* Need to switch to server-side buffers in - cocos2dx/draw_nodes/CCDrawNode.cpp - cocos2dx/particle_nodes/CCParticleSystemQuad.cpp - cocos2dx/textures/CCTextureAtlas.cpp * Need to figure out how to get correct screen resolutions consistently. * cocos2d::CCAtlasNode::calculateMaxItems() throwing an error; related to CCTextureAtlas? Preventing particle test from working. * Touch handler screwed up after TouchesTest? MenuTest? (TestCpp sample) * Layer Test crashes - cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont::create(char const*, char const*, float, cocos2d::CCTextAlignment, cocos2d::CCPoint) * Parallax Test crashes - cocos2d::CCAtlasNode::calculateMaxItems() * TileMap Test crashes - void CCNode::insertChild(CCNode* child, int z) * IntervalTest crashes - cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont::create(char const*, char const*, float, cocos2d::CCTextAlignment, cocos2d::CCPoint) * LabelTest crashes - cocos2d::CCAtlasNode::calculateMaxItems() * SchedulerTest crashes - cocos2d::CCNode::boundingBox() * RenderTextureTest is... weird. * ChipmunkTest crashes: Aborting due to Chipmunk error: Moment of Inertia must be positive and non-zero. Failed condition: moment > 0.0f Source:../src/cpBody.c:151 * ZwoptexTest crashes. - ZwoptexGenericTest::onEnter() DONE: * Need to switch to server-side buffers in - cocos2dx/draw_nodes/CCDrawingPrimitives - DONE * Need to compile with -O2 -- possible -s VERBOSE=1 will give a clue? - DONE