// // SWScrollView.m // SWGameLib // // Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org // Copyright (c) 2010 Sangwoo Im // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN false EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // Created by Sangwoo Im on 6/3/10. // Copyright 2010 Sangwoo Im. All rights reserved. // #include "CCScrollView.h" #include "actions/CCActionInterval.h" #include "actions/CCActionTween.h" #include "actions/CCActionInstant.h" #include "support/CCPointExtension.h" #include "touch_dispatcher/CCTouchDispatcher.h" #include "effects/CCGrid.h" #include "CCDirector.h" #include "kazmath/GL/matrix.h" #include "touch_dispatcher/CCTouch.h" #include "CCEGLView.h" NS_CC_EXT_BEGIN #define SCROLL_DEACCEL_RATE 0.95f #define SCROLL_DEACCEL_DIST 1.0f #define BOUNCE_DURATION 0.15f #define INSET_RATIO 0.2f CCScrollView::CCScrollView() : m_fZoomScale(0.0f) , m_fMinZoomScale(0.0f) , m_fMaxZoomScale(0.0f) , m_pDelegate(NULL) , m_bDragging(false) , m_bBounceable(false) , m_eDirection(kCCScrollViewDirectionBoth) , m_bClippingToBounds(false) , m_pContainer(NULL) , m_bTouchMoved(false) , m_fTouchLength(0.0f) , m_pTouches(NULL) , m_fMinScale(0.0f) , m_fMaxScale(0.0f) { } CCScrollView::~CCScrollView() { m_pTouches->release(); } CCScrollView* CCScrollView::viewWithViewSize(CCSize size, CCNode* container/* = NULL*/) { return CCScrollView::create(size, container); } CCScrollView* CCScrollView::create(CCSize size, CCNode* container/* = NULL*/) { CCScrollView* pRet = new CCScrollView(); if (pRet && pRet->initWithViewSize(size, container)) { pRet->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); } return pRet; } CCScrollView* CCScrollView::node() { return CCScrollView::create(); } CCScrollView* CCScrollView::create() { CCScrollView* pRet = new CCScrollView(); if (pRet && pRet->init()) { pRet->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); } return pRet; } bool CCScrollView::initWithViewSize(CCSize size, CCNode *container/* = NULL*/) { if (CCLayer::init()) { m_pContainer = container; if (!this->m_pContainer) { m_pContainer = CCLayer::create(); this->m_pContainer->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); this->m_pContainer->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.0f, 0.0f)); } this->setViewSize(size); setTouchEnabled(true); m_pTouches = new CCArray(); m_pDelegate = NULL; m_bBounceable = true; m_bClippingToBounds = true; //m_pContainer->setContentSize(CCSizeZero); m_eDirection = kCCScrollViewDirectionBoth; m_pContainer->setPosition(ccp(0.0f, 0.0f)); m_fTouchLength = 0.0f; this->addChild(m_pContainer); m_fMinScale = m_fMaxScale = 1.0f; return true; } return false; } bool CCScrollView::init() { return this->initWithViewSize(CCSizeMake(200, 200), NULL); } void CCScrollView::registerWithTouchDispatcher() { CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate(this, 0, false); } bool CCScrollView::isNodeVisible(CCNode* node) { const CCPoint offset = this->getContentOffset(); const CCSize size = this->getViewSize(); const float scale = this->getZoomScale(); CCRect viewRect; viewRect = CCRectMake(-offset.x/scale, -offset.y/scale, size.width/scale, size.height/scale); return viewRect.intersectsRect(node->boundingBox()); } void CCScrollView::pause(CCObject* sender) { m_pContainer->pauseSchedulerAndActions(); CCObject* pObj = NULL; CCArray* pChildren = m_pContainer->getChildren(); CCARRAY_FOREACH(pChildren, pObj) { CCNode* pChild = (CCNode*)pObj; pChild->pauseSchedulerAndActions(); } } void CCScrollView::resume(CCObject* sender) { CCObject* pObj = NULL; CCArray* pChildren = m_pContainer->getChildren(); CCARRAY_FOREACH(pChildren, pObj) { CCNode* pChild = (CCNode*)pObj; pChild->resumeSchedulerAndActions(); } m_pContainer->resumeSchedulerAndActions(); } void CCScrollView::setTouchEnabled(bool e) { CCLayer::setTouchEnabled(e); if (!e) { m_bDragging = false; m_bTouchMoved = false; m_pTouches->removeAllObjects(); } } void CCScrollView::setContentOffset(CCPoint