/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2011 Максим Аксенов Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Ricardo Quesada Copyright (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "CCTMXXMLParser.h" #include "CCTMXTiledMap.h" #include "ccMacros.h" #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" #include "support/zip_support/ZipUtils.h" #include "support/base64.h" using namespace std; NS_CC_BEGIN static const char* valueForKey(const char *key, std::map* dict) { if (dict) { std::map::iterator it = dict->find(key); return it!=dict->end() ? it->second.c_str() : ""; } return ""; } // implementation TMXLayerInfo TMXLayerInfo::TMXLayerInfo() : _name("") , _tiles(NULL) , _ownTiles(true) , _minGID(100000) , _maxGID(0) , _offset(Point::ZERO) { _properties = new Dictionary(); _properties->init(); } TMXLayerInfo::~TMXLayerInfo() { CCLOGINFO("deallocing TMXLayerInfo: %p", this); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_properties); if( _ownTiles && _tiles ) { delete [] _tiles; _tiles = NULL; } } Dictionary * TMXLayerInfo::getProperties() { return _properties; } void TMXLayerInfo::setProperties(Dictionary* var) { CC_SAFE_RETAIN(var); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_properties); _properties = var; } // implementation TMXTilesetInfo TMXTilesetInfo::TMXTilesetInfo() :_firstGid(0) ,_tileSize(Size::ZERO) ,_spacing(0) ,_margin(0) ,_imageSize(Size::ZERO) { } TMXTilesetInfo::~TMXTilesetInfo() { CCLOGINFO("deallocing TMXTilesetInfo: %p", this); } Rect TMXTilesetInfo::rectForGID(unsigned int gid) { Rect rect; rect.size = _tileSize; gid &= kFlippedMask; gid = gid - _firstGid; int max_x = (int)((_imageSize.width - _margin*2 + _spacing) / (_tileSize.width + _spacing)); // int max_y = (imageSize.height - margin*2 + spacing) / (tileSize.height + spacing); rect.origin.x = (gid % max_x) * (_tileSize.width + _spacing) + _margin; rect.origin.y = (gid / max_x) * (_tileSize.height + _spacing) + _margin; return rect; } // implementation TMXMapInfo TMXMapInfo * TMXMapInfo::create(const char *tmxFile) { TMXMapInfo *pRet = new TMXMapInfo(); if(pRet->initWithTMXFile(tmxFile)) { pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); return NULL; } TMXMapInfo * TMXMapInfo::createWithXML(const char* tmxString, const char* resourcePath) { TMXMapInfo *pRet = new TMXMapInfo(); if(pRet->initWithXML(tmxString, resourcePath)) { pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); return NULL; } void TMXMapInfo::internalInit(const char* tmxFileName, const char* resourcePath) { _tilesets = Array::create(); _tilesets->retain(); _layers = Array::create(); _layers->retain(); if (tmxFileName != NULL) { _TMXFileName = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(tmxFileName); } if (resourcePath != NULL) { _resources = resourcePath; } _objectGroups = Array::createWithCapacity(4); _objectGroups->retain(); _properties = new Dictionary(); _properties->init(); _tileProperties = new Dictionary(); _tileProperties->init(); // tmp vars _currentString = ""; _storingCharacters = false; _layerAttribs = TMXLayerAttribNone; _parentElement = TMXPropertyNone; _currentFirstGID = 0; } bool TMXMapInfo::initWithXML(const char* tmxString, const char* resourcePath) { internalInit(NULL, resourcePath); return parseXMLString(tmxString); } bool TMXMapInfo::initWithTMXFile(const char *tmxFile) { internalInit(tmxFile, NULL); return parseXMLFile(_TMXFileName.c_str()); } TMXMapInfo::TMXMapInfo() : _mapSize(Size::ZERO) , _tileSize(Size::ZERO) , _layers(NULL) , _tilesets(NULL) , _objectGroups(NULL) , _layerAttribs(0) , _storingCharacters(false) , _properties(NULL) , _tileProperties(NULL) , _currentFirstGID(0) { } TMXMapInfo::~TMXMapInfo() { CCLOGINFO("deallocing TMXMapInfo: %p", this); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_tilesets); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_layers); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_properties); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_tileProperties); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_objectGroups); } bool TMXMapInfo::parseXMLString(const char *xmlString) { int len = strlen(xmlString); if (xmlString == NULL || len <= 0) { return false; } SAXParser