/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2012 cocos2d-x.org http://www.cocos2d-x.org Created by Jung Sang-Taik on 12. 3. 16.. Copyright (c) 2012 Neofect. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "CCScale9Sprite.h" NS_CC_EXT_BEGIN enum positions { pCentre = 0, pTop, pLeft, pRight, pBottom, pTopRight, pTopLeft, pBottomRight, pBottomLeft }; CCScale9Sprite::CCScale9Sprite() : m_insetLeft(0) , m_insetTop(0) , m_insetRight(0) , m_insetBottom(0) , m_cOpacity(0) , m_bSpritesGenerated(false) , m_bSpriteFrameRotated(false) , m_positionsAreDirty(false) , scale9Image(NULL) , topLeft(NULL) , top(NULL) , topRight(NULL) , left(NULL) , centre(NULL) , right(NULL) , bottomLeft(NULL) , bottom(NULL) , bottomRight(NULL) , m_bIsOpacityModifyRGB(false) { } CCScale9Sprite::~CCScale9Sprite() { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(topLeft); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(top); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(topRight); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(left); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(centre); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(right); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(bottomLeft); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(bottom); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(bottomRight); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(scale9Image); } bool CCScale9Sprite::init() { return this->initWithBatchNode(NULL, CCRectZero, CCRectZero); } bool CCScale9Sprite::initWithBatchNode(CCSpriteBatchNode* batchnode, CCRect rect, CCRect capInsets) { return this->initWithBatchNode(batchnode, rect, false, capInsets); } bool CCScale9Sprite::initWithBatchNode(CCSpriteBatchNode* batchnode, CCRect rect, bool rotated, CCRect capInsets) { if(batchnode) { this->updateWithBatchNode(batchnode, rect, rotated, capInsets); this->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5f, 0.5f)); } this->m_positionsAreDirty = true; return true; } #define TRANSLATE_X(x, y, xtranslate) \ x+=xtranslate; \ #define TRANSLATE_Y(x, y, ytranslate) \ y+=ytranslate; \ bool CCScale9Sprite::updateWithBatchNode(CCSpriteBatchNode* batchnode, CCRect rect, bool rotated, CCRect capInsets) { GLubyte opacity = m_cOpacity; ccColor3B color = m_tColor; // Release old sprites this->removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(true); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(this->centre); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(this->top); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(this->topLeft); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(this->topRight); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(this->left); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(this->right); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(this->bottomLeft); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(this->bottom); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(this->bottomRight); if(this->scale9Image != batchnode) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(this->scale9Image); scale9Image = batchnode; CC_SAFE_RETAIN(scale9Image); } scale9Image->removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(true); m_capInsets = capInsets; // If there is no given rect if ( rect.equals(CCRectZero) ) { // Get the texture size as original CCSize textureSize = scale9Image->getTextureAtlas()->getTexture()->getContentSize(); rect = CCRectMake(0, 0, textureSize.width, textureSize.height); } // Set the given rect's size as original size m_spriteRect = rect; m_originalSize = rect.size; m_preferredSize = m_originalSize; m_capInsetsInternal = capInsets; float w = rect.size.width; float h = rect.size.height; // If there is no specified center region if ( m_capInsetsInternal.equals(CCRectZero) ) { // CCLog("... cap insets not specified : using default cap insets ..."); m_capInsetsInternal = CCRectMake(w/3, h/3, w/3, h/3); } float left_w = m_capInsetsInternal.origin.x; float center_w = m_capInsetsInternal.size.width; float right_w = rect.size.width - (left_w + center_w); float top_h = m_capInsetsInternal.origin.y; float center_h = m_capInsetsInternal.size.height; float bottom_h = rect.size.height - (top_h + center_h); // calculate rects // ... top row float x = 0.0; float y = 0.0; // top left CCRect lefttopbounds = CCRectMake(x, y, left_w, top_h); // top center TRANSLATE_X(x, y, left_w); CCRect centertopbounds = CCRectMake(x, y, center_w, top_h); // top right