offset, bool animated/* = false*/) { if (animated) { //animate scrolling this->setContentOffsetInDuration(offset, BOUNCE_DURATION); } else { //set the container position directly if (!m_bBounceable) { const CCPoint minOffset = this->minContainerOffset(); const CCPoint maxOffset = this->maxContainerOffset(); offset.x = MAX(minOffset.x, MIN(maxOffset.x, offset.x)); offset.y = MAX(minOffset.y, MIN(maxOffset.y, offset.y)); } m_pContainer->setPosition(offset); if (m_pDelegate != NULL) { m_pDelegate->scrollViewDidScroll(this); } } } void CCScrollView::setContentOffsetInDuration(CCPoint offset, float dt) { CCFiniteTimeAction *scroll, *expire; scroll = CCMoveTo::create(dt, offset); expire = CCCallFuncN::create(this, callfuncN_selector(CCScrollView::stoppedAnimatedScroll)); m_pContainer->runAction(CCSequence::create(scroll, expire, NULL)); this->schedule(schedule_selector(CCScrollView::performedAnimatedScroll)); } CCPoint CCScrollView::getContentOffset() { return m_pContainer->getPosition(); } void CCScrollView::setZoomScale(float s) { if (m_pContainer->getScale() != s) { CCPoint oldCenter, newCenter; CCPoint center; if (m_fTouchLength == 0.0f) { center = ccp(m_tViewSize.width*0.5f, m_tViewSize.height*0.5f); center = this->convertToWorldSpace(center); } else { center = m_tTouchPoint; } oldCenter = m_pContainer->convertToNodeSpace(center); m_pContainer->setScale(MAX(m_fMinScale, MIN(m_fMaxScale, s))); newCenter = m_pContainer->convertToWorldSpace(oldCenter); const CCPoint offset = ccpSub(center, newCenter); if (m_pDelegate != NULL) { m_pDelegate->scrollViewDidZoom(this); } this->setContentOffset(ccpAdd(m_pContainer->getPosition(),offset)); } } float CCScrollView::getZoomScale() { return m_pContainer->getScale(); } void CCScrollView::setZoomScale(float s, bool animated) { if (animated) { this->setZoomScaleInDuration(s, BOUNCE_DURATION); } else { this->setZoomScale(s); } } void CCScrollView::setZoomScaleInDuration(float s, float dt) { if (dt > 0) { if (m_pContainer->getScale() != s) { CCActionTween *scaleAction; scaleAction = CCActionTween::create(dt, "zoomScale", m_pContainer->getScale(), s); this->runAction(scaleAction); } } else { this->setZoomScale(s); } } void CCScrollView::setViewSize(CCSize size) { m_tViewSize = size; CCLayer::setContentSize(size); } CCNode * CCScrollView::getContainer() { return this->m_pContainer; } void CCScrollView::setContainer(CCNode * pContainer) { this->removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(true); if (!pContainer) return; this->m_pContainer = pContainer; this->m_pContainer->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); this->m_pContainer->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.0f, 0.0f)); this->addChild(this->m_pContainer); this->setViewSize(this->m_tViewSize); } void CCScrollView::relocateContainer(bool animated) { CCPoint oldPoint, min, max; float newX, newY; min = this->minContainerOffset(); max = this->maxContainerOffset(); oldPoint = m_pContainer->getPosition(); newX = oldPoint.x; newY = oldPoint.y; if (m_eDirection == kCCScrollViewDirectionBoth || m_eDirection == kCCScrollViewDirectionHorizontal) { newX = MIN(newX, max.x); newX = MAX(newX, min.x); } if (m_eDirection == kCCScrollViewDirectionBoth || m_eDirection == kCCScrollViewDirectionVertical) { newY = MIN(newY, max.y); newY = MAX(newY, min.y); } if (newY != oldPoint.y || newX != oldPoint.x) { this->setContentOffset(ccp(newX, newY), animated); } } CCPoint CCScrollView::maxContainerOffset() { return ccp(0.0f, 0.0f); } CCPoint CCScrollView::minContainerOffset() { return ccp(m_tViewSize.width - m_pContainer->getContentSize().width*m_pContainer->getScaleX(), m_tViewSize.height - m_pContainer->getContentSize().height*m_pContainer->getScaleY()); } void CCScrollView::deaccelerateScrolling(float dt) { if (m_bDragging) { this->unschedule(schedule_selector(CCScrollView::deaccelerateScrolling)); return; } float newX, newY; CCPoint maxInset, minInset; m_pContainer->setPosition(ccpAdd(m_pContainer->getPosition(), m_tScrollDistance)); if (m_bBounceable) { maxInset = m_fMaxInset; minInset = m_fMinInset; } else { maxInset = this->maxContainerOffset(); minInset = this->minContainerOffset(); } //check to see if offset lies within the inset bounds newX = MIN(m_pContainer->getPosition().x, maxInset.x); newX = MAX(newX, minInset.x); newY = MIN(m_pContainer->getPosition().y, maxInset.y); newY = MAX(newY, minInset.y); m_tScrollDistance = ccpSub(m_tScrollDistance, ccp(newX - m_pContainer->getPosition().x, newY - m_pContainer->getPosition().y)); m_tScrollDistance = ccpMult(m_tScrollDistance, SCROLL_DEACCEL_RATE); this->setContentOffset(ccp(newX,newY)); if ((fabsf(m_tScrollDistance.x) <= SCROLL_DEACCEL_DIST && fabsf(m_tScrollDistance.y) <= SCROLL_DEACCEL_DIST) || newX == maxInset.x || newX == minInset.x || newY == maxInset.y || newY == minInset.y) { this->unschedule(schedule_selector(CCScrollView::deaccelerateScrolling)); this->relocateContainer(true); } } void CCScrollView::stoppedAnimatedScroll(CCNode * node) { this->unschedule(schedule_selector(CCScrollView::performedAnimatedScroll)); } void CCScrollView::performedAnimatedScroll(float dt) { if (m_bDragging) { this->unschedule(schedule_selector(CCScrollView::performedAnimatedScroll)); return; } if (m_pDelegate != NULL) { m_pDelegate->scrollViewDidScroll(this); } } const CCSize & CCScrollView::getContentSize() { return m_pContainer->getContentSize(); } void CCScrollView::setContentSize(const CCSize & size) { if (this->getContainer() != NULL) { this->getContainer()->setContentSize(size); this->updateInset(); } } void CCScrollView::updateInset() { if (this->getContainer() != NULL) { m_fMaxInset = this->maxContainerOffset(); m_fMaxInset = ccp(m_fMaxInset.x + m_tViewSize.width * INSET_RATIO, m_fMaxInset.y + m_tViewSize.height * INSET_RATIO); m_fMinInset = this->minContainerOffset(); m_fMinInset = ccp(m_fMinInset.x - m_tViewSize.width * INSET_RATIO, m_fMinInset.y - m_tViewSize.height * INSET_RATIO); } } /** * make sure all children go to the container */ void CCScrollView::addChild(CCNode * child, int zOrder, int tag) { child->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); child->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.0f, 0.0f)); if (m_pContainer != child) { m_pContainer->addChild(child, zOrder, tag); } else { CCLayer::addChild(child, zOrder, tag); } } void CCScrollView::addChild(CCNode * child, int zOrder) { this->addChild(child, zOrder, child->getTag()); } void CCScrollView::addChild(CCNode * child) { this->addChild(child, child->getZOrder(), child->getTag()); } /** * clip this view so that outside of the visible bounds can be hidden. */ void CCScrollView::beforeDraw() { if (m_bClippingToBounds) { // TODO: This scrollview should respect parents' positions CCPoint screenPos = this->convertToWorldSpace(this->getParent()->getPosition()); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); float s = this->getScale(); // CCDirector *director = CCDirector::sharedDirector(); // s *= director->getContentScaleFactor(); CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->setScissorInPoints(screenPos.x*s, screenPos.y*s, m_tViewSize.width*s, m_tViewSize.height*s); //glScissor((GLint)screenPos.x, (GLint)screenPos.y, (GLsizei)(m_tViewSize.width*s), (GLsizei)(m_tViewSize.height*s)); } } /** * retract what's done in beforeDraw so that there's no side effect to * other nodes. */ void CCScrollView::afterDraw() { if (m_bClippingToBounds) { glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } } void CCScrollView::visit() { // quick return if not visible if (!isVisible()) { return; } kmGLPushMatrix(); // glPushMatrix(); if (m_pGrid && m_pGrid->isActive()) { m_pGrid->beforeDraw(); this->transformAncestors(); } this->transform(); this->beforeDraw(); if(m_pChildren) { ccArray *arrayData = m_pChildren->data; unsigned int i=0; // draw children zOrder < 0 for( ; i < arrayData->num; i++ ) { CCNode *child = (CCNode*)arrayData->arr[i]; if ( child->getZOrder() < 