#include "CCParticleSystem.h" /**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Ricardo Quesada Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. Copyright (c) 2021 Bytedance Inc. https://adxeproject.github.io/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ // ideas taken from: // . The ocean spray in your face [Jeff Lander] // http://www.double.co.nz/dust/col0798.pdf // . Building an Advanced Particle System [John van der Burg] // http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20000623/vanderburg_01.htm // . LOVE game engine // http://love2d.org/ // // // Radius mode support, from 71 squared // http://particledesigner.71squared.com/ // // IMPORTANT: Particle Designer is supported by cocos2d, but // 'Radius Mode' in Particle Designer uses a fixed emit rate of 30 hz. Since that can't be guaranteed in cocos2d, // cocos2d uses a another approach, but the results are almost identical. // #include "2d/CCParticleSystem.h" #include #include "2d/CCParticleBatchNode.h" #include "renderer/CCTextureAtlas.h" #include "base/base64.h" #include "base/ZipUtils.h" #include "base/CCDirector.h" #include "base/CCProfiling.h" #include "base/ccUTF8.h" #include "base/ccUtils.h" #include "renderer/CCTextureCache.h" #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" using namespace std; NS_CC_BEGIN // ideas taken from: // . The ocean spray in your face [Jeff Lander] // http://www.double.co.nz/dust/col0798.pdf // . Building an Advanced Particle System [John van der Burg] // http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20000623/vanderburg_01.htm // . LOVE game engine // http://love2d.org/ // // // Radius mode support, from 71 squared // http://particledesigner.71squared.com/ // // IMPORTANT: Particle Designer is supported by cocos2d, but // 'Radius Mode' in Particle Designer uses a fixed emit rate of 30 hz. Since that can't be guaranteed in cocos2d, // cocos2d uses a another approach, but the results are almost identical. // inline void normalize_point(float x, float y, particle_point* out) { float n = x * x + y * y; // Already normalized. if (n == 1.0f) return; n = sqrt(n); // Too close to zero. if (n < MATH_TOLERANCE) return; n = 1.0f / n; out->x = x * n; out->y = y * n; } /** A more effective random number generator function, made by ejoy2d. */ inline static float RANDOM_M11(unsigned int* seed) { *seed = *seed * 134775813 + 1; union { uint32_t d; float f; } u; u.d = (((uint32_t)(*seed) & 0x7fff) << 8) | 0x40000000; return u.f - 3.0f; } ParticleData::ParticleData() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(ParticleData)); } bool ParticleData::init(int count) { maxCount = count; posx = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); posy = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); startPosX = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); startPosY = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); colorR = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); colorG = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); colorB = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); colorA = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); deltaColorR = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); deltaColorG = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); deltaColorB = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); deltaColorA = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); size = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); deltaSize = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); rotation = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); staticRotation = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); deltaRotation = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); totalTimeToLive = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); timeToLive = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); animTimeDelta = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); animTimeLength = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); animIndex = (unsigned short*)malloc(count * sizeof(unsigned short)); animCellIndex = (unsigned short*)malloc(count * sizeof(unsigned short)); atlasIndex = (unsigned int*)malloc(count * sizeof(unsigned int)); modeA.dirX = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); modeA.dirY = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); modeA.radialAccel = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); modeA.tangentialAccel = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); modeB.angle = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); modeB.degreesPerSecond = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); modeB.deltaRadius = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); modeB.radius = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float)); return posx && posy && startPosY && startPosX && colorR && colorG && colorB && colorA && deltaColorR && deltaColorG && deltaColorB && deltaColorA && size && deltaSize && rotation && deltaRotation && totalTimeToLive && timeToLive && atlasIndex && modeA.dirX && modeA.dirY && modeA.radialAccel && modeA.tangentialAccel && modeB.angle && modeB.degreesPerSecond && modeB.deltaRadius && modeB.radius; } void ParticleData::release() { CC_SAFE_FREE(posx); CC_SAFE_FREE(posy); CC_SAFE_FREE(startPosX); CC_SAFE_FREE(startPosY); CC_SAFE_FREE(colorR); CC_SAFE_FREE(colorG); CC_SAFE_FREE(colorB); CC_SAFE_FREE(colorA); CC_SAFE_FREE(deltaColorR); CC_SAFE_FREE(deltaColorG); CC_SAFE_FREE(deltaColorB); CC_SAFE_FREE(deltaColorA); CC_SAFE_FREE(size); CC_SAFE_FREE(deltaSize); CC_SAFE_FREE(rotation); CC_SAFE_FREE(staticRotation); CC_SAFE_FREE(deltaRotation); CC_SAFE_FREE(totalTimeToLive); CC_SAFE_FREE(timeToLive); CC_SAFE_FREE(animTimeDelta); CC_SAFE_FREE(animTimeLength); CC_SAFE_FREE(animIndex); CC_SAFE_FREE(animCellIndex); CC_SAFE_FREE(atlasIndex); CC_SAFE_FREE(modeA.dirX); CC_SAFE_FREE(modeA.dirY); CC_SAFE_FREE(modeA.radialAccel); CC_SAFE_FREE(modeA.tangentialAccel); CC_SAFE_FREE(modeB.angle); CC_SAFE_FREE(modeB.degreesPerSecond); CC_SAFE_FREE(modeB.deltaRadius); CC_SAFE_FREE(modeB.radius); } Vector ParticleSystem::__allInstances; float ParticleSystem::__totalParticleCountFactor = 1.0f; ParticleSystem::ParticleSystem() : _isBlendAdditive(false) , _isAutoRemoveOnFinish(false) , _plistFile("") , _elapsed(0) , _configName("") , _emitCounter(0) , _batchNode(nullptr) , _atlasIndex(0) , _transformSystemDirty(false) , _allocatedParticles(0) , _isActive(true) , _particleCount(0) , _duration(0) , _life(0) , _lifeVar(0) , _angle(0) , _angleVar(0) , _emitterMode(Mode::GRAVITY) , _startSize(0) , _startSizeVar(0) , _endSize(0) , _endSizeVar(0) , _startSpin(0) , _startSpinVar(0) , _endSpin(0) , _endSpinVar(0) , _emissionRate(0) , _totalParticles(0) , _texture(nullptr) , _blendFunc(BlendFunc::ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED) , _opacityModifyRGB(false) , _isLifeAnimated(false) , _isEmitterAnimated(false) , _isLoopAnimated(false) , _isAnimationAtlas(false) , _animDir(TexAnimDir::VERTICAL) , _animUnifiedSize(1) , _animIndexCount(0) , _isLifeAnimationReversed(false) , _isAnimationMulti(false) , _yCoordFlipped(1) , _positionType(PositionType::FREE) , _paused(false) , _sourcePositionCompatible(true) // In the furture this member's default value maybe false or be removed. { modeA.gravity.setZero(); modeA.speed = 0; modeA.speedVar = 0; modeA.tangentialAccel = 0; modeA.tangentialAccelVar = 0; modeA.radialAccel = 0; modeA.radialAccelVar = 0; modeA.rotationIsDir = false; modeB.startRadius = 0; modeB.startRadiusVar = 0; modeB.endRadius = 0; modeB.endRadiusVar = 0; modeB.rotatePerSecond = 0; modeB.rotatePerSecondVar = 0; } // implementation ParticleSystem ParticleSystem* ParticleSystem::create(std::string_view plistFile) { ParticleSystem* ret = new ParticleSystem(); if (ret->initWithFile(plistFile)) { ret->autorelease(); return ret; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(ret); return ret; } ParticleSystem* ParticleSystem::createWithTotalParticles(int numberOfParticles) { ParticleSystem* ret = new ParticleSystem(); if (ret->initWithTotalParticles(numberOfParticles)) { ret->autorelease(); return ret; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(ret); return ret; } // static Vector& ParticleSystem::getAllParticleSystems() { return __allInstances; } void ParticleSystem::setTotalParticleCountFactor(float factor) { __totalParticleCountFactor = factor; } bool ParticleSystem::init() { return initWithTotalParticles(150); } bool ParticleSystem::initWithFile(std::string_view plistFile) { bool ret = false; _plistFile = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(plistFile); ValueMap dict = FileUtils::getInstance()->getValueMapFromFile(_plistFile); CCASSERT(!dict.empty(), "Particles: file not found"); // FIXME: compute path from a path, should define a function somewhere to do it auto listFilePath = plistFile; if (listFilePath.find('/') != string::npos) { listFilePath = listFilePath.substr(0, listFilePath.rfind('/') + 1); ret = this->initWithDictionary(dict, listFilePath); } else { ret = this->initWithDictionary(dict, ""); } return ret; } bool ParticleSystem::initWithDictionary(const ValueMap& dictionary) { return initWithDictionary(dictionary, ""); } bool ParticleSystem::initWithDictionary(const ValueMap& dictionary, std::string_view dirname) { bool ret = false; unsigned char* buffer = nullptr; Image* image = nullptr; do { int maxParticles = optValue(dictionary, "maxParticles").asInt(); // self, not super if (this->initWithTotalParticles(maxParticles)) { // Emitter name in particle designer 2.0 _configName = optValue(dictionary, "configName").asString(); // angle _angle = optValue(dictionary, "angle").asFloat(); _angleVar = optValue(dictionary, "angleVariance").asFloat(); // duration _duration = optValue(dictionary, "duration").asFloat(); // blend function if (!