/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. Copyright (c) 2022 Bytedance Inc. https://axys1.github.io/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "ui/UIVideoPlayer/UIVideoPlayer.h" #if (AX_TARGET_PLATFORM == AX_PLATFORM_WIN32) # include # include # include # include "base/CCDirector.h" # include "base/CCEventListenerKeyboard.h" # include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" # include "ui/UIHelper.h" # include "ui/UIVideoPlayer/MFMediaPlayer.h" # include "renderer/backend/ProgramCache.h" # include "yasio/detail/byte_buffer.hpp" # include "ntcvt/ntcvt.hpp" # include "ui/LayoutHelper.h" # include "yasio/detail/sz.hpp" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USING_NS_AX; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # define PS_SET_UNIFORM(ps, name, value) \ do \ { \ decltype(value) __v = value; \ auto __loc = (ps)->getUniformLocation(name); \ (ps)->setUniform(__loc, &__v, sizeof(__v)); \ } while (false) using namespace ax::ui; namespace { /* * refer to: https://github.com/doyoulikerock/D3D11NV12Rendering/blob/master/D3D11NV12Rendering/PixelShader.hlsl // Converting 8-bit YUV to RGB888 static const float3x3 YUVtoRGBCoeffMatrix = { 1.164383, 1.164383, 1.164383, 0.000000, -0.391762, 2.017232, 1.596027, -0.812968, 0.000000 }; */ // refer to: // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/medfound/recommended-8-bit-yuv-formats-for-video-rendering#nv12 std::string_view NV12_FRAG = R"( #ifdef GL_ES varying lowp vec4 v_fragmentColor; varying mediump vec2 v_texCoord; #else varying vec4 v_fragmentColor; varying vec2 v_texCoord; #endif uniform sampler2D u_tex0; // Y sample uniform sampler2D u_tex1; // UV sample uniform vec2 uv_scale; uniform float out_w; const mat3 YUVtoRGBCoeff = mat3( 1.16438356, 1.16438356, 1.16438356, 0.00000000, -0.213237017, 2.11241937, 1.79265225, -0.533004045, 0.00000000 ); const vec3 YUVOffsets = vec3(0.0627451017, 0.501960814, 0.501960814); vec3 YuvToRgb(vec3 YUV) { YUV -= YUVOffsets; return YUVtoRGBCoeff * YUV; } void main() { vec3 YUV; /* For dual sampler */ //vec2 tXY = v_texCoord; //YUV.x = texture2D(u_tex0, tXY).x; //tXY.y += 0.015625; // why needs adjust 1.0/64 ? //YUV.yz = texture2D(u_tex1, tXY).xw; /* For single sampler */ vec2 tXY = v_texCoord * uv_scale; YUV.x = texture2D(u_tex0, tXY).x; tXY.y *= 0.5; tXY.y += 2.0 / 3.0; float UVOffs = floor(v_texCoord.x * out_w / 2.0) * 2; float UPos = ((UVOffs * uv_scale.x) + 0.5) / out_w; float VPos = ((UVOffs * uv_scale.x) + 1.5) / out_w; YUV.y = texture2D(u_tex0, vec2(UPos, tXY.y)).x; YUV.z = texture2D(u_tex0, vec2(VPos, tXY.y)).x; /* Convert YUV to RGB */ vec4 OutColor; OutColor.xyz = YuvToRgb(YUV); OutColor.w = 1.0; gl_FragColor = v_fragmentColor * OutColor; } )"sv; // refer to: // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/medfound/recommended-8-bit-yuv-formats-for-video-rendering#yuy2 std::string_view YUY2_FRAG = R"( #ifdef GL_ES varying lowp vec4 v_fragmentColor; varying mediump vec2 v_texCoord; #else varying vec4 v_fragmentColor; varying vec2 v_texCoord; #endif uniform sampler2D u_tex0; // Y sample uniform sampler2D u_tex1; // UV sample uniform vec2 uv_scale; uniform float out_w; // texture width const mat3 YUVtoRGBCoeff = mat3( 1.16438356, 1.16438356, 1.16438356, 0.00000000, -0.213237017, 2.11241937, 1.79265225, -0.533004045, 0.00000000 ); const vec3 YUVOffsets = vec3(0.0627451017, 0.501960814, 0.501960814); vec3 YuvToRgb(vec3 YUV) { YUV -= YUVOffsets; return YUVtoRGBCoeff * YUV; } void main() { vec2 tXY = v_texCoord * uv_scale; vec3 YUV; /* For dual sampler */ YUV.yz = texture2D(u_tex1, tXY).yw; YUV.x = texture2D(u_tex0, tXY).x; /* For single sampler */ //YUV.yz = texture2D(u_tex0, tXY).yw; // //vec4 YUY2P = texture2D(u_tex0, tXY); //float Pos = v_texCoord.x * out_w; //YUV.x = floor(mod(Pos, 2.0)) == 0.0 ? YUY2P.z : YUY2P.x; /* Convert YUV to RGB */ vec4 OutColor; OutColor.xyz = YuvToRgb(YUV); OutColor.w = 1.0; gl_FragColor = v_fragmentColor * OutColor; } )"sv; enum { VIDEO_PROGRAM_ID = 0x0fe2bc98, }; enum class VideoSampleFormat { UNKNOWN, RGB32, YUY2, NV12, }; struct PrivateVideoDescriptor { MFMediaPlayer* _vplayer = nullptr; Texture2D* _vtexture = nullptr; Sprite* _vrender = nullptr; VideoSampleFormat _sampleFormat = VideoSampleFormat::UNKNOWN; yasio::byte_buffer _sampleBuffer; std::recursive_mutex _sampleBufferMtx; bool _sampleDirty = false; bool _scaleDirty = false; int _videoWidth = 0; int _videoHeight = 0; Vec2 _originalViewSize; void closePlayer() { if (_vplayer) _vplayer->Close(); } void rescaleTo(VideoPlayer* videoView) { auto& videoSize = _vrender->getContentSize(); if (videoSize.x > 0 && videoSize.y > 0) { // rescale video to view node auto& viewSize = videoView->getContentSize(); if (viewSize.x > 0 && viewSize.y > 0) { if (!videoView->isKeepAspectRatioEnabled()) { _vrender->setScale(viewSize.x / videoSize.x, viewSize.y / videoSize.y); } else { const Vec2 originalScale{static_cast(_videoWidth) / _vtexture->getPixelsWide(), static_cast(_videoHeight) / _vtexture->getPixelsHigh()}; const auto aspectRatio = (std::min)(viewSize.x / videoSize.x, viewSize.y / (videoSize.y * originalScale.y)); _vrender->setScale(originalScale.x * aspectRatio, originalScale.y * aspectRatio); } LayoutHelper::centerNode(_vrender); _vrender->setVisible(true); } else _vrender->setVisible(false); } _scaleDirty = false; } }; } // namespace VideoPlayer::VideoPlayer() : _fullScreenDirty(false) , _fullScreenEnabled(false) , _keepAspectRatioEnabled(false) , _videoPlayerIndex(-1) , _eventCallback(nullptr) , _isPlaying(false) , _isLooping(false) , _isUserInputEnabled(true) , _styleType(StyleType::DEFAULT) { auto pvd = new PrivateVideoDescriptor{}; _videoContext = pvd; # if AX_VIDEOPLAYER_DEBUG_DRAW _debugDrawNode = DrawNode::create(); addChild(_debugDrawNode); # endif // Initialize mediaPlayer backend auto hr = MFMediaPlayer::CreateInstance(&pvd->_vplayer); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /// create video render sprite pvd->_vrender = new Sprite(); this->addProtectedChild(pvd->_vrender); /// setup media session callbacks // Invoke at system media session thread pvd->_vplayer->SampleEvent = [=](uint8_t* sampleBuffer, size_t len) { std::lock_guard lck(pvd->_sampleBufferMtx); pvd->_sampleBuffer.assign(sampleBuffer, sampleBuffer + len); pvd->_sampleDirty = true; }; pvd->_vplayer->SessionEvent = [=](int event) { switch (event) { case MESessionStarted: if (!isPlaying()) onPlayEvent((int)EventType::PLAYING); break; case MESessionPaused: onPlayEvent((int)EventType::PAUSED); break; case MESessionStopped: onPlayEvent((int)EventType::STOPPED); break; /* Raised by a media source when a presentation ends. This event signals that all streams in the presentation are complete. The Media Session forwards this event to the application. */ // case MEEndOfPresentation: // onPlayEvent((int)EventType::COMPLETED); // break; /* Raised by the Media Session when it has finished playing the last presentation in the playback queue. * We send complete event at this case */ case MESessionEnded: onPlayEvent((int)EventType::COMPLETED); break; } }; } else { ax::log("Create VideoPlayer backend failed, hr=%d", (int)hr); } } VideoPlayer::~VideoPlayer() { auto pvd = (PrivateVideoDescriptor*)_videoContext; removeAllProtectedChildren(); if (pvd->_vplayer) { pvd->_vplayer->Shutdown(); pvd->_vplayer->Release(); } if (pvd->_vrender) pvd->_vrender->release(); if (pvd->_vtexture) pvd->_vtexture->release(); delete pvd; } void VideoPlayer::setFileName(std::string_view fileName) { auto fullPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(fileName); if (fullPath != _videoURL) { reinterpret_cast(_videoContext)->closePlayer(); _videoURL = std::move(fullPath); } _videoSource = VideoPlayer::Source::FILENAME; } void