIs
4. Add some defensive code and cleanup
* Fix spine track entry circle referencing issue
* cocos2d/cocos2d-x#16327: Fix global object leak issue in JSB
* Improve ScriptingCore::evalString, old implementation have been deprecated in Spidermonkey
* Update JS versions
* Add docs for web v3.13
* Improve ScriptingCore
* Manual merge cocos2d/cocos2d-x#16383 by DavidDeSimone
* Fix auto bindings configurations
* Update web ref
Adds Director::isValid()
removes DisplayLinkDirector()
removes virtual functions from Director()
Director is no longer an abstract class
github issue #14276
* fix the return value when return null in java
fix the return value when return null in java
* fix getStringUTFCharsJNI
fix getStringUTFCharsJNI when srcjStr is null
* remove a word
remove a word added by mistake
* make a indention
line 233 utf8Str
* #improve node sort performance by std::sort + unsigned long long (_localZOrder)
* Use bit field for make _localZOrder storage more clearly.
* #Comment _localZOrder members for meaningful.
* fix issues
* #use explicit bits integer of localZOrder storage
* #Fix compile error, add include <cstdint> to CCNode.h
* use the optimization for 64bit and no optimization solution for 32bit
* Use the optimization for 64bit and no optimization solution for 32bit
* #Improve node sort performance 64-bit by std::sort + long long (_localZOrder)
* fix issues
* test case
* Revert "test case"
This reverts commit 85471d07a433f2b7f0265c3b7dd483fcc28e3e2f.
* fix issues
* use lambda, and any other sort issues.
* skip sotNodes
* fix compile error
* fix compile issue
* Audio latency fix for Android. Support preload effects on Android now.
Squashed commits:
[b6d80fe] log fix
[a0a918e] Fixes assetFd didn't be released while PcmData is returned from cache.
[4b956ba] Potential crash fix for PcmAudioPlayer while pause / resume.
[398ab8c] Updates LOG_TAG position in AudioEngine-inl.cpp
[e3634e7] include stdlib.h for posix_memalign
[9004074] fixes setVolume logical error.
[c96df46] Don't use another thread for mixing, enqueue is in a seperated thread, therefore doing mixing in another thread will waste more time.
[0a4c1a8] Adds setLoop, setVolume, setPostion support for Track
[c35fb20] Fixed include.
[cdd9d32] Do mixing by ourself. (TO BE POLISHED)
[6447025] µ -> u since µ could not be shown on some android devices.
[97be0c6] Don't send a silence clip.
[c1607ed] Make linter.py happy.
[0898b54] Puts enqueue & SetPlayState in PcmAudioPlayer::play to thread pool.
[b79fc01] Adds getDuration, getPosition support for PcmAudioPlayer
[80fa2ab] minor fix of the code position of resetting state to State::INITIALIZED
[d9c62f1] underrun fix for PcmAudioPlayer.
[9c2212a] UrlAudioPlayer, playOverMutex should be static, and should be used in update method.
[1519d2e] static variables
[19da936] _pcmAudioPlayer Null pointer check in AudioPlayerProvider.
[e6b0d14] Updates audio performance test.
[fc01dd4] Registers foreground & background event in AudioEngine-inl.cpp(android), the callback should invoke `provider`'s pause & resume method.
[e00a886] TBD: Pause & resume support for PcmAudioPlayerPool.
Since OpenSLES audio resources are expensive and device shared, we should delete all unused PcmAudioPlayers in pool while pause and re-create them while resume.
But this commit isn't finished yet, I don't find a better way to register pause&resume event in AudioEngine module.
[9e42ea3] Interleave mono audio to stereo audio. PcmAudioPlayerPool only contains PcmAudioPlayers with 2 channels.
[3f18d05] Adds a strategy for checking small size of different file formats.
[753ff49] Adds performance test for AudioEngine.
[09d3045] Releases an extra PcmAudioPlayer for UrlAudioPlayer while allocating PcmAudioPlayer fails.
[9dd4477] Using std::move for PcmData move constructor & move assignment.
[6ca3bcb] some fixes:
1) new -> new (std::nothrow)
2) break if allocate PcmAudioPlayer fails
3) renames 'initForPlayPcmData' to 'init'
4) PcmAudioPlayer destructor deadlock if 'init' failed
[54675b6] include path fix.
