#!/usr/bin/python # android-build.py # Build android samples # You can use # begin import sys import os, os.path import shutil from optparse import OptionParser CPP_SAMPLES = ['hellocpp', 'testcpp', 'simplegame', 'assetsmanager'] LUA_SAMPLES = ['hellolua', 'testlua'] JSB_SAMPLES = ['cocosdragon', 'crystalcraze', 'moonwarriors', 'testjavascript', 'watermelonwithme'] ALL_SAMPLES = CPP_SAMPLES + LUA_SAMPLES + JSB_SAMPLES def usage(): print "%prog [-n ndk-build-parameter] target\n\ valid target are [hellocpp|testcpp|simplegame|assetsmanager|hellolua|testlua|cocosdragon\ |crystalcraze|moonwarriors|testjavascript|watermelonwithme], of course you can use 'cpp'\ to build all cpp samples, 'lua' to build all lua samples, 'jsb' to build all javascript samples,\ and 'all' for all samples" def check_environment_variables(): ''' Checking the environment NDK_ROOT, which will be used for building ''' try: NDK_ROOT = os.environ['NDK_ROOT'] except Exception: print "NDK_ROOT not defined. Please define NDK_ROOT in your environment" sys.exit(1) return NDK_ROOT def select_toolchain_version(): '''Because ndk-r8e uses gcc4.6 as default. gcc4.6 doesn't support c++11. So we should select gcc4.7 when using ndk-r8e. But gcc4.7 is removed in ndk-r9, so we should determine whether gcc4.7 exist. Conclution: ndk-r8e -> use gcc4.7 ndk-r9 -> use gcc4.8 ''' ndk_root = check_environment_variables() if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ndk_root,"toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8")): os.environ['NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION'] = '4.8' print "The Selected NDK toolchain version was 4.8 !" elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ndk_root,"toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.7")): os.environ['NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION'] = '4.7' print "The Selected NDK toolchain version was 4.7 !" else: print "Couldn't find the gcc toolchain." exit(1) def caculate_built_samples(args): ''' Compute the sampels to be built 'cpp' for short of all cpp samples 'lua' for short of all lua smpleas 'jsb' for short of all javascript samples ''' if 'all' in args: return ALL_SAMPLES targets = [] if 'cpp' in args: targets += CPP_SAMPLES args.remove('cpp') if 'lua' in args: targets += LUA_SAMPLES args.remove('lua') if 'jsb' in args: targets += JSB_SAMPLES args.remove('jsb') targets += args # remove duplicate elements, for example # python android-build.py cpp hellocpp targets = set(targets) return list(targets) def do_build(cocos_root, ndk_root, app_android_root, ndk_build_param): ndk_path = os.path.join(ndk_root, "ndk-build") # windows should use ";" to seperate module paths platform = sys.platform if platform == 'win32': ndk_module_path = 'NDK_MODULE_PATH=%s;%s/external;%s/cocos' % (cocos_root, cocos_root, cocos_root) else: ndk_module_path = 'NDK_MODULE_PATH=%s:%s/external:%s/cocos' % (cocos_root, cocos_root, cocos_root) if ndk_build_param == None: command = '%s -C %s %s' % (ndk_path, app_android_root, ndk_module_path) else: command = '%s -C %s %s %s' % (ndk_path, app_android_root, ndk_build_param, ndk_module_path) os.system(command) def copy_files(src, dst): for item in os.listdir(src): path = os.path.join(src, item) # Android can not package the file that ends with ".gz" if not item.startswith('.') and not item.endswith('.gz') and os.path.isfile(path): shutil.copy(path, dst) if os.path.isdir(path): new_dst = os.path.join(dst, item) os.mkdir(new_dst) copy_files(path, new_dst) def copy_resources(target, app_android_root): # remove app_android_root/assets if it exists assets_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "assets") if os.path.isdir(assets_dir): shutil.rmtree(assets_dir) # copy resources(cpp samples and lua samples) os.mkdir(assets_dir) resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../Resources") if os.path.isdir(resources_dir): copy_files(resources_dir, assets_dir) # jsb samples should copy javascript files and resources(shared with cocos2d-html5) if target in JSB_SAMPLES or target == "assetsmanager": resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../../../../cocos/scripting/javascript/script") copy_files(resources_dir, assets_dir) if target == "cocosdragon": resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../../Shared/games/CocosDragonJS/Published files Android") if target == "crystalcraze": resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../../Shared/games/CrystalCraze/Published-Android") if target == "moonwarriors": resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../../Shared/games/MoonWarriors/res") if target == "testjavascript": resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../../Shared/tests/") if target == "watermelonwithme": resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../../Shared/games/WatermelonWithMe") copy_files(resources_dir, assets_dir) # AssetsManager test should also copy javascript files if target == "assetsmanager": resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../../../../cocos/scripting/javascript/script") copy_files(resources_dir, assets_dir) # lua samples should copy lua script if target in LUA_SAMPLES: resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../../../../cocos/scripting/lua/script") copy_files(resources_dir, assets_dir) # TestLua shared resources with TestCpp if target == "testlua": resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../../../Cpp/TestCpp/Resources") copy_files(resources_dir, assets_dir) def build_samples(target,ndk_build_param): ndk_root = check_environment_variables() select_toolchain_version() build_targets = caculate_built_samples(target) current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cocos_root = os.path.join(current_dir, "..") app_android_root = '' for target in build_targets: if target == 'hellocpp': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/Cpp/HelloCpp/proj.android') elif target == 'testcpp': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/Cpp/TestCpp/proj.android') elif target == 'simplegame': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/Cpp/SimpleGame/proj.android') elif target == 'assetsmanager': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/Cpp/AssetsManagerTest/proj.android') elif target == 'hellolua': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/Lua/HelloLua/proj.android') elif target == 'testlua': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/Lua/TestLua/proj.android') elif target == 'cocosdragon': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/JavaScript/CocosDragonJS/proj.android') elif target == 'crystalcraze': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/JavaScript/CrystalCraze/proj.android') elif target == 'moonwarriors': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/JavaScript/MoonWarriors/proj.android') elif target == 'testjavascript': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/JavaScript/TestJavascript/proj.android') elif target == 'watermelonwithme': app_android_root = os.path.join(cocos_root, 'samples/JavaScript/WatermelonWithMe/proj.android') else: print 'unknown target %s, pass it', target continue copy_resources(target, app_android_root) do_build(cocos_root, ndk_root, app_android_root, ndk_build_param) # -------------- main -------------- if __name__ == '__main__': #parse the params parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-n", "--ndk", dest="ndk_build_param", help='parameter for ndk-build') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0: usage() else: build_samples(args, opts.ndk_build_param)