... instead of sharedXXX / purgeXXX.
They are more C++ friendly, and also easier to remember.
common files + Mac files + iOS files + tests/samples files were updated.
The old methods are deprecated now.
This is the 1st patch of 3.
Removes the copyWithZone() patterns.
Adds the clone() pattern instead (which is more C++ friendly)
Adds also "const" to getters.
Updated the TextureAtlasEncryptionTest to show how to use the ccSetPvrEncryptionKey(…) function.
Updated the notes and header docs for improved clarity.
fixed#2127: Adding CCLOG before original path is returned in CCFileUtils::fullPathForFileName to aid in debugging.
The PR has fix two issues:
1) Added additional CCLOG to CCFileUtils::fullPathForFilename:
There's currently no way to be sure, from a calling function, that
fullPathForFilename has returned an invalid file path, which makes it
difficult to quickly track down missing, or incorrect file paths. Added
a CCLOG before the original string is returned to make debugging
missing or incorrect file paths easier.
2) Optmization to ccArrayGetIndexOfObject …
Optimized loop of ccArrayGetIndexOfObject to remove the overhead of 3
pointer dereferences per iteration, and pre-increment the int for
speed. If this function is called a lot, and with a large list, this
will result in a good performance win.
This can probably be done with just pointers, but I haven't taken the
time to validate all function calls to make sure it would be
appropriate. Though I can guarantee that if this worked fine before, it
will work fine with this change.
Rename PVR decryption functions and variables to better fit in the Cocos2DX framework.
Improve log error notes.
Update TextureAtlasEncryptionTest to match revised function call in ZipUtils.
Update ccSetPvrEncryptionKeyPart documentation to clarify that encryption is never 100% secure.
Optimized loop of ccArrayGetIndexOfObject to remove the overhead of 3
pointer dereferences per iteration, and pre-increment the int for
speed. If this function is called a lot, and with a large list, this
will result in a good performance win.
This can probably be done with just pointers, but I haven't taken the
time to validate all function calls to make sure it would be
appropriate. Though I can guarantee that if this worked fine before, it
will work fine with this change.