/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2013 Zynga Inc. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "CCLabel.h" #include "CCFontAtlasCache.h" #include "CCLabelTextFormatter.h" #include "CCSprite.h" #include "CCShaderCache.h" #include "ccUTF8.h" #include "CCSpriteFrame.h" #include "CCDirector.h" #include "renderer/CCRenderer.h" #include "CCFont.h" #define DISTANCEFIELD_ATLAS_FONTSIZE 50 NS_CC_BEGIN Label* Label::create() { Label *ret = new Label(); if (!ret) return nullptr; ret->autorelease(); return ret; } Label* Label::createWithTTF(const TTFConfig& ttfConfig, const std::string& text, TextHAlignment alignment /* = TextHAlignment::CENTER */, int lineSize /* = 0 */) { Label *ret = new Label(nullptr,alignment); if (!ret) return nullptr; if (ret->setTTFConfig(ttfConfig)) { if(ttfConfig.distanceFieldEnabled) ret->setFontScale(1.0f * ttfConfig.fontSize / DISTANCEFIELD_ATLAS_FONTSIZE); ret->setMaxLineWidth(lineSize); ret->setString(text); ret->autorelease(); return ret; } else { delete ret; return nullptr; } } Label* Label::createWithTTF(const std::string& text, const std::string& fontFilePath, int fontSize, int lineSize /* = 0 */, TextHAlignment alignment /* = TextHAlignment::CENTER */, GlyphCollection glyphs /* = GlyphCollection::NEHE */, const char *customGlyphs /* = 0 */, bool useDistanceField /* = false */) { TTFConfig ttfConfig(fontFilePath.c_str(),fontSize,glyphs,customGlyphs,useDistanceField); return createWithTTF(ttfConfig,text,alignment,lineSize); } Label* Label::createWithBMFont(const std::string& bmfontFilePath, const std::string& text,const TextHAlignment& alignment /* = TextHAlignment::CENTER */, int lineSize /* = 0 */) { Label *ret = new Label(nullptr,alignment); if (!ret) return nullptr; if (ret->setBMFontFilePath(bmfontFilePath)) { ret->setMaxLineWidth(lineSize); ret->setString(text); ret->autorelease(); return ret; } else { delete ret; return nullptr; } } Label* Label::createWithCharMap(const std::string& plistFile) { Label *ret = new Label(); if (!ret) return nullptr; if (ret->setCharMap(plistFile)) { ret->autorelease(); return ret; } else { delete ret; return nullptr; } } Label* Label::createWithCharMap(Texture2D* texture, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap) { Label *ret = new Label(); if (!ret) return nullptr; if (ret->setCharMap(texture,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap)) { ret->autorelease(); return ret; } else { delete ret; return nullptr; } } Label* Label::createWithCharMap(const std::string& charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap) { Label *ret = new Label(); if (!ret) return nullptr; if (ret->setCharMap(charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap)) { ret->autorelease(); return ret; } else { delete ret; return nullptr; } } bool Label::setCharMap(const std::string& plistFile) { FontAtlas *newAtlas = FontAtlasCache::getFontAtlasCharMap(plistFile); if (!newAtlas) return false; return initWithFontAtlas(newAtlas); } bool Label::setCharMap(Texture2D* texture, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap) { FontAtlas *newAtlas = FontAtlasCache::getFontAtlasCharMap(texture,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap); if (!newAtlas) return false; return initWithFontAtlas(newAtlas); } bool Label::setCharMap(const std::string& charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap) { FontAtlas *newAtlas = FontAtlasCache::getFontAtlasCharMap(charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap); if (!newAtlas) return false; return initWithFontAtlas(newAtlas); } Label::Label(FontAtlas *atlas, TextHAlignment