#include "testBasic.h" #include "controller.h" TestScene::TestScene(bool bPortrait) { Scene::init(); } void TestScene::onEnter() { Scene::onEnter(); //add the menu item for back to main menu //#if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_MARMALADE) // LabelBMFont* label = LabelBMFont::create("MainMenu", "fonts/arial16.fnt"); //#else LabelTTF* label = LabelTTF::create("MainMenu", "Arial", 20); //#endif MenuItemLabel* pMenuItem = MenuItemLabel::create(label, [](Object *sender) { /* ****** GCC Compiler issue on Android and Linux (CLANG compiler is ok) ****** We couldn't use 'Scene::create' directly since gcc will trigger an error called "error: 'this' was not captured for this lambda function". This is because 'Scene' is the super class of TestScene, if we invoke 'Scene::create' directly in this lambda expression, gcc compiler found 'Scene::create' and it think that was the member function of 'TestScene' 's super class, but this lambda function doesn't capture anything like 'this', so it has no access to invoke 'Scene::create'. Solution (1): Passing 'this' to this lambda function. Solution (2): Don't use 'Scene::create' and don't pass 'this' to this lambda function, instead, we just need to new the 'Scene' and initialize the Scene. Semantically, I think in this lambda function, we shouldn't capture any varibles outside the scope. So I choose the (2) solution. Commented by James Chen. */ // Scene *pScene = Scene::create(); Scene *pScene = new Scene(); if (pScene && pScene->init()) { Layer* pLayer = new TestController(); pScene->addChild(pLayer); pLayer->release(); Director::sharedDirector()->replaceScene(pScene); pScene->release(); } }); Menu* pMenu =Menu::create(pMenuItem, NULL); pMenu->setPosition( PointZero ); pMenuItem->setPosition( Point( VisibleRect::right().x - 50, VisibleRect::bottom().y + 25) ); addChild(pMenu, 1); }