 Copyright (c) 2013 cocos2d-x.org
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#ifndef __UIWIDGET_H__
#define __UIWIDGET_H__

#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "ExtensionMacros.h"
#include "../Layouts/UILayoutDefine.h"
#include "../Layouts/LayoutParameter.h"

typedef enum
    BRIGHT_NONE = -1,

typedef enum
    WidgetTypeWidget, //control
    WidgetTypeContainer //container

typedef enum

typedef enum

typedef enum

typedef enum

typedef void (Object::*SEL_TouchEvent)(Object*,TouchEventType);
#define toucheventselector(_SELECTOR) (cocos2d::extension::SEL_TouchEvent)(&_SELECTOR)

//class UILayer;
/*temp action*/
class UIActionNode;

class UIWidget : public Object
     * Default constructor
     * Default destructor
    virtual ~UIWidget();
     * Allocates and initializes a widget.
    static UIWidget* create();
     * Sets whether the widget is enabled
     * Highest control of widget.
     * The default value is true, a widget is default to enabled
     * @param enabled   true if the widget is enabled, widget may be touched and visible, false if the widget is disabled, widget cannot be touched and hidden.
    virtual void setEnabled(bool enabled);
     * Determines if the widget is enabled
     * @return true if the widget is enabled, false if the widget is disabled.
    bool isEnabled() const;
     * Sets whether the widget is visible
     * The default value is true, a widget is default to visible
     * @param visible   true if the widget is visible, false if the widget is hidden.
    void setVisible(bool visible);
     * Determines if the widget is visible
     * @return true if the widget is visible, false if the widget is hidden.
    bool isVisible() const;
     * Sets whether the widget is bright
     * The default value is true, a widget is default to bright
     * @param visible   true if the widget is bright, false if the widget is dark.
    void setBright(bool bright);
     * Determines if the widget is bright
     * @return true if the widget is bright, false if the widget is dark.
    bool isBright() const;
     * Sets whether the widget is touch enabled
     * The default value is false, a widget is default to touch disabled
     * @param visible   true if the widget is touch enabled, false if the widget is touch disabled.
    virtual void setTouchEnabled(bool enabled);
     * To set the bright style of widget.
     * @see BrightStyle
     * @param style   BRIGHT_NORMAL the widget is normal state, BRIGHT_HIGHLIGHT the widget is height light state.
    void setBrightStyle(BrightStyle style);
     * Determines if the widget is touch enabled
     * @return true if the widget is touch enabled, false if the widget is touch disabled.
    bool isTouchEnabled() const;
     * Determines if the widget is on focused
     * @return true if the widget is on focused, false if the widget is not on focused.
    bool isFocused() const;

     * Sets whether the widget is on focused
     * The default value is false, a widget is default to not on focused
     * @param fucosed   true if the widget is on focused, false if the widget is not on focused.
    void setFocused(bool fucosed);
     * Sets the Z order which stands for the drawing order, and reorder this widget in its parent's children array.
     * The Z order of widget is relative to its "brothers": children of the same parent.
     * It's nothing to do with OpenGL's z vertex. This one only affects the draw order of widgets in cocos2d.
     * The larger number it is, the later this widget will be drawn in each message loop.
     * Please refer to setVertexZ(float) for the difference.
     * @param nZOrder   Z order of this widget.
    void setZOrder(int z);
     * Gets the Z order of this widget.
     * @see setZOrder(int)
     * @return The Z order.
    int getZOrder();
     * Gets the left boundary position of this widget.
     * @return The left boundary position of this widget.
    float getLeftInParent();
     * Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget.
     * @return The bottom boundary position of this widget.
    float getBottomInParent();
     * Gets the right boundary position of this widget.
     * @return The right boundary position of this widget.
    float getRightInParent();
     * Gets the top boundary position of this widget.
     * @return The top boundary position of this widget.
    float getTopInParent();

     * Adds a child to the container.
     * @param child A child widget
    virtual bool addChild(UIWidget* child);
     * Removes a child from the container with a cleanup
     * @param child     The child widget which will be removed.
     * @return the result of removing, succeeded or failed.
    virtual bool removeChild(UIWidget* child);

