* Add captureNode for cocos2d::utils
Add captureNode for cocos2d::utils and fix CC_DLL syntax.
* Add test case for utils::captureNode
Add test case for utils::captureNode.
* Store captured image to disk with RGB.
* Trigger jenkins check
* Add searchNode for cocos2d::utils
Add searchNode for cocos2d::utils
* fix compile error on win32_bak
* convert line terminates to unix sytle.
* Rename searchNode to findChild, and etc.
* fix compile error.
* Add OBB support.
OBB must be a zip file with audio and video files stored uncompressed.
* Use introspection to be able to build with Android API level 10.
Using the new audio engine to play sounds from the OBB will only work with API level 12 (Android 3.1) or above.
* Remove unnecessary memory copy in FileUtils::getFileData()
* Add Data::takeBuffer() to simplify FileUtils::getFileData() and CCFreeTypeFont::loadFont().
* Allow inherit form FileUtilsLinux, FileUtilsWin32 and FileUtilsWinRT.
* Removed objc from CCFileUtils-apple.h
define FILEUTILS_APPLE_ENABLE_OBJC to enable FileUtilsApple:setBundle() for compatibility.
* Smart pointers heal us all.
* Add config macro in ccConfig.h and prefix with CC_.
* enabled by default.
* use #if rather than #ifndef.
* Do not deprecate setBundle.
The order of integer arithmetic is important, the original code fail to
calculate the length correctly, e.g. inLength 20 for base64Encode should
output 28, not 30. It is fixed and simplified with this commit.
Copy constructor remove from StringUTF8
StringUTF8::set change to StringUTF8::replace
TextFieldTTF::setCursorUse change to TextFieldTTF::setCursorEnabled
TextFieldTTF::_cursorUsechange to TextFieldTTF::_cursorEnabled
If TextField active(focused input text) show text cursor( default '|',
change TextFieldTTF::setCursorChar ).
Show/Hide interval CURSOR_TIME_SHOW_HIDE
Change position text cursor control key: KEY_HOME, KEY_END,
cursor( For change state TextFieldTTF::setCursorUse )
Text cursor worked only on LabelType::TTF