- Adds more `const` in getters
- Overriden methods have the `override` keyword
- Reorganizes the structure of the class:
# creators first, then constructor, destructors, init
# then overridden methods
# variables at the end
- removes Hungarian notation from parts of the code
- creator (static) methods, and singleton methods (static) are always at the top of the class
- Constructors, destructros, and init methods comes next
- Then the instance methods for the class
- Then the overriden methods
- and finally the ivars
Also, overriden methos have the "override" context keyword
... instead of sharedXXX / purgeXXX.
They are more C++ friendly, and also easier to remember.
common files + Mac files + iOS files + tests/samples files were updated.
The old methods are deprecated now.
...and add functionality on the Director to override the default values
from the config file.
Supported values:
- cocos2d.x.fps
- cocos2d.x.display_fps
- cocos2d.x.gl.projection
- cocos2d.x.texture.pixel_format_for_png
- cocos2d.x.texture.pvrv2_has_alpha_premultiplied
If the "config.plist" file is not present, or some keys are not present,
the default values are going to be used
The folder "samples/Cpp/TestCpp/Resources/configs" needs to be added
in the Android, Linux, Win32 projects.
Already added in OS X and iOS Xcode projects.
1. update all copyright from 2010-2011 to 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org
2. update COCOS2D_VERSION to 0x00020003
3. update const char* cocos2dVersion() to "cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.3"
Since on win32 platform, 'reinterpret_cast<long>(typeid(*native_obj).name());' invoking in cocos2d.dll and outside cocos2d.dll(in TestJavascript.exe) will return different address.
But the return string from typeid(*native_obj).name() is the same string, so we must convert the string to hash id to make sure we can get unique id.
Updated CCFileUtils, added some method, such as sharedFileUtils/purgeFileUtils/purgeCachedEntries.
Fixed a bug in CCDirector, made retina mode work correctly.