     * Removes this widget itself from its parent widget.
     * If the widget orphan, then it will destroy itself.
    virtual void removeFromParent();
     * Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
    virtual void removeAllChildren();
     * Unschedules the "update" method.
    void disableUpdate();
     * Reorders a child according to a new z value.
     * @param child     An already added child node. It MUST be already added.
     * @param zOrder    Z order for drawing priority and touched priority. Please refer to setZOrder(int)
    virtual void reorderChild(UIWidget* child);
     * Gets a child from the container with its name
     * @param name   An key to find the child widget.
     * @return a UIWidget object whose name equals to the input parameter
    UIWidget* getChildByName(const char* name);
     * Gets a child from the container with its tag
     * @param tag   An identifier to find the child widget.
     * @return a UIWidget object whose tag equals to the input parameter
    UIWidget* getChildByTag(int tag);
     * Return an array of children
     * Composing a "tree" structure is a very important feature of UIWidget
     * @return An array of children
    virtual Array* getChildren();
     * Gets the renderer of widget
     * renderer is a CCNode, it's for drawing
     * @return a CCNode object
    Node* getRenderer();
     * Add a CCNode for rendering.
     * renderer is a CCNode, it's for drawing
     * @param renderer     A render node
     * @param zOrder    Z order for drawing priority. Please refer to CCNode::setZOrder(int)
    void addRenderer(Node* renderer, int zOrder);
     * Remove a CCNode from widget.
     * renderer is a CCNode, it's for drawing
     * @param renderer     A render node which needs to be removed
     * @param cleanup   true if all running actions and callbacks on the render node will be cleanup, false otherwise.
    void removeRenderer(Node* renderer, bool cleanup);
     * Sets the parent widget
     * @param parent    A pointer to the parnet widget
    void setParent(UIWidget* parent);
     * Returns a pointer to the parent widget
     * @see setParent(UIWidget*)
     * @returns A pointer to the parnet widget
    UIWidget* getParent();
     * Sets the touch event target/selector of the menu item
    void addTouchEventListener(Object* target,SEL_TouchEvent selector);
    //cocos2d property
     * Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
     * Usually we use ccp(x,y) to compose Point object.
     * The original point (0,0) is at the left-bottom corner of screen.
     * @param position  The position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
    void setPosition(const Point &pos);
     * Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
     * Usually we use ccp(x,y) to compose Point object.
     * The original point (0,0) is at the left-bottom corner of screen.
     * @param percent  The percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
    void setPositionPercent(const Point &percent);
     * Gets the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
     * @see setPosition(const Point&)
     * @return The position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
    const Point& getPosition();
     * Gets the percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
     * @see setPosition(const Point&)
     * @return The percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
    const Point& getPositionPercent();
     * Changes the position type of the widget
     * @see PositionType
     * @param type  the position type of widget
    void setPositionType(PositionType type);

