#ifndef __CCX_ADS_ADMOB_H__ #define __CCX_ADS_ADMOB_H__ #include "ProtocolAds.h" #include #include namespace cocos2d { namespace plugin { class AdsAdmob : public ProtocolAds { PLUGIN_REGISTER_DECL(AdsAdmob) public: typedef enum { eSizeBanner = 0, eSizeIABMRect, eSizeIABBanner, eSizeIABLeaderboard, } ESizeAdmobBanner; /** @brief plugin initialization */ virtual bool init(); /** @brief initialize the application info @param appInfo This parameter is the info of application, must contains: AdmobID The publisher ID of admob. @warning Must invoke this interface before other interfaces. And invoked only once. */ virtual void initAppInfo(TAppInfo appInfo); /** @brief show banner ads at specified position @param pos The position where the banner view be shown @param sizeEnum The size of the banner view. Use the value in ESizeAdmobBanner */ virtual void showBannerAd(EBannerPos pos, int sizeEnum); /** @brief hide the banner ads view */ virtual void hideBannerAd(); /** @brief Set whether needs to output logs to console. @param debug if true debug mode enabled, or debug mode disabled. */ virtual void setDebugMode(bool debug); /** @brief Add the test device ID @param deviceID The device ID */ void addTestDevice(const char* deviceID); virtual const char* getPluginVersion() { return "v0.1.01"; }; virtual const char* getSDKVersion(); virtual ~AdsAdmob(); }; }} // namespace cocos2d { namespace plugin { #endif /* __CCX_ADS_ADMOB_H__ */