@echo off set APPNAME="WatermelonWithMe" set buildexternalsfromsource= set PARALLEL_BUILD_FLAG= goto :getopts :usage echo Build C/C++ code for %APPNAME% using Android NDK echo OPTIONS: echo -s Build externals from source echo -p Run make with -j8 option to take advantage of multiple processors echo -h this help pause exit /b 1 :def echo "NDK_ROOT not defined. Please define NDK_ROOT in your environment." pause exit /b 1 :getopts set "par=%~1" if "%par%"=="" (goto :L) if "%~1"=="-s" set /a buildexternalsfromsource=1 if "%~1"=="-p" set PARALLEL_BUILD_FLAG=\-j8 if "%~1"=="-h" goto :usage shift goto :getopts :L set NDK_ROOT=%NDK_ROOT% if "%NDK_ROOT%"=="" goto:def rem check toolchains if exist %NDK_ROOT%\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.8 (goto :toolchains48) if exist %NDK_ROOT%\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.7 (goto :toolchains47) if exist %NDK_ROOT%\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.6 (goto :toolchains46) echo "Couldn't find the gcc toolchain." pause exit /b 1 :toolchains48 set NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=4.8 goto :InitPath :toolchains47 set NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=4.7 goto :InitPath :toolchains46 set NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=4.6 :InitPath set COCOS2DX_ROOT=%~dp0..\..\..\.. set APP_ROOT=%~dp0.. set APP_ANDROID_ROOT=%~dp0 set RESROUCE_ROOT="%APP_ROOT%\..\Shared\games\WatermelonWithMe" set BINDINGS_JS_ROOT=%APP_ROOT%\..\..\..\scripting\javascript\bindings\js if "%buildexternalsfromsource%"=="1" (goto :MODULE1) else (goto :MODULE2) :MODULE1 echo "Building external dependencies from source" set NDK_MODULE_PATH=%COCOS2DX_ROOT%;%COCOS2DX_ROOT%\cocos2dx\platform\third_party\android\source goto :COPY_RES :MODULE2 echo "Using prebuilt externals" set NDK_MODULE_PATH=%COCOS2DX_ROOT%;%COCOS2DX_ROOT%\cocos2dx\platform\third_party\android\prebuilt :COPY_RES echo NDK_ROOT = %NDK_ROOT% echo COCOS2DX_ROOT=%COCOS2DX_ROOT% echo APP_ROOT=%APP_ROOT% echo APP_ANDROID_ROOT=%APP_ANDROID_ROOT% echo NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=%NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION% rem make sure assets is exist if exist %APP_ANDROID_ROOT%\assets rd /q /s %APP_ANDROID_ROOT%\assets mkdir %APP_ANDROID_ROOT%\assets mkdir %APP_ANDROID_ROOT%\assets\res rem copy Resources/* into assets' root xcopy /e /q /r /y %RESROUCE_ROOT%\* %APP_ANDROID_ROOT%\assets rem copy bindings/*.js into assets' root xcopy /e /q /r /y %BINDINGS_JS_ROOT%\*.js %APP_ANDROID_ROOT%\assets call %NDK_ROOT%\ndk-build.cmd %PARALLEL_BUILD_FLAG% NDK_LOG=0 V=0 pause