#!/usr/bin/python # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # generate the prebuilt Android.mk from source code Android.mk # # Copyright 2014 (C) zhangbin # # License: MIT # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' generate the prebuilt Android.mk from source code Android.mk ''' import os import shutil import re from argparse import ArgumentParser class MKGenerator(object): SRC_FILE_CFG_PATTERN = r"^LOCAL_SRC_FILES[ \t]+[\:\+]=[ \t]+.+" INCLUDE_CFG_PATTERN = r"^include[ \t]+\$\(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY\)" LIB_MODULE_PATTERN = r"^LOCAL_MODULE[ \t]+\:=[ \t]+(.+)" LIB_MODULE_FILENAME_PATTERN = r"^LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME[ \t]+\:=[ \t]+(.+)" EXPORT_INCLUDE_PATTERN = r"^LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES[ \t]+[\:\+]=[ \t]+(.+)" INCLUDE_MODULE_PATTERN = r"^\$\(call[ \t]*import-module,[ \t]*(.*)\)" def __init__(self, src_mk_path, lib_file_path, dst_mk_path=None): if os.path.isabs(src_mk_path): self.src_mk_path = src_mk_path else: self.src_mk_path = os.path.abspath(src_mk_path) if os.path.isabs(lib_file_path): self.lib_file_path = lib_file_path else: self.lib_file_path = os.path.abspath(lib_file_path) if dst_mk_path is None: self.dst_mk_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src_mk_path), "Android-prebuilt.mk") else: if os.path.isabs(dst_mk_path): self.dst_mk_path = dst_mk_path else: self.dst_mk_path = os.path.abspath(dst_mk_path) dst_mk_dir = os.path.dirname(self.dst_mk_path) if not os.path.exists(dst_mk_dir): os.makedirs(dst_mk_dir) from utils_cocos import win2unix win2unix(self.src_mk_path) def get_lib_file_name(self): src_mk_obj = open(self.src_mk_path) module_file_name = None module_name = None for line in src_mk_obj.readlines(): trim_line = line.lstrip(" ") trim_line = trim_line.rstrip(" ") match1 = re.match(MKGenerator.LIB_MODULE_FILENAME_PATTERN, trim_line) if match1 is not None: module_file_name = match1.group(1) match2 = re.match(MKGenerator.LIB_MODULE_PATTERN, trim_line) if match2 is not None: module_name = match2.group(1) ret = None if module_file_name is not None: ret = "%s.a" % module_file_name elif module_name is not None: ret = "lib%s.a" % module_name src_mk_obj.close() return ret def modidy_src_file(self, lines, new_src_file): new_lines = [] src_file_begin_flag = False added = False for line in lines: trim_line = line.lstrip(" ") if re.match(MKGenerator.SRC_FILE_CFG_PATTERN, trim_line): if not added: new_lines.append("LOCAL_SRC_FILES := %s\n" % new_src_file) added = True if line.endswith("\\\n"): src_file_begin_flag = True elif src_file_begin_flag: if not line.endswith("\\\n"): src_file_begin_flag = False else: new_lines.append(line) return new_lines def remove_config(self, lines, cfg_key): new_lines = [] cfg_begin = False line_pattern = r"^%s[ ]+[\+\:]=[ ]+.+" % cfg_key for line in lines: trim_line = line.lstrip(" ") if re.match(line_pattern, trim_line): if line.endswith("\\\n"): cfg_begin = True elif cfg_begin: if not line.endswith("\\\n"): cfg_begin = False else: new_lines.append(line) return new_lines def modify_export_c_include(self, lines): if self.src_mk_path == self.dst_mk_path: return lines new_lines = [] insert_idx = -1 cur_idx = 0 include_paths = [] cfg_begin = False for line in lines: trim_line = line.lstrip(" ") match = re.match(MKGenerator.EXPORT_INCLUDE_PATTERN, trim_line) if match is not None: if insert_idx == -1: insert_idx = cur_idx path_str = match.group(1) if line.endswith("\\\n"): cfg_begin = True path_str = path_str.replace("\\", "") include_paths += path_str.split() elif cfg_begin: path_str = trim_line if line.endswith("\\\n"): path_str = path_str.replace("\\\n", "") else: cfg_begin = False include_paths += path_str.split() else: new_lines.append(line) cur_idx += 1 src_dir = os.path.dirname(self.src_mk_path) dst_dir = os.path.dirname(self.dst_mk_path) rel_path = os.path.relpath(src_dir, dst_dir) new_include_paths = [] for include_path in include_paths: if include_path.startswith("$(LOCAL_PATH)"): new_path = include_path.replace("$(LOCAL_PATH)", "$(LOCAL_PATH)/%s" % rel_path) else: new_path = "$(LOCAL_PATH)/%s/%s" % (rel_path, include_path) new_include_paths.append(new_path) new_path_str = "LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := " new_path_str += " \\\n".join(new_include_paths) new_path_str += "\n" if insert_idx >= 0: new_lines.insert(insert_idx, new_path_str) else: new_lines.append(new_path_str) return new_lines def modify_include_cfg(self, lines): new_lines = [] for line in lines: trim_line = line.lstrip(" ") if re.match(MKGenerator.INCLUDE_CFG_PATTERN, trim_line): new_lines.append("include $(PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY)\n") else: new_lines.append(line) return new_lines def modify_import_module(self, lines): if self.src_mk_path == self.dst_mk_path: return lines new_lines = [] ignore_strs = [ "prebuilt" ] for line in lines: trim_line = line.lstrip(" ") match = re.match(MKGenerator.INCLUDE_MODULE_PATTERN, trim_line) if match is not None: module = match.group(1) need_modify = True for str in ignore_strs: if module.find(str) >= 0: need_modify = False break if need_modify: new_lines.append("$(call import-module, %s/prebuilt-mk)\n" % module) else: new_lines.append(line) else: new_lines.append(line) return new_lines def use_whole_lib(self, lines): new_lines = [] for line in lines: new_line = line.replace("LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES", "LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES") new_lines.append(new_line) return new_lines def do_generate(self): lib_file_name = self.get_lib_file_name() if lib_file_name is None: raise Exception("The mk file %s not specify module name.") src_mk_obj = open(self.src_mk_path) # open the dst file tmp_file = "%s-tmp" % self.src_mk_path use_tmp_file = False if self.dst_mk_path == self.src_mk_path: use_tmp_file = True dst_mk_obj = open(tmp_file, "w") else: dst_mk_obj = open(self.dst_mk_path, "w") relative_path = os.path.relpath(self.lib_file_path, os.path.dirname(self.dst_mk_path)) relative_path = "%s/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)/%s" % (relative_path, lib_file_name) # read the src file src_lines = src_mk_obj.readlines() # modify the LOCAL_SRC_FILES dst_lines = self.modidy_src_file(src_lines, relative_path) # remove the LOCAL_C_INCLUDES & LOCAL_LDLIBS dst_lines = self.remove_config(dst_lines, "LOCAL_C_INCLUDES") dst_lines = self.remove_config(dst_lines, "LOCAL_LDLIBS") # modify the LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES dst_lines = self.modify_export_c_include(dst_lines) # modify the line $(include BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY) dst_lines = self.modify_include_cfg(dst_lines) # modify the import-module dst_lines = self.modify_import_module(dst_lines) # use whole libs dst_lines = self.use_whole_lib(dst_lines) dst_mk_obj.writelines(dst_lines) #close files dst_mk_obj.close() src_mk_obj.close() # rename the file if temp file used if use_tmp_file: os.remove(self.src_mk_path) os.rename(tmp_file, self.dst_mk_path) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser(description="Generate prebuilt engine for Cocos Engine.") parser.add_argument('-s', '--src-mk', dest='src_mk', help='The source Android.mk path.') parser.add_argument('-d', "--dst-mk", dest='dst_mk', help='The output path of Android.mk. Default is beside the source mk with name \"Android-prebuilt.mk\".') parser.add_argument('-l', "--lib-path", dest='lib_path', help='The lib file path.') (args, unknown) = parser.parse_known_args() gen_obj = MKGenerator(args.src_mk, args.lib_path, args.dst_mk) gen_obj.do_generate()