/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ // // cocos2d studio constants // // This helper file should be required after jsb_cocos2d.js // var ccs = ccs || {}; ccs.Class = ccs.Class || cc.Class || {}; // Movement event type ccs.MovementEventType = { start: 0, complete: 1, loopComplete: 2 }; // Inner action type ccs.InnerActionType = { LoopAction: 0, NoLoopAction: 1, SingleFrame: 2 }; ccs.AnimationInfo = function (name, startIndex, endIndex) { this.name = name || ""; this.startIndex = startIndex != undefined ? startIndex : 0; this.endIndex = endIndex != undefined ? endIndex : 0; }; // Armature if(ccs.Armature){ ccs.Armature.prototype.setBody = function( body ) { var b = body; if( body.handle !== undefined ) b = body.handle; return this._setCPBody( b ); }; ccs.ComController.extend = cc.Class.extend; ccs.Armature.extend = cc.Class.extend; } ccs.Armature.prototype._setBlendFunc = ccs.Armature.prototype.setBlendFunc; ccs.Armature.prototype.setBlendFunc = templateSetBlendFunc; ccs.sendEvent = function (event) { var triggerObjArr = ccs.triggerManager.get(event); if (triggerObjArr == null) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < triggerObjArr.length; i++) { var triObj = triggerObjArr[i]; if (triObj != null && triObj.detect()) { triObj.done(); } } }; ccs.objectFactory = { _typeMap: {}, destroyInstance: function () { this._sharedFactory = null; }, createObject: function (className) { var o = null; var t = this._typeMap[className]; if (t) { o = new t._fun(); } return o; }, registerType: function (t) { this._typeMap[t._className] = t; } }; ccs.TInfo = ccs.Class.extend({ _className: "", _fun: null, /** * * @param {String|ccs.TInfo}c * @param {Function}f */ ctor: function (c, f) { if (f) { this._className = c; this._fun = f; }else{ this._className = c._className; this._fun = c._fun; } ccs.objectFactory.registerType(this); } }); ccs.registerTriggerClass = function(className, createFunc) { new ccs.TInfo(className, createFunc); } ccs.BaseTriggerCondition = ccs.Class.extend({ init: function () { return true; }, detect: function () { return true; }, serialize: function (jsonVal) { }, removeAll: function () { } }); ccs.BaseTriggerAction = ccs.Class.extend({ init: function () { return true; }, done: function () { }, serialize: function (jsonVal) { }, removeAll: function () { } }); ccs.TriggerObj = ccs.Class.extend({ _cons: null, _acts: null, _id: 0, _enable: true, _vInt: null, ctor: function () { this._id = 0; this._enable = true; }, init: function () { this._cons = []; this._acts = []; this._vInt = []; return true; }, detect: function () { if (!this._enable || this._cons.length == 0) { return true; } var ret = true; var obj = null; for (var i = 0; i < this._cons.length; i++) { obj = this._cons[i]; if (obj && obj.detect) { ret = ret && obj.detect(); } } return ret; }, done: function () { if (!this._enable || this._acts.length == 0) { return; } var obj; for (var i = 0; i < this._acts.length; i++) { obj = this._acts[i]; if (obj && obj.done) { obj.done(); } } }, removeAll: function () { var obj = null; for (var i = 0; i < this._cons.length; i++) { obj = this._cons[i]; if (obj) obj.removeAll(); } this._cons = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._acts.length; i++) { obj = this._acts[i]; if (obj) obj.removeAll(); } this._acts = []; }, serialize: function (jsonVal) { this._id = jsonVal["id"] || 0; var conditions = jsonVal["conditions"] || []; for (var i = 0; i < conditions.length; i++) { var subDict = conditions[i]; var classname = subDict["classname"]; if (!classname) { continue; } var con = ccs.objectFactory.createObject(classname); if (!con) { cc.log("class named classname(" + classname + ") can not implement!"); } con.serialize(subDict); con.init(); this._cons.push(con); } var actions = jsonVal["actions"] || []; for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { var subDict = actions[i]; var classname = subDict["classname"]; if (!classname) { continue; } var act = ccs.objectFactory.createObject(classname); if (!act) { cc.log("class named classname(" + classname + ") can not implement!"); } act.serialize(subDict); act.init(); this._acts.push(act); } var events = jsonVal["events"] || []; for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { var subDict = events[i]; var event = subDict["id"]; if (event < 0) { continue; } this._vInt.push(event); } }, getId: function () { return this._id; }, setEnable: function (enable) { this._enable = enable; }, getEvents: function () { return this._vInt; } }); ccs.TriggerObj.create = function() { var ret = new ccs.TriggerObj(); if (ret.init()) return ret; return null; } ccs.triggerManager = { _eventTriggers: {}, _triggerObjs: {}, _movementDispatches: [], destroyInstance: function () { this.removeAll(); this._instance = null; }, parse: function (root) { var triggers = root;//["Triggers"]; for (var i = 0; i < triggers.length; ++i) { var subDict = triggers[i]; var triggerObj = ccs.TriggerObj.create(); triggerObj.serialize(subDict); var events = triggerObj.getEvents(); for (var j = 0; j < events.length; j++) { var event = events[j]; this.add(event, triggerObj); } this._triggerObjs[triggerObj.getId()] = triggerObj; } }, get: function (event) { return this._eventTriggers[event]; }, getTriggerObj: function (id) { return this._triggerObjs[id]; }, add: function (event, triggerObj) { var eventTriggers = this._eventTriggers[event]; if (!eventTriggers) { eventTriggers = []; } if (eventTriggers.indexOf(triggerObj) == -1) { eventTriggers.push(triggerObj); this._eventTriggers[event] = eventTriggers; } }, removeAll: function () { for (var key in this._eventTriggers) { var triObjArr = this._eventTriggers[key]; for (var j = 0; j < triObjArr.length; j++) { var obj = triObjArr[j]; obj.removeAll(); } } this._eventTriggers = {}; }, remove: function (event, Obj) { if (Obj) { return this._removeObj(event, Obj); } var bRet = false; do { var triObjects = this._eventTriggers[event]; if (!triObjects) break; for (var i = 0; i < triObjects.length; i++) { var triObject = triObjects[i]; if (triObject) { triObject.removeAll(); } } delete this._eventTriggers[event]; bRet = true; } while (0); return bRet; }, _removeObj: function (event, Obj) { var bRet = false; do { var triObjects = this._eventTriggers[event]; if (!triObjects) break; for (var i = 0; i < triObjects.length; i++) { var triObject = triObjects[i]; if (triObject && triObject == Obj) { triObject.removeAll(); triObjects.splice(i, 1); break; } } bRet = true; } while (0); return bRet; }, removeTriggerObj: function (id) { var obj = this.getTriggerObj(id); if (!obj) { return false; } var events = obj.getEvents(); for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { var event = events[i]; this.remove(event, obj); } return true; }, isEmpty: function () { return !this._eventTriggers || this._eventTriggers.length <= 0; }, addArmatureMovementCallBack: function (armature, callFunc, target) { if (armature == null || target == null || callFunc == null) { return; } var locAmd, hasADD = false; for (var i = 0; i < this._movementDispatches.length; i++) { locAmd = this._movementDispatches[i]; if (locAmd && locAmd[0] == armature) { locAmd.addAnimationEventCallBack(callFunc, target); hasADD = true; } } if (!hasADD) { var newAmd = new ccs.ArmatureMovementDispatcher(); armature.getAnimation().setMovementEventCallFunc(newAmd.animationEvent, newAmd); newAmd.addAnimationEventCallBack(callFunc, target); this._movementDispatches.push([armature, newAmd]); } }, removeArmatureMovementCallBack: function (armature, target, callFunc) { if (armature == null || target == null || callFunc == null) { return; } var locAmd; for (var i = 0; i < this._movementDispatches.length; i++) { locAmd = this._movementDispatches[i]; if (locAmd && locAmd[0] == armature) { locAmd.removeAnimationEventCallBack(callFunc, target); } } }, removeArmatureAllMovementCallBack: function (armature) { if (armature == null) { return; } var locAmd; for (var i = 0; i < this._movementDispatches.length; i++) { locAmd = this._movementDispatches[i]; if (locAmd && locAmd[0] == armature) { this._movementDispatches.splice(i, 1); break; } } }, removeAllArmatureMovementCallBack: function () { this._movementDispatches = []; }, version: function () { return ""; } }; // Functions don't support binding ccs.Bone.prototype.getColliderBodyList = function() { var decoDisplay = this.getDisplayManager().getCurrentDecorativeDisplay(); if (decoDisplay) { var detector = decoDisplay.getColliderDetector(); if (detector) { return detector.getColliderBodyList(); } } return []; }; ccs.TweenType = { CUSTOM_EASING: -1, LINEAR: 0, SINE_EASEIN: 1, SINE_EASEOUT: 2, SINE_EASEINOUT: 3, QUAD_EASEIN: 4, QUAD_EASEOUT: 5, QUAD_EASEINOUT: 6, CUBIC_EASEIN: 7, CUBIC_EASEOUT: 8, CUBIC_EASEINOUT: 9, QUART_EASEIN: 10, QUART_EASEOUT: 11, QUART_EASEINOUT: 12, QUINT_EASEIN: 13, QUINT_EASEOUT: 14, QUINT_EASEINOUT: 15, EXPO_EASEIN: 16, EXPO_EASEOUT: 17, EXPO_EASEINOUT: 18, CIRC_EASEIN: 19, CIRC_EASEOUT: 20, CIRC_EASEINOUT: 21, ELASTIC_EASEIN: 22, ELASTIC_EASEOUT: 23, ELASTIC_EASEINOUT: 24, BACK_EASEIN: 25, BACK_EASEOUT: 26, BACK_EASEINOUT: 27, BOUNCE_EASEIN: 28, BOUNCE_EASEOUT: 29, BOUNCE_EASEINOUT: 30, TWEEN_EASING_MAX: 10000 }; ccs.FrameEaseType = { CUSTOM : -1, LINEAR : 0, SINE_EASEIN : 1, SINE_EASEOUT : 2, SINE_EASEINOUT : 3, QUAD_EASEIN : 4, QUAD_EASEOUT : 5, QUAD_EASEINOUT : 6, CUBIC_EASEIN : 7, CUBIC_EASEOUT : 8, CUBIC_EASEINOUT : 9, QUART_EASEIN : 10, QUART_EASEOUT : 11, QUART_EASEINOUT : 12, QUINT_EASEIN : 13, QUINT_EASEOUT : 14, QUINT_EASEINOUT : 15, EXPO_EASEIN : 16, EXPO_EASEOUT : 17, EXPO_EASEINOUT : 18, CIRC_EASEIN : 19, CIRC_EASEOUT : 20, CIRC_EASEINOUT : 21, ELASTIC_EASEIN : 22, ELASTIC_EASEOUT : 23, ELASTIC_EASEINOUT : 24, BACK_EASEIN : 25, BACK_EASEOUT : 26, BACK_EASEINOUT : 27, BOUNCE_EASEIN : 28, BOUNCE_EASEOUT : 29, BOUNCE_EASEINOUT : 30, TWEEN_EASING_MAX: 1000 };