namespace cocos2d { class CCMutableDictionary : public CCObject { TOLUA_TEMPLATE_BIND(K V, std::string CCObject*) CCMutableDictionary(void); ~CCMutableDictionary(void); /// return the number of items unsigned int count(); /// return all the keys std::vector allKeys(); /** @warning : We use '==' to compare two objects*/ std::vector allKeysForObject(V object); V objectForKey(K key); ///< bool setObject(V pObject, K key); void removeObjectForKey(K key); bool begin(); V next(K* key = NULL); void endToLua(); void removeAllObjects(); static CCMutableDictionary* dictionaryWithDictionary(CCMutableDictionary* srcDict); }; typedef CCMutableDictionary CCStringToStringDictionary; }//namespace cocos2d