TRANSLATE_X(x, y, center_w); CCRect righttopbounds = CCRectMake(x, y, right_w, top_h); // ... center row x = 0.0; y = 0.0; TRANSLATE_Y(x, y, top_h); // center left CCRect leftcenterbounds = CCRectMake(x, y, left_w, center_h); // center center TRANSLATE_X(x, y, left_w); CCRect centerbounds = CCRectMake(x, y, center_w, center_h); // center right TRANSLATE_X(x, y, center_w); CCRect rightcenterbounds = CCRectMake(x, y, right_w, center_h); // ... bottom row x = 0.0; y = 0.0; TRANSLATE_Y(x, y, top_h); TRANSLATE_Y(x, y, center_h); // bottom left CCRect leftbottombounds = CCRectMake(x, y, left_w, bottom_h); // bottom center TRANSLATE_X(x, y, left_w); CCRect centerbottombounds = CCRectMake(x, y, center_w, bottom_h); // bottom right TRANSLATE_X(x, y, center_w); CCRect rightbottombounds = CCRectMake(x, y, right_w, bottom_h); if (!rotated) { // CCLog("!rotated"); CCAffineTransform t = CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity(); t = CCAffineTransformTranslate(t, rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y); centerbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centerbounds, t); rightbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rightbottombounds, t); leftbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(leftbottombounds, t); righttopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(righttopbounds, t); lefttopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(lefttopbounds, t); rightcenterbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rightcenterbounds, t); leftcenterbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(leftcenterbounds, t); centerbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centerbottombounds, t); centertopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centertopbounds, t); // Centre centre = new CCSprite(); centre->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), centerbounds); scale9Image->addChild(centre, 0, pCentre); // Top top = new CCSprite(); top->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), centertopbounds); scale9Image->addChild(top, 1, pTop); // Bottom bottom = new CCSprite(); bottom->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), centerbottombounds); scale9Image->addChild(bottom, 1, pBottom); // Left left = new CCSprite(); left->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), leftcenterbounds); scale9Image->addChild(left, 1, pLeft); // Right right = new CCSprite(); right->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), rightcenterbounds); scale9Image->addChild(right, 1, pRight); // Top left topLeft = new CCSprite(); topLeft->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), lefttopbounds); scale9Image->addChild(topLeft, 2, pTopLeft); // Top right topRight = new CCSprite(); topRight->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), righttopbounds); scale9Image->addChild(topRight, 2, pTopRight); // Bottom left bottomLeft = new CCSprite(); bottomLeft->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), leftbottombounds); scale9Image->addChild(bottomLeft, 2, pBottomLeft); // Bottom right bottomRight = new CCSprite(); bottomRight->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), rightbottombounds); scale9Image->addChild(bottomRight, 2, pBottomRight); } else { // set up transformation of coordinates // to handle the case where the sprite is stored rotated // in the spritesheet // CCLog("rotated"); float midpointx = rect.origin.x + (rect.size.width/2); float midpointy = rect.origin.y + (rect.size.height/2); CCAffineTransform t = CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity(); // RIGHT TO LEFT! t = CCAffineTransformTranslate(t, midpointx, midpointy); t = CCAffineTransformScale(t, -1.0, -1.0); t = CCAffineTransformRotate(t, -1.57079633); t = CCAffineTransformTranslate(t, -midpointx, -midpointy); t = CCAffineTransformTranslate(t, rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y); centerbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centerbounds, t); rightbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rightbottombounds, t); leftbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(leftbottombounds, t); righttopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(righttopbounds, t); lefttopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(lefttopbounds, t); rightcenterbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rightcenterbounds, t); leftcenterbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(leftcenterbounds, t); centerbottombounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centerbottombounds, t); centertopbounds = CCRectApplyAffineTransform(centertopbounds, t); // Centre centre = new CCSprite(); centre->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), centerbounds, true); scale9Image->addChild(centre, 0, pCentre); // Top top = new CCSprite(); top->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), centertopbounds, true); scale9Image->addChild(top, 1, pTop); // Bottom bottom = new CCSprite(); bottom->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), centerbottombounds, true); scale9Image->addChild(bottom, 1, pBottom); // Left left = new CCSprite(); left->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), leftcenterbounds, true); scale9Image->addChild(left, 1, pLeft); // Right right = new CCSprite(); right->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), rightcenterbounds, true); scale9Image->addChild(right, 1, pRight); // Top left topLeft = new CCSprite(); topLeft->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), lefttopbounds, true); scale9Image->addChild(topLeft, 2, pTopLeft); // Top right topRight = new CCSprite(); topRight->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), righttopbounds, true); scale9Image->addChild(topRight, 2, pTopRight); // Bottom left bottomLeft = new CCSprite(); bottomLeft->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), leftbottombounds, true); scale9Image->addChild(bottomLeft, 2, pBottomLeft); // Bottom right bottomRight = new CCSprite(); bottomRight->initWithTexture(scale9Image->getTexture(), rightbottombounds, true); scale9Image->addChild(bottomRight, 2, pBottomRight); } this->setContentSize(rect.size); this->addChild(scale9Image); if (m_bSpritesGenerated) { // Restore color and opacity this->setOpacity(opacity); this->setColor(color); } m_bSpritesGenerated = true; return true; } void CCScale9Sprite::setContentSize(const CCSize &size) { CCNode::setContentSize(size); this->m_positionsAreDirty = true; } void CCScale9Sprite::updatePositions() { // Check that instances are non-NULL if(!((topLeft) && (topRight) && (bottomRight) && (bottomLeft) && (centre))) { // if any of the above sprites are NULL, return return; } CCSize size = this->m_obContentSize; float sizableWidth = size.width - topLeft->getContentSize().width - topRight->getContentSize().width; float sizableHeight = size.height - topLeft->getContentSize().height - bottomRight->getContentSize().height; float horizontalScale = sizableWidth/centre->getContentSize().width; float verticalScale = sizableHeight/centre->getContentSize().height; centre->setScaleX(horizontalScale); centre->setScaleY(verticalScale); float rescaledWidth = centre->getContentSize().width * horizontalScale; float rescaledHeight = centre->getContentSize().height * verticalScale; float leftWidth = bottomLeft->getContentSize().width; float bottomHeight = bottomLeft->getContentSize().height; bottomLeft->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0)); bottomRight->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0)); topLeft->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0)); topRight->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0)); left->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0)); right->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0)); top->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0)); bottom->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0)); centre->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0)); // Position corners bottomLeft->setPosition(ccp(0,0)); bottomRight->setPosition(ccp(leftWidth+rescaledWidth,0)); topLeft->setPosition(ccp(0, bottomHeight+rescaledHeight)); topRight->setPosition(ccp(leftWidth+rescaledWidth, bottomHeight+rescaledHeight)); // Scale and position borders left->setPosition(ccp(0, bottomHeight)); left->setScaleY(verticalScale); right->setPosition(ccp(leftWidth+rescaledWidth,bottomHeight)); right->setScaleY(verticalScale); bottom->setPosition(ccp(leftWidth,0)); bottom->setScaleX(horizontalScale); top->setPosition(ccp(leftWidth,bottomHeight+rescaledHeight)); top->setScaleX(horizontalScale); // Position centre centre->setPosition(ccp(leftWidth, bottomHeight)); } bool CCScale9Sprite::initWithFile(const char* file, CCRect rect, CCRect capInsets) { CCAssert(file != NULL, "Invalid file for sprite"); CCSpriteBatchNode *batchnode = CCSpriteBatchNode::create(file, 9); bool pReturn = this->initWithBatchNode(batchnode, rect, capInsets); return