_configName.empty()) { _blendFunc.src = utils::toBackendBlendFactor((int)optValue(dictionary, "blendFuncSource").asFloat()); } else { _blendFunc.src = utils::toBackendBlendFactor(optValue(dictionary, "blendFuncSource").asInt()); } _blendFunc.dst = utils::toBackendBlendFactor(optValue(dictionary, "blendFuncDestination").asInt()); // color _startColor.r = optValue(dictionary, "startColorRed").asFloat(); _startColor.g = optValue(dictionary, "startColorGreen").asFloat(); _startColor.b = optValue(dictionary, "startColorBlue").asFloat(); _startColor.a = optValue(dictionary, "startColorAlpha").asFloat(); _startColorVar.r = optValue(dictionary, "startColorVarianceRed").asFloat(); _startColorVar.g = optValue(dictionary, "startColorVarianceGreen").asFloat(); _startColorVar.b = optValue(dictionary, "startColorVarianceBlue").asFloat(); _startColorVar.a = optValue(dictionary, "startColorVarianceAlpha").asFloat(); _endColor.r = optValue(dictionary, "finishColorRed").asFloat(); _endColor.g = optValue(dictionary, "finishColorGreen").asFloat(); _endColor.b = optValue(dictionary, "finishColorBlue").asFloat(); _endColor.a = optValue(dictionary, "finishColorAlpha").asFloat(); _endColorVar.r = optValue(dictionary, "finishColorVarianceRed").asFloat(); _endColorVar.g = optValue(dictionary, "finishColorVarianceGreen").asFloat(); _endColorVar.b = optValue(dictionary, "finishColorVarianceBlue").asFloat(); _endColorVar.a = optValue(dictionary, "finishColorVarianceAlpha").asFloat(); // particle size _startSize = optValue(dictionary, "startParticleSize").asFloat(); _startSizeVar = optValue(dictionary, "startParticleSizeVariance").asFloat(); _endSize = optValue(dictionary, "finishParticleSize").asFloat(); _endSizeVar = optValue(dictionary, "finishParticleSizeVariance").asFloat(); // position float x = optValue(dictionary, "sourcePositionx").asFloat(); float y = optValue(dictionary, "sourcePositiony").asFloat(); if (!_sourcePositionCompatible) { this->setSourcePosition(Vec2(x, y)); } else { this->setPosition(Vec2(x, y)); } _posVar.x = optValue(dictionary, "sourcePositionVariancex").asFloat(); _posVar.y = optValue(dictionary, "sourcePositionVariancey").asFloat(); // Spinning _startSpin = optValue(dictionary, "rotationStart").asFloat(); _startSpinVar = optValue(dictionary, "rotationStartVariance").asFloat(); _endSpin = optValue(dictionary, "rotationEnd").asFloat(); _endSpinVar = optValue(dictionary, "rotationEndVariance").asFloat(); _emitterMode = (Mode)optValue(dictionary, "emitterType").asInt(); // Mode A: Gravity + tangential accel + radial accel if (_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY) { // gravity modeA.gravity.x = optValue(dictionary, "gravityx").asFloat(); modeA.gravity.y = optValue(dictionary, "gravityy").asFloat(); // speed modeA.speed = optValue(dictionary, "speed").asFloat(); modeA.speedVar = optValue(dictionary, "speedVariance").asFloat(); // radial acceleration modeA.radialAccel = optValue(dictionary, "radialAcceleration").asFloat(); modeA.radialAccelVar = optValue(dictionary, "radialAccelVariance").asFloat(); // tangential acceleration modeA.tangentialAccel = optValue(dictionary, "tangentialAcceleration").asFloat(); modeA.tangentialAccelVar = optValue(dictionary, "tangentialAccelVariance").asFloat(); // rotation is dir modeA.rotationIsDir = optValue(dictionary, "rotationIsDir").asBool(); } // or Mode B: radius movement else if (_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS) { if (!_configName.empty()) { modeB.startRadius = optValue(dictionary, "maxRadius").asInt(); } else { modeB.startRadius = optValue(dictionary, "maxRadius").asFloat(); } modeB.startRadiusVar = optValue(dictionary, "maxRadiusVariance").asFloat(); if (!_configName.empty()) { modeB.endRadius = optValue(dictionary, "minRadius").asInt(); } else { modeB.endRadius = optValue(dictionary, "minRadius").asFloat(); } modeB.endRadiusVar = optValue(dictionary, "minRadiusVariance").asFloat(); if (!_configName.empty()) { modeB.rotatePerSecond = optValue(dictionary, "rotatePerSecond").asInt(); } else { modeB.rotatePerSecond = optValue(dictionary, "rotatePerSecond").asFloat(); } modeB.rotatePerSecondVar = optValue(dictionary, "rotatePerSecondVariance").asFloat(); } else { CCASSERT(false, "Invalid emitterType in config file"); CC_BREAK_IF(true); } // life span _life = optValue(dictionary, "particleLifespan").asFloat(); _lifeVar = optValue(dictionary, "particleLifespanVariance").asFloat(); // emission Rate _emissionRate = _totalParticles / _life; // don't get the internal texture if a batchNode is used if (!_batchNode) { // Set a compatible default for the alpha transfer _opacityModifyRGB = false; // texture // Try to get the texture from the cache std::string textureName = optValue(dictionary, "textureFileName").asString(); size_t rPos = textureName.rfind('/'); if (rPos != string::npos) { string textureDir = textureName.substr(0, rPos + 1); if (!dirname.empty() && textureDir != dirname) { textureName = textureName.substr(rPos + 1); textureName.insert(0, dirname); // textureName = dirname + textureName; } } else if (!dirname.empty() && !textureName.empty()) { textureName.insert(0, dirname); // textureName = dirname + textureName; } Texture2D* tex = nullptr; if (!textureName.empty()) { // set not pop-up message box when load image failed bool notify = FileUtils::getInstance()->isPopupNotify(); FileUtils::getInstance()->setPopupNotify(false); tex = _director->getTextureCache()->addImage(textureName); // reset the value of UIImage notify FileUtils::getInstance()->setPopupNotify(notify); } if (tex) { setTexture(tex); } else if (dictionary.find("textureImageData") != dictionary.end()) { std::string textureData = dictionary.at("textureImageData").asString(); CCASSERT(!textureData.empty(), "textureData can't be empty!"); auto dataLen = textureData.size(); if (dataLen != 0) { // if it fails, try to get it from the base64-gzipped data int decodeLen = base64Decode((unsigned char*)textureData.c_str(), (unsigned int)dataLen, &buffer); CCASSERT(buffer != nullptr, "CCParticleSystem: error decoding textureImageData"); CC_BREAK_IF(!buffer); unsigned char* deflated = nullptr; ssize_t deflatedLen = ZipUtils::inflateMemory(buffer, decodeLen, &deflated); CCASSERT(deflated != nullptr, "CCParticleSystem: error ungzipping textureImageData"); CC_BREAK_IF(!deflated); // For android, we should retain it in VolatileTexture::addImage which invoked in // Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addUIImage() image = new Image(); bool isOK = image->initWithImageData(deflated, deflatedLen, true); CCASSERT(isOK, "CCParticleSystem: error init image with Data"); CC_BREAK_IF(!isOK); setTexture(_director->getTextureCache()->addImage(image, _plistFile + textureName)); image->release(); } } _yCoordFlipped = optValue(dictionary, "yCoordFlipped").asInt(1); if (!this->_texture) CCLOGWARN("cocos2d: Warning: ParticleSystemQuad system without a texture"); } ret = true; } } while (0); free(buffer); return ret; } bool ParticleSystem::initWithTotalParticles(int numberOfParticles) { _totalParticles = numberOfParticles; _particleData.release(); if (!_particleData.init(_totalParticles)) { CCLOG("Particle system: not enough memory"); this->release(); return false; } _allocatedParticles = numberOfParticles; if (_batchNode) { for (int i = 0; i < _totalParticles; i++) { _particleData.atlasIndex[i] = i; } } // default, active _isActive = true; // default blend function _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED; // default movement type; _positionType = PositionType::FREE; // by default be in mode A: _emitterMode = Mode::GRAVITY; // default: modulate // FIXME:: not used // colorModulate = YES; _isAutoRemoveOnFinish = false; // Optimization: compile updateParticle method // updateParticleSel = @selector(updateQuadWithParticle:newPosition:); // updateParticleImp = (CC_UPDATE_PARTICLE_IMP) [self methodForSelector:updateParticleSel]; // for batchNode _transformSystemDirty = false; return true; } ParticleSystem::~ParticleSystem() { // Since the scheduler retains the "target (in this case the ParticleSystem) // it is not needed to call "unscheduleUpdate" here. In fact, it will be called in "cleanup" // unscheduleUpdate(); _particleData.release(); _animations.clear(); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_texture); } void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count, int animationCellIndex, int animationIndex) { if (_paused) return; uint32_t RANDSEED = rand(); if (_isAnimationAtlas) { animationCellIndex = MIN(animationCellIndex, getTotalAnimationCells() - 1); animationIndex = MIN(animationIndex, _animIndexCount - 1); } int start = _particleCount; _particleCount += count; // life for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { float particleLife = _life + _lifeVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); _particleData.totalTimeToLive[i] = MAX(0, particleLife); _particleData.timeToLive[i] = MAX(0, particleLife); } // position for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.posx[i] = _sourcePosition.x + _posVar.x * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); } for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.posy[i] = _sourcePosition.y + _posVar.y * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); } if (animationCellIndex == -1 && _isEmitterAnimated) { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.animCellIndex[i] = (int)abs(RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED) * getTotalAnimationCells()); } } if (animationCellIndex != -1) { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.animCellIndex[i] = animationCellIndex; } } if (animationIndex == -1 && !_isAnimationMulti && _isLoopAnimated) { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.animIndex[i] = 0; auto descriptor = _animations.at(_particleData.animIndex[i]); _particleData.animTimeLength[i] = descriptor.animationSpeed + descriptor.animationSpeedVariance * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); } } if (animationIndex == -1 && _isAnimationMulti && _isLoopAnimated) { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.animIndex[i] = _randomAnimations[abs(RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED) * _randomAnimations.size())]; auto descriptor = _animations.at(_particleData.animIndex[i]); _particleData.animTimeLength[i] = descriptor.animationSpeed + descriptor.animationSpeedVariance * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); } } if (_isLoopAnimated) { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.animTimeDelta[i] = 0; } } if (animationIndex != -1) { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.animIndex[i] = animationIndex; auto descriptor = _animations.at(_particleData.animIndex[i]); _particleData.animTimeLength[i] = descriptor.animationSpeed + descriptor.animationSpeedVariance * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); } } // color #define SET_COLOR(c, b, v) \ for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) \ { \ c[i] = clampf(b + v * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED), 0, 1); \ } SET_COLOR(_particleData.colorR, _startColor.r, _startColorVar.r); SET_COLOR(_particleData.colorG, _startColor.g, _startColorVar.g); SET_COLOR(_particleData.colorB, _startColor.b, _startColorVar.b); SET_COLOR(_particleData.colorA, _startColor.a, _startColorVar.a); SET_COLOR(_particleData.deltaColorR, _endColor.r, _endColorVar.r); SET_COLOR(_particleData.deltaColorG, _endColor.g, _endColorVar.g); SET_COLOR(_particleData.deltaColorB, _endColor.b, _endColorVar.b); SET_COLOR(_particleData.deltaColorA, _endColor.a, _endColorVar.a); #define SET_DELTA_COLOR(c, dc) \ for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) \ { \ dc[i] = (dc[i] - c[i]) / _particleData.timeToLive[i]; \ } SET_DELTA_COLOR(_particleData.colorR, _particleData.deltaColorR); SET_DELTA_COLOR(_particleData.colorG, _particleData.deltaColorG); SET_DELTA_COLOR(_particleData.colorB, _particleData.deltaColorB); SET_DELTA_COLOR(_particleData.colorA, _particleData.deltaColorA); // size for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.size[i] = _startSize + _startSizeVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); _particleData.size[i] = MAX(0, _particleData.size[i]); } if (_endSize != START_SIZE_EQUAL_TO_END_SIZE) { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { float endSize = _endSize + _endSizeVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); endSize = MAX(0, endSize); _particleData.deltaSize[i] = (endSize - _particleData.size[i]) / _particleData.timeToLive[i]; } } else { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.deltaSize[i] = 0.0f; } } // rotation for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.rotation[i] = _startSpin + _startSpinVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); } for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { float endA = _endSpin + _endSpinVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); _particleData.deltaRotation[i] = (endA - _particleData.rotation[i]) / _particleData.timeToLive[i]; } // static rotation for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.staticRotation[i] = _staticRotation + _staticRotationVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); } // position Vec2 pos; if (_positionType == PositionType::FREE) { pos = this->convertToWorldSpace(Vec2::ZERO); } else if (_positionType == PositionType::RELATIVE) { pos = _position; } for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.startPosX[i] = pos.x; } for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.startPosY[i] = pos.y; } // Mode Gravity: A if (_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY) { // radial accel for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.modeA.radialAccel[i] = modeA.radialAccel + modeA.radialAccelVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); } // tangential accel for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.modeA.tangentialAccel[i] = modeA.tangentialAccel + modeA.tangentialAccelVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); } // rotation is dir if (modeA.rotationIsDir) { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { float a = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_angle + _angleVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED)); Vec2 v(cosf(a), sinf(a)); float s = modeA.speed + modeA.speedVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); Vec2 dir = v * s; _particleData.modeA.dirX[i] = dir.x; // v * s ; _particleData.modeA.dirY[i] = dir.y; _particleData.rotation[i] = -CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(dir.getAngle()); } } else { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { float a = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_angle + _angleVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED)); Vec2 v(cosf(a), sinf(a)); float s = modeA.speed + modeA.speedVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); Vec2 dir = v * s; _particleData.modeA.dirX[i] = dir.x; // v * s ; _particleData.modeA.dirY[i] = dir.y; } } } // Mode Radius: B else { // Need to check by Jacky // Set the default diameter of the particle from the source position for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.modeB.radius[i] = modeB.startRadius + modeB.startRadiusVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); } for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.modeB.angle[i] = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_angle + _angleVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED)); } for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.modeB.degreesPerSecond[i] = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(modeB.rotatePerSecond + modeB.rotatePerSecondVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED)); } if (modeB.endRadius == START_RADIUS_EQUAL_TO_END_RADIUS) { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.modeB.deltaRadius[i] = 0.0f; } } else { for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) { float endRadius = modeB.endRadius + modeB.endRadiusVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED); _particleData.modeB.deltaRadius[i] = (endRadius - _particleData.modeB.radius[i]) / _particleData.timeToLive[i]; } } } } void ParticleSystem::setAnimationDescriptor(unsigned