#include "Profile.h" #include "json/document.h" #include "json/prettywriter.h" #include "json/stringbuffer.h" #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" #include "cocos2d.h" #include #define LOG_FILE_NAME_FMT "PerformanceLog-%s-%s.json" #define PLIST_FILE_NAME "PerformanceLog.plist" #define KEY_DEVICE "device" #define KEY_ENGINE_VERSION "engineVersion" #define KEY_RESULTS "results" #define KEY_CONDITION_HEADERS "conditionHeaders" #define KEY_RESULT_HEADERS "resultHeaders" #define KEY_FILE_VERSION "fileVersion" #define KEY_OS_VERSION "osVersion" #define KEY_TIMESTAMP "timeStamp" #define FILE_VERSION 1 #define USE_PRETTY_OUTPUT_FORMAT 0 #define USE_JSON_FORMAT 1 // For different device & os, change these values // TODO : get device info automatically #define DEVICE_NAME "DeviceName" #define OS_VERSION "SystemVersion" static Profile* s_profile = nullptr; USING_NS_CC; // tools methods std::string genStr(const char* format, ...) { va_list arg_ptr; va_start(arg_ptr, format); char buf[MAX_LOG_LENGTH]; vsnprintf(buf, MAX_LOG_LENGTH - 3, format, arg_ptr); va_end(arg_ptr); return buf; } std::vector genStrVector(const char* str1, ...) { std::vector ret; va_list arg_ptr; const char* str = str1; va_start(arg_ptr, str1); while (nullptr != str) { std::string strObj = str; ret.push_back(strObj); str = va_arg(arg_ptr, const char*); } va_end(arg_ptr); return ret; } // declare the methods rapidjson::Value valueVectorToJson(cocos2d::ValueVector & theVector, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator); rapidjson::Value valueMapToJson(cocos2d::ValueMap & theMap, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator); rapidjson::Value convertToJsonValue(cocos2d::Value & value, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator) { rapidjson::Value theJsonValue; auto type = value.getType(); switch (type) { case cocos2d::Value::Type::STRING: theJsonValue.SetString(value.asString().c_str(), allocator); break; case cocos2d::Value::Type::MAP: theJsonValue = valueMapToJson(value.asValueMap(), allocator); break; case cocos2d::Value::Type::VECTOR: theJsonValue = valueVectorToJson(value.asValueVector(), allocator); break; case cocos2d::Value::Type::INTEGER: theJsonValue.SetInt(value.asInt()); break; case cocos2d::Value::Type::BOOLEAN: theJsonValue.SetBool(value.asBool()); break; case cocos2d::Value::Type::FLOAT: case cocos2d::Value::Type::DOUBLE: theJsonValue.SetDouble(value.asDouble()); break; default: break; } return theJsonValue; } rapidjson::Value valueMapToJson(cocos2d::ValueMap & theMap, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator) { rapidjson::Value ret(rapidjson::kObjectType); for (ValueMap::iterator iter = theMap.begin(); iter != theMap.end(); ++iter) { auto key = iter->first; rapidjson::Value theJsonKey(rapidjson::kStringType); theJsonKey.SetString(key.c_str(), allocator); cocos2d::Value value = iter->second; rapidjson::Value theJsonValue = convertToJsonValue(value, allocator); ret.AddMember(theJsonKey, theJsonValue, allocator); } return ret; } rapidjson::Value valueVectorToJson(cocos2d::ValueVector & theVector, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator) { rapidjson::Value ret(rapidjson::kArrayType); auto vectorSize = theVector.size(); for (int i = 0; i < vectorSize; i++) { cocos2d::Value value = theVector[i]; rapidjson::Value theJsonValue = convertToJsonValue(value, allocator); ret.PushBack(theJsonValue, allocator); } return ret; } Profile* Profile::getInstance() { if (nullptr == s_profile) { s_profile = new Profile(); } return s_profile; } void Profile::destroyInstance() { CC_SAFE_DELETE(s_profile); } Profile::Profile() { } Profile::~Profile() { } void Profile::testCaseBegin(std::string testName, std::vector condHeaders, std::vector retHeaders) { curTestName = testName; ValueVector conds; for (int i = 0; i < condHeaders.size(); i++) { conds.push_back(Value(condHeaders[i])); } ValueVector rets; for (int j = 0; j < retHeaders.size(); j++) { rets.push_back(Value(retHeaders[j])); } auto findValue = testData.find(curTestName); if (findValue != testData.end()) { auto curMap = findValue->second.asValueMap(); curMap[KEY_CONDITION_HEADERS] = Value(conds); curMap[KEY_RESULT_HEADERS] = Value(rets); if (curMap.find(KEY_RESULTS) != curMap.end()) curTestResults = curMap[KEY_RESULTS].asValueVector(); else curTestResults.clear(); } else { ValueMap theData; theData[KEY_CONDITION_HEADERS] = conds; theData[KEY_RESULT_HEADERS] = rets; testData[curTestName] = Value(theData); curTestResults.clear(); } } void Profile::addTestResult(std::vector conditions, std::vector results) { ValueVector curRet; for (int i = 0; i < conditions.size(); i++) { curRet.push_back(Value(conditions[i])); } for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { curRet.push_back(Value(results[j])); } curTestResults.push_back(Value(curRet)); } void Profile::testCaseEnd() { // add the result of current test case into the testData. ValueMap theData = testData[curTestName].asValueMap(); theData[KEY_RESULTS] = curTestResults; testData[curTestName] = Value(theData); } void Profile::flush() { // record the format version testData[KEY_FILE_VERSION] = Value(FILE_VERSION); testData[KEY_DEVICE] = Value(DEVICE_NAME); testData[KEY_OS_VERSION] = Value(OS_VERSION); testData[KEY_ENGINE_VERSION] = Value(cocos2d::cocos2dVersion()); time_t t = time(0); localtime(&t); testData[KEY_TIMESTAMP] = Value(genStr("%ld", t)); #if CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID std::string checkPath = "/mnt/sdcard/PerfTest"; auto writablePath = checkPath; if (! cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->isDirectoryExist(checkPath)) { auto createRet = cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->createDirectory(checkPath); if (! createRet) { writablePath = cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath(); } } cocos2d::log("write path : %s", writablePath.c_str()); #else auto writablePath = cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath(); #endif #if USE_JSON_FORMAT char timeStr[64]; strftime(timeStr, sizeof(timeStr), "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M", localtime(&t)); std::string fileName = genStr(LOG_FILE_NAME_FMT, DEVICE_NAME, timeStr); std::string fullPath = genStr("%s/%s", writablePath.c_str(), fileName.c_str()); rapidjson::Document document; rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = document.GetAllocator(); rapidjson::Value theData = valueMapToJson(testData, allocator); rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer; #if USE_PRETTY_OUTPUT_FORMAT // write pretty format json rapidjson::PrettyWriter writer(buffer); #else // #else USE_PRETTY_OUTPUT_FORMAT // write json in one line rapidjson::Writer writer(buffer); #endif // #endif USE_PRETTY_OUTPUT_FORMAT theData.Accept(writer); auto out = buffer.GetString(); FILE *fp = fopen(fullPath.c_str(), "w"); fputs(out, fp); fclose(fp); #else // #else USE_JSON_FORMAT // Write the test data into plist file. std::string plistFullPath = genStr("%s/%s", writablePath.c_str(), PLIST_FILE_NAME); cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->writeValueMapToFile(testData, plistFullPath); #endif // #endif USE_JSON_FORMAT }