// // http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org // // Javascript + cocos2d sprite tests // require("js/helper.js"); director = cc.Director.getInstance(); winSize = director.getWinSize(); centerPos = cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2 ); var scenes = [] var currentScene = 0; var nextSpriteTestAction = function () { currentScene = currentScene + 1; if( currentScene >= scenes.length ) currentScene = 0; loadScene(currentScene); }; var backSpriteTestAction = function () { currentScene = currentScene -1; if( currentScene < 0 ) currentScene = scenes.length -1; loadScene(currentScene); }; var restartSpriteTestAction = function () { loadScene( currentScene ); }; var loadScene = function (sceneIdx) { winSize = director.getWinSize(); centerPos = cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2 ); var scene = new cc.Scene(); scene.init(); var layer = new scenes[ sceneIdx ](); scene.addChild( layer ); // scene.walkSceneGraph(0); director.replaceScene( scene ); // __jsc__.garbageCollect(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // BaseLayer // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var BaseLayer = function() { // // VERY IMPORTANT // // Only subclasses of a native classes MUST call __associateObjectWithNative // Failure to do so, it will crash. // var parent = goog.base(this); __associateObjWithNative( this, parent ); this.init(); this.title = function () { return "No title"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "No Subtitle"; } } goog.inherits(BaseLayer, cc.Layer ); // // Instance 'base' methods // XXX: Should be defined after "goog.inherits" // BaseLayer.prototype.onEnter = function() { var label = cc.LabelTTF.create(this.title(), "Arial", 28); this.addChild(label, 1); label.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height - 50)); var strSubtitle = this.subtitle(); if (strSubtitle != "") { var l = cc.LabelTTF.create(strSubtitle, "Thonburi", 16); this.addChild(l, 1); l.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height - 80)); } // Menu var item1 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("b1.png", "b2.png", this, this.backCallback); var item2 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("r1.png", "r2.png", this, this.restartCallback); var item3 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("f1.png", "f2.png", this, this.nextCallback); var item4 = cc.MenuItemFont.create("back", this, function() { require("js/main.js"); } ); item4.setFontSize( 22 ); var menu = cc.Menu.create(item1, item2, item3, item4 ); menu.setPosition( cc.p(0,0) ); item1.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2 - 100, 30)); item2.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, 30)); item3.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2 + 100, 30)); item4.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width - 60, winSize.height - 30 ) ); this.addChild(menu, 1); } BaseLayer.prototype.restartCallback = function (sender) { cc.log("restart called"); restartSpriteTestAction(); } BaseLayer.prototype.nextCallback = function (sender) { cc.log("next called"); nextSpriteTestAction(); } BaseLayer.prototype.backCallback = function (sender) { cc.log("back called"); backSpriteTestAction(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Sprite Touch test // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var SpriteTouchTest = function() { goog.base(this); this.initialize = function() { var platform = __getPlatform(); if( platform.substring(0,7) == 'desktop' ) this.setMouseEnabled( true ); else if( platform.substring(0,6) == 'mobile' ) this.setTouchEnabled( true ); this.addSprite( centerPos ); } this.addSprite = function(pos) { var sprite = this.createSprite( pos ); this.addChild( sprite ); } this.title = function () { return "Sprite: Simple action test"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "Tap screen to add more sprites"; } this.initialize(); } goog.inherits(SpriteTouchTest, BaseLayer ); SpriteTouchTest.prototype.onMouseDown = function( event ) { this.addSprite( event.getLocation() ); } SpriteTouchTest.prototype.onTouchesEnded = function( touches, event ) { var l = touches.length; for( var i=0; i < l; i++) { this.addSprite( touches[i].getLocation() ); } } SpriteTouchTest.prototype.createSprite = function( pos ) { var idx = Math.random() * 1400 / 100; idx = Math.floor( idx ); var x = Math.floor(idx%5) * 85; var y = Math.floor(idx/5) * 121; var sprite = cc.Sprite.create("grossini_dance_atlas.png", cc.rect(x,y,85,121) ); sprite.setPosition( pos ); var rand = Math.random(); if( rand < 0.20 ) { var action = cc.ScaleBy.create(3, 2 ); } else if(rand < 0.40) { var action = cc.RotateBy.create(3, 360 ); } else if( rand < 0.60) { var action = cc.Blink.create(1, 3 ); } else if( rand < 0.8 ) { var action = cc.TintBy.create(2, 0, -255, -255 ); } else { var action = cc.FadeOut.create( 2 ); } var action_back = action.reverse(); var seq = cc.Sequence.create(action, action_back); sprite.