[a1903ca] More refactorings.
[19b9498] Makes linter.py happy. :)
[923c530] Fixes:
1) Avoid getFileInfo to be invoked twice
2) A critical bug fix for UrlAudioPlayer and adds detailed comments
3) __clang__ compiler option fix for AudioResamplerSinc.cpp.
[5ec4faf] minor fix.
[faaa0f3] output a log in the destructor of UrlAudioPlayer.
[9c20355] NewAudioEngineTest,TestControll crash fix.
[f114464] fixes an unused import.
[1dc5dab] Better algorithm for allocating PcmAudioPlayer.
[331a213] minor fix.
[e54084a] null -> nullptr
[f9a0389] Support uncache.
[89a364f] Removes unused update, and TODO uncache functionality.
[1732bf9] Supports AudioEngineImpl::setFinishCallback for android.
[43d1596] UrlAudioPlayer::stop fix.
[e2ee941] Test case fix in NewAudioEngineTest/AudioIssue11143Test
[5c5ba01] More fixes for making cpp-tests/New Audio Engine Test happy.
[8b554a3] Adds log while remove player from map.
[ed71322] If original file is larger than 30k bytes, consider it's a large audio file.
[fb1845a] Updates project.properties
[6f3839f] minor log output fix in AudioEngine-inl.cpp
[c68bc6c] Don't resample if the sample rate of the decoded pcm data matchs the device's.
[43ca45f] PcmAudioPlayers also need to be removed while they play over, but should not be deleted since their lifecycle is managed by PcmAudioPlayerPool.
[f5e63c9] Audio latency fix for Android. Support preload effects on Android now.
* Supports to loading audio files asynchronously.
* Crash fix for stop audio right after play2d.
* Minor fix for logic in AudioMixerController.cpp
* Adds missing files (CCThreadPool.h/.cpp).
* Minor fix for including.
* Minor fix for missing include <functional> in Track.h
* update license information in audio.h
* Don't use std::future/std::promise anymore since ndk counldn't support it well in armeabi arch.
* isSmallFile postion updated, fixes large audio file goto the checking logic of cache.
* std::atomic<int> isn't supported by ndk-r10e while compiling with `armeabi` arch, using a int with a mutex instead.
* fixes __isnanf & posix_memalign doesn't exist on low api (<=16) devices.
* namespace updated: cocos2d -> cocos2d::experimental
* Removes commented code in AudioMixerController.h/.cpp
* Removes unused code again, and fixes a memory leak of `Track` instance.
* Oops, namespace changed.
* Only outputs log in debug mode.
* Uses ALOGV for outputing logs in AudioEngine-inl.cpp
* const PcmData& -> PcmData for Track
* Fixes a protential crash in NewAudioEngineTest
* Adds `COCOS` prefix in header #ifndef COCOS_BALABALA #define COCOS_BALABALA
* Uses _ prefix for cocos code style instead of `m` prefix.
* Deletes AudioResamplerSinc related files.
* Bug fix from @minggo's reply on github.
* Don't need to invoke pause after in UrlAudioPlayer::prepare.
* Updates ThreadPool class, uses enum class and adds const keyword.
use reverse Camera iterator when traversing events (of course).
but somehow setAdditionalTransform() breaks
setNodeToParentTransform(). And since setAdditionalTransform is not
needed, we just don't use it.
Github issue #15909
use reverse Camera iterator when traversing events (of course).
but somehow `setAdditionalTransform()` breaks
`setNodeToParentTransform()`. And since `setAdditionalTransform` is not
needed, we just don't use it.
Github issue #15909
1) Reverts changes in #15443, the behavor of LuaEngine::handleCommonEvent should not be changed. empty eventName should be supported, otherwise it will break compatiblity.
2) Null pointer check in CommonScriptData initialization
3) No error callback in lua (fixed#15904)
* Add system font overflow
1. currently only iOS, Mac and Android platform are supported
add mac label overflow shrink
modify system font overflow test
fix warning and possible memory leaks
add ios system label overflow support
add iOS system font overflow support
fix iOS system font overflow
fix Mac System font overflow
add android system font clamp
add Android system font shrink
cleanup iOS shrink related code
fix Android system font clamp
add core text to project template
fix iOS tests project
fix mac and iOS shrink
improve iOS and Mac clamp feature
fix header file include path
* modify the comments, make it more clearer
- Added c++_shared (LLVM) to Android toolchain options. Fixed AndroidNdkGdb.cmake.
