#ifndef __APPLICATION_H__ #define __APPLICATION_H__ #include "ccxApplication.h" #include #include "AppDelegate.h" class Application : public cocos2d::ccxApplication { public: Application(); virtual ~Application(); /** @brief Run the message loop. */ int run(); /** @brief Callback by CCDirector for limit FPS. @interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next. */ virtual void setAnimationInterval(double interval); /** @brief Callback by CCDirector for change device orientation. @orientation The defination of orientation which CCDirector want change to. @return The actual orientation of the application. */ virtual Orientation setOrientation(Orientation orientation); /** @brief Get status bar rectangle in EGLView window. */ virtual void statusBarFrame(cocos2d::CGRect * rect); protected: AppDelegate m_Delegate; HINSTANCE m_hInstance; HACCEL m_hAccelTable; LARGE_INTEGER m_nAnimationInterval; }; #endif // __APPLICATION_H__