parser; if (false == parser.init("UTF-8") ) { return false; } parser.setDelegator(this); return parser.parse(xmlString, len); } bool TMXMapInfo::parseXMLFile(const char *xmlFilename) { SAXParser parser; if (false == parser.init("UTF-8") ) { return false; } parser.setDelegator(this); return parser.parse(FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(xmlFilename).c_str()); } // the XML parser calls here with all the elements void TMXMapInfo::startElement(void *ctx, const char *name, const char **atts) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(ctx); TMXMapInfo *pTMXMapInfo = this; std::string elementName = (char*)name; std::map *attributeDict = new std::map(); if (atts && atts[0]) { for(int i = 0; atts[i]; i += 2) { std::string key = (char*)atts[i]; std::string value = (char*)atts[i+1]; attributeDict->insert(pair(key, value)); } } if (elementName == "map") { std::string version = valueForKey("version", attributeDict); if ( version != "1.0") { CCLOG("cocos2d: TMXFormat: Unsupported TMX version: %s", version.c_str()); } std::string orientationStr = valueForKey("orientation", attributeDict); if (orientationStr == "orthogonal") pTMXMapInfo->setOrientation(TMXOrientationOrtho); else if (orientationStr == "isometric") pTMXMapInfo->setOrientation(TMXOrientationIso); else if(orientationStr == "hexagonal") pTMXMapInfo->setOrientation(TMXOrientationHex); else CCLOG("cocos2d: TMXFomat: Unsupported orientation: %d", pTMXMapInfo->getOrientation()); Size s; s.width = (float)atof(valueForKey("width", attributeDict)); s.height = (float)atof(valueForKey("height", attributeDict)); pTMXMapInfo->setMapSize(s); s.width = (float)atof(valueForKey("tilewidth", attributeDict)); s.height = (float)atof(valueForKey("tileheight", attributeDict)); pTMXMapInfo->setTileSize(s); // The parent element is now "map" pTMXMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyMap); } else if (elementName == "tileset") { // If this is an external tileset then start parsing that std::string externalTilesetFilename = valueForKey("source", attributeDict); if (externalTilesetFilename != "") { // Tileset file will be relative to the map file. So we need to convert it to an absolute path if (_TMXFileName.find_last_of("/") != string::npos) { string dir = _TMXFileName.substr(0, _TMXFileName.find_last_of("/") + 1); externalTilesetFilename = dir + externalTilesetFilename; } else { externalTilesetFilename = _resources + "/" + externalTilesetFilename; } externalTilesetFilename = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(externalTilesetFilename.c_str()); _currentFirstGID = (unsigned int)atoi(valueForKey("firstgid", attributeDict)); pTMXMapInfo->parseXMLFile(externalTilesetFilename.c_str()); } else { TMXTilesetInfo *tileset = new TMXTilesetInfo(); tileset->_name = valueForKey("name", attributeDict); if (_currentFirstGID == 0) { tileset->_firstGid = (unsigned int)atoi(valueForKey("firstgid", attributeDict)); } else { tileset->_firstGid = _currentFirstGID; _currentFirstGID = 0; } tileset->_spacing = (unsigned int)atoi(valueForKey("spacing", attributeDict)); tileset->_margin = (unsigned int)atoi(valueForKey("margin", attributeDict)); Size s; s.width = (float)atof(valueForKey("tilewidth", attributeDict)); s.height = (float)atof(valueForKey("tileheight", attributeDict)); tileset->_tileSize = s; pTMXMapInfo->getTilesets()->addObject(tileset); tileset->release(); } } else if (elementName == "tile") { if (pTMXMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyLayer) { TMXLayerInfo* layer = (TMXLayerInfo*)pTMXMapInfo->getLayers()->lastObject(); Size layerSize = layer->_layerSize; unsigned int gid = (unsigned int)atoi(valueForKey("gid", attributeDict)); int tilesAmount = layerSize.width*layerSize.height; do { // Check the gid is legal or not CC_BREAK_IF(gid == 0); if (tilesAmount > 1) { // Check the value is all set or not CC_BREAK_IF(layer->_tiles[tilesAmount - 2] != 0 && layer->_tiles[tilesAmount - 1] != 0); int currentTileIndex = tilesAmount - layer->_tiles[tilesAmount - 1] - 1; layer->_tiles[currentTileIndex] = gid; if (currentTileIndex != tilesAmount - 1) { --layer->_tiles[tilesAmount - 1]; } } else if(tilesAmount == 1) { if (layer->_tiles[0] == 