/* * */ #include "PerformanceContainerTest.h" #include // Enable profiles for this file #undef CC_PROFILER_DISPLAY_TIMERS #define CC_PROFILER_DISPLAY_TIMERS() Profiler::getInstance()->displayTimers() #undef CC_PROFILER_PURGE_ALL #define CC_PROFILER_PURGE_ALL() Profiler::getInstance()->releaseAllTimers() #undef CC_PROFILER_START #define CC_PROFILER_START(__name__) ProfilingBeginTimingBlock(__name__) #undef CC_PROFILER_STOP #define CC_PROFILER_STOP(__name__) ProfilingEndTimingBlock(__name__) #undef CC_PROFILER_RESET #define CC_PROFILER_RESET(__name__) ProfilingResetTimingBlock(__name__) #undef CC_PROFILER_START_CATEGORY #define CC_PROFILER_START_CATEGORY(__cat__, __name__) do{ if(__cat__) ProfilingBeginTimingBlock(__name__); } while(0) #undef CC_PROFILER_STOP_CATEGORY #define CC_PROFILER_STOP_CATEGORY(__cat__, __name__) do{ if(__cat__) ProfilingEndTimingBlock(__name__); } while(0) #undef CC_PROFILER_RESET_CATEGORY #define CC_PROFILER_RESET_CATEGORY(__cat__, __name__) do{ if(__cat__) ProfilingResetTimingBlock(__name__); } while(0) #undef CC_PROFILER_START_INSTANCE #define CC_PROFILER_START_INSTANCE(__id__, __name__) do{ ProfilingBeginTimingBlock( String::createWithFormat("%08X - %s", __id__, __name__)->getCString() ); } while(0) #undef CC_PROFILER_STOP_INSTANCE #define CC_PROFILER_STOP_INSTANCE(__id__, __name__) do{ ProfilingEndTimingBlock( String::createWithFormat("%08X - %s", __id__, __name__)->getCString() ); } while(0) #undef CC_PROFILER_RESET_INSTANCE #define CC_PROFILER_RESET_INSTANCE(__id__, __name__) do{ ProfilingResetTimingBlock( String::createWithFormat("%08X - %s", __id__, __name__)->getCString() ); } while(0) static std::function createFunctions[] = { CL(TemplateVectorPerfTest), CL(ArrayPerfTest), CL(TemplateMapStringKeyPerfTest), CL(DictionaryStringKeyPerfTest), CL(TemplateMapIntKeyPerfTest), CL(DictionaryIntKeyPerfTest) }; #define MAX_LAYER (sizeof(createFunctions) / sizeof(createFunctions[0])) enum { kTagInfoLayer = 1, kTagBase = 20000, }; enum { kMaxNodes = 15000, kNodesIncrease = 500, }; static int g_curCase = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ContainerBasicLayer // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ContainerBasicLayer::ContainerBasicLayer(bool bControlMenuVisible, int nMaxCases, int nCurCase) : PerformBasicLayer(bControlMenuVisible, nMaxCases, nCurCase) { } void ContainerBasicLayer::showCurrentTest() { int nodes = ((PerformanceContainerScene*)getParent())->getQuantityOfNodes(); auto scene = createFunctions[_curCase](); g_curCase = _curCase; if (scene) { scene->initWithQuantityOfNodes(nodes); Director::getInstance()->replaceScene(scene); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PerformanceContainerScene // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void PerformanceContainerScene::initWithQuantityOfNodes(unsigned int nNodes) { _type = 0; //srand(time()); auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); // Title auto label = LabelTTF::create(title().c_str(), "Arial", 32); addChild(label, 1, TAG_TITLE); label->setPosition(Point(s.width/2, s.height-50)); // Subtitle std::string strSubTitle = subtitle(); if(strSubTitle.length()) { auto l = LabelTTF::create(strSubTitle.c_str(), "Thonburi", 16); addChild(l, 1, TAG_SUBTITLE); l->setPosition(Point(s.width/2, s.height-80)); } lastRenderedCount = 0; currentQuantityOfNodes = 0; quantityOfNodes = nNodes; MenuItemFont::setFontSize(65); auto decrease = MenuItemFont::create(" - ", [&](Object *sender) { quantityOfNodes -= kNodesIncrease; if( quantityOfNodes < 0 ) quantityOfNodes = 0; updateQuantityLabel(); updateQuantityOfNodes(); updateProfilerName(); CC_PROFILER_PURGE_ALL(); srand(0); }); decrease->setColor(Color3B(0,200,20)); _decrease = decrease; auto increase = MenuItemFont::create(" + ", [&](Object *sender) { quantityOfNodes += kNodesIncrease; if( quantityOfNodes > kMaxNodes ) quantityOfNodes = kMaxNodes; updateQuantityLabel(); updateQuantityOfNodes(); updateProfilerName(); CC_PROFILER_PURGE_ALL(); srand(0); }); increase->setColor(Color3B(0,200,20)); _increase = increase; auto menu = Menu::create(decrease, increase, NULL); menu->alignItemsHorizontally(); menu->setPosition(Point(s.width/2, s.height/2+15)); addChild(menu, 1); auto infoLabel = LabelTTF::create("0 nodes", "Marker Felt", 30); infoLabel->setColor(Color3B(0,200,20)); infoLabel->setPosition(Point(s.width/2, s.height/2-15)); addChild(infoLabel, 1, kTagInfoLayer); auto menuLayer = new ContainerBasicLayer(true, MAX_LAYER, g_curCase); addChild(menuLayer); menuLayer->release(); printf("Size of Node: %lu\n", sizeof(Node)); int oldFontSize = MenuItemFont::getFontSize(); MenuItemFont::setFontSize(24); Vector toggleItems; generateTestFunctions(); CCASSERT(!