/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Test basic black boxing. */ var gDebuggee; var gClient; var gThreadClient; function run_test() { initTestDebuggerServer(); gDebuggee = addTestGlobal("test-black-box"); gClient = new DebuggerClient(DebuggerServer.connectPipe()); gClient.connect(function() { attachTestTabAndResume(gClient, "test-black-box", function(aResponse, aTabClient, aThreadClient) { gThreadClient = aThreadClient; test_black_box(); }); }); do_test_pending(); } const BLACK_BOXED_URL = "http://example.com/blackboxme.js"; const SOURCE_URL = "http://example.com/source.js"; function test_black_box() { gClient.addOneTimeListener("paused", function () { gThreadClient.setBreakpoint({ url: SOURCE_URL, line: 2 }, function (aResponse) { do_check_true(!aResponse.error, "Should be able to set breakpoint."); gThreadClient.resume(test_black_box_default); }); }); Components.utils.evalInSandbox( "" + function doStuff(k) { // line 1 let arg = 15; // line 2 - Step in here k(arg); // line 3 }, // line 4 gDebuggee, "1.8", BLACK_BOXED_URL, 1 ); Components.utils.evalInSandbox( "" + function runTest() { // line 1 doStuff( // line 2 - Break here function (n) { // line 3 - Step through `doStuff` to here debugger; // line 5 } // line 6 ); // line 7 } // line 8 + "\n debugger;", // line 9 gDebuggee, "1.8", SOURCE_URL, 1 ); } function test_black_box_default() { gThreadClient.getSources(function (aResponse) { do_check_true(!aResponse.error, "Should be able to get sources."); let sourceClient = gThreadClient.source( aResponse.sources.filter(s => s.url == BLACK_BOXED_URL)[0]); do_check_true(!sourceClient.isBlackBoxed, "By default the source is not black boxed."); // Test that we can step into `doStuff` when we are not black boxed. runTest( function onSteppedLocation(aLocation) { do_check_eq(aLocation.url, BLACK_BOXED_URL, "Should step into `doStuff`."); do_check_eq(aLocation.line, 2, "Should step into `doStuff`."); }, function onDebuggerStatementFrames(aFrames) { do_check_true(!aFrames.some(f => f.isBlackBoxed)); }, test_black_boxing.bind(null, sourceClient) ); }); } function test_black_boxing(aSourceClient) { aSourceClient.blackBox(function (aResponse) { do_check_true(!aResponse.error, "Should not get an error black boxing."); do_check_true(aSourceClient.isBlackBoxed, "The source client should report itself as black boxed correctly."); // Test that we step through `doStuff` when we are black boxed and its frame // doesn't show up. runTest( function onSteppedLocation(aLocation) { do_check_eq(aLocation.url, SOURCE_URL, "Should step through `doStuff`."); do_check_eq(aLocation.line, 3, "Should step through `doStuff`."); }, function onDebuggerStatementFrames(aFrames) { for (let f of aFrames) { if (f.where.url == BLACK_BOXED_URL) { do_check_true(f.isBlackBoxed, "Should be black boxed"); } else { do_check_true(!f.isBlackBoxed, "Should not be black boxed") } } }, test_unblack_boxing.bind(null, aSourceClient) ); }); } function test_unblack_boxing(aSourceClient) { aSourceClient.unblackBox(function (aResponse) { do_check_true(!aResponse.error, "Should not get an error un-black boxing"); do_check_true(!aSourceClient.isBlackBoxed, "The source is not black boxed."); // Test that we can step into `doStuff` again. runTest( function onSteppedLocation(aLocation) { do_check_eq(aLocation.url, BLACK_BOXED_URL, "Should step into `doStuff`."); do_check_eq(aLocation.line, 2, "Should step into `doStuff`."); }, function onDebuggerStatementFrames(aFrames) { do_check_true(!aFrames.some(f => f.isBlackBoxed)); }, finishClient.bind(null, gClient) ); }); } function runTest(aOnSteppedLocation, aOnDebuggerStatementFrames, aFinishedCallback) { gClient.addOneTimeListener("paused", function (aEvent, aPacket) { do_check_eq(aPacket.why.type, "breakpoint"); gClient.addOneTimeListener("paused", function () { gClient.addOneTimeListener("paused", function () { getCurrentLocation(function (aLocation) { aOnSteppedLocation(aLocation); gClient.addOneTimeListener("paused", function (aEvent, aPacket) { do_check_eq(aPacket.why.type, "debuggerStatement"); gThreadClient.getFrames(0, 100, function ({frames}) { aOnDebuggerStatementFrames(frames); // We hit the breakpoint once more on the way out gClient.addOneTimeListener("paused", function () { gThreadClient.resume(aFinishedCallback); }); gThreadClient.resume(); }); }); gThreadClient.resume(); }); }); gThreadClient.stepIn(); }); gThreadClient.stepIn(); }); gDebuggee.runTest(); } function getCurrentLocation(aCallback) { gThreadClient.getFrames(0, 1, function ({frames, error}) { do_check_true(!error, "Should not get an error: " + error); let [{where}] = frames; aCallback(where); }); }