#include "OpenALDecoder.h" #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <AL/alut.h> #if CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_TIZEN #include <FBase.h> #include <FBaseCol.h> #include <FMedia.h> using namespace Tizen::Base; using namespace Tizen::Base::Collection; using namespace Tizen::Media; #endif #ifndef DISABLE_VORBIS #include <vorbis/vorbisfile.h> #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MPG123 #include <mpg123.h> #endif namespace CocosDenshion { static int checkALError(const char *funcName) { int err = alGetError(); if (err != AL_NO_ERROR) { switch (err) { case AL_INVALID_NAME: fprintf(stderr, "AL_INVALID_NAME in %s\n", funcName); break; case AL_INVALID_ENUM: fprintf(stderr, "AL_INVALID_ENUM in %s\n", funcName); break; case AL_INVALID_VALUE: fprintf(stderr, "AL_INVALID_VALUE in %s\n", funcName); break; case AL_INVALID_OPERATION: fprintf(stderr, "AL_INVALID_OPERATION in %s\n", funcName); break; case AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: fprintf(stderr, "AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY in %s\n", funcName); break; } } return err; } class AlutDecoder : public OpenALDecoder { bool decode(OpenALFile &file, ALuint &result) { if (!file.mapToMemory()) return false; result = alutCreateBufferFromFileImage(file.mappedFile, file.fileSize); if (AL_NONE == result) return false; return true; } bool acceptsFormat(Format format) const { return Wav == format || Raw == format; } }; class DataRaii { public: char *data; size_t size; DataRaii() : data(0), size(0) {} ~DataRaii() { delete [] data; } }; #ifdef ENABLE_MPG123 class Mpg123Decoder : public OpenALDecoder { private: mpg123_handle *handle; public: class MpgOpenRaii { public: mpg123_handle *handle; MpgOpenRaii(mpg123_handle *handle) : handle(handle) {} ~MpgOpenRaii() { mpg123_close(handle); } }; bool getInfo(ALenum &format, ALsizei &freq, ALsizei &size) const { int channels = 0; int encoding = 0; long rate = 0; if (MPG123_OK != mpg123_getformat(handle, &rate, &channels, &encoding)) return false; size = mpg123_length(handle); if (size == MPG123_ERR) return false; freq = rate; if (encoding == MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_8) { if (channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; else format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; } else { if (channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; else format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } return true; } bool decode(OpenALFile &file, ALuint &result) { if (MPG123_OK != mpg123_open_fd(handle, fileno(file.file))) return false; MpgOpenRaii raii(handle); ALenum format = AL_NONE; ALsizei freq = 0; ALsizei size = 0; if (!getInfo(format, freq, size)) return false; DataRaii pcm; pcm.size = size; if (format == AL_FORMAT_MONO16 || format == AL_FORMAT_STEREO16) pcm.size *= 2; pcm.data = new char[pcm.size]; size_t done = 0; if (MPG123_DONE != mpg123_read(handle, (unsigned char*)pcm.data, pcm.size, &done)) return false; CCLOG("MP3 BUFFER SIZE: %ld, FORMAT %i.", (long)done, (int)format); return initALBuffer(result, format, pcm.data, done, freq); } bool acceptsFormat(Format format) const { return Mp3 == format; } Mpg123Decoder() : handle(mpg123_new(NULL, NULL)) { if (MPG123_OK != mpg123_format(handle, 44100, MPG123_MONO | MPG123_STEREO, MPG123_ENC_UNSIGNED_8 | MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16)) CCLOG("ERROR (CocosDenshion): cannot set specified mpg123 format."); } ~Mpg123Decoder() { mpg123_delete(handle); } }; #endif #ifndef DISABLE_VORBIS class VorbisDecoder : public OpenALDecoder { class OggRaii { public: OggVorbis_File file; ~OggRaii() { ov_clear(&file); } }; public: bool decode(OpenALFile &file, ALuint &result) { OggRaii ogg; int status = ov_test(file.file, &ogg.file, 0, 0); if (status != 0) { ov_clear(&ogg.file); return false; } status = ov_test_open(&ogg.file); if (status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open OGG file '%s'\n", file.debugName.c_str()); return false; } // As vorbis documentation says, we should not fclose() file // after successful opening by vorbis functions. file.file = NULL; vorbis_info *info = ov_info(&ogg.file, -1); ALenum format = (info->channels == 1) ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; DataRaii pcm; pcm.size = ov_pcm_total(&ogg.file, -1) * info->channels * 2; pcm.data = new char[pcm.size]; size_t size = 0; int section = 0; while (size < pcm.size) { status = ov_read(&ogg.file, pcm.data + size, pcm.size - size, 0, 2, 1, §ion); if (status > 0) { size += status; } else if (status < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "OGG file decoding stopped, file '%s'\n", file.debugName.c_str()); return false; } else { break; } } if (size == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read OGG data from '%s'\n", file.debugName.c_str()); return false; } return initALBuffer(result, format, pcm.data, pcm.size, info->rate); } bool