_testFunctions.empty(), "Should not be empty after generate test functions"); for (const auto& f : _testFunctions) { toggleItems.pushBack(MenuItemFont::create(f.name)); } auto toggle = MenuItemToggle::createWithCallback([this](Object* sender){ auto toggle = static_cast(sender); this->_type = toggle->getSelectedIndex(); auto label = static_cast(this->getChildByTag(TAG_SUBTITLE)); label->setString(StringUtils::format("Test '%s', See console", this->_testFunctions[this->_type].name)); this->updateProfilerName(); }, toggleItems); toggle->setAnchorPoint(Point::ANCHOR_MIDDLE_LEFT); toggle->setPosition(VisibleRect::left()); _toggle = toggle; auto start = MenuItemFont::create("start", [this](Object* sender){ auto director = Director::getInstance(); auto sched = director->getScheduler(); CC_PROFILER_PURGE_ALL(); sched->scheduleSelector(schedule_selector(PerformanceContainerScene::dumpProfilerInfo), this, 2, false); this->unscheduleUpdate(); this->scheduleUpdate(); this->_startItem->setEnabled(false); this->_stopItem->setEnabled(true); this->_toggle->setEnabled(false); this->_increase->setEnabled(false); this->_decrease->setEnabled(false); }); start->setAnchorPoint(Point::ANCHOR_MIDDLE_RIGHT); start->setPosition(VisibleRect::right() + Point(0, 40)); _startItem = start; auto stop = MenuItemFont::create("stop", [this](Object* sender){ auto director = Director::getInstance(); auto sched = director->getScheduler(); sched->unscheduleSelector(schedule_selector(PerformanceContainerScene::dumpProfilerInfo), this); this->unscheduleUpdate(); this->_startItem->setEnabled(true); this->_stopItem->setEnabled(false); this->_toggle->setEnabled(true); this->_increase->setEnabled(true); this->_decrease->setEnabled(true); }); stop->setEnabled(false); stop->setAnchorPoint(Point::ANCHOR_MIDDLE_RIGHT); stop->setPosition(VisibleRect::right() + Point(0, -40)); _stopItem = stop; auto menu2 = Menu::create(toggle, start, stop, NULL); menu2->setPosition(Point::ZERO); addChild(menu2); MenuItemFont::setFontSize(oldFontSize); updateQuantityLabel(); updateQuantityOfNodes(); updateProfilerName(); } std::string PerformanceContainerScene::title() const { return "No title"; } std::string PerformanceContainerScene::subtitle() const { return ""; } void PerformanceContainerScene::updateQuantityLabel() { if( quantityOfNodes != lastRenderedCount ) { auto infoLabel = static_cast( getChildByTag(kTagInfoLayer) ); char str[20] = {0}; sprintf(str, "%u nodes", quantityOfNodes); infoLabel->setString(str); lastRenderedCount = quantityOfNodes; } } const char * PerformanceContainerScene::profilerName() { return _profilerName; } void PerformanceContainerScene::updateProfilerName() { snprintf(_profilerName, sizeof(_profilerName)-1, "%s(%d)", testName(), quantityOfNodes); } void PerformanceContainerScene::dumpProfilerInfo(float dt) { CC_PROFILER_DISPLAY_TIMERS(); } void PerformanceContainerScene::update(float dt) { _testFunctions[_type].func(); } void PerformanceContainerScene::updateQuantityOfNodes() { currentQuantityOfNodes = quantityOfNodes; } const char* PerformanceContainerScene::testName() { return _testFunctions[_type].name; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TemplateVectorPerfTest // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TemplateVectorPerfTest::generateTestFunctions() { auto createVector = [this](){ Vector ret; for( int i=0; isetTag(i); ret.pushBack(node); } return ret; }; TestFunction testFunctions[] = { { "pushBack", [=](){ Vector nodeVector; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); } } , { "insert", [=](){ Vector nodeVector; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); } } , { "replace", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); srand(time(nullptr)); ssize_t index = rand() % quantityOfNodes; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); } } , { "getIndex", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); Node* objToGet = nodeVector.at(quantityOfNodes/3); ssize_t index = 0; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); // Uses `index` to avoids `getIndex` invoking was optimized in release mode if (index == quantityOfNodes/3) { nodeVector.clear(); } } } , { "find", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); Node* objToGet = nodeVector.at(quantityOfNodes/3); Vector::iterator iter; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); // Uses `iter` to avoids `find` invoking was optimized in release mode if (*iter == objToGet) { nodeVector.clear(); } } } , { "at", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); Node* objToGet = nullptr; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); // Uses `objToGet` to avoids `at` invoking was optimized in release mode if (nodeVector.getIndex(objToGet) == quantityOfNodes/3) { nodeVector.clear(); } } } , { "contains", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); Node* objToGet = nodeVector.at(quantityOfNodes/3); bool ret = false; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); // Uses `ret` to avoids `contains` invoking was optimized in release mode if (ret) { nodeVector.clear(); } } } , { "eraseObject", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); Node** nodes = (Node**)malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { nodes[i] = nodeVector.at(i); } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); CCASSERT(nodeVector.empty(), "nodeVector was not empty."); free(nodes); } } , { "erase", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); CCASSERT(nodeVector.empty(), "nodeVector was not empty."); } } , { "clear", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); CCASSERT(nodeVector.empty(), "nodeVector was not empty."); } } , { "swap by index", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); int swapIndex1 = quantityOfNodes / 3; int swapIndex2 = quantityOfNodes / 3 * 2; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); } } , { "swap by object", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); Node* swapNode1 = nodeVector.at(quantityOfNodes / 3); Node* swapNode2 = nodeVector.at(quantityOfNodes / 3 * 2); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); } } , { "reverse", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); } } , { "c++11 Range Loop", [=](){ Vector nodeVector = createVector(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for (const auto& e : nodeVector) { e->setTag(111); } CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , }; for (const auto& func : testFunctions) { _testFunctions.push_back(func); } } std::string TemplateVectorPerfTest::title() const { return "Vector Perf test"; } std::string TemplateVectorPerfTest::subtitle() const { return "Test 'pushBack', See console"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ArrayPerfTest // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string ArrayPerfTest::title() const { return "Array Perf test"; } std::string ArrayPerfTest::subtitle() const { return "Test `addObject`, See console"; } void ArrayPerfTest::generateTestFunctions() { auto createArray = [this](){ Array* ret = Array::create(); for( int i=0; isetTag(i); ret->addObject(node); } return ret; }; TestFunction testFunctions[] = { { "addObject", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = Array::create(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iaddObject(Node::create()); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "insertObject", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = Array::create(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iinsertObject(Node::create(), 0); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "setObject", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); srand(time(nullptr)); ssize_t index = rand() % quantityOfNodes; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; isetObject(Node::create(), index); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "getIndexOfObject", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); Object* objToGet = nodeVector->getObjectAtIndex(quantityOfNodes/3); ssize_t index = 0; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; igetIndexOfObject(objToGet); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); // Uses `index` to avoids `getIndex` invoking was optimized in release mode if (index == quantityOfNodes/3) { nodeVector->removeAllObjects(); } } } , { "getObjectAtIndex", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; igetObjectAtIndex(quantityOfNodes/3); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "containsObject", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); Object* objToGet = nodeVector->getObjectAtIndex(quantityOfNodes/3); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; icontainsObject(objToGet); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "removeObject", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); Node** nodes = (Node**)malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { nodes[i] = static_cast(nodeVector->getObjectAtIndex(i)); } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iremoveObject(nodes[i]); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); CCASSERT(nodeVector->count() == 0, "nodeVector was not empty."); free(nodes); } } , { "removeObjectAtIndex", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iremoveObjectAtIndex(0); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); CCASSERT(nodeVector->count() == 0, "nodeVector was not empty."); } } , { "removeAllObjects", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iremoveAllObjects(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); CCASSERT(nodeVector->count() == 0, "nodeVector was not empty."); } } , { "swap by index", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); int swapIndex1 = quantityOfNodes / 3; int swapIndex2 = quantityOfNodes / 3 * 2; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iswap(swapIndex1, swapIndex2); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "swap by object", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); Object* swapNode1 = nodeVector->getObjectAtIndex(quantityOfNodes / 3); Object* swapNode2 = nodeVector->getObjectAtIndex(quantityOfNodes / 3 * 2); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iexchangeObject(swapNode1, swapNode2); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "reverseObjects", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; ireverseObjects(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "CCARRAY_FOREACH", [=](){ Array* nodeVector = createArray(); Object* obj; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); CCARRAY_FOREACH(nodeVector, obj) { static_cast(obj)->setTag(111); } CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , }; for (const auto& func : testFunctions) { _testFunctions.push_back(func); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TemplateMapStringKeyPerfTest // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TemplateMapStringKeyPerfTest::generateTestFunctions() { auto createMap = [this](){ Map ret; for( int i=0; isetTag(i); ret.insert(StringUtils::format("key_%d", i), node); } return ret; }; TestFunction testFunctions[] = { { "insert", [=](){ Map map; std::string* keys = new std::string[quantityOfNodes]; for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { keys[i] = StringUtils::format("key_%d", i); } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(keys); } } , { "at", [=](){ Map map = createMap(); std::string* keys = new std::string[quantityOfNodes]; Node** nodes = (Node**)malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { keys[i] = StringUtils::format("key_%d", i); } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(keys); for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { nodes[i]->setTag(100); } CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "erase", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); std::string* keys = new std::string[quantityOfNodes]; Node** nodes = (Node**)malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { keys[i] = StringUtils::format("key_%d", i); } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(keys); CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "clear", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); map.clear(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "size", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); ssize_t size = 0; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); size = map.size(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "keys(all)", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); auto keys = map.keys(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); std::string allKeysString; for (const auto& key : keys) { allKeysString += "_" + key; } } } , { "keys(object)", [=](){ Map map; Node** nodes = (Node**) malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); Node* sameNode = Node::create(); for( int i=0; isetTag(i); map.insert(StringUtils::format("key_%d", i), node); } } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); auto keys = map.keys(sameNode); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); std::string allKeysString; for (const auto& key : keys) { allKeysString += "_" + key; } CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "c++11 range loop", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for (const auto& e : map) { e.second->setTag(100); } CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , }; for (const auto& func : testFunctions) { _testFunctions.push_back(func); } } std::string TemplateMapStringKeyPerfTest::title() const { return "Map String Key Perf test"; } std::string TemplateMapStringKeyPerfTest::subtitle() const { return "Test 'insert', See console"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DictionaryStringKeyPerfTest // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DictionaryStringKeyPerfTest::generateTestFunctions() { auto createDict = [this](){ Dictionary* ret = Dictionary::create(); for( int i=0; isetTag(i); ret->setObject(node, StringUtils::format("key_%d", i)); } return ret; }; TestFunction testFunctions[] = { { "setObject", [=](){ Dictionary* dict = Dictionary::create(); std::string* keys = new std::string[quantityOfNodes]; for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { keys[i] = StringUtils::format("key_%d", i); } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; isetObject(Node::create(), keys[i]); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(keys); } } , { "objectForKey", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); std::string* keys = new std::string[quantityOfNodes]; Node** nodes = (Node**)malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { keys[i] = StringUtils::format("key_%d", i); } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; i(dict->objectForKey(keys[i])); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(keys); for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { nodes[i]->setTag(100); } CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "removeObjectForKey", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); std::string* keys = new std::string[quantityOfNodes]; Node** nodes = (Node**)malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { keys[i] = StringUtils::format("key_%d", i); } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iremoveObjectForKey(keys[i]); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(keys); CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "removeAllObjects", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); dict->removeAllObjects(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "count", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); ssize_t size = 0; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); size = dict->count(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "allKeys", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); auto keys = dict->allKeys(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); std::string allKeysString; Object* obj; CCARRAY_FOREACH(keys, obj) { auto key = static_cast(obj); allKeysString += (std::string("_") + key->getCString()); } } } , { "allKeysForObject", [=](){ Dictionary* dict = Dictionary::create(); Node** nodes = (Node**) malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); Node* sameNode = Node::create(); for( int i=0; isetObject(sameNode, StringUtils::format("key_%d", i)); } else { auto node = Node::create(); node->setTag(i); dict->setObject(node, StringUtils::format("key_%d", i)); } } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); auto keys = dict->allKeysForObject(sameNode); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); std::string allKeysString; Object* obj; CCARRAY_FOREACH(keys, obj) { auto key = static_cast(obj); allKeysString += (std::string("_") + key->getCString()); } CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "CCDICT_FOREACH", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); DictElement* e = nullptr; CCDICT_FOREACH(dict, e) { static_cast(e->getObject())->setTag(100); } CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , }; for (const auto& func : testFunctions) { _testFunctions.push_back(func); } } std::string DictionaryStringKeyPerfTest::title() const { return "Dictionary String Key Perf test"; } std::string DictionaryStringKeyPerfTest::subtitle() const { return "Test `setObject`, See