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( seq ) ); return sprite; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Sprite Batch Touch test // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var SpriteBatchTouchTest = function() { goog.base(this); this.initialize = function() { this.batch = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create("grossini_dance_atlas.png", 50 ); this.addChild( this.batch ); var platform = __getPlatform(); if( platform == 'OSX' ) { this.setIsMouseEnabled( true ); } else if( platform == 'iOS' ) { this.setIsTouchEnabled( true ); } } this.addSprite = function(pos) { var sprite = this.createSprite( pos ); this.batch.addChild( sprite ); } this.title = function () { return "SpriteBatch: Simple action test"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "Tap screen to add more sprites"; } this.initialize(); } goog.inherits( SpriteBatchTouchTest, SpriteTouchTest ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Sprite vs. SpriteBatch Animation // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var SpriteFrameTest = function() { goog.base(this); this.initialize = function() { var cache = cc.SpriteFrameCache.getInstance(); cache.addSpriteFrames( "animations/grossini.plist" ); cache.addSpriteFrames( "animations/grossini_gray.plist", "animations/grossini_gray.png" ); cache.addSpriteFrames( "animations/grossini_blue.plist", "animations/grossini_blue.png" ); // // Animation using Sprite batch // // A CCSpriteBatchNode can reference one and only one texture (one .png file) // Sprites that are contained in that texture can be instantiatied as CCSprites and then added to the CCSpriteBatchNode // All CCSprites added to a CCSpriteBatchNode are drawn in one OpenGL ES draw call // If the CCSprites are not added to a CCSpriteBatchNode then an OpenGL ES draw call will be needed for each one, which is less efficient // // When you animate a sprite, CCAnimation changes the frame of the sprite using setDisplayFrame: (this is why the animation must be in the same texture) // When setDisplayFrame: is used in the CCAnimation it changes the frame to one specified by the CCSpriteFrames that were added to the animation, // but texture id is still the same and so the sprite is still a child of the CCSpriteBatchNode, // and therefore all the animation sprites are also drawn as part of the CCSpriteBatchNode // var sprite1 = cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrameName("grossini_dance_01.png"); sprite1.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/2-80, winSize.height/2) ); var spritebatch = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create("animations/grossini.pvr.gz"); spritebatch.addChild(sprite1); this.addChild( spritebatch ); var frames = [] for( var i = 1; i < 15; i++) { if( i < 10 ) { var name = "grossini_dance_0" + i + ".png"; } else { var name = "grossini_dance_" + i + ".png"; } var frame = cache.getSpriteFrame( name ); frames.push( frame ); } var animation = cc.Animation.create( frames, 0.3 ); // 14 frames * 1sec = 14 seconds sprite1.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( cc.Animate.create( animation ) ) ); // // Animation using standard Sprite // // var sprite2 = cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrameName( "grossini_dance_01.png" ); sprite2.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/2 + 80, winSize.height/2) ); this.addChild( sprite2 ); var moreFrames = [] for(var i = 1; i < 15; i++) { if( i < 10 ) { var name = "grossini_dance_gray_0" + i + ".png"; } else { var name = "grossini_dance_gray_" + i + ".png"; } var frame = cache.getSpriteFrame( name ); moreFrames.push( frame ); } for( var i = 1; i < 5; i++) { var name = "grossini_blue_0" + i + ".png"; var frame = cache.getSpriteFrame( name ); moreFrames.push( frame ); } moreFrames.concat( frames ); var animMixed = cc.Animation.create( moreFrames, 0.3 ); // 32 frames * 1 seconds = 32 seconds sprite2.