     * Gets the position type of the widget
     * @see PositionType
     * @return type  the position type of widget
    PositionType getPositionType() const;
     * Sets the anchor point in percent.
     * anchorPoint is the point around which all transformations and positioning manipulations take place.
     * It's like a pin in the widget where it is "attached" to its parent.
     * The anchorPoint is normalized, like a percentage. (0,0) means the bottom-left corner and (1,1) means the top-right corner.
     * But you can use values higher than (1,1) and lower than (0,0) too.
     * The default anchorPoint is (0.5,0.5), so it starts in the center of the widget.
     * @param anchorPoint   The anchor point of widget.
    virtual void setAnchorPoint(const Point &pt);
     * Returns the anchor point in percent.
     * @see setAnchorPoint(const Point&)
     * @return The anchor point of widget.
    const Point& getAnchorPoint();
     * Changes both X and Y scale factor of the widget.
     * 1.0 is the default scale factor. It modifies the X and Y scale at the same time.
     * @param scale     The scale factor for both X and Y axis.
    virtual void setScale(float fScale);
     * Gets the scale factor of the widget,  when X and Y have the same scale factor.
     * @warning Assert when m_fScaleX != m_fScaleY.
     * @see setScale(float)
     * @return The scale factor of the widget.
    float getScale();
     * Changes the scale factor on X axis of this widget
     * The deafult value is 1.0 if you haven't changed it before
     * @param fScaleX   The scale factor on X axis.
    virtual void setScaleX(float fScaleX);
     * Returns the scale factor on X axis of this widget
     * @see setScaleX(float)
     * @return The scale factor on X axis.
    float getScaleX();
     * Changes the scale factor on Y axis of this widget
     * The Default value is 1.0 if you haven't changed it before.
     * @param fScaleY   The scale factor on Y axis.
    virtual void setScaleY(float fScaleY);
     * Returns the scale factor on Y axis of this widget
     * @see setScaleY(float)
     * @return The scale factor on Y axis.
    float getScaleY();
     * Sets the rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees.
     * 0 is the default rotation angle.
     * Positive values rotate widget clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.
     * @param fRotation     The roration of the widget in degrees.
    void setRotation(float rotation);
     * Returns the rotation of the widget in degrees.
     * @see setRotation(float)
     * @return The rotation of the widget in degrees.
    float getRotation();
     * Sets the X rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew.
     * 0 is the default rotation angle.
     * Positive values rotate widget clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.
     * @param fRotationX    The X rotation in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew.
    void setRotationX(float rotationX);
     * Gets the X rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew.
     * @see setRotationX(float)
     * @return The X rotation in degrees.
    float getRotationX();
     * Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew.
     * 0 is the default rotation angle.
     * Positive values rotate widget clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.
     * @param fRotationY    The Y rotation in degrees.
    void setRotationY(float rotationY);
     * Gets the Y rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew.
     * @see setRotationY(float)
     * @return The Y rotation in degrees.
    float getRotationY();
     * Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not.
     * @param bFlipX true if the widget should be flipped horizaontally, false otherwise.
    virtual void setFlipX(bool flipX){};
     * Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not.
     * It only flips the texture of the widget, and not the texture of the widget's children.
     * Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint.
     * If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use:
     * widget->setScaleX(sprite->getScaleX() * -1);
     * @return true if the widget is flipped horizaontally, false otherwise.
    virtual bool isFlipX(){return false;};
     * Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not.
     * @param bFlipY true if the widget should be flipped vertically, flase otherwise.
    virtual void setFlipY(bool flipY){};
     * Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not.
     * It only flips the texture of the widget, and not the texture of the widget's children.
     * Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint.
     * If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use:
     * widget->setScaleY(widget->getScaleY() * -1);
     * @return true if the widget is flipped vertically, flase otherwise.
    virtual bool isFlipY(){return false;};
     * Sets color to widget
     * It default change the color of widget's children.
     * @param color
    virtual void setColor(const Color3B &color);
     * Gets color of widget
     * @return color
    virtual const Color3B& getColor();
     * Sets opacity to widget
     * It default change the opacity of widget's children.
     * @param color
    virtual void setOpacity(int opacity);
     * Gets opacity of widget
     * @return opacity
    virtual int getOpacity();
    virtual bool isCascadeOpacityEnabled();
    virtual void setCascadeOpacityEnabled(bool cascadeOpacityEnabled);
    virtual bool isCascadeColorEnabled();
    virtual void setCascadeColorEnabled(bool cascadeColorEnabled);
    void setBlendFunc(BlendFunc blendFunc);
    //cocos action
    virtual void setActionManager(ActionManager* actionManager);
    virtual ActionManager* getActionManager();
    Action* runAction(Action* action);
    void stopAllActions(void);
    void stopAction(Action* action);
    void stopActionByTag(int tag);
    Action* getActionByTag(int tag);
     * A call back function when widget lost of focus.
    void didNotSelectSelf();
     * Checks a point if in parent's area.
     * @param point
     * @return true if the point is in parent's area, flase otherwise.
    bool clippingParentAreaContainPoint(const Point &pt);
     * Sends the touch event to widget's parent
    virtual void checkChildInfo(int handleState,UIWidget* sender,const Point &touchPoint);
     * Gets the touch began point of widget when widget is selected.
     * @return the touch began point.
    const Point& getTouchStartPos();
     * Gets the touch move point of widget when widget is selected.
     * @return the touch move point.
    const Point& getTouchMovePos();
     * Gets the touch end point of widget when widget is selected.
     * @return the touch end point.
    const Point& getTouchEndPos();
     * Changes the tag that is used to identify the widget easily.
     * @param A interger that indentifies the widget.
    void setTag(int tag);
     * Returns a tag that is used to identify the widget easily.
     * You can set tags to widget then identify them easily.
     * @return A interger that identifies the widget.
    int getTag() const;
     * Changes the name that is used to identify the widget easily.
     * @param A const char* that indentifies the widget.
    void setName(const char* name);
     * Returns a name that is used to identify the widget easily.
     * You can set tags to widget then identify them easily.
     * @return A const char* that identifies the widget.
    const char* getName() const;
     * Returns a type that is widget's type
     * @see WidgetType
     * @return A WidgetType
    WidgetType getWidgetType() const;
     * Changes the size that is widget's size
     * @param size that is widget's size
    virtual void setSize(const Size &size);
     * Changes the percent that is widget's percent size
     * @param percent that is widget's percent size
    virtual void setSizePercent(const Point &percent);
     * Changes the size type of widget.
     * @see SizeType
     * @param type that is widget's size type
    void setSizeType(SizeType type);

