/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org * cocos2d for iPhone: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org * * Copyright (c) 2008 Radu Gruian * * Copyright (c) 2011 Vit Valentin * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * * Original code by Radu Gruian: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/30838/Overhauser-Catmull-Rom-Splines-for-Camera-Animatio.So * * Adapted to cocos2d-x by Vit Valentin * * Adapted from cocos2d-x to cocos2d-iphone by Ricardo Quesada */ #include "ccMacros.h" #include "support/CCPointExtension.h" #include "CCActionCatmullRom.h" #include "cocoa/CCZone.h" using namespace std; NS_CC_BEGIN; /* * Implementation of CCPointArray */ CCPointArray* CCPointArray::create(unsigned int capacity) { CCPointArray* ret = new CCPointArray(); if (ret) { if (ret->initWithCapacity(capacity)) { ret->autorelease(); } else { delete ret; ret = NULL; } } return ret; } bool CCPointArray::initWithCapacity(unsigned int capacity) { _controlPoints = new vector(); return true; } CCObject* CCPointArray::copyWithZone(cocos2d::CCZone *zone) { vector *newArray = new vector(); vector::iterator iter; for (iter = _controlPoints->begin(); iter != _controlPoints->end(); ++iter) { newArray->push_back(new CCPoint((*iter)->x, (*iter)->y)); } CCPointArray *points = new CCPointArray(); points->initWithCapacity(10); points->setControlPoints(newArray); return points; } CCPointArray::~CCPointArray() { vector::iterator iter; for (iter = _controlPoints->begin(); iter != _controlPoints->end(); ++iter) { delete *iter; } delete _controlPoints; } CCPointArray::CCPointArray() :_controlPoints(NULL){} const std::vector* CCPointArray::getControlPoints() { return _controlPoints; } void CCPointArray::setControlPoints(vector *controlPoints) { CCAssert(controlPoints != NULL, "control points should not be NULL"); // delete old points vector::iterator iter; for (iter = _controlPoints->begin(); iter != _controlPoints->end(); ++iter) { delete *iter; } delete _controlPoints; _controlPoints = controlPoints; } void CCPointArray::addControlPoint(CCPoint controlPoint) { _controlPoints->push_back(new CCPoint(controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y)); } void CCPointArray::insertControlPoint(CCPoint &controlPoint, unsigned int index) { CCPoint *temp = new CCPoint(controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y); _controlPoints->insert(_controlPoints->begin() + index, temp); } CCPoint CCPointArray::getControlPointAtIndex(unsigned int index) { index = MIN(_controlPoints->size()-1, MAX(index, 0)); return *(_controlPoints->at(index)); } void CCPointArray::replaceControlPoint(cocos2d::CCPoint &controlPoint, unsigned int index) { CCPoint *temp = _controlPoints->at(index); temp->x = controlPoint.x; temp->y = controlPoint.y; } void CCPointArray::removeControlPointAtIndex(unsigned int index) { vector::iterator iter = _controlPoints->begin() + index; CCPoint* pRemovedPoint = *iter; _controlPoints->erase(iter); delete pRemovedPoint; } unsigned int CCPointArray::count() { return _controlPoints->size(); } CCPointArray* CCPointArray::reverse() { vector *newArray = new vector(); vector::reverse_iterator iter; CCPoint *point = NULL; for (iter = _controlPoints->rbegin(); iter != _controlPoints->rend(); ++iter) { point = *iter; newArray->push_back(new CCPoint(point->x, point->y)); } CCPointArray *config = CCPointArray::create(0); config->setControlPoints(newArray); return config; } void CCPointArray::reverseInline() { unsigned int l = _controlPoints->size(); CCPoint *p1 = NULL; CCPoint *p2 = NULL; int x, y; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l/2; ++i) { p1 = _controlPoints->at(i); p2 = _controlPoints->at(l-i-1); x = p1->x; y = p1->y; p1->x = p2->x; p1->y = p2->y; p2->x = x; p2->y = y; } } // CatmullRom Spline formula: CCPoint ccCardinalSplineAt(CCPoint &p0, CCPoint &p1, CCPoint &p2, CCPoint &p3, float tension, float t) { float t2 = t * t; float t3 = t2 * t; /* * Formula: s(-ttt + 2tt - t)P1 + s(-ttt + tt)P2 + (2ttt - 3tt + 1)P2 + s(ttt - 2tt + t)P3 + (-2ttt + 3tt)P3 + s(ttt - tt)P4 */ float s = (1 - tension) / 2; float b1 = s * ((-t3 + (2 * t2)) - t); // s(-t3 + 2 t2 - t)P1 float b2 = s * (-t3 + t2) + (2 * t3 - 3 * t2 + 1); // s(-t3 + t2)P2 + (2 t3 - 3 t2 + 1)P2 float b3 = s * (t3 - 2 * t2 + t) + (-2 * t3 + 3 * t2); // s(t3 - 2 t2 + t)P3 + (-2 t3 + 3 t2)P3 float b4 = s * (t3 - t2); // s(t3 - t2)P4 float x = (p0.x*b1 + p1.x*b2 + p2.x*b3 + p3.x*b4); float y = (p0.y*b1 + p1.y*b2 + p2.y*b3 + p3.y*b4); return ccp(x,y); } /* Implementation of CCCardinalSplineTo */ CCCardinalSplineTo* CCCardinalSplineTo::create(float duration, cocos2d::CCPointArray *points, float tension) { CCCardinalSplineTo *ret = new CCCardinalSplineTo(); if (ret) { if (ret->initWithDuration(duration, points, tension)) { ret->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(ret); } } return ret; } bool CCCardinalSplineTo::initWithDuration(float duration, cocos2d::CCPointArray *points, float tension) { CCAssert(points->count() > 0, "Invalid configuration. It must at least have one control point"); if (CCActionInterval::initWithDuration(duration)) { this->setPoints(points); this->_tension = tension; return true; } return false; } CCCardinalSplineTo::~CCCardinalSplineTo() { CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(_points); } CCCardinalSplineTo::CCCardinalSplineTo() : _points(NULL) , _deltaT(0.f) , _tension(0.f) { } void CCCardinalSplineTo::startWithTarget(cocos2d::CCNode *pTarget) { CCActionInterval::startWithTarget(pTarget); // _deltaT = (float) 1 / _points->count(); // Issue #1441 _deltaT = (float) 1 / (_points->count() - 1); _previousPosition = pTarget->getPosition(); _accumulatedDiff = CCPointZero; } CCCardinalSplineTo* CCCardinalSplineTo::clone() const { // no copy constructor auto a = new CCCardinalSplineTo(); a->initWithDuration(this->_duration, this->_points, this->_tension); a->autorelease(); return a; } CCCardinalSplineTo* CCCardinalSplineTo::copyWithZone(cocos2d::CCZone *pZone) { CCZone* pNewZone = NULL; CCCardinalSplineTo* pRet = NULL; if(pZone && pZone->_copyObject) //in case of being called at sub class { pRet = (CCCardinalSplineTo*)(pZone->_copyObject); } else { pRet = new CCCardinalSplineTo(); pZone = pNewZone = new CCZone(pRet); } CCActionInterval::copyWithZone(pZone); pRet->initWithDuration(this->getDuration(), this->_points, this->_tension); CC_SAFE_DELETE(pNewZone); return pRet; } void CCCardinalSplineTo::update(float time) { unsigned int p; float lt; // eg. // p..p..p..p..p..p..p // 1..2..3..4..5..6..7 // want p to be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 if (time == 1) { p = _points->count() - 1; lt = 1; } else { p = time / _deltaT; lt = (time - _deltaT * (float)p) / _deltaT; } // Interpolate CCPoint pp0 = _points->getControlPointAtIndex(p-1); CCPoint pp1 = _points->getControlPointAtIndex(p+0); CCPoint pp2 = _points->getControlPointAtIndex(p+1); CCPoint pp3 = _points->getControlPointAtIndex(p+2); CCPoint newPos = ccCardinalSplineAt(pp0, pp1, pp2, pp3, _tension, lt); #if CC_ENABLE_STACKABLE_ACTIONS // Support for stacked actions CCNode *node = _target; CCPoint diff = ccpSub( node->getPosition(), _previousPosition); if( diff.x !=0 || diff.y != 0 ) { _accumulatedDiff = ccpAdd( _accumulatedDiff, diff); newPos = ccpAdd( newPos, _accumulatedDiff); } #endif this->updatePosition(newPos); } void CCCardinalSplineTo::updatePosition(cocos2d::CCPoint &newPos) { _target->setPosition(newPos); _previousPosition = newPos; } CCCardinalSplineTo* CCCardinalSplineTo::reverse() const { CCPointArray *pReverse = _points->reverse(); return CCCardinalSplineTo::create(_duration, pReverse, _tension); } /* CCCardinalSplineBy */ CCCardinalSplineBy* CCCardinalSplineBy::create(float duration, cocos2d::CCPointArray *points, float tension) { CCCardinalSplineBy *ret = new CCCardinalSplineBy(); if (ret) { if (ret->initWithDuration(duration, points, tension)) { ret->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(ret); } } return ret; } CCCardinalSplineBy::CCCardinalSplineBy() : _startPosition(0,0) { } void CCCardinalSplineBy::updatePosition(cocos2d::CCPoint &newPos) { CCPoint p = ccpAdd(newPos, _startPosition); _target->setPosition(p); _previousPosition = p; } CCCardinalSplineBy* CCCardinalSplineBy::reverse() const { CCPointArray *copyConfig = (CCPointArray*)_points->copy(); // // convert "absolutes" to "diffs" // CCPoint p = copyConfig->getControlPointAtIndex(0); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < copyConfig->count(); ++i) { CCPoint current = copyConfig->getControlPointAtIndex(i); CCPoint diff = ccpSub(current, p); copyConfig->replaceControlPoint(diff, i); p = current; } // convert to "diffs" to "reverse absolute" CCPointArray *pReverse = copyConfig->reverse(); copyConfig->release(); // 1st element (which should be 0,0) should be here too p = pReverse->getControlPointAtIndex(pReverse->count()-1); pReverse->removeControlPointAtIndex(pReverse->count()-1); p = ccpNeg(p); pReverse->insertControlPoint(p, 0); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < pReverse->count(); ++i) { CCPoint current = pReverse->getControlPointAtIndex(i); current = ccpNeg(current); CCPoint abs = ccpAdd(current, p); pReverse->replaceControlPoint(abs, i); p = abs; } return CCCardinalSplineBy::create(_duration, pReverse, _tension); } void CCCardinalSplineBy::startWithTarget(cocos2d::CCNode *pTarget) { CCCardinalSplineTo::startWithTarget(pTarget); _startPosition = pTarget->getPosition(); } CCCardinalSplineBy* CCCardinalSplineBy::clone() const { // no copy constructor auto a = new CCCardinalSplineBy(); a->initWithDuration(this->_duration, (CCPointArray*)this->_points->copy()->autorelease(), this->_tension); a->autorelease(); return a; } /* CCCatmullRomTo */ CCCatmullRomTo* CCCatmullRomTo::create(float dt, cocos2d::CCPointArray *points) { CCCatmullRomTo *ret = new CCCatmullRomTo(); if (ret) { if (ret->initWithDuration(dt, points)) { ret->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(ret); } } return ret; } bool CCCatmullRomTo::initWithDuration(float dt, cocos2d::CCPointArray *points) { if (CCCardinalSplineTo::initWithDuration(dt, points, 0.5f)) { return true; } return false; } CCCatmullRomTo* CCCatmullRomTo::clone() const { // no copy constructor auto a = new CCCatmullRomTo(); a->initWithDuration(this->_duration, (CCPointArray*)this->_points->copy()->autorelease()); a->autorelease(); return a; } CCCatmullRomTo* CCCatmullRomTo::reverse() const { CCPointArray *pReverse = _points->reverse(); return CCCatmullRomTo::create(_duration, pReverse); } /* CCCatmullRomBy */ CCCatmullRomBy* CCCatmullRomBy::create(float dt, cocos2d::CCPointArray *points) { CCCatmullRomBy *ret = new CCCatmullRomBy(); if (ret) { if (ret->initWithDuration(dt, points)) { ret->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(ret); } } return ret; } bool CCCatmullRomBy::initWithDuration(float dt, cocos2d::CCPointArray *points) { if (CCCardinalSplineTo::initWithDuration(dt, points, 0.5f)) { return true; } return false; } CCCatmullRomBy* CCCatmullRomBy::clone() const { // no copy constructor auto a = new CCCatmullRomBy(); a->initWithDuration(this->_duration, (CCPointArray*)this->_points->copy()->autorelease()); a->autorelease(); return a; } CCCatmullRomBy* CCCatmullRomBy::reverse() const { CCPointArray *copyConfig = (CCPointArray*)_points->copy(); // // convert "absolutes" to "diffs" // CCPoint p = copyConfig->getControlPointAtIndex(0); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < copyConfig->count(); ++i) { CCPoint current = copyConfig->getControlPointAtIndex(i); CCPoint diff = ccpSub(current, p); copyConfig->replaceControlPoint(diff, i); p = current; } // convert to "diffs" to "reverse absolute" CCPointArray *pReverse = copyConfig->reverse(); copyConfig->release(); // 1st element (which should be 0,0) should be here too p = pReverse->getControlPointAtIndex(pReverse->count()-1); pReverse->removeControlPointAtIndex(pReverse->count()-1); p = ccpNeg(p); pReverse->insertControlPoint(p, 0); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < pReverse->count(); ++i) { CCPoint current = pReverse->getControlPointAtIndex(i); current = ccpNeg(current); CCPoint abs = ccpAdd(current, p); pReverse->replaceControlPoint(abs, i); p = abs; } return CCCatmullRomBy::create(_duration, pReverse); } NS_CC_END;