/* * cocos2d-x http://www.cocos2d-x.org * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 - cocos2d-x community * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. * * Portions Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. * All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "platform/CCPlatformConfig.h" #if CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT #include "audio/winrt/AudioCachePlayer.h" #include "base/CCDirector.h" #include "base/CCScheduler.h" using namespace cocos2d; using namespace cocos2d::experimental; inline void ThrowIfFailed(HRESULT hr) { if (FAILED(hr)) { // Set a breakpoint on this line to catch XAudio2 API errors. throw Platform::Exception::CreateException(hr); } } // AudioCache AudioCache::AudioCache() : _isReady(false) , _retry(false) , _fileFullPath("") , _srcReader(nullptr) , _fileFormat(FileFormat::UNKNOWN) { _callbacks.clear(); memset(&_audInfo, 0, sizeof(AudioInfo)); } AudioCache::~AudioCache() { _callbacks.clear(); if (nullptr != _srcReader) { delete _srcReader; _srcReader = nullptr; } } void AudioCache::readDataTask() { if (_isReady) { return; } if (nullptr != _srcReader) { delete _srcReader; _srcReader = nullptr; } switch (_fileFormat) { case FileFormat::WAV: _srcReader = new (std::nothrow) WAVReader(); break; case FileFormat::OGG: _srcReader = new (std::nothrow) OGGReader(); break; case FileFormat::MP3: _srcReader = new (std::nothrow) MP3Reader(); break; case FileFormat::UNKNOWN: default: break; } if (_srcReader && _srcReader->initialize(_fileFullPath)) { _audInfo._totalAudioBytes = _srcReader->getTotalAudioBytes(); _audInfo._wfx = _srcReader->getWaveFormatInfo(); _isReady = true; _retry = false; invokePlayCallbacks(); } if (!_isReady) { _retry = true; log("Failed to read input file: %s.\n", _fileFullPath.c_str()); } invokeLoadCallbacks(); } void AudioCache::addPlayCallback(const std::function &callback) { _cbMutex.lock(); if (_isReady) { callback(); } else { _callbacks.push_back(callback); } _cbMutex.unlock(); if (_retry) { readDataTask(); } } void AudioCache::addLoadCallback(const std::function &callback) { if (_isReady) { callback(true); } else { _loadCallbacks.push_back(callback); } if (_retry) { readDataTask(); } } void AudioCache::invokePlayCallbacks() { _cbMutex.lock(); auto cnt = _callbacks.size(); for (size_t ind = 0; ind < cnt; ind++) { _callbacks[ind](); } _callbacks.clear(); _cbMutex.unlock(); } void AudioCache::invokeLoadCallbacks() { auto scheduler = Director::getInstance()->getScheduler(); scheduler->performFunctionInCocosThread([&](){ auto cnt = _loadCallbacks.size(); for (size_t ind = 0; ind < cnt; ind++) { _loadCallbacks[ind](_isReady); } _loadCallbacks.clear(); }); } bool AudioCache::getChunk(AudioDataChunk& chunk) { bool ret = false; if (nullptr != _srcReader) { ret = _srcReader->consumeChunk(chunk); } return ret; } void AudioCache::doBuffering() { if (isStreamingSource()){ _srcReader->produceChunk(); } } bool AudioCache::isStreamingSource() { if (nullptr != _srcReader) { return _srcReader->isStreamingSource(); } return false; } void AudioCache::seek(const float ratio) { if (nullptr != _srcReader){ _srcReader->seekTo(ratio); } } // AudioPlayer AudioPlayer::AudioPlayer() : _loop(false) , _ready(false) , _current(0.0) , _volume(0.0) , _duration(0.0) , _cache(nullptr) , _totalSamples(0) , _samplesOffset(0) , _criticalError(false) , _isStreaming(false) , _finishCallback(nullptr) , _xaMasterVoice(nullptr) , _xaSourceVoice(nullptr) , _state(AudioPlayerState::INITIALIZING) { init(); } AudioPlayer::~AudioPlayer() { free(); } void AudioPlayer::stop() { _stop(); } void AudioPlayer::pause() { _stop(true); } bool AudioPlayer::update() { if (_criticalError){ free(); init(); } if (_cache != nullptr) { _cache->doBuffering(); } //log("bufferQueued: %d, _current: %f", _cachedBufferQ.size(), _current); return _criticalError; } void AudioPlayer::resume() { _play(true); } bool AudioPlayer::isInError() { return _criticalError; } float AudioPlayer::getDuration() { if (nullptr == _cache) { return _duration; } auto fmt = _cache->_audInfo._wfx; if (!fmt.nChannels) { return _duration; } if ((int)_duration <= 0) { switch (fmt.wFormatTag) { case WAVE_FORMAT_PCM: case WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM: _duration = (float(_cache->_audInfo._totalAudioBytes / ((fmt.wBitsPerSample / 8) * fmt.nChannels)) / fmt.nSamplesPerSec) * 1000; _totalSamples = fmt.nSamplesPerSec * _duration / 1000; break; default: break; } } return _duration; } float AudioPlayer::getCurrentTime() { _stMutex.lock(); auto samplesPlayed = getSourceVoiceState().SamplesPlayed; //log("_samplesOffset: %lu, samplesPlayed: %lu, _current: %f", (UINT32)_samplesOffset, (UINT32)samplesPlayed, _current); _current += ((samplesPlayed - _samplesOffset) / (float)_totalSamples) * _duration; _current = _current > _duration ? 0.0 : _current; _samplesOffset = samplesPlayed; _stMutex.unlock(); return _current; } bool AudioPlayer::setTime(float time) { bool ret = true; _stop(); if (!_isStreaming) { auto fmt = _cache->_audInfo._wfx; int seek = (time / _duration) * _totalSamples; seek -= (seek % (fmt.nChannels * fmt.nBlockAlign)); _xaBuffer.LoopCount = 0; _xaBuffer.PlayBegin = seek; _xaBuffer.PlayLength = _totalSamples - seek; if (_xaBuffer.PlayBegin >= _totalSamples) { _xaBuffer.PlayBegin = _totalSamples - (fmt.nChannels * fmt.nBlockAlign); _xaBuffer.PlayLength = (fmt.nChannels * fmt.nBlockAlign); } } _stMutex.lock(); _samplesOffset = getSourceVoiceState().SamplesPlayed; _current = time; _stMutex.unlock(); _play(); return ret; } void AudioPlayer::setVolume(float volume) { if (_xaMasterVoice != nullptr){ if (FAILED(_xaMasterVoice->SetVolume(volume))) { error(); } else { _volume = volume; } } } bool AudioPlayer::play2d(AudioCache* cache) { bool ret = false; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (cache != nullptr) { _cache = cache; if (nullptr == _xaSourceVoice && _ready) { XAUDIO2_SEND_DESCRIPTOR descriptors[1]; descriptors[0].pOutputVoice = _xaMasterVoice; descriptors[0].Flags = 0; XAUDIO2_VOICE_SENDS sends = { 0 }; sends.SendCount = 1; sends.pSends = descriptors; hr = _xaEngine->CreateSourceVoice(&_xaSourceVoice, &cache->_audInfo._wfx, 0, 1.0, this, &sends); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _isStreaming = _cache->isStreamingSource(); _duration = getDuration(); ret = _play(); } else { error(); } } return ret; } void AudioPlayer::init() { do { memset(&_xaBuffer, 0, sizeof(_xaBuffer)); if (FAILED(XAudio2Create(_xaEngine.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()))) { error(); break; } #if defined(_DEBUG) XAUDIO2_DEBUG_CONFIGURATION debugConfig = { 0 }; debugConfig.BreakMask = XAUDIO2_LOG_ERRORS; debugConfig.TraceMask = XAUDIO2_LOG_ERRORS; _xaEngine->SetDebugConfiguration(&debugConfig); #endif _xaEngine->RegisterForCallbacks(this); if (FAILED(_xaEngine->CreateMasteringVoice(&_xaMasterVoice, XAUDIO2_DEFAULT_CHANNELS, XAUDIO2_DEFAULT_SAMPLERATE, 0, nullptr, nullptr, AudioCategory_GameMedia))) { error(); break; } _ready = true; _state = AudioPlayerState::READY; } while (false); } void AudioPlayer::free() { _ready = false; _stop(); memset(&_xaBuffer, 0, sizeof(_xaBuffer)); if (_xaEngine) { _xaEngine->UnregisterForCallbacks(this); _xaEngine->StopEngine(); } if (_xaSourceVoice != nullptr) { _xaSourceVoice->DestroyVoice(); _xaSourceVoice = nullptr; } if (_xaMasterVoice != nullptr) { _xaMasterVoice->DestroyVoice(); _xaMasterVoice = nullptr; } while (!