acceptsFormat(Format format) const { return Vorbis == format; } }; #endif #if CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_TIZEN class TizenDecoder : public OpenALDecoder { public: static TizenDecoder *create(Format format) { TizenDecoder *decoder = new TizenDecoder(format); if (decoder && !decoder->init()) { delete decoder; decoder = NULL; } return decoder; } bool decode(OpenALFile &file, ALuint &result) { if (!file.mapToMemory()) return false; ByteBuffer inputBuffer; inputBuffer.Construct(/*capacity*/ file.fileSize); inputBuffer.SetArray((const byte*)file.mappedFile, 0, file.fileSize); inputBuffer.Flip(); ByteBuffer pcm; pcm.Construct(/*capacity*/ 2 * file.fileSize); AudioSampleType sampleType = AUDIO_TYPE_NONE; AudioChannelType channelType = AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE_NONE; int sampleRate = 0; if (E_SUCCESS != _decoder.Probe(inputBuffer, sampleType, channelType, sampleRate)) return false; while (inputBuffer.GetRemaining()) { auto ret = _decoder.Decode(inputBuffer, pcm); if (ret == E_OUT_OF_MEMORY) { pcm.ExpandCapacity(2 * pcm.GetCapacity()); } else if (IsFailed(ret)) { AppLogTag("CocosDenshion(TizenDecoder)", "failed to decode file '%s', supported format is %s.", file.debugName.c_str(), getCodecName()); return false; } } return initALBuffer(result, getALFormat(sampleType, channelType), pcm.GetPointer(), pcm.GetPosition(), sampleRate); } bool acceptsFormat(Format format) const { return _format == format; } private: TizenDecoder(Format format) : _format(format) { } bool init() { HashMap option; option.Construct(); option.Add(*(new Integer(MEDIA_PROPERTY_AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE)), *(new Integer(AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE_NONE))); option.Add(*(new Integer(MEDIA_PROPERTY_AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE)), *(new Integer(44100))); result r = _decoder.Construct(getCodecType()); if (IsFailed(r)) return false; else AppLogTag("CocosDenshion", "Tizen device supports audio format %s.", getCodecName()); return true; } ALenum getALFormat(AudioSampleType sampleType, AudioChannelType channelType) { if (sampleType == AUDIO_TYPE_PCM_U8) { if (channelType == AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE_MONO) return AL_FORMAT_MONO8; return AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; } if (sampleType == AUDIO_TYPE_PCM_S16_LE) { if (channelType == AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE_MONO) return AL_FORMAT_MONO16; return AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } AppLogTag("CocosDenshion(TizenDecoder)", "unsuppored sampleType=%d.", sampleType, channelType); return AL_NONE; } CodecType getCodecType() const { switch (_format) { case Mp3: return CODEC_MP3; case Vorbis: return CODEC_VORBIS; case Flac: return CODEC_FLAC; case Midi: return CODEC_MIDI; case Aac: return CODEC_AAC; default: break; } return CODEC_UNKNOWN; } const char *getCodecName() const { switch (_format) { case Mp3: return "mp3"; case Vorbis: return "vorbis"; case Flac: return "flac"; case Midi: return "midi"; case Aac: return "aac"; default: break; } return "unknown"; } Format _format; AudioDecoder _decoder; }; #endif std::vector<OpenALDecoder *> OpenALDecoder::_decoders; void OpenALDecoder::installDecoders() { #if CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_TIZEN addDecoder(TizenDecoder::create(Mp3)); addDecoder(TizenDecoder::create(Vorbis)); addDecoder(TizenDecoder::create(Flac)); addDecoder(TizenDecoder::create(Midi)); addDecoder(TizenDecoder::create(Aac)); #else #if !defined(DISABLE_VORBIS) addDecoder(new VorbisDecoder()); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_MPG123) addDecoder(new Mpg123Decoder()); #endif #endif addDecoder(new AlutDecoder()); } void OpenALDecoder::addDecoder(OpenALDecoder *decoder) { if (decoder) _decoders.push_back(decoder); } bool OpenALDecoder::initALBuffer(ALuint &result, ALenum format, const ALvoid *data, ALsizei size, ALsizei freq) { // Load audio data into a buffer. alGenBuffers(1, &result); if (checkALError("initALBuffer:alGenBuffers") != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't generate OpenAL buffer\n"); return false; } alBufferData(result, format, data, size, freq); checkALError("initALBuffer:alBufferData"); return true; } const std::vector<OpenALDecoder *> &OpenALDecoder::getDecoders() { return _decoders; } void OpenALFile::clear() { if (mappedFile) { ::munmap(mappedFile, fileSize); mappedFile = 0; fileSize = 0; } if (file) { fclose(file); file = 0; } } bool OpenALFile::mapToMemory() { if (!file) return false; if (mappedFile != NULL) return true; const int fd = fileno(file); struct stat fileStats; if (0 != fstat(fd, &fileStats)) return false; fileSize = fileStats.st_size; mappedFile = ::mmap(NULL, fileSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); if (mappedFile != MAP_FAILED) return true; mappedFile = NULL; return false; } } // namespace CocosDenshion