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( cc.Animate.create( animMixed ) ) ); // to test issue #732, uncomment the following line sprite2.setFlipX( false ); sprite2.setFlipY( false ); } this.title = function () { return "Sprite vs. SpriteBatchNode animation"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "Testing issue #792"; } this.initialize(); } goog.inherits( SpriteFrameTest, BaseLayer ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // SpriteAnchorPoint // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var SpriteAnchorPoint = function() { goog.base(this); this.initialize = function() { for(var i=0;i<3;i++) { var sprite = cc.Sprite.create("grossini_dance_atlas.png", cc.rect(85*i, 121*1, 85, 121) ); sprite.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/4*(i+1), winSize.height/2) ); var point = cc.Sprite.create( "r1.png" ); point.setScale( 0.25 ); point.setPosition( sprite.getPosition() ); this.addChild( point, 10 ); if( i == 0 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p( 0, 0) ); } else if( i == 1 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p(0.5, 0.5) ); } else if( i == 2 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p(1,1) ); } point.setPosition( sprite.getPosition() ); var rotate = cc.RotateBy.create(10, 360); var action = cc.RepeatForever.create( rotate ); sprite.runAction( action ); this.addChild( sprite, i ); } } this.title = function () { return "Sprite: anchor point"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "Testing 3 different anchor points"; } this.initialize(); } goog.inherits( SpriteAnchorPoint, BaseLayer ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // SpriteBatchAnchorPoint // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var SpriteBatchAnchorPoint = function() { goog.base(this); this.initialize = function() { var batch = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create( "grossini_dance_atlas.png" ); for(var i=0;i<3;i++) { var sprite = cc.Sprite.create("grossini_dance_atlas.png", cc.rect(85*i, 121*1, 85, 121) ); sprite.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/4*(i+1), winSize.height/2) ); var point = cc.Sprite.create( "r1.png" ); point.setScale( 0.25 ); point.setPosition( sprite.getPosition() ); this.addChild( point, 10 ); if( i == 0 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p( 0, 0) ); } else if( i == 1 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p(0.5, 0.5) ); } else if( i == 2 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p(1,1) ); } point.setPosition( sprite.getPosition() ); var rotate = cc.RotateBy.create(10, 360); var action = cc.RepeatForever.create( rotate ); sprite.runAction( action ); batch.addChild( sprite, i ); } this.addChild( batch ); } this.title = function () { return "Sprite Batch: anchor point"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "Testing 3 different anchor points"; } this.initialize(); } goog.inherits( SpriteBatchAnchorPoint, BaseLayer ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // SpriteOffsetAnchorFlip // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var SpriteOffsetAnchorFlip = function() { goog.base(this); this.initialize = function() { var cache = cc.SpriteFrameCache.getInstance(); cache.addSpriteFrames("animations/grossini.plist"); cache.addSpriteFrames("animations/grossini_gray.plist", "animations/grossini_gray.png"); for(var i=0;i<3;i++) { var sprite = cc.Sprite.create("grossini_dance_atlas.png", cc.rect(85*i, 121*1, 85, 121) ); sprite.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/4*(i+1), winSize.height/2) ); var point = cc.Sprite.create( "r1.png" ); point.setScale( 0.25 ); point.setPosition( sprite.getPosition() ); this.addChild( point, 10 ); if( i == 0 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p( 0, 0) ); } else if( i == 1 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p(0.5, 0.5) ); } else if( i == 2 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p(1,1) ); } point.setPosition( sprite.getPosition() ); var frames = [] for( var j = 1; j < 15; j++) { if( j < 10 ) { var name = "grossini_dance_0" + j + ".png"; } else { var name = "grossini_dance_" + j + ".png"; } var frame = cache.getSpriteFrame( name ); frames.push( frame ); } var animation = cc.Animation.create( frames, 0.3 ); sprite.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( cc.Animate.create( animation ) ) ); var flip = cc.FlipY.create( true ); var flip_back = cc.FlipY.create( false ); var delay = cc.DelayTime.create( 1 ); var delay2 = cc.DelayTime.create( 1 ); var seq = cc.Sequence.create( delay, flip, delay2, flip_back ); sprite.