//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This script is part of the Particle Universe Media Pack 1 product. // // Copyright (c) 2010 Henry van Merode // // Usage of this program is licensed under the terms of the Particle Universe Commercial License Media Pack 1. // You can find a copy of the Commercial License in the Media Pack 1 package. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- system Explosion/mp_explosion_04_blue { technique { visual_particle_quota 12 material mp_explosion_04 renderer Billboard { texture_coords_rows 2 texture_coords_columns 2 billboard_rotation_type vertex } emitter Point { emission_rate 100 angle 360 time_to_live dyn_random { min 0.4 max 1.2 } velocity dyn_random { min 100 max 500 } duration 0.1 all_particle_dimensions dyn_random { min 1 max 50 } colour 0.670588 0.8 0.996078 1 } affector ScaleVelocity { velocity_scale dyn_curved_linear { control_point 0 -1500 control_point 1 -200 } } affector Scale { xyz_scale 500 } affector Colour { time_colour 0 0 0.333333 0.701961 1 time_colour 1 0 0 0 1 } affector TextureRotator { rotation dyn_random { min -3 max 3 } rotation_speed 0 } observer OnTime { observe_until_event true handler DoStopSystem { } since_start_system true on_time greater_than 2 } observer OnEmission { handler DoPlacementParticle { force_emitter BlackSmokeEmitter inherit_direction true inherit_time_to_live true inherit_width true inherit_height true inherit_depth true } } } technique { visual_particle_quota 12 material mp_explosion_smoke_01 renderer Billboard { billboard_rotation_type vertex } emitter Point BlackSmokeEmitter { emission_rate 100 angle 360 time_to_live dyn_random { min 0.8 max 1.2 } velocity dyn_random { min 100 max 500 } duration 0.1 all_particle_dimensions dyn_random { min 1 max 50 } colour 0 0 0 1 } affector ScaleVelocity { velocity_scale dyn_curved_linear { control_point 0 -1500 control_point 1 -200 } } affector Scale { xyz_scale 400 } affector Colour { time_colour 0 0.294118 0.294118 0.294118 0 time_colour 0.5 0.172549 0.172549 0.172549 0.3 time_colour 0.6 0.137255 0.137255 0.137255 0.5 time_colour 1 0 0 0 0 } affector TextureRotator { rotation dyn_random { min -3 max 3 } rotation_speed 0 } } technique { visual_particle_quota 50 material mp_explosion_04 renderer Billboard { texture_coords_rows 2 texture_coords_columns 2 billboard_type oriented_self billboard_origin bottom_center billboard_rotation_type vertex } emitter Point { emission_rate 1000 angle 360 time_to_live dyn_random { min 0.2 max 0.4 } velocity dyn_random { min 200 max 300 } duration 0.2 particle_width dyn_random { min 10 max 30 } particle_height dyn_random { min 1 max 10 } texture_coords 2 colour 0.670588 0.815686 0.996078 1 } affector Scale { y_scale dyn_random { min 100 max 300 } } affector Colour { time_colour 0 0 0.384314 0.807843 1 time_colour 0.6 1 1 1 1 time_colour 1 0 0 0 1 } } technique { visual_particle_quota 50 material mp_explosion_04 renderer Billboard { texture_coords_rows 2 texture_coords_columns 2 billboard_type oriented_self billboard_origin bottom_center billboard_rotation_type vertex } emitter Point { emission_rate 1000 angle 360 time_to_live dyn_random { min 0.2 max 0.4 } velocity dyn_random { min 100 max 200 } duration 0.2 particle_width dyn_random { min 10 max 30 } particle_height dyn_random { min 1 max 10 } texture_coords 3 colour 0.984314 0.992157 0.67451 1 } affector Scale { x_scale dyn_random { min 60 max 90 } y_scale dyn_random { min 200 max 300 } } affector Colour { time_colour 0 0 0.396078 0.835294 1 time_colour 0.2 1 1 1 1 time_colour 1 0 0 0 1 colour_operation multiply } } technique { visual_particle_quota 12 material mp_explosion_04 renderer Billboard { texture_coords_rows 2 texture_coords_columns 2 billboard_type oriented_self billboard_rotation_type vertex } emitter Box { emission_rate 30 angle 360 time_to_live dyn_random { min 0.3 max 0.5 } velocity dyn_random { min 5 max 10 } duration 0.15 all_particle_dimensions dyn_random { min 1 max 50 } texture_coords 1 colour 0.984314 0.992157 0.67451 1 box_width 20 box_height 20 box_depth 20 } affector Scale { xyz_scale dyn_random { min 700 max 1000 } } affector Colour { time_colour 0 1 1 1 1 time_colour 1 0 0 0 1 } affector TextureRotator { rotation dyn_random { min -3 max 3 } rotation_speed 0 } } technique { visual_particle_quota 20 material mp_explosion_debris renderer Billboard { billboard_type oriented_self billboard_rotation_type vertex } emitter Point { emission_rate 200 angle 360 time_to_live dyn_random { min 0.5 max 1 } velocity dyn_random { min 200 max 350 } duration 0.1 colour 0 0 0 1 } affector ScaleVelocity { velocity_scale dyn_curved_linear { control_point 0 -1500 control_point 0.2 -200 } } affector Scale { xyz_scale 300 } affector Colour { time_colour 0 0.65098 0.815686 1 1 time_colour 0.5 0.0901961 0.52549 1 1 time_colour 1 0 0 0 1 } affector TextureRotator { rotation dyn_random { min -3 max 3 } rotation_speed 0 } } }