alignment, bool useDistanceField,bool useA8Shader) : _reusedLetter(nullptr) , _commonLineHeight(0.0f) , _lineBreakWithoutSpaces(false) , _maxLineWidth(0.0f) , _alignment(alignment) , _currentUTF16String(nullptr) , _originalUTF16String(nullptr) , _horizontalKernings(nullptr) , _fontAtlas(atlas) , _isOpacityModifyRGB(false) , _useDistanceField(useDistanceField) , _useA8Shader(useA8Shader) , _fontScale(1.0f) , _uniformEffectColor(0) ,_currNumLines(-1) { _cascadeColorEnabled = true; _batchNodes.push_back(this); } Label::~Label() { delete [] _currentUTF16String; delete [] _originalUTF16String; delete [] _horizontalKernings; if (_fontAtlas) FontAtlasCache::releaseFontAtlas(_fontAtlas); _reusedLetter->release(); } bool Label::init() { bool ret = true; if(_fontAtlas) { if (_reusedLetter == nullptr) { _reusedLetter = Sprite::createWithTexture(&_fontAtlas->getTexture(0)); _reusedLetter->setOpacityModifyRGB(_isOpacityModifyRGB); _reusedLetter->retain(); _reusedLetter->setAnchorPoint(Point::ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT); } ret = SpriteBatchNode::initWithTexture(&_fontAtlas->getTexture(0), 30); } if (_useDistanceField) setLabelEffect(LabelEffect::NORMAL,Color3B::BLACK); else if(_useA8Shader) setShaderProgram(ShaderCache::getInstance()->getProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_NAME_POSITION_TEXTURE_A8_COLOR)); else setShaderProgram(ShaderCache::getInstance()->getProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_NAME_POSITION_TEXTURE_COLOR)); return ret; } bool Label::initWithFontAtlas(FontAtlas* atlas,bool distanceFieldEnabled /* = false */, bool useA8Shader /* = false */) { FontAtlas *oldAtlas = _fontAtlas; bool oldDistanceFieldEnable = _useDistanceField; bool oldA8ShaderEnabel = _useA8Shader; _fontAtlas = atlas; _useDistanceField = distanceFieldEnabled; _useA8Shader = useA8Shader; bool ret = Label::init(); if (oldAtlas) { if (ret) { FontAtlasCache::releaseFontAtlas(oldAtlas); } else { _fontAtlas = oldAtlas; _useDistanceField = oldDistanceFieldEnable; _useA8Shader = oldA8ShaderEnabel; Label::init(); FontAtlasCache::releaseFontAtlas(atlas); } } if (_fontAtlas) { _commonLineHeight = _fontAtlas->getCommonLineHeight(); if(_currentUTF16String) { resetCurrentString(); alignText(); } } return ret; } bool Label::setTTFConfig(const TTFConfig& ttfConfig) { FontAtlas *newAtlas = nullptr; if(ttfConfig.distanceFieldEnabled) newAtlas = FontAtlasCache::getFontAtlasTTF(ttfConfig.fontFilePath, DISTANCEFIELD_ATLAS_FONTSIZE, ttfConfig.glyphs, ttfConfig.customGlyphs,true); else newAtlas = FontAtlasCache::getFontAtlasTTF(ttfConfig.fontFilePath, ttfConfig.fontSize, ttfConfig.glyphs, ttfConfig.customGlyphs,false); if (!newAtlas) return false; return initWithFontAtlas(newAtlas,ttfConfig.distanceFieldEnabled,true); } bool Label::setBMFontFilePath(const std::string& bmfontFilePath) { FontAtlas *newAtlas = FontAtlasCache::getFontAtlasFNT(bmfontFilePath); if (!newAtlas) return false; return initWithFontAtlas(newAtlas); } void Label::setString(const std::string& text) { if (!_fontAtlas || _commonLineHeight <= 0) return ; unsigned short* utf16String = cc_utf8_to_utf16(text.c_str()); if(!utf16String) return ; _originalUTF8String = text; setCurrentString(utf16String); setOriginalString(utf16String); // align text alignText(); } void Label::setAlignment(TextHAlignment alignment) { // store the new alignment if (alignment != _alignment) { // store _alignment = alignment; if (_currentUTF16String) { // reset the string resetCurrentString(); // need to align text again alignText(); } } } void Label::setMaxLineWidth(float width) { if (width != _maxLineWidth) { // store _maxLineWidth = width; if (_currentUTF16String) { // reset the string resetCurrentString(); // need to align text again alignText(); } } } void Label::setLineBreakWithoutSpace(bool breakWithoutSpace) { if (breakWithoutSpace != _lineBreakWithoutSpaces) { // store _lineBreakWithoutSpaces = breakWithoutSpace; // need to align text again if(_currentUTF16String) { resetCurrentString(); alignText(); } } } void Label::setScale(float scale) { if (_useDistanceField) { scale *= _fontScale; } Node::setScale(scale); } void Label::setScaleX(float scaleX) { if (_useDistanceField) { scaleX *= _fontScale; } Node::setScaleX(scaleX); } void Label::setScaleY(float scaleY) { if (_useDistanceField) { scaleY *= _fontScale; } Node::setScaleY(scaleY); } float Label::getScaleY() const { if (_useDistanceField) { return _scaleY / _fontScale; } else { return _scaleY; } } float Label::getScaleX() const { if (_useDistanceField) { return _scaleX / _fontScale; } else { return _scaleX; } } void Label::alignText() { if (_reusedLetter == nullptr) { return; } for (const auto& batchNode:_batchNodes) { batchNode->getTextureAtlas()->removeAllQuads(); } _fontAtlas->prepareLetterDefinitions(_currentUTF16String); auto textures = _fontAtlas->getTextures(); if (textures.size() > _batchNodes.size()) { for (auto index = _batchNodes.size(); index < textures.size(); ++index) { auto batchNode = SpriteBatchNode::createWithTexture(textures[index]); batchNode->setAnchorPoint(Point::ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT); batchNode->setPosition(Point::ZERO); Node::addChild(batchNode,0,Node::INVALID_TAG); _batchNodes.push_back(batchNode); } } LabelTextFormatter::createStringSprites(this); if(_maxLineWidth > 0 && _contentSize.width > _maxLineWidth && LabelTextFormatter::multilineText(this) ) LabelTextFormatter::createStringSprites(this); if(_currNumLines > 1 && _alignment != TextHAlignment::LEFT) LabelTextFormatter::alignText(this); int strLen = cc_wcslen(_currentUTF16String); Rect uvRect; Sprite* letterSprite; for(const auto &child : _children) { int tag = child->getTag(); if(tag >= strLen) { SpriteBatchNode::removeChild(child, true); } else if(tag >= 0) { letterSprite = dynamic_cast(child); if (letterSprite) { uvRect.size.height = _lettersInfo[tag].def.height; uvRect.size.width = _lettersInfo[tag].def.width; uvRect.origin.x = _lettersInfo[tag].def.U; uvRect.origin.y = _lettersInfo[tag].def.V; letterSprite->setTexture(textures[_lettersInfo[tag].def.textureID]); letterSprite->setTextureRect(uvRect); } } } int index; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < strLen; ++ctr) { if (_lettersInfo[ctr].def.validDefinition) { updateSpriteWithLetterDefinition(_lettersInfo[ctr].def,textures[_lettersInfo[ctr].def.textureID]); _reusedLetter->setPosition(_lettersInfo[ctr].position); index = _batchNodes[_lettersInfo[ctr].def.textureID]->getTextureAtlas()->getTotalQuads(); _batchNodes[_lettersInfo[ctr].def.textureID]->insertQuadFromSprite(_reusedLetter,index); } } updateColor(); } bool Label::computeHorizontalKernings(unsigned short int *stringToRender) { if (_horizontalKernings) { delete [] _horizontalKernings; _horizontalKernings = 0; } int letterCount = 0; _horizontalKernings = _fontAtlas->getFont()->getHorizontalKerningForTextUTF16(stringToRender, letterCount); if(!