1. I think you guys haven't tested Xcode templates before 2.0.2 release. The templates are ALL BROKEN because CCHttpClient requires libcurl, which is excluded by xcode4_template_generator/run_generator.sh. It means developers on 2.0.2 would create a new project with compilation error, damn!
2. ios/AppController.*, ios/RootViewController.*, ios/main.m are moved from cocos2dx_*.xctemplate folder to base_ios.xctemplate folder. I don't want to modify tons of RootViewController clones any more.
with four spaces. Also,
1. Used macro NS_CC_BEGIN instead of namespace cocos2d {, NS_CC_END instead
of }.
2. Removed some unused files.
3. Renamed the name of some folders, for example,
"test.android"-->"proj.android" .