short indexOfDescriptor, float time, float timeVariance, std::vector indices, bool reverse) { ParticleAnimationDescriptor desc{}; desc.animationSpeed = time; desc.animationSpeedVariance = timeVariance; desc.animationIndices = indices; desc.reverseIndices = reverse; if (_animations.find(indexOfDescriptor) == _animations.end()) _animations.insert({indexOfDescriptor, desc}); else { _animations.erase(indexOfDescriptor); _animations.insert({indexOfDescriptor, desc}); } } void ParticleSystem::resetAnimationIndices() { _animIndexCount = 0; _animationIndices.clear(); } void ParticleSystem::resetAnimationDescriptors() { _animations.clear(); _randomAnimations.clear(); } void ParticleSystem::setMultiAnimationRandom() { _randomAnimations.clear(); for (auto& a : _animations) _randomAnimations.push_back(a.first); } void ParticleSystem::addAnimationIndex(std::string_view frameName) { addAnimationIndex(_animIndexCount++, frameName); } void ParticleSystem::addAnimationIndex(unsigned short index, std::string_view frameName) { auto frame = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->getSpriteFrameByName(frameName); if (frame) addAnimationIndex(index, frame); } void ParticleSystem::addAnimationIndex(cocos2d::SpriteFrame* frame) { addAnimationIndex(_animIndexCount++, frame); } void ParticleSystem::addAnimationIndex(unsigned short index, cocos2d::SpriteFrame* frame) { //Not sure how to check texture equality truly but it won't hurt to skip it //CCASSERT(frame->getTexture() == _texture, "Sprite frame texture and particle system texture should match!"); ParticleFrameDescriptor desc{}; desc.rect = frame->getRect(); desc.isRotated = frame->isRotated(); if (_animationIndices.find(index) == _animationIndices.end()) _animationIndices.insert({index, desc}); else { _animationIndices.erase(index); _animationIndices.insert({index, desc}); } } void ParticleSystem::onEnter() { Node::onEnter(); // update after action in run! this->scheduleUpdateWithPriority(1); __allInstances.pushBack(this); } void ParticleSystem::onExit() { this->unscheduleUpdate(); Node::onExit(); auto iter = std::find(std::begin(__allInstances), std::end(__allInstances), this); if (iter != std::end(__allInstances)) { __allInstances.erase(iter); } } void ParticleSystem::stopSystem() { _isActive = false; _elapsed = _duration; _emitCounter = 0; } void ParticleSystem::resetSystem() { _isActive = true; _elapsed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.timeToLive[i] = 0.0f; } } bool ParticleSystem::isFull() { return (_particleCount == _totalParticles); } // ParticleSystem - MainLoop void ParticleSystem::update(float dt) { CC_PROFILER_START_CATEGORY(kProfilerCategoryParticles, "CCParticleSystem - update"); if (_isActive && _emissionRate) { float rate = 1.0f / _emissionRate; int totalParticles = static_cast(_totalParticles * __totalParticleCountFactor); // issue #1201, prevent bursts of particles, due to too high emitCounter if (_particleCount < totalParticles) { _emitCounter += dt; if (_emitCounter < 0.f) _emitCounter = 0.f; } int emitCount = MIN(totalParticles - _particleCount, _emitCounter / rate); addParticles(emitCount); _emitCounter -= rate * emitCount; _elapsed += dt; if (_elapsed < 0.f) _elapsed = 0.f; if (_duration != DURATION_INFINITY && _duration < _elapsed) { this->stopSystem(); } } { for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.timeToLive[i] -= dt; if (_isLifeAnimated && _animations.empty()) { float percent = (_particleData.totalTimeToLive[i] - _particleData.timeToLive[i]) / _particleData.totalTimeToLive[i]; percent = _isLifeAnimationReversed ? 1.0F - percent : percent; _particleData.animCellIndex[i] = (unsigned int)MIN((percent * getTotalAnimationCells()), getTotalAnimationCells() - 1); } if (_isLifeAnimated && !_animations.empty()) { auto& anim = _animations.begin()->second; float percent = (_particleData.totalTimeToLive[i] - _particleData.timeToLive[i]) / _particleData.totalTimeToLive[i]; percent = (!!_isLifeAnimationReversed != !!anim.reverseIndices) ? 1.0F - percent : percent; _particleData.animCellIndex[i] = anim.animationIndices[MIN(abs(percent * anim.animationIndices.size()), anim.animationIndices.size() - 1)]; } if (_isLoopAnimated) { auto& anim = _animations.at(_particleData.animIndex[i]); _particleData.animTimeDelta[i] += dt; if (_particleData.animTimeDelta[i] >= _particleData.animTimeLength[i]) _particleData.animTimeDelta[i] = 0; float percent = _particleData.animTimeDelta[i] / _particleData.animTimeLength[i]; percent = anim.reverseIndices ? 