0 ) { child->visit(); } else { break; } } // this draw this->draw(); // draw children zOrder >= 0 for( ; i < arrayData->num; i++ ) { CCNode* child = (CCNode*)arrayData->arr[i]; child->visit(); } } else { this->draw(); } this->afterDraw(); if ( m_pGrid && m_pGrid->isActive()) { m_pGrid->afterDraw(this); } kmGLPopMatrix(); // glPopMatrix(); } bool CCScrollView::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch* touch, CCEvent* event) { if (!this->isVisible()) { return false; } CCRect frame; frame = CCRectMake(this->getPosition().x, this->getPosition().y, m_tViewSize.width, m_tViewSize.height); //dispatcher does not know about clipping. reject touches outside visible bounds. if (m_pTouches->count() > 2 || m_bTouchMoved || !frame.containsPoint(m_pContainer->convertToWorldSpace(m_pContainer->convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch)))) { return false; } if (!m_pTouches->containsObject(touch)) { m_pTouches->addObject(touch); } if (m_pTouches->count() == 1) { // scrolling m_tTouchPoint = this->convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch); m_bTouchMoved = false; m_bDragging = true; //dragging started m_tScrollDistance = ccp(0.0f, 0.0f); m_fTouchLength = 0.0f; } else if (m_pTouches->count() == 2) { m_tTouchPoint = ccpMidpoint(this->convertTouchToNodeSpace((CCTouch*)m_pTouches->objectAtIndex(0)), this->convertTouchToNodeSpace((CCTouch*)m_pTouches->objectAtIndex(1))); m_fTouchLength = ccpDistance(m_pContainer->convertTouchToNodeSpace((CCTouch*)m_pTouches->objectAtIndex(0)), m_pContainer->convertTouchToNodeSpace((CCTouch*)m_pTouches->objectAtIndex(1))); m_bDragging = false; } return true; } void CCScrollView::ccTouchMoved(CCTouch* touch, CCEvent* event) { if (!this->isVisible()) { return; } if (m_pTouches->containsObject(touch)) { if (m_pTouches->count() == 1 && m_bDragging) { // scrolling CCPoint moveDistance, newPoint, maxInset, minInset; CCRect frame; float newX, newY; m_bTouchMoved = true; frame = CCRectMake(this->getPosition().x, this->getPosition().y, m_tViewSize.width, m_tViewSize.height); newPoint = this->convertTouchToNodeSpace((CCTouch*)m_pTouches->objectAtIndex(0)); moveDistance = ccpSub(newPoint, m_tTouchPoint); m_tTouchPoint = newPoint; if (frame.containsPoint(this->convertToWorldSpace(newPoint))) { switch (m_eDirection) { case kCCScrollViewDirectionVertical: moveDistance = ccp(0.0f, moveDistance.y); break; case kCCScrollViewDirectionHorizontal: moveDistance = ccp(moveDistance.x, 0.0f); break; default: break; } m_pContainer->setPosition(ccpAdd(m_pContainer->getPosition(), moveDistance)); maxInset = m_fMaxInset; minInset = m_fMinInset; //check to see if offset lies within the inset bounds newX = MIN(m_pContainer->getPosition().x, maxInset.x); newX = MAX(newX, minInset.x); newY = MIN(m_pContainer->getPosition().y, maxInset.y); newY = MAX(newY, minInset.y); m_tScrollDistance = ccpSub(moveDistance, ccp(newX - m_pContainer->getPosition().x, newY - m_pContainer->getPosition().y)); this->setContentOffset(ccp(newX, newY)); } } else if (m_pTouches->count() == 2 && !m_bDragging) { const float len = ccpDistance(m_pContainer->convertTouchToNodeSpace((CCTouch*)m_pTouches->objectAtIndex(0)), m_pContainer->convertTouchToNodeSpace((CCTouch*)m_pTouches->objectAtIndex(1))); this->setZoomScale(this->getZoomScale()*len/m_fTouchLength); } } } void CCScrollView::ccTouchEnded(CCTouch* touch, CCEvent* event) { if (!this->isVisible()) { return; } if (m_pTouches->containsObject(touch)) { if (m_pTouches->count() == 1 && m_bTouchMoved) { this->schedule(schedule_selector(CCScrollView::deaccelerateScrolling)); } m_pTouches->removeObject(touch); } if (m_pTouches->count() == 0) { m_bDragging = false; m_bTouchMoved = false; } } void CCScrollView::ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch* touch, CCEvent* event) { if (!this->isVisible()) { return; } m_pTouches->removeObject(touch); if (m_pTouches->count() == 0) { m_bDragging = false; m_bTouchMoved = false; } } NS_CC_EXT_END