-------------------------------- -- @module Show -- @extend ActionInstant -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- Allocates and initializes the action.<br> -- return An autoreleased Show object. -- @function [parent=#Show] create -- @param self -- @return Show#Show ret (return value: cc.Show) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Show] clone -- @param self -- @return Show#Show ret (return value: cc.Show) -------------------------------- -- param time In seconds. -- @function [parent=#Show] update -- @param self -- @param #float time -- @return Show#Show self (return value: cc.Show) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Show] reverse -- @param self -- @return ActionInstant#ActionInstant ret (return value: cc.ActionInstant) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Show] Show -- @param self -- @return Show#Show self (return value: cc.Show) return nil