0) { layer->_tiles[0] = gid; } } } while (0); } else { TMXTilesetInfo* info = (TMXTilesetInfo*)pTMXMapInfo->getTilesets()->lastObject(); Dictionary *dict = new Dictionary(); dict->init(); pTMXMapInfo->setParentGID(info->_firstGid + atoi(valueForKey("id", attributeDict))); pTMXMapInfo->getTileProperties()->setObject(dict, pTMXMapInfo->getParentGID()); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(dict); pTMXMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyTile); } } else if (elementName == "layer") { TMXLayerInfo *layer = new TMXLayerInfo(); layer->_name = valueForKey("name", attributeDict); Size s; s.width = (float)atof(valueForKey("width", attributeDict)); s.height = (float)atof(valueForKey("height", attributeDict)); layer->_layerSize = s; std::string visible = valueForKey("visible", attributeDict); layer->_visible = !(visible == "0"); std::string opacity = valueForKey("opacity", attributeDict); if( opacity != "" ) { layer->_opacity = (unsigned char)(255 * atof(opacity.c_str())); } else { layer->_opacity = 255; } float x = (float)atof(valueForKey("x", attributeDict)); float y = (float)atof(valueForKey("y", attributeDict)); layer->_offset = Point(x,y); pTMXMapInfo->getLayers()->addObject(layer); layer->release(); // The parent element is now "layer" pTMXMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyLayer); } else if (elementName == "objectgroup") { TMXObjectGroup *objectGroup = new TMXObjectGroup(); objectGroup->setGroupName(valueForKey("name", attributeDict)); Point positionOffset; positionOffset.x = (float)atof(valueForKey("x", attributeDict)) * pTMXMapInfo->getTileSize().width; positionOffset.y = (float)atof(valueForKey("y", attributeDict)) * pTMXMapInfo->getTileSize().height; objectGroup->setPositionOffset(positionOffset); pTMXMapInfo->getObjectGroups()->addObject(objectGroup); objectGroup->release(); // The parent element is now "objectgroup" pTMXMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyObjectGroup); } else if (elementName == "image") { TMXTilesetInfo* tileset = (TMXTilesetInfo*)pTMXMapInfo->getTilesets()->lastObject(); // build full path std::string imagename = valueForKey("source", attributeDict); if (_TMXFileName.find_last_of("/") != string::npos) { string dir = _TMXFileName.substr(0, _TMXFileName.find_last_of("/") + 1); tileset->_sourceImage = dir + imagename; } else { tileset->_sourceImage = _resources + (_resources.size() ? "/" : "") + imagename; } } else if (elementName == "data") { std::string encoding = valueForKey("encoding", attributeDict); std::string compression = valueForKey("compression", attributeDict); if (encoding == "") { pTMXMapInfo->setLayerAttribs(pTMXMapInfo->getLayerAttribs() | TMXLayerAttribNone); TMXLayerInfo* layer = (TMXLayerInfo*)pTMXMapInfo->getLayers()->lastObject(); Size layerSize = layer->_layerSize; int tilesAmount = layerSize.width*layerSize.height; int *tiles = (int *) malloc(tilesAmount*sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < tilesAmount; i++) { tiles[i] = 0; } /* Save the special index in tiles[tilesAmount - 1]; * When we load tiles, we can do this: * tiles[tilesAmount - tiles[tilesAmount - 1] - 1] = tileNum; * --tiles[tilesAmount - 1]; * We do this because we can easily contorl how much tiles we loaded without add a "curTilesAmount" into class member. */ if (tilesAmount > 1) { tiles[tilesAmount - 1] = tilesAmount - 1; } layer->_tiles = (unsigned int*) tiles; } else if (encoding == "base64") { int layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo->getLayerAttribs(); pTMXMapInfo->setLayerAttribs(layerAttribs | TMXLayerAttribBase64); pTMXMapInfo->setStoringCharacters(true); if( compression == "gzip" ) { layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo->getLayerAttribs(); pTMXMapInfo->setLayerAttribs(layerAttribs | TMXLayerAttribGzip); } else if (compression == "zlib") { layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo->getLayerAttribs(); pTMXMapInfo->setLayerAttribs(layerAttribs | TMXLayerAttribZlib); } CCASSERT( compression == "" || compression == "gzip" || compression == "zlib", "TMX: unsupported compression method" ); } } else if (elementName == "object") { char buffer[32] = {0}; TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = (TMXObjectGroup*)pTMXMapInfo->getObjectGroups()->lastObject(); // The