1. Pitch/pan/gain support on iOS, Mac, Linux+FMOD, Android+SoundPool;
2. Unified OpenAL code with pitch/pan/gain on Linux, Tizen, Blackberry,
Native Client;
3. Bug fixed: rewindBackgroundMusic() no longer stops music on unified
OpenAL engine.
4. Optional mp3 support for Linux+OpenAL (OPENAL_MP3 make option);
5. Pan/gain (not pitch) support for Android+OpenES.
6. Reorganized CocosDenshion tests in TestCpp.
Known issues:
1. No support for windows, emscrippten, marmalade.
2. No pitch effect on Android+OpenES. It requires backend redesign:
Handy macros for callbacks.
Instead of:
std::bind(func_ptr, instnace, std::placeholder::_1)
you use:
CALLBACK_1(func_ptr, instance)
And also removes more warnings from the tests