1.0F - percent : percent; _particleData.animCellIndex[i] = anim.animationIndices[MIN(abs(percent * anim.animationIndices.size()), anim.animationIndices.size() - 1)]; } } for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { if (_particleData.timeToLive[i] <= 0.0f) { int j = _particleCount - 1; while (j > 0 && _particleData.timeToLive[j] <= 0) { _particleCount--; j--; } _particleData.copyParticle(i, _particleCount - 1); if (_batchNode) { // disable the switched particle int currentIndex = _particleData.atlasIndex[i]; _batchNode->disableParticle(_atlasIndex + currentIndex); // switch indexes _particleData.atlasIndex[_particleCount - 1] = currentIndex; } --_particleCount; if (_particleCount == 0 && _isAutoRemoveOnFinish) { this->unscheduleUpdate(); _parent->removeChild(this, true); return; } } } if (_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY) { for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { particle_point tmp, radial = {0.0f, 0.0f}, tangential; // radial acceleration if (_particleData.posx[i] || _particleData.posy[i]) { normalize_point(_particleData.posx[i], _particleData.posy[i], &radial); } tangential = radial; radial.x *= _particleData.modeA.radialAccel[i]; radial.y *= _particleData.modeA.radialAccel[i]; // tangential acceleration std::swap(tangential.x, tangential.y); tangential.x *= -_particleData.modeA.tangentialAccel[i]; tangential.y *= _particleData.modeA.tangentialAccel[i]; // (gravity + radial + tangential) * dt tmp.x = radial.x + tangential.x + modeA.gravity.x; tmp.y = radial.y + tangential.y + modeA.gravity.y; tmp.x *= dt; tmp.y *= dt; _particleData.modeA.dirX[i] += tmp.x; _particleData.modeA.dirY[i] += tmp.y; // this is cocos2d-x v3.0 // if (_configName.length()>0 && _yCoordFlipped != -1) // this is cocos2d-x v3.0 tmp.x = _particleData.modeA.dirX[i] * dt * _yCoordFlipped; tmp.y = _particleData.modeA.dirY[i] * dt * _yCoordFlipped; _particleData.posx[i] += tmp.x; _particleData.posy[i] += tmp.y; } } else { // Why use so many for-loop separately instead of putting them together? // When the processor needs to read from or write to a location in memory, // it first checks whether a copy of that data is in the cache. // And every property's memory of the particle system is continuous, // for the purpose of improving cache hit rate, we should process only one property in one for-loop AFAP. // It was proved to be effective especially for low-end machine. for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.modeB.angle[i] += _particleData.modeB.degreesPerSecond[i] * dt; } for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.modeB.radius[i] += _particleData.modeB.deltaRadius[i] * dt; } for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.posx[i] = -cosf(_particleData.modeB.angle[i]) * _particleData.modeB.radius[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.posy[i] = -sinf(_particleData.modeB.angle[i]) * _particleData.modeB.radius[i] * _yCoordFlipped; } } // color r,g,b,a for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.colorR[i] += _particleData.deltaColorR[i] * dt; } for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.colorG[i] += _particleData.deltaColorG[i] * dt; } for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.colorB[i] += _particleData.deltaColorB[i] * dt; } for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.colorA[i] += _particleData.deltaColorA[i] * dt; } // size for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.size[i] += (_particleData.deltaSize[i] * dt); _particleData.size[i] = MAX(0, _particleData.size[i]); } // angle for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i) { _particleData.rotation[i] += _particleData.deltaRotation[i] * dt; } updateParticleQuads(); _transformSystemDirty = false; } // only update gl buffer when visible if (_visible && !_batchNode) { postStep(); } CC_PROFILER_STOP_CATEGORY(kProfilerCategoryParticles, "CCParticleSystem - update"); } void ParticleSystem::updateWithNoTime() { this->update(0.0f); } void ParticleSystem::updateParticleQuads() { // should be overridden } void ParticleSystem::postStep() { // should be overridden } // ParticleSystem - Texture protocol void ParticleSystem::setTexture(Texture2D* var) { if (_texture != var) { CC_SAFE_RETAIN(var); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_texture); _texture = var; updateBlendFunc(); } } void ParticleSystem::updateBlendFunc() { CCASSERT(!_batchNode, "Can't change blending functions when the particle is being batched"); if (_texture) { bool premultiplied = _texture->hasPremultipliedAlpha(); _opacityModifyRGB = false; if (_texture && (_blendFunc.src == CC_BLEND_SRC && _blendFunc.dst == CC_BLEND_DST)) { if (premultiplied) { _opacityModifyRGB = true; } else { _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_NON_PREMULTIPLIED; } } } } Texture2D* ParticleSystem::getTexture() const { return _texture; } // ParticleSystem - Additive Blending void ParticleSystem::setBlendAdditive(bool additive) { if (additive) { _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ADDITIVE; } else { if (_texture && !_texture->hasPremultipliedAlpha()) _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_NON_PREMULTIPLIED; else _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED; } } bool ParticleSystem::isBlendAdditive() const { return (_blendFunc.src == backend::BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA && _blendFunc.dst == backend::BlendFactor::ONE); } // ParticleSystem - Properties of Gravity Mode void ParticleSystem::setTangentialAccel(float t) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); modeA.tangentialAccel = t; } float ParticleSystem::getTangentialAccel() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); return modeA.tangentialAccel; } void ParticleSystem::setTangentialAccelVar(float t) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); modeA.tangentialAccelVar = t; } float