-------------------------------- -- @module DrawNode -- @extend Node -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- draw a quadratic bezier curve with color and number of segments -- @function [parent=#DrawNode] drawQuadraticBezier -- @param self -- @param #vec2_table from -- @param #vec2_table control -- @param #vec2_table to -- @param #unsigned int segments -- @param #color4f_table color -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#DrawNode] onDraw -- @param self -- @param #mat4_table transform -- @param #unsigned int flags -------------------------------- -- Clear the geometry in the node's buffer. -- @function [parent=#DrawNode] clear -- @param self -------------------------------- -- draw a triangle with color -- @function [parent=#DrawNode] drawTriangle -- @param self -- @param #vec2_table p1 -- @param #vec2_table p2 -- @param #vec2_table p3 -- @param #color4f_table color -------------------------------- -- draw a dot at a position, with a given radius and color -- @function [parent=#DrawNode] drawDot -- @param self -- @param #vec2_table pos -- @param #float radius -- @param #color4f_table color -------------------------------- -- draw a cubic bezier curve with color and number of segments -- @function [parent=#DrawNode] drawCubicBezier -- @param self -- @param #vec2_table from -- @param #vec2_table control1 -- @param #vec2_table control2 -- @param #vec2_table to -- @param #unsigned int segments -- @param #color4f_table color -------------------------------- -- draw a segment with a radius and color -- @function [parent=#DrawNode] drawSegment -- @param self -- @param #vec2_table from -- @param #vec2_table to -- @param #float radius -- @param #color4f_table color -------------------------------- -- creates and initialize a DrawNode node -- @function [parent=#DrawNode] create -- @param self -- @return DrawNode#DrawNode ret (return value: cc.DrawNode) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#DrawNode] draw -- @param self -- @param #cc.Renderer renderer -- @param #mat4_table transform -- @param #unsigned int flags return nil