- Fixed includes when not using prebuilt libs. Added option to use sources in external when not using prebuilt libs.
- Added option in CMake to be able build Box2D without using it as physics library in cocos2d-x (similar to what is done in the Visual Studio solution).
* Add captureNode for cocos2d::utils
Add captureNode for cocos2d::utils and fix CC_DLL syntax.
* Add test case for utils::captureNode
Add test case for utils::captureNode.
* Store captured image to disk with RGB.
* Trigger jenkins check
* Add searchNode for cocos2d::utils
Add searchNode for cocos2d::utils
* fix compile error on win32_bak
* convert line terminates to unix sytle.
* Rename searchNode to findChild, and etc.
* fix compile error.
* Add OBB support.
OBB must be a zip file with audio and video files stored uncompressed.
* Use introspection to be able to build with Android API level 10.
Using the new audio engine to play sounds from the OBB will only work with API level 12 (Android 3.1) or above.
* Remove unnecessary memory copy in FileUtils::getFileData()
* Add Data::takeBuffer() to simplify FileUtils::getFileData() and CCFreeTypeFont::loadFont().
* Allow inherit form FileUtilsLinux, FileUtilsWin32 and FileUtilsWinRT.
* Removed objc from CCFileUtils-apple.h
define FILEUTILS_APPLE_ENABLE_OBJC to enable FileUtilsApple:setBundle() for compatibility.
* Smart pointers heal us all.
* Add config macro in ccConfig.h and prefix with CC_.
* enabled by default.
* use #if rather than #ifndef.
* Do not deprecate setBundle.
The order of integer arithmetic is important, the original code fail to
calculate the length correctly, e.g. inLength 20 for base64Encode should
output 28, not 30. It is fixed and simplified with this commit.
Copy constructor remove from StringUTF8
StringUTF8::set change to StringUTF8::replace
TextFieldTTF::setCursorUse change to TextFieldTTF::setCursorEnabled
TextFieldTTF::_cursorUsechange to TextFieldTTF::_cursorEnabled
If TextField active(focused input text) show text cursor( default '|',
change TextFieldTTF::setCursorChar ).
Show/Hide interval CURSOR_TIME_SHOW_HIDE
Change position text cursor control key: KEY_HOME, KEY_END,
cursor( For change state TextFieldTTF::setCursorUse )
Text cursor worked only on LabelType::TTF
- more options for batching (faster)
- less flushing in between commands (faster)
- less renderer code (easier to maintain)
- less VBO/VAO (less memory)
- uses temporary buffer for faster rendering (more memory)
- QuadCommand is just a subclass of TriangleCommand (simpler)
- but statically it allocates indices internally (like any TriangleCommand) (more
memory, but not that much)
- adds more tests for SpritePolygon
- adds test for batching Tri + Quad command
- and fixes some other bugs
Squashed commit of the following:
commit cce893a9114da5dda91a895e4e661894f365e2c7
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Mon Feb 8 06:56:57 2016 -0800
QuadCommand: indices are static
thanks @Darinex
commit e5fd1c14e93d2f07b8266bfec03cf7206d348f59
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Feb 7 19:18:42 2016 -0800
little improvements in xcode proj management
commit 6cd29764e01ad300f4e89e62aa6b399f73e94f01
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Feb 7 19:05:52 2016 -0800
Renderer improvments: TriangleCommand and QuadCommand merged
- more options for batching (faster)
- less flushing in between commands (faster)
- less renderer code (easier to maintain)
- less VBO/VAO (less memory)
- uses temporary buffer for faster rendering (more memory)
and fixes some other bugs
Squashed commit of the following:
commit af7a209435c5f2430c31ab3ebcc7f45051eacb1a
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Feb 7 18:55:27 2016 -0800
adds test for batching quads and tris
commit 25816e3eaeffd4b0cfe5fa15e97ff84e9013b8be
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Feb 7 18:40:15 2016 -0800
cleanup renderer
commit 7f9785056681756c865d603516c7e14c46040e82
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Feb 7 15:34:48 2016 -0800
clean up docs
commit 92a8b679dd404e4ca2839d85e2bd925195b12996
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Feb 7 15:18:52 2016 -0800
QuadCommand converted to Triangles command
commit 7e21ec12d3781f6964b4d639cfa4bdc79eb8ae80
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Feb 5 16:17:29 2016 -0800
adds missing files... new test as well
commit d1bd4391785515bdc2e1bebbeb3f321f983b51f2
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Feb 5 14:35:41 2016 -0800
more tests for poly sprites
commit 5775a25b1046671bd0f5af4c5ab52b308b34bb39
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Feb 5 00:30:13 2016 -0800
malloc instead of std::vector
commit 14a5d45cc978c55a182c03f181ca2bc603776561
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 21:40:46 2016 -0800
little optimization
commit 5667cb2b62416f8a439a54c3973d5841fbe1b68b
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 19:13:13 2016 -0800
quad works as expected
commit 462aef05baa6586591882faa366839bead4be068
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 15:22:59 2016 -0800
commit c789e6c42811278563c7682b5620296ae8d84aeb
Merge: d6c3729 de62924
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 14:08:49 2016 -0800
Merge branch 'v3' into uniform_matrix_auto
commit d6c37297954af752ebf42ec5f71e5e2fe28c9cc2
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 13:54:07 2016 -0800
works ok...
