-------------------------------- -- @module PhysicsManager -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- Remove a physics component from `PhysiscsManager`. Will remove physics component's physics
-- body from the physics world managed by this `PhysicsManager`. -- @function [parent=#PhysicsManager] removePhysicsComponent -- @param self -- @param #cc.ComponentPhysics2d componentPhsics2d -- @return PhysicsManager#PhysicsManager self (return value: cc.PhysicsManager) -------------------------------- -- Add a physics component to be managed by the `PhysicsManager`. Will register physics
-- component's physics body to physics world managed by this `PhysicsManager`.
-- param componentPhsics2d The physics component to be managed by this `PhysicsManager`. -- @function [parent=#PhysicsManager] addPhysicsComponent -- @param self -- @param #cc.ComponentPhysics2d componentPhsics2d -- @return PhysicsManager#PhysicsManager self (return value: cc.PhysicsManager) -------------------------------- -- Get the physics world.
-- return Physics world managed by this `PhysicsManager`. -- @function [parent=#PhysicsManager] getPhysicsWorld -- @param self -- @return PhysicsWorld#PhysicsWorld ret (return value: cc.PhysicsWorld) -------------------------------- -- Create a PhysicsManager with `Scene`. `Scene` will create it automatically,
-- so don't create it yourself.
-- scene The scene this `PhysicsManager` belongs to. -- @function [parent=#PhysicsManager] PhysicsManager -- @param self -- @param #cc.Scene scene -- @return PhysicsManager#PhysicsManager self (return value: cc.PhysicsManager) return nil