* Copyright use python script updated. might be fix by manual later
* Revert "Copyright use python script updated. might be fix by manual later"
This reverts commit 49e99418e4da1fd02afda448ddeb16210f5e8c71.
* re modify copyright, consider utf-8-sig encoding
* another situation, add Copyright before "Permission is hereby granted"
* Revert "another situation, add Copyright before "Permission is hereby granted""
This reverts commit ee82591d32353c7ce2e146fe51ef447433b47571.
* another situation, add Copyright before Permission is hereby granted
* change "Copyright (c) 2016-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc." to " Copyright (c) 2016 Chukong Technologies Inc."
* script modify copyright, consider is cocos copyright or not
* change "Copyright (c) 2017 Chukong Technologies Inc." to "Copyright (c) 2016 Chukong Technologies Inc."
* manual fix, not fix audio related
* change "2016-2016" to "2016"
* Uses Images.xcassets instead of several icon png files.
* Renames AppIcon.
* Sets AppIcon from Images.xcassets
* Uses Images.xcassets instead of several icon png files for template projects.
* Modify permission to 644
* Supports full screen for iPhone X and uses Storyboard for launch screen.
cpp-empty-tests done.
* Supports full screen for iPhone X and uses Storyboard for launch screen.
cpp-tests, js-tests, lua-empty-test, lua-tests done.
* Removes unused UILaunchImages for test projects.
* Removes unused UILaunchImages for template projects.
* Adds LaunchScreen.storyboard / LaunchScreenBackground for template projects.
* Fixes lua template.
* initialize Director::_invalid on first init
* fix: Setting the GLView should be done after creating the RootViewController
* restore 2016 copyright on templates/cpp-template-default/proj.ios_mac/ios/AppController
* remove old iOS js and lua templates
* copy actual iOS templates from cpp to js and lua
* Modified the layer follow action class to include a horizontal (x) and vertical (y) offset on the screen from which the node is to be followed.
* Added offsetX and offsetY parameters in Follow::clone() method.
* Added test case for follow action with offset.
* Made changes to the test case on follow action with offset.
* Added new createWithOffset function to create a follow action with offset.
* Modified the test case for followWithoffset to use the newly added createWithOffsets function for follow action.
* Refined the code for creating follow action with offsets.
* Modified test case for follow with offset as per updated create method.
* Code refined in createWithOffset method of follow action.
* Refined AppController.mm,RootViewController.mm and HelloWorldScene.cpp to load the cocos2d-x scene more effectively.Also included the procedure to dismiss the game scene and navigate back to iOS screen.