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( seq ) ); this.addChild( sprite ); } } this.title = function () { return "Sprite offset + anchor + flip"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "issue #1078"; } this.initialize(); } goog.inherits( SpriteOffsetAnchorFlip, BaseLayer ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // SpriteBatchOffsetAnchorFlip // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var SpriteBatchOffsetAnchorFlip = function() { goog.base(this); this.initialize = function() { var cache = cc.SpriteFrameCache.getInstance(); cache.addSpriteFrames("animations/grossini.plist"); cache.addSpriteFrames("animations/grossini_gray.plist", "animations/grossini_gray.png"); var batch = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create("animations/grossini.pvr.gz"); for(var i=0;i<3;i++) { var sprite = cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrameName("grossini_dance_01.png"); sprite.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/4*(i+1), winSize.height/2) ); var point = cc.Sprite.create( "r1.png" ); point.setScale( 0.25 ); point.setPosition( sprite.getPosition() ); this.addChild( point, 10 ); if( i == 0 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p( 0, 0) ); } else if( i == 1 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p(0.5, 0.5) ); } else if( i == 2 ) { sprite.setAnchorPoint( cc.p(1,1) ); } point.setPosition( sprite.getPosition() ); var frames = [] for( var j = 1; j < 15; j++) { if( j < 10 ) { var name = "grossini_dance_0" + j + ".png"; } else { var name = "grossini_dance_" + j + ".png"; } var frame = cache.getSpriteFrame( name ); frames.push( frame ); } var animation = cc.Animation.create( frames, 0.3 ); sprite.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( cc.Animate.create( animation ) ) ); var flip = cc.FlipY.create( true ); var flip_back = cc.FlipY.create( false ); var delay = cc.DelayTime.create( 1 ); var delay2 = cc.DelayTime.create( 1 ); var seq = cc.Sequence.create( delay, flip, delay2, flip_back ); sprite.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( seq ) ); batch.addChild( sprite ); } this.addChild(batch); } this.title = function () { return "SpriteBatch offset + anchor + flip"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "issue #1078"; } this.initialize(); } goog.inherits( SpriteBatchOffsetAnchorFlip, BaseLayer ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // SpriteColorOpacity // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var SpriteColorOpacity = function() { goog.base(this); this.initialize = function() { var sprite1 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite2 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite3 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite4 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite5 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite6 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite7 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite8 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); sprite1.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 1, (winSize.height / 3) * 1)); sprite2.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 2, (winSize.height / 3) * 1)); sprite3.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 3, (winSize.height / 3) * 1)); sprite4.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 4, (winSize.height / 3) * 1)); sprite5.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 1, (winSize.height / 3) * 2)); sprite6.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 2, (winSize.height / 3) * 2)); sprite7.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 3, (winSize.height / 3) * 2)); sprite8.