#include "DrawPrimitivesTest.h" #include "renderer/CCRenderer.h" #include "renderer/CCCustomCommand.h" #if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ >= 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1))) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #elif _MSC_VER >= 1400 //vs 2005 or higher #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable: 4996) #endif using namespace std; DrawPrimitivesTests::DrawPrimitivesTests() { ADD_TEST_CASE(DrawPrimitivesTest); ADD_TEST_CASE(DrawNodeTest); } string DrawPrimitivesBaseTest::title() const { return "No title"; } // DrawPrimitivesTest DrawPrimitivesTest::DrawPrimitivesTest() { } void DrawPrimitivesTest::draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags) { _customCommand.init(_globalZOrder); _customCommand.func = CC_CALLBACK_0(DrawPrimitivesTest::onDraw, this, transform, flags); renderer->addCommand(&_customCommand); } void DrawPrimitivesTest::onDraw(const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags) { Director* director = Director::getInstance(); director->pushMatrix(MATRIX_STACK_TYPE::MATRIX_STACK_MODELVIEW); director->loadMatrix(MATRIX_STACK_TYPE::MATRIX_STACK_MODELVIEW, transform); //draw CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // draw a simple line // The default state is: // Line Width: 1 // color: 255,255,255,255 (white, non-transparent) // Anti-Aliased // glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); DrawPrimitives::drawLine( VisibleRect::leftBottom(), VisibleRect::rightTop() ); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // line: color, width, aliased // glLineWidth > 1 and GL_LINE_SMOOTH are not compatible // GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE = (1,1) on iPhone // glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glLineWidth( 5.0f ); DrawPrimitives::setDrawColor4B(255,0,0,255); DrawPrimitives::drawLine( VisibleRect::leftTop(), VisibleRect::rightBottom() ); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // TIP: // If you are going to use always thde same color or width, you don't // need to call it before every draw // // Remember: OpenGL is a state-machine. // draw big point in the center DrawPrimitives::setPointSize(64); DrawPrimitives::setDrawColor4B(0,0,255,128); DrawPrimitives::drawPoint( VisibleRect::center() ); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // draw 4 small points Vec2 points[] = { Vec2(60,60), Vec2(70,70), Vec2(60,70), Vec2(70,60) }; DrawPrimitives::setPointSize(4); DrawPrimitives::setDrawColor4B(0,255,255,255); DrawPrimitives::drawPoints( points, 4); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // draw a green circle with 10 segments glLineWidth(16); DrawPrimitives::setDrawColor4B(0, 255, 0, 255); DrawPrimitives::drawCircle( VisibleRect::center(), 100, 0, 10, false); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // draw a green circle with 50 segments with line to center glLineWidth(2); DrawPrimitives::setDrawColor4B(0, 255, 255, 255); DrawPrimitives::drawCircle( VisibleRect::center(), 50, CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(90), 50, true); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // draw a pink solid circle with 50 segments glLineWidth(2); DrawPrimitives::setDrawColor4B(255, 0, 255, 255); DrawPrimitives::drawSolidCircle( VisibleRect::center() + Vec2(140,0), 40, CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(90), 50, 1.0f, 1.0f); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // open yellow poly DrawPrimitives::setDrawColor4B(255, 255, 0, 255); glLineWidth(10); Vec2 vertices[] = { Vec2(0,0), Vec2(50,50), Vec2(100,50), Vec2(100,100), Vec2(50,100) }; DrawPrimitives::drawPoly( vertices, 5, false); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // filled poly glLineWidth(1); Vec2 filledVertices[] = { Vec2(0,120), Vec2(50,120), Vec2(50,170), Vec2(25,200), Vec2(0,170) }; DrawPrimitives::drawSolidPoly(filledVertices, 5, Color4F(0.5f, 0.5f, 1, 1 ) ); // closed purble poly DrawPrimitives::setDrawColor4B(255, 0, 255, 255); glLineWidth(2); Vec2 vertices2[] = { Vec2(30,130), Vec2(30,230), Vec2(50,200) }; DrawPrimitives::drawPoly( vertices2, 3, true); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // draw quad bezier path DrawPrimitives::drawQuadBezier(VisibleRect::leftTop(), VisibleRect::center(), VisibleRect::rightTop(), 50); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // draw cubic bezier path DrawPrimitives::drawCubicBezier(VisibleRect::center(), Vec2(VisibleRect::center().x+30,VisibleRect::center().y+50), Vec2(VisibleRect::center().x+60,VisibleRect::center().y-50),VisibleRect::right(),100); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); //draw a solid polygon Vec2 vertices3[] = {Vec2(60,160), Vec2(70,190), Vec2(100,190), Vec2(90,160)}; DrawPrimitives::drawSolidPoly( vertices3, 4, Color4F(1,1,0,1) ); // restore original values glLineWidth(1); DrawPrimitives::setDrawColor4B(255,255,255,255); DrawPrimitives::setPointSize(1); CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); //end draw director->popMatrix(MATRIX_STACK_TYPE::MATRIX_STACK_MODELVIEW); } string DrawPrimitivesTest::title() const { return "draw primitives"; } string DrawPrimitivesTest::subtitle() const { return "Drawing Primitives. Use DrawNode instead"; } // DrawNodeTest DrawNodeTest::DrawNodeTest() { auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto draw = DrawNode::create(); addChild(draw, 10); draw->drawPoint(Vec2(s.width/2-120, s.height/2-120), 10, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 1)); draw->drawPoint(Vec2(s.width/2+120, s.height/2+120), 10, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 1)); // draw 4 small points Vec2 