/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Matt Oswald * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Ricardo Quesada * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org * Copyright (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. * Copyright (c) 2011 Marco Tillemans * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. * * http://www.cocos2d-x.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include "CCParticleBatchNode.h" #include "CCTextureCache.h" #include "CCTextureAtlas.h" #include "ccConfig.h" #include "ccMacros.h" #include "CCGrid.h" #include "CCParticleSystem.h" #include "CCShaderCache.h" #include "CCGLProgram.h" #include "ccGLStateCache.h" #include "base64.h" #include "ZipUtils.h" #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" #include "kazmath/GL/matrix.h" #include "CCProfiling.h" #include "renderer/CCQuadCommand.h" #include "renderer/CCRenderer.h" NS_CC_BEGIN ParticleBatchNode::ParticleBatchNode() : _textureAtlas(nullptr) { } ParticleBatchNode::~ParticleBatchNode() { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_textureAtlas); } /* * creation with Texture2D */ ParticleBatchNode* ParticleBatchNode::createWithTexture(Texture2D *tex, int capacity/* = kParticleDefaultCapacity*/) { ParticleBatchNode * p = new ParticleBatchNode(); if( p && p->initWithTexture(tex, capacity)) { p->autorelease(); return p; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(p); return nullptr; } /* * creation with File Image */ ParticleBatchNode* ParticleBatchNode::create(const std::string& imageFile, int capacity/* = kParticleDefaultCapacity*/) { ParticleBatchNode * p = new ParticleBatchNode(); if( p && p->initWithFile(imageFile, capacity)) { p->autorelease(); return p; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(p); return nullptr; } /* * init with Texture2D */ bool ParticleBatchNode::initWithTexture(Texture2D *tex, int capacity) { _textureAtlas = new TextureAtlas(); _textureAtlas->initWithTexture(tex, capacity); _children.reserve(capacity); _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED; setShaderProgram(ShaderCache::getInstance()->getProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_NAME_POSITION_TEXTURE_COLOR)); return true; } /* * init with FileImage */ bool ParticleBatchNode::initWithFile(const std::string& fileImage, int capacity) { Texture2D *tex = Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage(fileImage); return initWithTexture(tex, capacity); } // ParticleBatchNode - composition // override visit. // Don't call visit on it's children void ParticleBatchNode::visit() { // CAREFUL: // This visit is almost identical to Node#visit // with the exception that it doesn't call visit on it's children // // The alternative is to have a void Sprite#visit, but // although this is less maintainable, is faster // if (!_visible) { return; } kmGLPushMatrix(); transform(); draw(); kmGLPopMatrix(); } // override addChild: void ParticleBatchNode::addChild(Node * aChild, int zOrder, int tag) { CCASSERT( aChild != nullptr, "Argument must be non-nullptr"); CCASSERT( dynamic_cast(aChild) != nullptr, "CCParticleBatchNode only supports QuadParticleSystems as children"); ParticleSystem* child = static_cast(aChild); CCASSERT( child->getTexture()->getName() == _textureAtlas->getTexture()->getName(), "CCParticleSystem is not using the same texture id"); // If this is the 1st children, then copy blending function if (_children.empty()) { setBlendFunc(child->getBlendFunc()); } CCASSERT( _blendFunc.src == child->getBlendFunc().src && _blendFunc.dst == child->getBlendFunc().dst, "Can't add a ParticleSystem that uses a different blending function"); //no lazy sorting, so don't call super addChild, call helper instead auto pos = addChildHelper(child,zOrder,tag); //get new atlasIndex int atlasIndex = 0; if (pos != 0) { ParticleSystem* p = static_cast(_children.at(pos-1)); atlasIndex = p->getAtlasIndex() + p->getTotalParticles(); } else { atlasIndex = 