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 4, (winSize.height / 3) * 2)); var action = cc.FadeIn.create(2); var action_back = action.reverse(); var fade = cc.RepeatForever.create( cc.Sequence.create( action, action_back ) ); var tintRed = cc.TintBy.create(2, 0, -255, -255); // var tintRed = cc.RotateBy.create(2, 360 ); var tintRedBack = tintRed.reverse(); var red = cc.RepeatForever.create(cc.Sequence.create( tintRed, tintRedBack ) ); var tintGreen = cc.TintBy.create(2, -255, 0, -255); var tintGreenBack = tintGreen.reverse(); var green = cc.RepeatForever.create(cc.Sequence.create( tintGreen, tintGreenBack ) ); var tintBlue = cc.TintBy.create(2, -255, -255, 0); var tintBlueBack = tintBlue.reverse(); var blue = cc.RepeatForever.create(cc.Sequence.create( tintBlue, tintBlueBack ) ); sprite5.runAction(red); sprite6.runAction(green); sprite7.runAction(blue); sprite8.runAction(fade); // late add: test dirtyColor and dirtyPosition this.addChild(sprite1); this.addChild(sprite2); this.addChild(sprite3); this.addChild(sprite4); this.addChild(sprite5); this.addChild(sprite6); this.addChild(sprite7); this.addChild(sprite8); } // // Instance methods // this.title = function () { return "Sprite: Color & Opacity"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "testing opacity and color"; } this.initialize(); } goog.inherits(SpriteColorOpacity, BaseLayer ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // SpriteBatchColorOpacity // //------------------------------------------------------------------ var SpriteBatchColorOpacity = function() { goog.base(this); this.initialize = function() { var batch = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', 10); var sprite1 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite2 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite3 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite4 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite5 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite6 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite7 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); var sprite8 = cc.Sprite.create('grossini_dance_atlas.png', cc.rect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121)); sprite1.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 1, (winSize.height / 3) * 1)); sprite2.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 2, (winSize.height / 3) * 1)); sprite3.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 3, (winSize.height / 3) * 1)); sprite4.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 4, (winSize.height / 3) * 1)); sprite5.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 1, (winSize.height / 3) * 2)); sprite6.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 2, (winSize.height / 3) * 2)); sprite7.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 3, (winSize.height / 3) * 2)); sprite8.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width / 5) * 4, (winSize.height / 3) * 2)); var action = cc.FadeIn.create(2); var action_back = action.reverse(); var fade = cc.RepeatForever.create( cc.Sequence.create( action, action_back ) ); var tintRed = cc.TintBy.create(2, 0, -255, -255); // var tintRed = cc.RotateBy.create(2, 360 ); var tintRedBack = tintRed.reverse(); var red = cc.RepeatForever.create(cc.Sequence.create( tintRed, tintRedBack ) ); var tintGreen = cc.TintBy.create(2, -255, 0, -255); var tintGreenBack = tintGreen.reverse(); var green = cc.RepeatForever.create(cc.Sequence.create( tintGreen, tintGreenBack ) ); var tintBlue = cc.TintBy.create(2, -255, -255, 0); var tintBlueBack = tintBlue.reverse(); var blue = cc.RepeatForever.create(cc.Sequence.create( tintBlue, tintBlueBack ) ); sprite5.runAction(red); sprite6.runAction(green); sprite7.runAction(blue); sprite8.runAction(fade); // late add: test dirtyColor and dirtyPosition this.addChild(batch); batch.addChild(sprite1); batch.addChild(sprite2); batch.addChild(sprite3); batch.addChild(sprite4); batch.addChild(sprite5); batch.addChild(sprite6); batch.addChild(sprite7); batch.addChild(sprite8); } // // Instance methods // this.title = function () { return "Sprite Batch: Color & Opacity"; } this.subtitle = function () { return "testing opacity and color with batches"; } this.initialize(); } goog.inherits(SpriteBatchColorOpacity, BaseLayer ); // // Order of tests // scenes.push( SpriteTouchTest ); scenes.push( SpriteBatchTouchTest ); scenes.push( SpriteFrameTest ); scenes.push( SpriteAnchorPoint ); scenes.push( SpriteBatchAnchorPoint ); scenes.push( SpriteOffsetAnchorFlip ); scenes.push( SpriteBatchOffsetAnchorFlip ); scenes.push( SpriteColorOpacity ); scenes.push( SpriteBatchColorOpacity ); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Main entry point // //------------------------------------------------------------------ function run() { var scene = cc.Scene.create(); var layer = new scenes[currentScene](); scene.addChild( layer ); var runningScene = director.getRunningScene(); if( runningScene == null ) director.runWithScene( scene ); else director.replaceScene( cc.TransitionFade.create(0.5, scene ) ); } run();