#include "CCApplication.h" #include "CCEGLView.h" #include "CCDirector.h" /** @brief This function change the PVRFrame show/hide setting in register. @param bEnable If true show the PVRFrame window, otherwise hide. */ static void PVRFrameEnableControlWindow(bool bEnable); NS_CC_BEGIN // sharedApplication pointer CCApplication * CCApplication::sm_pSharedApplication = 0; CCApplication::CCApplication() : m_hInstance(NULL) , m_hAccelTable(NULL) { m_hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); m_nAnimationInterval.QuadPart = 0; CC_ASSERT(! sm_pSharedApplication); sm_pSharedApplication = this; } CCApplication::~CCApplication() { CC_ASSERT(this == sm_pSharedApplication); sm_pSharedApplication = NULL; } int CCApplication::run() { PVRFrameEnableControlWindow(false); // Main message loop: MSG msg; LARGE_INTEGER nFreq; LARGE_INTEGER nLast; LARGE_INTEGER nNow; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&nFreq); QueryPerformanceCounter(&nLast); // Initialize instance and cocos2d. if (!applicationDidFinishLaunching()) { return 0; } CCEGLView& mainWnd = CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView(); mainWnd.centerWindow(); ShowWindow(mainWnd.getHWnd(), SW_SHOW); while (1) { if (! PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { // Get current time tick. QueryPerformanceCounter(&nNow); // If it's the time to draw next frame, draw it, else sleep a while. if (nNow.QuadPart - nLast.QuadPart > m_nAnimationInterval.QuadPart) { nLast.QuadPart = nNow.QuadPart; CCDirector::sharedDirector()->mainLoop(); } else { Sleep(0); } continue; } if (WM_QUIT == msg.message) { // Quit message loop. break; } // Deal with windows message. if (! m_hAccelTable || ! TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, m_hAccelTable, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } return (int) msg.wParam; } void CCApplication::setAnimationInterval(double interval) { LARGE_INTEGER nFreq; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&nFreq); m_nAnimationInterval.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)(interval * nFreq.QuadPart); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static member function ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CCApplication& CCApplication::sharedApplication() { CC_ASSERT(sm_pSharedApplication); return *sm_pSharedApplication; } ccLanguageType CCApplication::getCurrentLanguage() { ccLanguageType ret = kLanguageEnglish; LCID localeID = GetUserDefaultLCID(); unsigned short primaryLanguageID = localeID & 0xFF; switch (primaryLanguageID) { case LANG_CHINESE: ret = kLanguageChinese; break; case LANG_FRENCH: ret = kLanguageFrench; break; case LANG_ITALIAN: ret = kLanguageItalian; break; case LANG_GERMAN: ret = kLanguageGerman; break; case LANG_SPANISH: ret = kLanguageSpanish; break; case LANG_RUSSIAN: ret = kLanguageRussian; break; } return ret; } NS_CC_END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local function ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void PVRFrameEnableControlWindow(bool bEnable) { HKEY hKey = 0; // Open PVRFrame control key, if not exist create it. if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Imagination Technologies\\PVRVFRame\\STARTUP\\", 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &hKey, NULL)) { return; } const WCHAR* wszValue = L"hide_gui"; const WCHAR* wszNewData = (bEnable) ? L"NO" : L"YES"; WCHAR wszOldData[256] = {0}; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(wszOldData); LSTATUS status = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, wszValue, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)wszOldData, &dwSize); if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == status // the key not exist || (ERROR_SUCCESS == status // or the hide_gui value is exist && 0 != wcscmp(wszNewData, wszOldData))) // but new data and old data not equal { dwSize = sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(wszNewData) + 1); RegSetValueEx(hKey, wszValue, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)wszNewData, dwSize); } RegCloseKey(hKey); }