//// THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF //// ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO //// THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A //// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //// //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved #include "pch.h" #include "MediaStreamer.h" using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel; static inline void ThrowIfFailed(HRESULT hr) { if (FAILED(hr)) { // Set a breakpoint on this line to catch DirectX API errors throw Platform::Exception::CreateException(hr); } } MediaStreamer::MediaStreamer() { m_reader = nullptr; m_audioType = nullptr; ZeroMemory(&m_waveFormat, sizeof(m_waveFormat)); m_installedLocation = Package::Current->InstalledLocation; m_installedLocationPath = Platform::String::Concat(m_installedLocation->Path, "\\Assets\\Resources\\"); } MediaStreamer::~MediaStreamer() { } void MediaStreamer::Initialize(__in const WCHAR* url) { Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr outputMediaType; Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr mediaType; ThrowIfFailed( MFStartup(MF_VERSION) ); WCHAR filePath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if ((wcslen(url) > 1 && url[1] == ':')) { // path start with "x:", is absolute path wcscat_s(filePath, url); } else if (wcslen(url) > 0 && (L'/' == url[0] || L'\\' == url[0])) { // path start with '/' or '\', is absolute path without driver name wcscat_s(filePath, m_installedLocationPath->Data()); // remove '/' or '\\' wcscat_s(filePath, (const WCHAR*)url[1]); }else { wcscat_s(filePath, m_installedLocationPath->Data()); wcscat_s(filePath, url); } ThrowIfFailed( MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL(filePath, nullptr, &m_reader) ); // Set the decoded output format as PCM // XAudio2 on Windows can process PCM and ADPCM-encoded buffers. // When using MF, this sample always decodes into PCM. ThrowIfFailed( MFCreateMediaType(&mediaType) ); ThrowIfFailed( mediaType->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Audio) ); ThrowIfFailed( mediaType->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFAudioFormat_PCM) ); ThrowIfFailed( m_reader->SetCurrentMediaType(MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, 0, mediaType.Get()) ); // Get the complete WAVEFORMAT from the Media Type ThrowIfFailed( m_reader->GetCurrentMediaType(MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, &outputMediaType) ); uint32 formatSize = 0; WAVEFORMATEX* waveFormat; ThrowIfFailed( MFCreateWaveFormatExFromMFMediaType(outputMediaType.Get(), &waveFormat, &formatSize) ); CopyMemory(&m_waveFormat, waveFormat, sizeof(m_waveFormat)); CoTaskMemFree(waveFormat); // Get the total length of the stream in bytes PROPVARIANT var; ThrowIfFailed( m_reader->GetPresentationAttribute(MF_SOURCE_READER_MEDIASOURCE, MF_PD_DURATION, &var) ); LONGLONG duration = var.uhVal.QuadPart; double durationInSeconds = (duration / static_cast(10000000)); // duration is in 100ns units, convert to seconds m_maxStreamLengthInBytes = static_cast(durationInSeconds * m_waveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec); // Round up the buffer size to the nearest four bytes m_maxStreamLengthInBytes = (m_maxStreamLengthInBytes + 3) / 4 * 4; } bool MediaStreamer::GetNextBuffer(uint8* buffer, uint32 maxBufferSize, uint32* bufferLength) { Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr sample; Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr mediaBuffer; BYTE *audioData = nullptr; DWORD sampleBufferLength = 0; DWORD flags = 0; *bufferLength = 0; if (m_reader == nullptr) { return false; } ThrowIfFailed( m_reader->ReadSample(MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, 0, nullptr, &flags, nullptr, &sample) ); if (sample == nullptr) { if (flags & MF_SOURCE_READERF_ENDOFSTREAM) { return true; } else { return false; } } ThrowIfFailed( sample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&mediaBuffer) ); ThrowIfFailed( mediaBuffer->Lock(&audioData, nullptr, &sampleBufferLength) ); // If buffer isn't large enough, dump sample if (sampleBufferLength <= maxBufferSize) { CopyMemory(buffer, audioData, sampleBufferLength); *bufferLength = sampleBufferLength; } else { #if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) OutputDebugString(L"Sample buffer dumped"); #endif } if (flags & MF_SOURCE_READERF_ENDOFSTREAM) { return true; } else { return false; } } void MediaStreamer::ReadAll(uint8* buffer, uint32 maxBufferSize, uint32* bufferLength) { uint32 valuesWritten = 0; uint32 sampleBufferLength = 0; if (m_reader == nullptr) { return; } *bufferLength = 0; // If buffer isn't large enough, return if (maxBufferSize < m_maxStreamLengthInBytes) { return; } while (!GetNextBuffer(buffer + valuesWritten, maxBufferSize - valuesWritten, &sampleBufferLength)) { valuesWritten += sampleBufferLength; } *bufferLength = valuesWritten + sampleBufferLength; } void MediaStreamer::Restart() { if (m_reader == nullptr) { return; } PROPVARIANT var = {0}; var.vt = VT_I8; ThrowIfFailed( m_reader->SetCurrentPosition(GUID_NULL, var) ); }