value for "type" was blank or not a valid class name // Create an instance of TMXObjectInfo to store the object and its properties Dictionary *dict = new Dictionary(); dict->init(); // Parse everything automatically const char* pArray[] = {"name", "type", "width", "height", "gid"}; for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(pArray)/sizeof(pArray[0]); ++i ) { const char* key = pArray[i]; String* obj = new String(valueForKey(key, attributeDict)); if( obj ) { obj->autorelease(); dict->setObject(obj, key); } } // But X and Y since they need special treatment // X const char* value = valueForKey("x", attributeDict); if (value) { int x = atoi(value) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().x; sprintf(buffer, "%d", x); String* pStr = new String(buffer); pStr->autorelease(); dict->setObject(pStr, "x"); } // Y value = valueForKey("y", attributeDict); if (value) { int y = atoi(value) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().y; // Correct y position. (Tiled uses Flipped, cocos2d uses Standard) y = (int)(_mapSize.height * _tileSize.height) - y - atoi(valueForKey("height", attributeDict)); sprintf(buffer, "%d", y); String* pStr = new String(buffer); pStr->autorelease(); dict->setObject(pStr, "y"); } // Add the object to the objectGroup objectGroup->getObjects()->addObject(dict); dict->release(); // The parent element is now "object" pTMXMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyObject); } else if (elementName == "property") { if ( pTMXMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyNone ) { CCLOG( "TMX tile map: Parent element is unsupported. Cannot add property named '%s' with value '%s'", valueForKey("name", attributeDict), valueForKey("value",attributeDict) ); } else if ( pTMXMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyMap ) { // The parent element is the map String *value = new String(valueForKey("value", attributeDict)); std::string key = valueForKey("name", attributeDict); pTMXMapInfo->getProperties()->setObject(value, key.c_str()); value->release(); } else if ( pTMXMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyLayer ) { // The parent element is the last layer TMXLayerInfo* layer = (TMXLayerInfo*)pTMXMapInfo->getLayers()->lastObject(); String *value = new String(valueForKey("value", attributeDict)); std::string key = valueForKey("name", attributeDict); // Add the property to the layer layer->getProperties()->setObject(value, key.c_str()); value->release(); } else if ( pTMXMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyObjectGroup ) { // The parent element is the last object group TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = (TMXObjectGroup*)pTMXMapInfo->getObjectGroups()->lastObject(); String *value = new String(valueForKey("value", attributeDict)); const char* key = valueForKey("name", attributeDict); objectGroup->getProperties()->setObject(value, key); value->release(); } else if ( pTMXMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyObject ) { // The parent element is the last object TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = (TMXObjectGroup*)pTMXMapInfo->getObjectGroups()->lastObject(); Dictionary* dict = (Dictionary*)objectGroup->getObjects()->lastObject(); const char* propertyName = valueForKey("name", attributeDict); String *propertyValue = new String(valueForKey("value", attributeDict)); dict->setObject(propertyValue, propertyName); propertyValue->release(); } else if ( pTMXMapInfo->getParentElement() == TMXPropertyTile ) { Dictionary* dict = (Dictionary*)pTMXMapInfo->getTileProperties()->objectForKey(pTMXMapInfo->getParentGID()); const char* propertyName = valueForKey("name", attributeDict); String *propertyValue = new String(valueForKey("value", attributeDict)); dict->setObject(propertyValue, propertyName); propertyValue->release(); } } else if (elementName == "polygon") { // find parent object's dict and add polygon-points to it TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = (TMXObjectGroup*)_objectGroups->lastObject(); Dictionary* dict = (Dictionary*)objectGroup->getObjects()->lastObject(); // get points value string const char* value = valueForKey("points", attributeDict); if(value) { Array* pointsArray = Array::createWithCapacity(10); // parse points string into a space-separated set of points stringstream pointsStream(value); string pointPair; while(std::getline(pointsStream, pointPair, ' ')) { // parse each point combo into a comma-separated x,y point stringstream pointStream(pointPair); string xStr,yStr; char buffer[32] = {0}; Dictionary* pointDict = new Dictionary; pointDict->init(); // set x if(std::getline(pointStream, xStr, ',')) { int x = atoi(xStr.c_str()) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().x; sprintf(buffer, "%d", x); String* pStr = new String(buffer); pStr->autorelease(); pointDict->setObject(pStr, "x"); } // set y if(std::getline(pointStream, yStr, ',')) { int y = atoi(yStr.c_str()) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().y; sprintf(buffer, "%d", y); String* pStr = new String(buffer); pStr->autorelease(); pointDict->setObject(pStr, "y"); } // add to points array pointsArray->addObject(pointDict); pointDict->release(); } dict->setObject(pointsArray, "points"); } } else if (elementName == "polyline") { // find parent object's dict and add polyline-points to it // TMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = (TMXObjectGroup*)_objectGroups->lastObject(); // Dictionary* dict = (Dictionary*)objectGroup->getObjects()->lastObject(); // TODO: dict->setObject:[attributeDict objectForKey:@"points"] forKey:@"polylinePoints"]; } if (attributeDict) { attributeDict->clear(); delete attributeDict; } } void TMXMapInfo::endElement(void *ctx, const char *name) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(ctx); TMXMapInfo *pTMXMapInfo = this; std::string elementName = (char*)name; int len = 0; if(elementName == "data") { if (pTMXMapInfo->getLayerAttribs() & TMXLayerAttribBase64) { pTMXMapInfo->setStoringCharacters(false); TMXLayerInfo* layer = (TMXLayerInfo*)pTMXMapInfo->getLayers()->lastObject(); std::string currentString = pTMXMapInfo->getCurrentString(); unsigned char *buffer; len = base64Decode((unsigned char*)currentString.c_str(), (unsigned int)currentString.length(), &buffer); if( ! buffer ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: TiledMap: decode data error"); return; } if( pTMXMapInfo->getLayerAttribs() & (TMXLayerAttribGzip | TMXLayerAttribZlib) ) { unsigned char *deflated; Size s = layer->_layerSize; // int sizeHint = s.width * s.height * sizeof(uint32_t); int sizeHint = (int)(s.width * s.height * sizeof(unsigned int)); int inflatedLen = ZipUtils::ccInflateMemoryWithHint(buffer, len, &deflated, sizeHint); CCASSERT(inflatedLen == sizeHint, ""); inflatedLen = (size_t)&inflatedLen; // XXX: to avoid warnings in compiler delete [] buffer; buffer = NULL; if( ! deflated ) { CCLOG("cocos2d: TiledMap: inflate data error"); return; } layer->_tiles = (unsigned int*) deflated; } else { layer->_tiles = (unsigned int*) buffer; } pTMXMapInfo->setCurrentString(""); } else if (pTMXMapInfo->getLayerAttribs() & TMXLayerAttribNone) { TMXLayerInfo* layer = (TMXLayerInfo*)pTMXMapInfo->getLayers()->lastObject(); Size layerSize = layer->_layerSize; int tilesAmount = layerSize.width * layerSize.height; //reset the layer->_tiles[tilesAmount - 1] if (tilesAmount > 1 && layer->_tiles[tilesAmount - 2] == 0) { layer->_tiles[tilesAmount - 1] = 0; } } } else if (elementName == "map") { // The map element has ended pTMXMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyNone); } else if (elementName == "layer") { // The layer element has ended pTMXMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyNone); } else if (elementName == "objectgroup") { // The objectgroup element has ended pTMXMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyNone); } else if (elementName == "object") { // The object element has ended pTMXMapInfo->setParentElement(TMXPropertyNone); } } void TMXMapInfo::textHandler(void *ctx, const char *ch, int len) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(ctx); TMXMapInfo *pTMXMapInfo = this; std::string pText((char*)ch,0,len); if (pTMXMapInfo->isStoringCharacters()) { std::string currentString = pTMXMapInfo->getCurrentString(); currentString += pText; pTMXMapInfo->setCurrentString(currentString.c_str()); } } NS_CC_END