0; } insertChild(child, atlasIndex); // update quad info child->setBatchNode(this); } // don't use lazy sorting, reordering the particle systems quads afterwards would be too complex // XXX research whether lazy sorting + freeing current quads and calloc a new block with size of capacity would be faster // XXX or possibly using vertexZ for reordering, that would be fastest // this helper is almost equivalent to Node's addChild, but doesn't make use of the lazy sorting int ParticleBatchNode::addChildHelper(ParticleSystem* child, int z, int aTag) { CCASSERT( child != nullptr, "Argument must be non-nil"); CCASSERT( child->getParent() == nullptr, "child already added. It can't be added again"); _children.reserve(4); //don't use a lazy insert auto pos = searchNewPositionInChildrenForZ(z); _children.insert(pos, child); child->setTag(aTag); child->_setLocalZOrder(z); child->setParent(this); if( _running ) { child->onEnter(); child->onEnterTransitionDidFinish(); } return pos; } // Reorder will be done in this function, no "lazy" reorder to particles void ParticleBatchNode::reorderChild(Node * aChild, int zOrder) { CCASSERT( aChild != nullptr, "Child must be non-nullptr"); CCASSERT( dynamic_cast(aChild) != nullptr, "CCParticleBatchNode only supports QuadParticleSystems as children"); CCASSERT( _children.contains(aChild), "Child doesn't belong to batch" ); ParticleSystem* child = static_cast(aChild); if( zOrder == child->getLocalZOrder() ) { return; } // no reordering if only 1 child if (!_children.empty()) { int newIndex = 0, oldIndex = 0; getCurrentIndex(&oldIndex, &newIndex, child, zOrder); if( oldIndex != newIndex ) { // reorder _children->array child->retain(); _children.erase(oldIndex); _children.insert(newIndex, child); child->release(); // save old altasIndex int oldAtlasIndex = child->getAtlasIndex(); // update atlas index updateAllAtlasIndexes(); // Find new AtlasIndex int newAtlasIndex = 0; for( int i=0;i < _children.size();i++) { ParticleSystem* node = static_cast(_children.at(i)); if( node == child ) { newAtlasIndex = child->getAtlasIndex(); break; } } // reorder textureAtlas quads _textureAtlas->moveQuadsFromIndex(oldAtlasIndex, child->getTotalParticles(), newAtlasIndex); child->updateWithNoTime(); } } child->_setLocalZOrder(zOrder); } void ParticleBatchNode::getCurrentIndex(int* oldIndex, int* newIndex, Node* child, int z) { bool foundCurrentIdx = false; bool foundNewIdx = false; int minusOne = 0; auto count = _children.size(); for( int i=0; i < count; i++ ) { Node* pNode = _children.at(i); // new index if( pNode->getLocalZOrder() > z && ! foundNewIdx ) { *newIndex = i; foundNewIdx = true; if( foundCurrentIdx && foundNewIdx ) { break; } } // current index if( child == pNode ) { *oldIndex = i; foundCurrentIdx = true; if( ! foundNewIdx ) { minusOne = -1; } if( foundCurrentIdx && foundNewIdx ) { break; } } } if( ! foundNewIdx ) { *newIndex = static_cast(count); } *newIndex += minusOne; } int ParticleBatchNode::searchNewPositionInChildrenForZ(int z) { auto count = _children.size(); for( int i=0; i < count; i++ ) { Node *child = _children.at(i); if (child->getLocalZOrder() > z) { return i; } } return static_cast(count); } // override removeChild: void ParticleBatchNode::removeChild(Node* aChild, bool cleanup) { // explicit nil handling if (aChild == nullptr) return; CCASSERT( dynamic_cast(aChild) != nullptr, "CCParticleBatchNode only supports QuadParticleSystems as children"); CCASSERT(_children.contains(aChild), "CCParticleBatchNode doesn't contain the sprite. Can't remove it"); ParticleSystem* child = static_cast(aChild); Node::removeChild(child, cleanup); // remove child helper _textureAtlas->removeQuadsAtIndex(child->getAtlasIndex(), child->getTotalParticles()); // after memmove of data, empty the quads at the end of array _textureAtlas->fillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex(_textureAtlas->getTotalQuads(), child->getTotalParticles()); // particle could be reused for self rendering