* [android] Fixes warning in UrlAudioPlayer.cpp and CCUserDefault-android.cpp
* Don't write 'using namespace std;' in header files.
* Uses std::unordered_map instead of std::map for Particle3D module.
* Updates external/config.json to v3-deps-141
* Continue to replace `gnustl_static` to `c++_static` for templates and test projects.
* Updates CCConsole.h/.cpp to resolve the following issue on Android:
jni/../../../../../cocos/base/CCConsole.cpp:321:28: required from here
/Users/james/Software/android/android-sdk/ndk-bundle/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/include/utility:506:63: error: incomplete type 'std::__ndk1::is_move_assignable<cocos2d::Console::Command>' used in nested name specifier
is_move_assignable<first_type>::value &&
make: *** [obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs-debug/cocos2dx_internal_static/base/CCConsole.o] Error 1
* Fixes a memory leak while addCommand and other minor changes.
* Updates tolua/cocos2dx.ini, don't bind Console::Command
* Adds CC_DLL for Console::Command
* Reverts tolua/cocos2dx.ini and ignore Console::[add Command addSubCommand getSubCommand delSubCommand].
* Ignores Console::getCommand.
* fixed#18474: Provides an interface for getting SafeArea
* Adds getSafeAreaRect test demo in cpp-empty-test.
* @available(iOS 11.0, *) isn't supported in Xcode8. So we use the old way.
* Updated android build process to use c++_static
* Comment out org.gradle.jvmargs
* Updated all project in test directory
* Update C++ Template
* Update js and lua projects
* Update Proguard + Lower minSdkVersion to 14
* Added All PROP_* values + updated build.gradle
* Updated versions
* Uses Images.xcassets instead of several icon png files.
* Renames AppIcon.
* Sets AppIcon from Images.xcassets
* Uses Images.xcassets instead of several icon png files for template projects.
* Modify permission to 644
* Supports full screen for iPhone X and uses Storyboard for launch screen.
cpp-empty-tests done.
* Supports full screen for iPhone X and uses Storyboard for launch screen.
cpp-tests, js-tests, lua-empty-test, lua-tests done.
* Removes unused UILaunchImages for test projects.
* Removes unused UILaunchImages for template projects.
* Adds LaunchScreen.storyboard / LaunchScreenBackground for template projects.
* Fixes lua template.
* [android] Fixes AppAcitivity (Sub class of Cocos2dxActivity) is re-created which causes crash if launching app first time and re-opening from icon.
* Update AppActivity.java
* Update AppActivity.java