- class order fixes
- static methods (creators) at the beginning
- then constructors / destructors
- then init
- more `const` fixes
- adds some const getters
- some getters have 2 versions: `const` and no-const version
- renamed CocosDenshion::sharedEngine -> getInstance()
Playback of background music starts now with the previously set volume, independent of the OpenAL source state.
Added a delete on the SimpleSoundEngine object within CocosDenshionTest::onExit() so that alutExit() gets called to release allocated resources by OpenAL.
to first detach the OpenAL source from the buffers so that sound buffers can be successfully deleted afterwards.
Additionally, improved the documentation within the header file a little bit.
1. Pitch/pan/gain support on iOS, Mac, Linux+FMOD, Android+SoundPool;
2. Unified OpenAL code with pitch/pan/gain on Linux, Tizen, Blackberry,
Native Client;
3. Bug fixed: rewindBackgroundMusic() no longer stops music on unified
OpenAL engine.
4. Optional mp3 support for Linux+OpenAL (OPENAL_MP3 make option);
5. Pan/gain (not pitch) support for Android+OpenES.
6. Reorganized CocosDenshion tests in TestCpp.
Known issues:
1. No support for windows, emscrippten, marmalade.
2. No pitch effect on Android+OpenES. It requires backend redesign:
1. update all copyright from 2010-2011 to 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org
2. update COCOS2D_VERSION to 0x00020003
3. update const char* cocos2dVersion() to "cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.3"
Since on win32 platform, 'reinterpret_cast<long>(typeid(*native_obj).name());' invoking in cocos2d.dll and outside cocos2d.dll(in TestJavascript.exe) will return different address.
But the return string from typeid(*native_obj).name() is the same string, so we must convert the string to hash id to make sure we can get unique id.
with four spaces. Also,
1. Used macro NS_CC_BEGIN instead of namespace cocos2d {, NS_CC_END instead
of }.
2. Removed some unused files.
3. Renamed the name of some folders, for example,
"test.android"-->"proj.android" .