_cachedBufferQ.empty()) { popBuffer(); } } bool AudioPlayer::_play(bool resume) { do { if (!resume) { _cache->seek(_current / _duration); submitBuffers(); } if (_state == AudioPlayerState::PAUSED && !resume || nullptr == _xaSourceVoice) break; if (FAILED(_xaMasterVoice->SetVolume(_volume)) || FAILED(_xaSourceVoice->Start())) { error(); } else { _state = AudioPlayerState::PLAYING; } } while (false); return !_criticalError; } void AudioPlayer::_stop(bool pause) { if (_xaSourceVoice != nullptr) { if (FAILED(_xaSourceVoice->Stop())) { error(); } else { if (!pause) { _xaSourceVoice->FlushSourceBuffers(); if (_state != AudioPlayerState::PAUSED) _state = AudioPlayerState::STOPPED; } else { _state = AudioPlayerState::PAUSED; } } } } void AudioPlayer::error() { _criticalError = true; _ready = false; _state = AudioPlayerState::ERRORED; CCLOG("Audio system encountered error."); } void AudioPlayer::popBuffer() { _bqMutex.lock(); if (!_cachedBufferQ.empty()) { _cachedBufferQ.pop(); } _bqMutex.unlock(); } bool AudioPlayer::submitBuffers() { bool ret = false; _bqMutex.lock(); do { if (nullptr == _xaSourceVoice) break; if (!_cachedBufferQ.size() || (_isStreaming && _cachedBufferQ.size() < QUEUEBUFFER_NUM)) { AudioDataChunk chunk; if (_cache->getChunk(chunk) && chunk._dataSize) { _xaBuffer.AudioBytes = static_cast(chunk._dataSize); _xaBuffer.pAudioData = chunk._data->data(); _xaBuffer.Flags = chunk._endOfStream ? XAUDIO2_END_OF_STREAM : 0; _cachedBufferQ.push(chunk); ret = SUCCEEDED(_xaSourceVoice->SubmitSourceBuffer(&_xaBuffer)); if (!_isStreaming) break; } else { break; } } else if (!_isStreaming) { ret = SUCCEEDED(_xaSourceVoice->SubmitSourceBuffer(&_xaBuffer)); break; } else { break; } } while (ret); _bqMutex.unlock(); return ret; } void AudioPlayer::updateState() { if (!_isStreaming) { _stMutex.lock(); _samplesOffset = getSourceVoiceState().SamplesPlayed; _stMutex.unlock(); } else { if (_cachedBufferQ.size() > getSourceVoiceState(true).BuffersQueued) { popBuffer(); } } } void AudioPlayer::onBufferRunOut() { _stMutex.lock(); _samplesOffset = 0; _current = 0.0; _xaBuffer.PlayBegin = _xaBuffer.PlayLength = 0; _stMutex.unlock(); if (!_loop) { _stop(); //invokeFinishCallback(); } else { _play(); } } void AudioPlayer::invokeFinishCallback() { if (_finishCallback) { _finishCallback(0, ""); } } XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE AudioPlayer::getSourceVoiceState(bool fast) { XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE state; memset(&state, 0, sizeof(XAUDIO2_VOICE_STATE)); if (_xaSourceVoice != nullptr) { _xaSourceVoice->GetState(&state, fast ? XAUDIO2_VOICE_NOSAMPLESPLAYED : 0); } return state; } // IXAudio2EngineCallback void AudioPlayer::OnProcessingPassStart() { } void AudioPlayer::OnProcessingPassEnd() { } void AudioPlayer::OnCriticalError(HRESULT err) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(err); if (_ready) { error(); } } // IXAudio2VoiceCallback void AudioPlayer::OnVoiceProcessingPassStart(UINT32 uBytesRequired) { if (_ready && uBytesRequired && _isStreaming){ submitBuffers(); } } void AudioPlayer::OnVoiceProcessingPassEnd() { } void AudioPlayer::OnStreamEnd() { if (_ready) { onBufferRunOut(); } } void AudioPlayer::OnBufferStart(void* pBufferContext) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pBufferContext); } void AudioPlayer::OnBufferEnd(void* pBufferContext) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pBufferContext); if (_ready) { updateState(); } } void AudioPlayer::OnLoopEnd(void* pBufferContext) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pBufferContext); if (_ready && !_loop) { _stop(); } } void AudioPlayer::OnVoiceError(void* pBufferContext, HRESULT err) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pBufferContext); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(err); if (_ready) { error(); } } #endif