_horizontalKernings) return false; else return true; } bool Label::setOriginalString(unsigned short *stringToSet) { if (_originalUTF16String) { delete [] _originalUTF16String; } int newStringLenght = cc_wcslen(stringToSet); _originalUTF16String = new unsigned short int [newStringLenght + 1]; memset(_originalUTF16String, 0, (newStringLenght + 1) * 2); memcpy(_originalUTF16String, stringToSet, (newStringLenght * 2)); _originalUTF16String[newStringLenght] = 0; return true; } bool Label::setCurrentString(unsigned short *stringToSet) { // set the new string if (_currentUTF16String) { delete [] _currentUTF16String; } _currentUTF16String = stringToSet; computeStringNumLines(); // compute the advances return computeHorizontalKernings(stringToSet); } void Label::resetCurrentString() { if ((!_currentUTF16String) && (!_originalUTF16String)) return; // set the new string if (_currentUTF16String) { delete [] _currentUTF16String; _currentUTF16String = 0; } int stringLenght = cc_wcslen(_originalUTF16String); _currentUTF16String = new unsigned short int [stringLenght + 1]; memcpy(_currentUTF16String, _originalUTF16String, stringLenght * 2); _currentUTF16String[stringLenght] = 0; } void Label::updateSpriteWithLetterDefinition(const FontLetterDefinition &theDefinition, Texture2D *theTexture) { _reusedRect.size.height = theDefinition.height; _reusedRect.size.width = theDefinition.width; _reusedRect.origin.x = theDefinition.U; _reusedRect.origin.y = theDefinition.V; if(_reusedLetter->getBatchNode() != _batchNodes[theDefinition.textureID]) _reusedLetter->setBatchNode(_batchNodes[theDefinition.textureID]); _reusedLetter->setTextureRect(_reusedRect,false,_reusedRect.size); } bool Label::recordLetterInfo(const cocos2d::Point& point,const FontLetterDefinition& letterDef, int spriteIndex) { if (static_cast(spriteIndex) >= _lettersInfo.size()) { LetterInfo tmpInfo; _lettersInfo.push_back(tmpInfo); } _lettersInfo[spriteIndex].def = letterDef; _lettersInfo[spriteIndex].position = point; _lettersInfo[spriteIndex].contentSize.width = _lettersInfo[spriteIndex].def.width; _lettersInfo[spriteIndex].contentSize.height = _lettersInfo[spriteIndex].def.height; return _lettersInfo[spriteIndex].def.validDefinition; } bool Label::recordPlaceholderInfo(int spriteIndex) { if (static_cast(spriteIndex) >= _lettersInfo.size()) { LetterInfo tmpInfo; _lettersInfo.push_back(tmpInfo); } _lettersInfo[spriteIndex].def.validDefinition = false; return false; } void Label::addChild(Node * child, int zOrder/* =0 */, int tag/* =0 */) { CCASSERT(0, "addChild: is not supported on Label."); } void Label::setLabelEffect(LabelEffect effect,const Color3B& effectColor) { if(_useDistanceField == false) return; _currLabelEffect = effect; _effectColor = effectColor; switch (_currLabelEffect) { case cocos2d::LabelEffect::NORMAL: setShaderProgram(ShaderCache::getInstance()->getProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_NAME_LABEL_DISTANCEFIELD_NORMAL)); break; case cocos2d::LabelEffect::OUTLINE: setShaderProgram(ShaderCache::getInstance()->getProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_NAME_LABEL_DISTANCEFIELD_OUTLINE)); break; case cocos2d::LabelEffect::SHADOW: setShaderProgram(ShaderCache::getInstance()->getProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_NAME_LABEL_DISTANCEFIELD_SHADOW)); break; case cocos2d::LabelEffect::GLOW: setShaderProgram(ShaderCache::getInstance()->getProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_NAME_LABEL_DISTANCEFIELD_GLOW)); break; default: return; } _uniformEffectColor = glGetUniformLocation(_shaderProgram->getProgram(), "v_effectColor"); } void Label::setFontScale(float fontScale) { _fontScale = fontScale; Node::setScale(_fontScale); } void Label::onDraw() { CC_PROFILER_START("Label - draw"); // Optimization: Fast Dispatch if( _batchNodes.size() == 1 && _textureAtlas->getTotalQuads() == 0 ) { return; } CC_NODE_DRAW_SETUP(); if (_useDistanceField && _currLabelEffect != LabelEffect::NORMAL) { _shaderProgram->setUniformLocationWith3f(_uniformEffectColor, _effectColor.r/255.0f,_effectColor.g/255.0f,_effectColor.b/255.0f); } for(const auto &child: _children) { child->updateTransform(); } GL::blendFunc( _blendFunc.src, _blendFunc.dst ); for (const auto& batchNode:_batchNodes) { batchNode->getTextureAtlas()->drawQuads(); } CC_PROFILER_STOP("Label - draw"); } void Label::draw() { _customCommand.init(_globalZOrder); _customCommand.func = CC_CALLBACK_0(Label::onDraw, this); Director::getInstance()->getRenderer()->addCommand(&_customCommand); } void Label::visit() { if (! _visible) { return; } kmGLPushMatrix(); transform(); draw(); kmGLPopMatrix(); setOrderOfArrival(0); } ///// PROTOCOL STUFF Sprite * Label::getLetter(int lettetIndex) { if (lettetIndex < getStringLenght()) { if(_lettersInfo[lettetIndex].def.validDefinition == false) return nullptr; Sprite* sp = static_cast(this->getChildByTag(lettetIndex)); if (!sp) { Rect uvRect; uvRect.size.height = _lettersInfo[lettetIndex].def.height; uvRect.size.width = _lettersInfo[lettetIndex].def.width; uvRect.origin.x = _lettersInfo[lettetIndex].def.U; uvRect.origin.y = _lettersInfo[lettetIndex].def.V; sp = Sprite::createWithTexture(&_fontAtlas->getTexture(_lettersInfo[lettetIndex].def.textureID),uvRect); sp->setBatchNode(this); sp->setAnchorPoint(Point::ANCHOR_MIDDLE); sp->setPosition(Point(_lettersInfo[lettetIndex].position.x+uvRect.size.width/2,_lettersInfo[lettetIndex].position.y-uvRect.size.height/2)); sp->setOpacity(_realOpacity); this->addSpriteWithoutQuad(sp, lettetIndex, lettetIndex); } return sp; } return nullptr; } int Label::getCommonLineHeight() const { return _commonLineHeight; } // string related stuff int Label::getStringNumLines() const { return _currNumLines; } void Label::computeStringNumLines() { int quantityOfLines = 1; unsigned int stringLen = _currentUTF16String ? cc_wcslen(_currentUTF16String) : -1; if (stringLen < 1) { _currNumLines = stringLen; return; } // count number of lines for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stringLen - 1; ++i) { if (_currentUTF16String[i] == '\n') { quantityOfLines++; } } _currNumLines = quantityOfLines; } int Label::getStringLenght() const { return _currentUTF16String ? cc_wcslen(_currentUTF16String) : 0; } TextHAlignment Label::getTextAlignment() const { return _alignment; } // label related stuff float Label::getMaxLineWidth() const { return _maxLineWidth; } bool Label::breakLineWithoutSpace() const { return _lineBreakWithoutSpaces; } // RGBA protocol bool Label::isOpacityModifyRGB() const { return _isOpacityModifyRGB; } void Label::setOpacityModifyRGB(bool isOpacityModifyRGB) { _isOpacityModifyRGB = isOpacityModifyRGB; for(const auto& child: _children) { child->setOpacityModifyRGB(_isOpacityModifyRGB); } _reusedLetter->setOpacityModifyRGB(true); } void Label::setColor(const Color3B& color) { _reusedLetter->setColor(color); SpriteBatchNode::setColor(color); } void Label::updateColor() { V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad *quads = _textureAtlas->getQuads(); auto count = _textureAtlas->getTotalQuads(); Color4B color4( _displayedColor.r, _displayedColor.g, _displayedColor.b, _displayedOpacity ); // special opacity for premultiplied textures if (_isOpacityModifyRGB) { color4.r *= _displayedOpacity/255.0f; color4.g *= _displayedOpacity/255.0f; color4.b *= _displayedOpacity/255.0f; } for (int index=0; indexupdateQuad(&quads[index], index); } } std::string Label::getDescription() const { return StringUtils::format("