position[] = { Vec2(60,60), Vec2(70,70), Vec2(60,70), Vec2(70,60) }; draw->drawPoints( position, 4, 5, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 1)); // draw a line draw->drawLine(Vec2(0,0), Vec2(s.width, s.height), Color4F(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)); // draw a rectangle draw->drawRect(Vec2(23,23), Vec2(7,7), Color4F(1,1,0,1)); draw->drawRect(Vec2(15,30), Vec2(30,15), Vec2(15,0), Vec2(0,15), Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 1)); // draw a circle draw->drawCircle(VisibleRect::center() + Vec2(140,0), 100, CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(90), 50, true, 1.0f, 2.0f, Color4F(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)); draw->drawCircle(VisibleRect::center() - Vec2(140,0), 50, CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(90), 30, false, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 1)); // Draw some beziers draw->drawQuadBezier(Vec2(s.width - 150, s.height - 150), Vec2(s.width - 70, s.height - 10), Vec2(s.width - 10, s.height - 10), 10, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 0.5)); draw->drawQuadBezier(Vec2(0, s.height), Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2), Vec2(s.width, s.height), 50, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 0.5)); draw->drawCubicBezier(VisibleRect::center(), Vec2(VisibleRect::center().x+30,VisibleRect::center().y+50), Vec2(VisibleRect::center().x+60,VisibleRect::center().y-50),VisibleRect::right(),100, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 0.5)); draw->drawCubicBezier(Vec2(s.width - 250, 40), Vec2(s.width - 70, 100), Vec2(s.width - 30, 250), Vec2(s.width - 10, s.height - 50), 10, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 0.5)); auto array = PointArray::create(20); array->addControlPoint(Vec2(0,0)); array->addControlPoint(Vec2(80,80)); array->addControlPoint(Vec2(s.width-80,80)); array->addControlPoint(Vec2(s.width-80,s.height-80)); array->addControlPoint(Vec2(80,s.height-80)); array->addControlPoint(Vec2(80,80)); array->addControlPoint(Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2)); draw->drawCardinalSpline(array, 0.5, 50, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 0.5)); auto array2 = PointArray::create(20); array2->addControlPoint(Vec2(s.width / 2, 30)); array2->addControlPoint(Vec2(s.width -80, 30)); array2->addControlPoint(Vec2(s.width - 80, s.height - 80)); array2->addControlPoint(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height - 80)); array2->addControlPoint(Vec2(s.width / 2, 30)); draw->drawCatmullRom(array2, 50, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 0.5)); // open random color poly Vec2 vertices[] = { Vec2(0,0), Vec2(50,50), Vec2(100,50), Vec2(100,100), Vec2(50,100) }; draw->drawPoly( vertices, 5, false, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 1)); // closed random color poly Vec2 vertices2[] = { Vec2(30,130), Vec2(30,230), Vec2(50,200) }; draw->drawPoly( vertices2, 3, true, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 1)); // Draw 10 circles for( int i=0; i < 10; i++) { draw->drawDot(Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2), 10*(10-i), Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 1)); } // Draw polygons Vec2 points[] = { Vec2(s.height/4,0), Vec2(s.width,s.height/5), Vec2(s.width/3*2,s.height) }; draw->drawPolygon(points, sizeof(points)/sizeof(points[0]), Color4F(1,0,0,0.5), 4, Color4F(0,0,1,0.5)); // star poly (triggers buggs) { const float o=80; const float w=20; const float h=50; Vec2 star[] = { Vec2(o+w,o-h), Vec2(o+w*2, o), // lower spike Vec2(o + w*2 + h, o+w ), Vec2(o + w*2, o+w*2), // right spike // {o +w, o+w*2+h}, {o,o+w*2}, // top spike // {o -h, o+w}, {o,o}, // left spike }; draw->drawPolygon(star, sizeof(star)/sizeof(star[0]), Color4F(1,0,0,0.5), 1, Color4F(0,0,1,1)); } // star poly (doesn't trigger bug... order is important un tesselation is supported. { const float o=180; const float w=20; const float h=50; Vec2 star[] = { Vec2(o,o), Vec2(o+w,o-h), Vec2(o+w*2, o), // lower spike Vec2(o + w*2 + h, o+w ), Vec2(o + w*2, o+w*2), // right spike Vec2(o +w, o+w*2+h), Vec2(o,o+w*2), // top spike Vec2(o -h, o+w), // left spike }; draw->drawPolygon(star, sizeof(star)/sizeof(star[0]), Color4F(1,0,0,0.5), 1, Color4F(0,0,1,1)); } //draw a solid polygon Vec2 vertices3[] = {Vec2(60,160), Vec2(70,190), Vec2(100,190), Vec2(90,160)}; draw->drawSolidPoly( vertices3, 4, Color4F(1,1,0,1) ); //draw a solid rectangle draw->drawSolidRect(Vec2(10,10), Vec2(20,20), Color4F(1,1,0,1)); //draw a solid circle draw->drawSolidCircle( VisibleRect::center() + Vec2(140,0), 40, CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(90), 50, 2.0f, 2.0f, Color4F(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)); // Draw segment draw->drawSegment(Vec2(20,s.height), Vec2(20,s.height/2), 10, Color4F(0, 1, 0, 1)); draw->drawSegment(Vec2(10,s.height/2), Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2), 40, Color4F(1, 0, 1, 0.5)); // Draw triangle draw->drawTriangle(Vec2(10, 10), Vec2(70, 30), Vec2(100, 140), Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 0.5)); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { draw->drawPoint(Vec2(i*7, 5), (float)i/5+1, Color4F(CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), CCRANDOM_0_1(), 1)); } } string DrawNodeTest::title() const { return "Test DrawNode"; } string DrawNodeTest::subtitle() const { return "Testing DrawNode - batched draws. Concave polygons are BROKEN"; } #if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ >= 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1))) #pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #elif _MSC_VER >= 1400 //vs 2005 or higher #pragma warning (pop) #endif