pReturn; } CCScale9Sprite* CCScale9Sprite::create(const char* file, CCRect rect, CCRect capInsets) { CCScale9Sprite* pReturn = new CCScale9Sprite(); if ( pReturn && pReturn->initWithFile(file, rect, capInsets) ) { pReturn->autorelease(); return pReturn; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pReturn); return NULL; } bool CCScale9Sprite::initWithFile(const char* file, CCRect rect) { CCAssert(file != NULL, "Invalid file for sprite"); bool pReturn = this->initWithFile(file, rect, CCRectZero); return pReturn; } CCScale9Sprite* CCScale9Sprite::create(const char* file, CCRect rect) { CCScale9Sprite* pReturn = new CCScale9Sprite(); if ( pReturn && pReturn->initWithFile(file, rect) ) { pReturn->autorelease(); return pReturn; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pReturn); return NULL; } bool CCScale9Sprite::initWithFile(CCRect capInsets, const char* file) { bool pReturn = this->initWithFile(file, CCRectZero, capInsets); return pReturn; } CCScale9Sprite* CCScale9Sprite::create(CCRect capInsets, const char* file) { CCScale9Sprite* pReturn = new CCScale9Sprite(); if ( pReturn && pReturn->initWithFile(capInsets, file) ) { pReturn->autorelease(); return pReturn; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pReturn); return NULL; } bool CCScale9Sprite::initWithFile(const char* file) { bool pReturn = this->initWithFile(file, CCRectZero); return pReturn; } CCScale9Sprite* CCScale9Sprite::create(const char* file) { CCScale9Sprite* pReturn = new CCScale9Sprite(); if ( pReturn && pReturn->initWithFile(file) ) { pReturn->autorelease(); return pReturn; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pReturn); return NULL; } bool CCScale9Sprite::initWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame* spriteFrame, CCRect capInsets) { CCTexture2D* texture = spriteFrame->getTexture(); CCAssert(texture != NULL, "CCTexture must be not nil"); CCSpriteBatchNode *batchnode = CCSpriteBatchNode::createWithTexture(texture, 9); CCAssert(batchnode != NULL, "CCSpriteBatchNode must be not nil"); bool pReturn = this->initWithBatchNode(batchnode, spriteFrame->getRect(), spriteFrame->isRotated(), capInsets); return pReturn; } CCScale9Sprite* CCScale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame* spriteFrame, CCRect capInsets) { CCScale9Sprite* pReturn = new CCScale9Sprite(); if ( pReturn && pReturn->initWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame, capInsets) ) { pReturn->autorelease(); return pReturn; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pReturn); return NULL; } bool CCScale9Sprite::initWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame* spriteFrame) { CCAssert(spriteFrame != NULL, "Invalid spriteFrame for sprite"); bool pReturn = this->initWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame, CCRectZero); return pReturn; } CCScale9Sprite* CCScale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame* spriteFrame) { CCScale9Sprite* pReturn = new CCScale9Sprite(); if ( pReturn && pReturn->initWithSpriteFrame(spriteFrame) ) { pReturn->autorelease(); return pReturn; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pReturn); return NULL; } bool CCScale9Sprite::initWithSpriteFrameName(const char* spriteFrameName, CCRect capInsets) { CCAssert((CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()) != NULL, "sharedSpriteFrameCache must be non-NULL"); CCSpriteFrame *frame = CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->spriteFrameByName(spriteFrameName); CCAssert(frame != NULL, "CCSpriteFrame must be non-NULL"); if (NULL == frame) return false; bool pReturn = this->initWithSpriteFrame(frame, capInsets); return pReturn; } CCScale9Sprite* CCScale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(const char* spriteFrameName, CCRect capInsets) { CCScale9Sprite* pReturn = new CCScale9Sprite(); if ( pReturn && pReturn->initWithSpriteFrameName(spriteFrameName, capInsets) ) { pReturn->autorelease(); return pReturn; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pReturn); return NULL; } bool CCScale9Sprite::initWithSpriteFrameName(const char* spriteFrameName) { bool pReturn = this->initWithSpriteFrameName(spriteFrameName, CCRectZero); return pReturn; } CCScale9Sprite* CCScale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(const char* spriteFrameName) { CCAssert(spriteFrameName != NULL, "spriteFrameName must be non-NULL"); CCScale9Sprite* pReturn = new CCScale9Sprite(); if ( pReturn && pReturn->initWithSpriteFrameName(spriteFrameName) ) { pReturn->autorelease(); return