VideoPlayer::setURL(std::string_view videoUrl) { if (_videoURL != videoUrl) { reinterpret_cast(_videoContext)->closePlayer(); _videoURL = videoUrl; } _videoSource = VideoPlayer::Source::URL; } void VideoPlayer::setLooping(bool looping) { _isLooping = looping; auto pvd = (PrivateVideoDescriptor*)_videoContext; if (pvd->_vplayer) pvd->_vplayer->SetLooping(looping); } void VideoPlayer::setUserInputEnabled(bool enableInput) { _isUserInputEnabled = enableInput; } void VideoPlayer::setStyle(StyleType style) { _styleType = style; } void VideoPlayer::draw(Renderer* renderer, const Mat4& transform, uint32_t flags) { ax::ui::Widget::draw(renderer, transform, flags); auto pvd = (PrivateVideoDescriptor*)_videoContext; // auto vrender = pvd->_vrender; if (!vrender) return; if (pvd->_sampleDirty) { pvd->_sampleDirty = false; if (vrender->isVisible()) { std::lock_guard lck(pvd->_sampleBufferMtx); uint8_t* sampleData = pvd->_sampleBuffer.data(); size_t sampleDataLen = pvd->_sampleBuffer.size(); auto rWidth = pvd->_videoWidth = pvd->_vplayer->GetVideoWidth(); auto rHeight = pvd->_videoHeight = pvd->_vplayer->GetVideoHeight(); Vec2 uvScale{1.0f, 1.0f}; bool needsInit = !pvd->_vtexture; if (!pvd->_vtexture) { pvd->_vtexture = new Texture2D(); auto programCache = backend::ProgramCache::getInstance(); auto& sampleOutFormat = pvd->_vplayer->GetVideoOutputFormat(); if (sampleOutFormat == MFVideoFormat_YUY2) pvd->_sampleFormat = VideoSampleFormat::YUY2; else if (sampleOutFormat == MFVideoFormat_NV12) pvd->_sampleFormat = VideoSampleFormat::NV12; else if (sampleOutFormat == MFVideoFormat_RGB32) pvd->_sampleFormat = VideoSampleFormat::RGB32; switch (pvd->_sampleFormat) { case VideoSampleFormat::YUY2: case VideoSampleFormat::NV12: { programCache->registerCustomProgramFactory( VIDEO_PROGRAM_ID, positionTextureColor_vert, std::string{pvd->_sampleFormat == VideoSampleFormat::NV12 ? NV12_FRAG : YUY2_FRAG}); auto program = programCache->getCustomProgram(VIDEO_PROGRAM_ID); pvd->_vrender->setProgramState(new backend::ProgramState(program), false); break; } default:; } } switch (pvd->_sampleFormat) { case VideoSampleFormat::NV12: { /* For single sampler */ int texelWidth = YASIO_SZ_ALIGN(rWidth, 16); int texelHeight = pvd->_vplayer->IsH264() ? YASIO_SZ_ALIGN(rHeight, 16) * 3 / 2 : rHeight * 3 / 2; uvScale.x = rWidth / (float)texelWidth; uvScale.y = rHeight / (float)texelHeight; pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::L8, PixelFormat::L8, texelWidth, texelHeight, false); /* For dual sampler */ // const int ySampleSize = rWidth * rHeight; // pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, ySampleSize, PixelFormat::L8, PixelFormat::L8, rWidth, // rHeight, false, 0); // pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData + ySampleSize, sampleDataLen - ySampleSize, PixelFormat::LA8, // PixelFormat::LA8, rWidth >> 1, rHeight >> 1, false, 1); break; } case VideoSampleFormat::YUY2: { int texelWidth = pvd->_vplayer->IsH264() ? (YASIO_SZ_ALIGN(rWidth, 16)) : (rWidth); uvScale.x = (float)rWidth / texelWidth; /* For single sampler */ // pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::RGBA8, PixelFormat::RGBA8, // texelWidth >> 1, rHeight, false, 0); /* For dual sampler */ pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::LA8, PixelFormat::LA8, texelWidth, rHeight, false, 0); pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::RGBA8, PixelFormat::RGBA8, texelWidth >> 1, rHeight, false, 1); break; } case VideoSampleFormat::RGB32: pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::RGBA8, PixelFormat::RGBA8, rWidth, rHeight, false, 0); break; default:; } if (needsInit) { pvd->_vrender->initWithTexture(pvd->_vtexture); if (pvd->_sampleFormat == VideoSampleFormat::NV12 || pvd->_sampleFormat == VideoSampleFormat::YUY2) { auto ps = pvd->_vrender->getProgramState(); PS_SET_UNIFORM(ps, "out_w", (float)rWidth); PS_SET_UNIFORM(ps, "uv_scale", uvScale); } pvd->_scaleDirty = true; } } } if (pvd->_scaleDirty || (flags & FLAGS_TRANSFORM_DIRTY)) pvd->rescaleTo(this); # if AX_VIDEOPLAYER_DEBUG_DRAW _debugDrawNode->clear(); auto size = getContentSize(); Point vertices[4] = {Point::ZERO, Point(size.width, 0), Point(size.width, size.height), Point(0, size.height)}; _debugDrawNode->drawPoly(vertices, 4, true, Color4F(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); # endif } void VideoPlayer::setContentSize(const Size& contentSize) { Widget::setContentSize(contentSize); reinterpret_cast(_videoContext)->_originalViewSize = contentSize; } void VideoPlayer::setFullScreenEnabled(bool enabled) { if (_fullScreenEnabled != enabled) { _fullScreenEnabled = enabled; auto pvd = reinterpret_cast(_videoContext); Widget::setContentSize(enabled ? _director->getOpenGLView()->getFrameSize() : pvd->_originalViewSize); } } bool VideoPlayer::isFullScreenEnabled() const { return _fullScreenEnabled; } void VideoPlayer::setKeepAspectRatioEnabled(bool enable) { if (_keepAspectRatioEnabled != enable) { _keepAspectRatioEnabled = enable; reinterpret_cast(_videoContext)->_scaleDirty = true; } } void VideoPlayer::setPlayRate(float fRate) { if (!_videoURL.empty()) { auto vplayer = reinterpret_cast(_videoContext)->_vplayer; if (vplayer) vplayer->SetRate(fRate); } } void VideoPlayer::play() { if (!_videoURL.empty()) { auto vplayer = reinterpret_cast(_videoContext)->_vplayer; if (vplayer) { switch (vplayer->GetState()) { case MFPlayerState::Closed: case MFPlayerState::Ready: vplayer->SetPlayOnOpen(TRUE); vplayer->OpenURL(ntcvt::from_chars(_videoURL).c_str()); break; default: vplayer->Play(); } } } } void VideoPlayer::pause() { if (!_videoURL.empty()) { auto vplayer = reinterpret_cast(_videoContext)->_vplayer; if (vplayer) vplayer->Pause(); } } void VideoPlayer::resume() { if (!_videoURL.empty()) { auto vplayer = reinterpret_cast(_videoContext)->_vplayer; if (vplayer) { switch (vplayer->GetState()) { case MFPlayerState::Stopped: case MFPlayerState::Paused: vplayer->Play(); } } } } void VideoPlayer::stop() { if (!_videoURL.empty()) { auto vplayer = reinterpret_cast(_videoContext)->_vplayer; if (vplayer) vplayer->Stop(); } } void VideoPlayer::seekTo(float sec) { if (!_videoURL.empty()) { auto vplayer = reinterpret_cast(_videoContext)->_vplayer; if (vplayer) vplayer->SetPosition(static_cast((std::nano::den / 100) * sec)); } } bool VideoPlayer::isPlaying() const { return _isPlaying; } bool VideoPlayer::isLooping() const { return _isLooping; } bool VideoPlayer::isUserInputEnabled() const { return _isUserInputEnabled; } void VideoPlayer::setVisible(bool visible) { ax::ui::Widget::setVisible(visible); } void VideoPlayer::onEnter() { Widget::onEnter(); } void VideoPlayer::onExit() { Widget::onExit(); } void VideoPlayer::addEventListener(const VideoPlayer::ccVideoPlayerCallback& callback) { _eventCallback = callback; } void VideoPlayer::onPlayEvent(int event) { _isPlaying = (event == (int)VideoPlayer::EventType::PLAYING); if (_eventCallback) { _director->getScheduler()->performFunctionInCocosThread( std::bind(_eventCallback, this, (VideoPlayer::EventType)event)); } } ax::ui::Widget* VideoPlayer::createCloneInstance() { return VideoPlayer::create(); } void VideoPlayer::copySpecialProperties(Widget* widget) { VideoPlayer* videoPlayer = dynamic_cast(widget); if (videoPlayer) { _isPlaying = videoPlayer->_isPlaying; _isLooping = videoPlayer->_isLooping; _isUserInputEnabled = videoPlayer->_isUserInputEnabled; _styleType = videoPlayer->_styleType; _fullScreenEnabled = videoPlayer->_fullScreenEnabled; _fullScreenDirty = videoPlayer->_fullScreenDirty; _videoURL = videoPlayer->_videoURL; _keepAspectRatioEnabled = videoPlayer->_keepAspectRatioEnabled; _videoSource = videoPlayer->_videoSource; _videoPlayerIndex = videoPlayer->_videoPlayerIndex; _eventCallback = videoPlayer->_eventCallback; } } #endif