     * Gets the size type of widget.
     * @see SizeType
     * @param type that is widget's size type
    SizeType getSizeType() const;
     * Returns size of widget
     * @return size
    const Size& getSize() const;
     * Returns size percent of widget
     * @return size percent
    const Point& getSizePercent() const;
     * Checks a point if is in widget's space
     * @param point
     * @return true if the point is in widget's space, flase otherwise.
    virtual bool hitTest(const Point &pt);
     * A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch began.
     * @param touch point
     * @return true if the event should be pass to parent, flase otherwise.
    virtual bool onTouchBegan(const Point &touchPoint);
     * A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch moved.
     * @param touch point
    virtual void onTouchMoved(const Point &touchPoint);
     * A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch ended.
     * @param touch point
    virtual void onTouchEnded(const Point &touchPoint);
     * A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch canceled.
     * @param touch point
    virtual void onTouchCancelled(const Point &touchPoint);
     * A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch long clicked.
     * @param touch point
    virtual void onTouchLongClicked(const Point &touchPoint);
     * Sets a LayoutParameter to widget. 
     * @see LayoutParameter
     * @param LayoutParameter pointer
    void setLayoutParameter(LayoutParameter* parameter);
     * Gets LayoutParameter of widget.
     * @see LayoutParameter
    LayoutParameter* getLayoutParameter();
     * Ignore the widget size
     * @param ignore, true that widget will ignore it's size, use texture size, false otherwise. Default value is true.
    virtual void ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(bool ignore);
     * Gets the widget if is ignore it's size.
     * @param ignore, true that widget will ignore it's size, use texture size, false otherwise. Default value is true.
    bool isIgnoreContentAdaptWithSize() const;
     * Gets world position of widget.
     * @return world position of widget.
    Point getWorldPosition();
     * Converts a Point to world space coordinates. The result is in Points.
    Point convertToWorldSpace(const Point& pt);
     * Gets the Virtual Renderer of widget.
     * For example, a button's Virtual Renderer is it's texture renderer.
     * @return CCNode pointer.
    virtual Node* getVirtualRenderer();
     * Schedules the "update" method.
    void setUpdateEnabled(bool enable);
     * is the "update" method scheduled.
    bool isUpdateEnabled();
     * Gets the content size of widget.
     * Content size is widget's texture size.
    virtual const Size& getContentSize() const;
    virtual void onEnter();
    virtual void onExit();
    /*temp action*/
    void setActionTag(int tag);
	int getActionTag();
    void setBindingAction(UIActionNode* actionNode);
    //call back function called when size changed.
    virtual void onSizeChanged();
    //initializes state of widget.
    virtual bool init();
    //initializes renderer of widget.
    virtual void initRenderer();
    //call back function called widget's state changed to normal.
    virtual void onPressStateChangedToNormal();
    //call back function called widget's state changed to selected.
    virtual void onPressStateChangedToPressed();
    //call back function called widget's state changed to dark.
    virtual void onPressStateChangedToDisabled();
    void pushDownEvent();
    void moveEvent();
    void releaseUpEvent();
    void cancelUpEvent();
    void longClickEvent();
    void updateAnchorPoint();
     * Release texture resoures of widget.
     * Release renderer.
     * If you override releaseResoures, you shall call its parent's one, e.g. UIWidget::releaseResoures().
    virtual void releaseResoures();
    void updateSizeAndPosition();
    bool _enabled;            ///< Highest control of widget
    bool _visible;            ///< is this widget visible
    bool _bright;             ///< is this widget bright
    bool _touchEnabled;       ///< is this widget touch endabled
    bool _touchPassedEnabled; ///< is the touch event should be passed
    bool _focus;              ///< is the widget on focus
    int _widgetZOrder;        ///< z-order value that affects the draw order and touch order
    Point _anchorPoint;      ///< anchor point normalized
    UIWidget* _widgetParent;  ///< parent of widget
    BrightStyle _brightStyle; ///< bright style
    bool _updateEnabled;      ///< is "update" method scheduled
    Node* _renderer;        ///< base renderer
    Point _touchStartPos;    ///< touch began point
    Point _touchMovePos;     ///< touch moved point
    Point _touchEndPos;      ///< touch ended point
    Object*       _touchEventListener;
    SEL_TouchEvent    _touchEventSelector;

    int _widgetTag;
    std::string _name;
    WidgetType _widgetType;
	int _actionTag;
    Size _size;
    Size _customSize;
    LayoutParameter* _layoutParameter;
    bool _ignoreSize;
    Array* _children;
    bool _affectByClipping;
    Scheduler* _scheduler;
    SizeType _sizeType;
    Point _sizePercent;
    PositionType _positionType;
    Point _positionPercent;
    bool _isRunning;
    /*temp action*/
    UIActionNode* _bindingAction;

class GUIRenderer : public NodeRGBA
    virtual ~GUIRenderer();
    virtual void visit(void);
    static GUIRenderer* create();
    void setEnabled(bool enabled);
    bool isEnabled() const;
    bool _enabled;


#endif /* defined(__UIWidget__) */