1. Pitch/pan/gain support on iOS, Mac, Linux+FMOD, Android+SoundPool;
2. Unified OpenAL code with pitch/pan/gain on Linux, Tizen, Blackberry,
Native Client;
3. Bug fixed: rewindBackgroundMusic() no longer stops music on unified
OpenAL engine.
4. Optional mp3 support for Linux+OpenAL (OPENAL_MP3 make option);
5. Pan/gain (not pitch) support for Android+OpenES.
6. Reorganized CocosDenshion tests in TestCpp.
Known issues:
1. No support for windows, emscrippten, marmalade.
2. No pitch effect on Android+OpenES. It requires backend redesign:
we should use onWindowFocusChanged(bool) to detect if the app is currently
visitible to the user or not. because onPause()/onResume() leads to false
positives on some android versions (e.g. Kindle Fire). if you lock those
devices, while the app running, everything is fine (onPause() is handled
properly). but as soon as you wake up the device, and the lock screen gets
visible, the app is resumed and the music is played (onResume() is
called to early).
this is a) not the best behaviour and b) such games will be rejected on the
samsung app store. onWindowFocusChanged(bool) is, like onPause()/onResume(),
available since API level 1 and it should be safe to simply switch.
Android SoundPool.load returns 0 if sound might not be loaded - for
example, it does not exist. Previously - 0 has been ignored and
incorrectly written to HashMap, so it was not possible to
understand on the application side that something goes wrong
(and use some additional workaround).
Use case:
1) On the game loading - preload all possible sound effects
(to speed up their playing later, when it will be needed)
2) Game APK does not have any sound file, they are downloaded
later in a separate thread.
3) Application tries to play sound effects as usual, when needed.
So due to this bug - as there was no any sound file exist
during the game loading - internal HashMap contains incorrect
0 as id for every effect, and there is no any sound effect during
the first application start.