console"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TemplateMapIntKeyPerfTest // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TemplateMapIntKeyPerfTest::generateTestFunctions() { auto createMap = [this](){ Map ret; for( int i=0; isetTag(i); ret.insert(100+i, node); } return ret; }; TestFunction testFunctions[] = { { "insert", [=](){ Map map; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); } } , { "at", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); Node** nodes = (Node**)malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { nodes[i]->setTag(100); } CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "erase", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); Node** nodes = (Node**)malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iprofilerName()); CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "clear", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); map.clear(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "size", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); ssize_t size = 0; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); size = map.size(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "keys(all)", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); auto keys = map.keys(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); int allKeysInt = 0; for (const auto& key : keys) { allKeysInt += key; } } } , { "keys(object)", [=](){ Map map; Node** nodes = (Node**) malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); Node* sameNode = Node::create(); for( int i=0; isetTag(i); map.insert(100 + i, node); } } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); auto keys = map.keys(sameNode); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); int allKeysInt = 0; for (const auto& key : keys) { allKeysInt += key; } CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "c++11 range loop", [=](){ auto map = createMap(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for (const auto& e : map) { e.second->setTag(100); } CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , }; for (const auto& func : testFunctions) { _testFunctions.push_back(func); } } std::string TemplateMapIntKeyPerfTest::title() const { return "Map Integer Key Perf test"; } std::string TemplateMapIntKeyPerfTest::subtitle() const { return "Test 'insert', See console"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DictionaryIntKeyPerfTest // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DictionaryIntKeyPerfTest::generateTestFunctions() { auto createDict = [this](){ Dictionary* ret = Dictionary::create(); for( int i=0; isetTag(i); ret->setObject(node, 100 + i); } return ret; }; TestFunction testFunctions[] = { { "setObject", [=](){ Dictionary* dict = Dictionary::create(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; isetObject(Node::create(), 100 + i); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "objectForKey", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); Node** nodes = (Node**)malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; i(dict->objectForKey(100 + i)); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfNodes; ++i) { nodes[i]->setTag(100); } CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "removeObjectForKey", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); Node** nodes = (Node**)malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); for( int i=0; iremoveObjectForKey(100 + i); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "removeAllObjects", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); dict->removeAllObjects(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "count", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); unsigned int size = 0; CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); size = dict->count(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , { "allKeys", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); auto keys = dict->allKeys(); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); int allKeysInt = 0; Object* obj; CCARRAY_FOREACH(keys, obj) { auto key = static_cast(obj); allKeysInt += key->getValue(); } } } , { "allKeysForObject", [=](){ Dictionary* dict = Dictionary::create(); Node** nodes = (Node**) malloc(sizeof(Node*) * quantityOfNodes); Node* sameNode = Node::create(); for( int i=0; isetObject(sameNode, 100 + i); } else { auto node = Node::create(); node->setTag(i); dict->setObject(node, 100 + i); } } CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); auto keys = dict->allKeysForObject(sameNode); CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); int allKeysInt = 0; Object* obj; CCARRAY_FOREACH(keys, obj) { auto key = static_cast(obj); allKeysInt += key->getValue(); } CC_SAFE_FREE(nodes); } } , { "CCDICT_FOREACH", [=](){ auto dict = createDict(); CC_PROFILER_START(this->profilerName()); DictElement* e = nullptr; CCDICT_FOREACH(dict, e) { static_cast(e->getObject())->setTag(100); } CC_PROFILER_STOP(this->profilerName()); } } , }; for (const auto& func : testFunctions) { _testFunctions.push_back(func); } } std::string DictionaryIntKeyPerfTest::title() const { return "Dictionary Integer Key Perf test"; } std::string DictionaryIntKeyPerfTest::subtitle() const { return "Test `setObject`, See console"; } ///---------------------------------------- void runContainerPerformanceTest() { auto scene = createFunctions[g_curCase](); scene->initWithQuantityOfNodes(kNodesIncrease); Director::getInstance()->replaceScene(scene); }