/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2013 Chris Hannon http://www.channon.us Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *based on the SocketIO library created by LearnBoost at http://socket.io *using spec version 1 found at https://github.com/LearnBoost/socket.io-spec Usage is described below, a full working example can be found in TestCpp under ExtionsTest/NetworkTest/SocketIOTest creating a new connection to a socket.io server running at localhost:3000 SIOClient *client = SocketIO::connect(*delegate, "ws://localhost:3000"); the connection process will begin and if successful delegate::onOpen will be called if the connection process results in an error, delegate::onError will be called with the err msg sending a message to the server client->send("Hello!"); emitting an event to be handled by the server, argument json formatting is up to you client->emit("eventname", "[{\"arg\":\"value\"}]"); registering an event callback, target should be a member function in a subclass of SIODelegate CC_CALLBACK_2 is used to wrap the callback with std::bind and store as an SIOEvent client->on("eventname", CC_CALLBACK_2(TargetClass::targetfunc, *targetclass_instance)); event target function should match this pattern, *this pointer will be made available void TargetClass::targetfunc(SIOClient *, const std::string&) disconnect from the endpoint by calling disconnect(), onClose will be called on the delegate once complete in the onClose method the pointer should be set to NULL or used to connect to a new endpoint client->disconnect(); ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __CC_SOCKETIO_H__ #define __CC_SOCKETIO_H__ #include "platform/CCPlatformMacros.h" #include "base/CCMap.h" #include <string> NS_CC_BEGIN namespace network { //forward declarations class SIOClientImpl; class SIOClient; /** * @brief Singleton and wrapper class to provide static creation method as well as registry of all sockets */ class CC_DLL SocketIO { public: static SocketIO* getInstance(); static void destroyInstance(); /** * @brief The delegate class to process socket.io events */ class SIODelegate { public: virtual ~SIODelegate() {} virtual void onConnect(SIOClient* client) = 0; virtual void onMessage(SIOClient* client, const std::string& data) = 0; virtual void onClose(SIOClient* client) = 0; virtual void onError(SIOClient* client, const std::string& data) = 0; virtual void fireEventToScript(SIOClient* client, const std::string& eventName, const std::string& data) { CCLOG("SIODelegate event '%s' fired with data: %s", eventName.c_str(), data.c_str()); }; }; /** * @brief Static client creation method, similar to socketio.connect(uri) in JS * @param delegate The delegate which want to receive events from the socket.io client * @param uri The URI of the socket.io server * @return An initialized SIOClient if connected successfully, otherwise NULL */ static SIOClient* connect(const std::string& uri, SocketIO::SIODelegate& delegate); CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static SIOClient* connect(SocketIO::SIODelegate& delegate, const std::string& uri); private: SocketIO(); virtual ~SocketIO(void); static SocketIO *_inst; cocos2d::Map<std::string, SIOClientImpl*> _sockets; SIOClientImpl* getSocket(const std::string& uri); void addSocket(const std::string& uri, SIOClientImpl* socket); void removeSocket(const std::string& uri); friend class SIOClientImpl; private: CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SocketIO) }; //c++11 style callbacks entities will be created using CC_CALLBACK (which uses std::bind) typedef std::function<void(SIOClient*, const std::string&)> SIOEvent; //c++11 map to callbacks typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SIOEvent> EventRegistry; /** * @brief A single connection to a socket.io endpoint */ class CC_DLL SIOClient : public cocos2d::Ref { private: int _port; std::string _host, _path, _tag; bool _connected; SIOClientImpl* _socket; SocketIO::SIODelegate* _delegate; EventRegistry _eventRegistry; void fireEvent(const std::string& eventName, const std::string& data); void onOpen(); void onConnect(); void receivedDisconnect(); friend class SIOClientImpl; public: SIOClient(const std::string& host, int port, const std::string& path, SIOClientImpl* impl, SocketIO::SIODelegate& delegate); virtual ~SIOClient(void); /** * @brief Returns the delegate for the client */ SocketIO::SIODelegate* getDelegate() { return _delegate; }; /** * @brief Disconnect from the endpoint, onClose will be called on the delegate when complete */ void disconnect(); /** * @brief Send a message to the socket.io server */ void send(std::string s); /** * @brief The delegate class to process socket.io events */ void emit(std::string eventname, std::string args); /** * @brief Used to register a socket.io event callback * Event argument should be passed using CC_CALLBACK2(&Base::function, this) */ void on(const std::string& eventName, SIOEvent e); inline void setTag(const char* tag) { _tag = tag; }; inline const char* getTag() { return _tag.c_str(); }; }; } NS_CC_END #endif /* defined(__CC_JSB_SOCKETIO_H__) */