child->setBatchNode(nullptr); updateAllAtlasIndexes(); } void ParticleBatchNode::removeChildAtIndex(int index, bool doCleanup) { removeChild(_children.at(index), doCleanup); } void ParticleBatchNode::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool doCleanup) { for(const auto &child : _children) static_cast(child)->setBatchNode(nullptr); Node::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(doCleanup); _textureAtlas->removeAllQuads(); } void ParticleBatchNode::draw(void) { CC_PROFILER_START("CCParticleBatchNode - draw"); if( _textureAtlas->getTotalQuads() == 0 ) { return; } _batchCommand.init( _globalZOrder, _textureAtlas->getTexture()->getName(), _shaderProgram, _blendFunc, _textureAtlas, _modelViewTransform); Director::getInstance()->getRenderer()->addCommand(&_batchCommand); CC_PROFILER_STOP("CCParticleBatchNode - draw"); } void ParticleBatchNode::increaseAtlasCapacityTo(ssize_t quantity) { CCLOG("cocos2d: ParticleBatchNode: resizing TextureAtlas capacity from [%lu] to [%lu].", (long)_textureAtlas->getCapacity(), (long)quantity); if( ! _textureAtlas->resizeCapacity(quantity) ) { // serious problems CCLOGWARN("cocos2d: WARNING: Not enough memory to resize the atlas"); CCASSERT(false,"XXX: ParticleBatchNode #increaseAtlasCapacity SHALL handle this assert"); } } //sets a 0'd quad into the quads array void ParticleBatchNode::disableParticle(int particleIndex) { V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad = &((_textureAtlas->getQuads())[particleIndex]); quad->br.vertices.x = quad->br.vertices.y = quad->tr.vertices.x = quad->tr.vertices.y = quad->tl.vertices.x = quad->tl.vertices.y = quad->bl.vertices.x = quad->bl.vertices.y = 0.0f; } // ParticleBatchNode - add / remove / reorder helper methods // add child helper void ParticleBatchNode::insertChild(ParticleSystem* system, int index) { system->setAtlasIndex(index); if(_textureAtlas->getTotalQuads() + system->getTotalParticles() > _textureAtlas->getCapacity()) { increaseAtlasCapacityTo(_textureAtlas->getTotalQuads() + system->getTotalParticles()); // after a realloc empty quads of textureAtlas can be filled with gibberish (realloc doesn't perform calloc), insert empty quads to prevent it _textureAtlas->fillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex(_textureAtlas->getCapacity() - system->getTotalParticles(), system->getTotalParticles()); } // make room for quads, not necessary for last child if (system->getAtlasIndex() + system->getTotalParticles() != _textureAtlas->getTotalQuads()) { _textureAtlas->moveQuadsFromIndex(index, index+system->getTotalParticles()); } // increase totalParticles here for new particles, update method of particle-system will fill the quads _textureAtlas->increaseTotalQuadsWith(system->getTotalParticles()); updateAllAtlasIndexes(); } //rebuild atlas indexes void ParticleBatchNode::updateAllAtlasIndexes() { int index = 0; for(const auto &child : _children) { ParticleSystem* partiSys = static_cast(child); partiSys->setAtlasIndex(index); index += partiSys->getTotalParticles(); } } // ParticleBatchNode - CocosNodeTexture protocol void ParticleBatchNode::updateBlendFunc() { if( ! _textureAtlas->getTexture()->hasPremultipliedAlpha()) _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_NON_PREMULTIPLIED; } void ParticleBatchNode::setTexture(Texture2D* texture) { _textureAtlas->setTexture(texture); // If the new texture has No premultiplied alpha, AND the blendFunc hasn't been changed, then update it if( texture && ! texture->hasPremultipliedAlpha() && ( _blendFunc.src == CC_BLEND_SRC && _blendFunc.dst == CC_BLEND_DST ) ) { _blendFunc = BlendFunc::ALPHA_NON_PREMULTIPLIED; } } Texture2D* ParticleBatchNode::getTexture() const { return _textureAtlas->getTexture(); } void ParticleBatchNode::setBlendFunc(const BlendFunc &blendFunc) { _blendFunc = blendFunc; } // returns the blending function used for the texture const BlendFunc& ParticleBatchNode::getBlendFunc() const { return _blendFunc; } NS_CC_END