pReturn; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pReturn); CCLog("Could not allocate CCScale9Sprite()"); return NULL; } CCScale9Sprite* CCScale9Sprite::resizableSpriteWithCapInsets(CCRect capInsets) { CCScale9Sprite* pReturn = new CCScale9Sprite(); if ( pReturn && pReturn->initWithBatchNode(scale9Image, m_spriteRect, capInsets) ) { pReturn->autorelease(); return pReturn; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pReturn); return NULL; } CCScale9Sprite* CCScale9Sprite::create() { CCScale9Sprite *pReturn = new CCScale9Sprite(); if (pReturn) { pReturn->autorelease(); return pReturn; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pReturn); return NULL; } //LabelBMFont - CCRGBAProtocol protocol void CCScale9Sprite::setColor(const ccColor3B& color3) { m_tColor = color3; if (scale9Image->getChildren() && scale9Image->getChildren()->count() != 0) { CCObject* child; CCARRAY_FOREACH(scale9Image->getChildren(), child) { CCRGBAProtocol* pNode = dynamic_cast(child); if (pNode) { pNode->setColor(m_tColor); } } } } const ccColor3B& CCScale9Sprite::getColor(void) { return m_tColor; } void CCScale9Sprite::setOpacity(GLubyte var) { m_cOpacity = var; if (scale9Image->getChildren() && scale9Image->getChildren()->count() != 0) { CCObject* child; CCARRAY_FOREACH(scale9Image->getChildren(), child) { CCRGBAProtocol* pNode = dynamic_cast(child); if (pNode) { pNode->setOpacity(m_cOpacity); } } } } /** sets the opacity. @warning If the the texture has premultiplied alpha then, the R, G and B channels will be modifed. Values goes from 0 to 255, where 255 means fully opaque. */ GLubyte CCScale9Sprite::getOpacity() { return m_cOpacity; } void CCScale9Sprite::setPreferredSize(CCSize preferedSize) { this->setContentSize(preferedSize); this->m_preferredSize = preferedSize; } CCSize CCScale9Sprite::getPreferredSize() { return this->m_preferredSize; } void CCScale9Sprite::setCapInsets(CCRect capInsets) { CCSize contentSize = this->m_obContentSize; this->updateWithBatchNode(this->scale9Image, this->m_spriteRect, m_bSpriteFrameRotated, capInsets); this->setContentSize(contentSize); } CCRect CCScale9Sprite::getCapInsets() { return m_capInsets; } void CCScale9Sprite::updateCapInset() { CCRect insets; if (this->m_insetLeft == 0 && this->m_insetTop == 0 && this->m_insetRight == 0 && this->m_insetBottom == 0) { insets = CCRectZero; } else { if (m_bSpriteFrameRotated) { insets = CCRectMake(m_spriteRect.origin.x + m_insetBottom, m_spriteRect.origin.y + m_insetLeft, m_spriteRect.size.width-m_insetRight-m_insetLeft, m_spriteRect.size.height-m_insetTop-m_insetBottom); } else { insets = CCRectMake(m_spriteRect.origin.x + m_insetLeft, m_spriteRect.origin.y + m_insetTop, m_spriteRect.size.width-m_insetLeft-m_insetRight, m_spriteRect.size.height-m_insetTop-m_insetBottom); } } this->setCapInsets(insets); } void CCScale9Sprite::setOpacityModifyRGB(bool var) { m_bIsOpacityModifyRGB = var; if (scale9Image->getChildren() && scale9Image->getChildren()->count() != 0) { CCObject* child; CCARRAY_FOREACH(scale9Image->getChildren(), child) { CCRGBAProtocol* pNode = dynamic_cast(child); if (pNode) { pNode->setOpacityModifyRGB(m_bIsOpacityModifyRGB); } } } } bool CCScale9Sprite::isOpacityModifyRGB() { return m_bIsOpacityModifyRGB; } void CCScale9Sprite::setSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame * spriteFrame) { CCSpriteBatchNode * batchnode = CCSpriteBatchNode::createWithTexture(spriteFrame->getTexture(), 9); this->updateWithBatchNode(batchnode, spriteFrame->getRect(), spriteFrame->isRotated(), CCRectZero); // Reset insets this->m_insetLeft = 0; this->m_insetTop = 0; this->m_insetRight = 0; this->m_insetBottom = 0; } float CCScale9Sprite::getInsetLeft() { return this->m_insetLeft; } float CCScale9Sprite::getInsetTop() { return this->m_insetTop; } float CCScale9Sprite::getInsetRight() { return this->m_insetRight; } float CCScale9Sprite::getInsetBottom() { return this->m_insetBottom; } void CCScale9Sprite::setInsetLeft(float insetLeft) { this->m_insetLeft = insetLeft; this->updateCapInset(); } void CCScale9Sprite::setInsetTop(float insetTop) { this->m_insetTop = insetTop; this->updateCapInset(); } void CCScale9Sprite::setInsetRight(float insetRight) { this->m_insetRight = insetRight; this->updateCapInset(); } void CCScale9Sprite::setInsetBottom(float insetBottom) { this->m_insetBottom = insetBottom; this->updateCapInset(); } void CCScale9Sprite::visit() { if(this->m_positionsAreDirty) { this->updatePositions(); this->m_positionsAreDirty = false; } CCNode::visit(); } NS_CC_EXT_END