-------------------------------- -- @module Camera -- @extend Node -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- Gets the camera's projection matrix.
-- return The camera projection matrix. -- @function [parent=#Camera] getProjectionMatrix -- @param self -- @return mat4_table#mat4_table ret (return value: mat4_table) -------------------------------- -- get view projection matrix -- @function [parent=#Camera] getViewProjectionMatrix -- @param self -- @return mat4_table#mat4_table ret (return value: mat4_table) -------------------------------- -- Gets the camera's view matrix.
-- return The camera view matrix. -- @function [parent=#Camera] getViewMatrix -- @param self -- @return mat4_table#mat4_table ret (return value: mat4_table) -------------------------------- -- get & set Camera flag -- @function [parent=#Camera] getCameraFlag -- @param self -- @return int#int ret (return value: int) -------------------------------- -- Gets the type of camera.
-- return The camera type. -- @function [parent=#Camera] getType -- @param self -- @return int#int ret (return value: int) -------------------------------- -- Get object depth towards camera -- @function [parent=#Camera] getDepthInView -- @param self -- @param #mat4_table transform -- @return float#float ret (return value: float) -------------------------------- -- Make Camera looks at target
-- param target The target camera is point at
-- param up The up vector, usually it's Y axis -- @function [parent=#Camera] lookAt -- @param self -- @param #vec3_table target -- @param #vec3_table up -- @return Camera#Camera self (return value: cc.Camera) -------------------------------- -- Is this aabb visible in frustum -- @function [parent=#Camera] isVisibleInFrustum -- @param self -- @param #cc.AABB aabb -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Camera] setCameraFlag -- @param self -- @param #int flag -- @return Camera#Camera self (return value: cc.Camera) -------------------------------- -- create default camera, the camera type depends on Director::getProjection -- @function [parent=#Camera] create -- @param self -- @return Camera#Camera ret (return value: cc.Camera) -------------------------------- -- Creates a perspective camera.
-- param fieldOfView The field of view for the perspective camera (normally in the range of 40-60 degrees).
-- param aspectRatio The aspect ratio of the camera (normally the width of the viewport divided by the height of the viewport).
-- param nearPlane The near plane distance.
-- param farPlane The far plane distance. -- @function [parent=#Camera] createPerspective -- @param self -- @param #float fieldOfView -- @param #float aspectRatio -- @param #float nearPlane -- @param #float farPlane -- @return Camera#Camera ret (return value: cc.Camera) -------------------------------- -- Creates an orthographic camera.
-- param zoomX The zoom factor along the X-axis of the orthographic projection (the width of the ortho projection).
-- param zoomY The zoom factor along the Y-axis of the orthographic projection (the height of the ortho projection).
-- param aspectRatio The aspect ratio of the orthographic projection.
-- param nearPlane The near plane distance.
-- param farPlane The far plane distance. -- @function [parent=#Camera] createOrthographic -- @param self -- @param #float zoomX -- @param #float zoomY -- @param #float nearPlane -- @param #float farPlane -- @return Camera#Camera ret (return value: cc.Camera) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Camera] getDefaultCamera -- @param self -- @return Camera#Camera ret (return value: cc.Camera) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Camera] getVisitingCamera -- @param self -- @return Camera#Camera ret (return value: cc.Camera) return nil