param( $packageName, $directory, $lang, [switch]$isolated ) $params = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$args $portrait_idx = $params.IndexOf('--portrait') $is_portrait = $portrait_idx -ne -1 if ($is_portrait) { $params.RemoveAt($portrait_idx) } $projectName = $params[0] if (!$packageName) { throw "The package name can't be empty" } if (!$projectName) { throw "The project name can't be empty" } # convert to absolute path $directory = realpath $directory if ($packageName.Contains('-')) { # !!!reason: # - android package not accept '-' # - ios deploy device may failed with unknown error $packageName = $packageName.Replace('-', '_') println "Warning: package name was converted to '$packageName'!" } $sourcePath = Join-Path $env:AX_ROOT "templates/$lang" if(!(Test-Path $sourcePath)) { throw 'Invalid lang, valid is cpp or lua' } $destinationPath = Join-Path $directory $projectName if(!(Test-Path $destinationPath -PathType Container)) { Copy-Item $sourcePath $destinationPath -Recurse -Container -Force } else { println "$destinationPath folder is already exist." return } # replace, file/files, from/pattern $template_cfg_file = Join-Path $sourcePath 'axproj-template.json' $template_cfg = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content $template_cfg_file -Raw) # variable for replace $projectDir = $(Resolve-Path $destinationPath).Path println "Creating project $projectName ..." println "==> packageName: $packageName" println "==> destinationPath: $destinationPath" println "==> lang: $lang" println "==> is_portrait: $is_portrait" # actionParam # rep # from # to # files # cp # from # to # del: # files function perform_action($actionParam) { $from = if ($actionParam.from){ . (Invoke-Expression "{ ""$($actionParam.from)"" }") } else { $actionParam.pattern } # expand envs/vars $to = . (Invoke-Expression "{ ""$($"" } ") # expand envs/vars switch($actionParam.action) { 'rep' { foreach($filepath in $actionParam.files) { $realpath = Join-Path $projectDir $filepath $content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($realpath) if (!$actionParam.pattern) { $content = $content.Replace($from, $to) } else { if ([Regex]::Match($content, $from).Success) { $content = [Regex]::Replace($content, $from, $to) } } [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($realpath, $content) } } 'cp' { if (!$actionParam.is_dir) { Copy-Item -Path $from -Destination $to -Force } else { Copy-Item -Path $from -Destination $to -Recurse -Container -Force } } 'ren' { Rename-Item $from $to -Force } 'del' { foreach($filepath in $actionParam.files) { $realpath = Join-Path $projectDir $filepath if (Test-Path $realpath -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item -Path $realpath -Force } } } } } foreach($actionParam in $template_cfg.do_default) { perform_action $actionParam } if ($is_portrait) { foreach($actionParam in $template_cfg.do_portrait) { perform_action $actionParam } } # engine sources for isolated project, but share axmol cmdlinetool if($isolated) { println "==> Copy whole engine sources to isolated project: $projectName" $_ax_root = Join-Path $projectDir 'axmol' New-Item $_ax_root -ItemType Directory 1>$null $_ax_source_folders = @( '1k' '3rdparty' 'cmake' 'core' 'extensions' 'manifest.json' ) foreach($path in $_ax_source_folders) { $source_path = Join-Path $env:AX_ROOT $path if(Test-Path $source_path -PathType Container) { Copy-Item $source_path $_ax_root -Container -Recurse -Force } else { Copy-Item $source_path $_ax_root -Force } } } # write .axproj.json $axprojInfo = @{ engine_version = $axmolVersion; project_type = $lang } Set-Content -Path "$projectDir/.axproj.json" -Value (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $axprojInfo) println "Create project $projectName done."