#ifndef _MCI_PLAYER_WIN32_H_ #define _MCI_PLAYER_WIN32_H_ #include "platform/CCStdC.h" #include #include using namespace std; namespace CocosDenshion { class MciPlayer { public: MciPlayer(); ~MciPlayer(); void Close(); /** @brief Play sound file @param pFileName Sound's file name,include the file path. @param nTimes Play modeŁ¬default value is 1,paly once */ void Open(const char* pFileName, UINT uId); void Play(UINT uTimes = 1); /** @brief Pause play */ void Pause(); /** @brief Resume play */ void Resume(); /** @brief Stop play */ void Stop(); /** @brief Replay */ void Rewind(); /** @brief Is Playing */ bool IsPlaying(); /** @brief Get playing sound's ID @return Sound's ID */ UINT GetSoundID(); private: friend LRESULT WINAPI _SoundPlayProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void _SendGenericCommand(int nCommand, DWORD_PTR param1 = 0, DWORD_PTR parma2 = 0); HWND _wnd; MCIDEVICEID _dev; UINT _soundID; UINT _times; bool _playing; std::string strExt; }; } // end of namespace CocosDenshion #endif