ParticleSystem::getTangentialAccelVar() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); return modeA.tangentialAccelVar; } void ParticleSystem::setRadialAccel(float t) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); modeA.radialAccel = t; } float ParticleSystem::getRadialAccel() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); return modeA.radialAccel; } void ParticleSystem::setRadialAccelVar(float t) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); modeA.radialAccelVar = t; } float ParticleSystem::getRadialAccelVar() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); return modeA.radialAccelVar; } void ParticleSystem::setRotationIsDir(bool t) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); modeA.rotationIsDir = t; } bool ParticleSystem::getRotationIsDir() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); return modeA.rotationIsDir; } void ParticleSystem::setGravity(const Vec2& g) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); modeA.gravity = g; } const Vec2& ParticleSystem::getGravity() { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); return modeA.gravity; } void ParticleSystem::setSpeed(float speed) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); modeA.speed = speed; } float ParticleSystem::getSpeed() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); return modeA.speed; } void ParticleSystem::setSpeedVar(float speedVar) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); modeA.speedVar = speedVar; } float ParticleSystem::getSpeedVar() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY, "Particle Mode should be Gravity"); return modeA.speedVar; } // ParticleSystem - Properties of Radius Mode void ParticleSystem::setStartRadius(float startRadius) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); modeB.startRadius = startRadius; } float ParticleSystem::getStartRadius() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); return modeB.startRadius; } void ParticleSystem::setStartRadiusVar(float startRadiusVar) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); modeB.startRadiusVar = startRadiusVar; } float ParticleSystem::getStartRadiusVar() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); return modeB.startRadiusVar; } void ParticleSystem::setEndRadius(float endRadius) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); modeB.endRadius = endRadius; } float ParticleSystem::getEndRadius() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); return modeB.endRadius; } void ParticleSystem::setEndRadiusVar(float endRadiusVar) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); modeB.endRadiusVar = endRadiusVar; } float ParticleSystem::getEndRadiusVar() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); return modeB.endRadiusVar; } void ParticleSystem::setRotatePerSecond(float degrees) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); modeB.rotatePerSecond = degrees; } float ParticleSystem::getRotatePerSecond() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); return modeB.rotatePerSecond; } void ParticleSystem::setRotatePerSecondVar(float degrees) { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); modeB.rotatePerSecondVar = degrees; } float ParticleSystem::getRotatePerSecondVar() const { CCASSERT(_emitterMode == Mode::RADIUS, "Particle Mode should be Radius"); return modeB.rotatePerSecondVar; } bool ParticleSystem::isActive() const { return _isActive; } int ParticleSystem::getTotalParticles() const { return _totalParticles; } void ParticleSystem::setTotalParticles(int var) { CCASSERT(var <= _allocatedParticles, "Particle: resizing particle array only supported for quads"); _totalParticles = var; } const BlendFunc& ParticleSystem::getBlendFunc() const { return _blendFunc; } void ParticleSystem::setBlendFunc(const BlendFunc& blendFunc) { if (_blendFunc.src != blendFunc.src || _blendFunc.dst != blendFunc.dst) { _blendFunc = blendFunc; this->updateBlendFunc(); } } bool ParticleSystem::isAutoRemoveOnFinish() const { return _isAutoRemoveOnFinish; } void ParticleSystem::setAutoRemoveOnFinish(bool var) { _isAutoRemoveOnFinish = var; } // ParticleSystem - methods for batchNode rendering ParticleBatchNode* ParticleSystem::getBatchNode() const { return _batchNode; } void ParticleSystem::setBatchNode(ParticleBatchNode* batchNode) { if (_batchNode != batchNode) { _batchNode = batchNode; // weak reference if (batchNode) { // each particle needs a unique index for (int i = 0; i < _totalParticles; i++) { _particleData.atlasIndex[i] = i; } } } } // don't use a transform matrix, this is faster void ParticleSystem::setScale(float s) { _transformSystemDirty = true; Node::setScale(s); } void ParticleSystem::setRotation(float newRotation) { _transformSystemDirty = true; Node::setRotation(newRotation); } void ParticleSystem::setScaleX(float newScaleX) { _transformSystemDirty = true; Node::setScaleX(newScaleX); } void ParticleSystem::setScaleY(float newScaleY) { _transformSystemDirty = true; Node::setScaleY(newScaleY); } void ParticleSystem::start() { resetSystem(); } void ParticleSystem::stop() { stopSystem(); } bool ParticleSystem::isPaused() const { return _paused; } void ParticleSystem::pauseEmissions() { _paused = true; } void ParticleSystem::resumeEmissions() { _paused = false; } NS_CC_END