commit 45c288631989ea735cc31ec5aa683d9d41aacab3
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Feb 4 12:58:34 2016 -0800
quad works!
commit 7137cff51df09adee7129738cea2b69da090756e
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Wed Feb 3 16:19:34 2016 -0800
more optimizations... WIP... doesn't work yet
commit a8324c1a9acb6b82102e05eee6e5e5f341306c7b
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Tue Feb 2 21:59:42 2016 -0800
compiles in release mode
more tests... better threshold
commit 884ffc756e7520fcbb9252260181538ec81b8368
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Tue Feb 2 17:21:32 2016 -0800
initial uniform_auto_matrix commit
Changes the CC_matrix uniform in runtime depending on whether the command can be batched or not.
Lot of things missing, though... like performance tests.
Supported tags:
- <small>: makes the font 20% smaller
- <big>: makes the font 25% bigger
- <img src="" />: to add an image
- <font face="path to font" size="size" color="#00ffaa">: font
- <i>: italics
- <b>: bold
- <u>: underline
- <del> strike-through
- </br>: new line
Also adds support for strikethrough, italics, bold and underlie to
Contains tests for UIRichText and Label
Squashed commit of the following:
commit a0d6ae0513d40dbf414930210ab032a49d8984a0
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Tue Jan 19 20:39:21 2016 -0800
cleanup LabelTestNew
commit 0cf423af85d88a42fc1317207feeb3d05da7f8ab
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Tue Jan 19 20:34:53 2016 -0800
adds maaaany tests
...and fixes width and height in <img src="">
commit e8ba6acd5d79bbc766d7aa02ef166e166c801d01
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jan 15 19:41:37 2016 -0800
Label + URL working Ok
commit 36689e29ee3d77310e92264a09084cc06e30664c
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jan 15 18:24:44 2016 -0800
adding this code just in case...
... should use a listener component instead
commit af03708950e74483b875d0baad593aa6ed242a04
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jan 14 20:23:36 2016 -0800
URL node
plus <de><u> and <a img
commit e3a4930b012c0b3756752dac6ffb5ad43d24ae99
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Wed Jan 13 18:42:18 2016 -0800
strikethrough and underline implemented
they support multiline and horizontal alignment as well
includes test
however vertical alignment might not work
commit 640ccf39f56e153db46785a61be7000e898174c7
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Tue Jan 12 18:14:57 2016 -0800
bug fixes
commit 5e41fb76e91c571639585a609a255eb41797a302
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Tue Jan 12 16:47:20 2016 -0800
adds italics and bold "disable test"
commit 202c5a45bb9c8ea160b9f6880ef858874e07814b
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Tue Jan 12 14:40:13 2016 -0800
adds italics test
commit d1a8b421445053cc36860fc376f52692a3672dfe
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Mon Jan 11 20:53:23 2016 -0800
italics is working ok
commit fdd02087fce920c27c2409301ec88685fe68085b
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jan 8 17:18:56 2016 -0800
color, size and face working
commit c01bdef6b1d49f8805b69d4c162b74cd00c8f5b3
Author: Ricardo Quesada <ricardoquesada@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jan 7 19:02:16 2016 -0800
initial commit