# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # // A multi-platform support c++11 library with focus on asynchronous socket I/O for any # // client application. # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2012-2024 HALX99 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # # The 1k/build.ps1, the core script of project 1kiss(1k) # options # -p: build target platform: win32,winrt(winuwp),linux,android,osx(mac),ios,tvos,watchos,wasm # for android: will search ndk in sdk_root which is specified by env:ANDROID_HOME first, # if not found, by default will install ndk-r16b or can be specified by option: -cc 'ndk-r23c' # -a: build arch: x86,x64,armv7,arm64 # -d: the build workspace, i.e project root which contains root CMakeLists.txt, empty use script run working directory aka cwd # -cc: The C/C++ compiler toolchain: clang, msvc, gcc(mingw) or empty use default installed on current OS # msvc: msvc-120, msvc-141 # ndk: ndk-r16b, ndk-r16b+ # -xt: cross build tool, default: cmake, for android can be gradlew, can be path of cross build tool program # -xc: cross build tool configure options: i.e. -xc '-Dbuild' # -xb: cross build tool build options: i.e. -xb '--config','Release' # -prefix: the install location for missing tools in system, default is "$HOME/.1kiss" # -sdk: specific windows sdk version, i.e. -sdk '10.0.19041.0', leave empty, cmake will auto choose latest avaiable # -setupOnly: this param present, only execute step: setup # -configOnly: if this param present, will skip build step # support matrix # | OS | Build targets | C/C++ compiler toolchain | Cross Build tool | # +----------+----------------------+---------------------------+------------------| # | Windows | win32,winrt | msvc,clang,gcc(mingw) | cmake | # | Linux | linux,android | gcc,ndk | cmake,gradle | # | macOS | osx,ios,tvos,watchos | xcode | cmake | # android gradle, there a two props: # - -P__1K_CMAKE_VERSION # - -P__1k_ARCHS # startsWith('__1K') indicate 1k gradle props # startsWith('_1K') indicate it's a cmake config option # param( [switch]$configOnly, [switch]$setupOnly, [switch]$forceConfig, [switch]$ndkOnly, [switch]$rebuild ) $myRoot = $PSScriptRoot # ----------------- utils functions ----------------- $HOST_WIN = 0 # targets: win,uwp,android $HOST_LINUX = 1 # targets: linux,android $HOST_MAC = 2 # targets: android,ios,osx(macos),tvos,watchos # 0: windows, 1: linux, 2: macos $Global:IsWin = $IsWindows -or ("$env:OS" -eq 'Windows_NT') if ($Global:IsWin) { $HOST_OS = $HOST_WIN $ENV_PATH_SEP = ';' } else { $ENV_PATH_SEP = ':' if ($IsLinux) { $HOST_OS = $HOST_LINUX } elseif ($IsMacOS) { $HOST_OS = $HOST_MAC } else { throw "Unsupported host OS to run 1k/build.ps1" } } $exeSuffix = if ($HOST_OS -eq 0) { '.exe' } else { '' } $Script:cmake_generator = $null # import VersionEx . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'extensions.ps1') class build1k { [void] println($msg) { Write-Host "1kiss: $msg" } [void] print($msg) { Write-Host "1kiss: $msg" -NoNewline } [System.Boolean] isfile([string]$path) { return $path -and (Test-Path $path -PathType Leaf) } [System.Boolean] isdir([string]$path) { return $path -and (Test-Path $path -PathType Container) } [void] mkdirs([string]$path) { if (!(Test-Path $path -PathType Container)) { New-Item $path -ItemType Directory 1>$null } } [void] rmdirs([string]$path) { if ($this.isdir($path)) { $this.println("Deleting $path ...") Remove-Item $path -Recurse -Force } } [void] del([string]$path) { if ($this.isfile($path)) { $this.println("Deleting $path ...") Remove-Item $path -Force } } [void] mv([string]$path, [string]$dest) { if ($this.isdir($path) -and !$this.isdir($dest)) { Move-Item $path $dest } } [void] pause($msg) { $shoud_pause = $false do { if (!$Global:IsWin) { break } $myProcess = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess() if ($myProcess.ProcessName.EndsWith('_ise')) { break } $parentProcess = $myProcess.Parent if (!$parentProcess) { $myPID = $myProcess.Id $instance = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $myPID" $parentProcess = Get-Process -Id $instance.ParentProcessID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!$parentProcess) { break } } $executed_from_explorer = ($parentProcess.ProcessName -like "explorer") if ($executed_from_explorer) { $procesCmdLineArgs = "$([System.Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs())" if ($procesCmdLineArgs.Contains('.ps1') -and !$procesCmdLineArgs.Contains('-noexit')) { $shoud_pause = $true } } } while ($false) if ($shoud_pause) { $this.print("$msg, press any key to continue . . .") cmd /c pause 1>$null } else { $this.println($msg) } } # Get full path without exist check [string] realpath($path) { return $Global:ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($path) } [string] hash($content) { $stringAsStream = [System.IO.MemoryStream]::new() $writer = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($stringAsStream) $writer.write($content) $writer.Flush() $stringAsStream.Position = 0 return (Get-FileHash -InputStream $stringAsStream -Algorithm MD5).Hash } } $b1k = [build1k]::new() # ---------------------- manifest -------------------- # mode: # x.y.z+ : >= # x.y.z : == # * : any # x.y.z~x2.y2.z2 : range $manifest = @{ # C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.36.32532\vc_redist.x64.exe msvc = '14.39+'; # cl.exe @link.exe 14.39 VS2022 17.9.x ndk = 'r23c'; xcode = '13.0.0+'; # range # _EMIT_STL_ERROR(STL1000, "Unexpected compiler version, expected Clang 16.0.0 or newer."); llvm = '16.0.6+'; # clang-cl msvc14.37 require 16.0.0+ gcc = '9.0.0+'; cmake = '3.29.2+'; ninja = '1.11.1+'; python = '3.8.0+'; jdk = '17.0.10+'; emsdk = '3.1.57'; cmdlinetools = '7.0+'; # android cmdlinetools } $channels = @{} # refer to: https://developer.android.com/studio#command-line-tools-only $cmdlinetools_rev = '11076708' $android_sdk_tools = @{ 'build-tools' = '34.0.0' 'platforms' = 'android-34' } $options = @{ p = $null a = $null d = $null cc = $null t = '' # cb_target xt = 'cmake' prefix = $null xc = @() xb = @() j = -1 sdk = '' minsdk = $null dll = $false u = $false # whether delete 1kdist cross-platform prebuilt folder: path/to/_x dm = $false # dump compiler preprocessors } $optName = $null foreach ($arg in $args) { if (!$optName) { if ($arg.StartsWith('-')) { $optName = $arg.SubString(1) if ($optName.EndsWith(':')) { $optName = $optName.TrimEnd(':') } if ($optName.startsWith('j')) { $job_count = $null if ([int]::TryParse($optName.substring(1), [ref] $job_count)) { $optName = $null $options.j = $job_count continue } } if($options[$optName] -is [bool]) { $options[$optName] = $true $optName = $null } } } else { if ($options.Contains($optName)) { $options[$optName] = $arg } else { $b1k.println("Warning: ignore unrecognized option: $optName") } $optName = $null } } # job count if ($options.j -eq -1) { $options.j = $([Environment]::ProcessorCount) } # translate xtool args if ($options.xc.GetType() -eq [string]) { $options.xc = $options.xc.Split(' ') } if ($options.xb.GetType() -eq [string]) { $options.xb = $options.xb.Split(' ') } $pwsh_ver = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() if ([VersionEx]$pwsh_ver -lt [VersionEx]"7.0") { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 } $osVer = if ($IsWin) { "Microsoft Windows $([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.ToString())" } else { $PSVersionTable.OS } # arm64,x64 # uname -m: arm64/aarch64,x86_64 $HOST_CPU = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation, mscorlib]::OSArchitecture.ToString().ToLower() $b1k.println("PowerShell $pwsh_ver on $osVer") # determine build target os $TARGET_OS = $options.p if (!$TARGET_OS) { # choose host target if not specified by command line automatically $TARGET_OS = $options.p = $('win32', 'linux', 'osx').Get($HOST_OS) } else { $target_os_norm = @{winuwp = 'winrt'; mac = 'osx' }[$TARGET_OS] if ($target_os_norm) { $TARGET_OS = $target_os_norm } } $Global:target_minsdk = $options.minsdk if (!$Global:target_minsdk) { $Global:target_minsdk = @{osx = '10.15'; winrt = '10.0.17763.0' }[$TARGET_OS] } # define some useful global vars function eval($str, $raw = $false) { if (!$raw) { return Invoke-Expression "`"$str`"" } else { return Invoke-Expression $str } } function create_symlink($sourcePath, $destPath) { # try link ninja exist cmake bin directory & "$myRoot\fsync.ps1" -s $sourcePath -d $destPath -l $true 2>$null if (!$? -and $IsWin) { # try runas admin again $mklink_args = "-Command ""& ""$myRoot\fsync.ps1"" -s '$sourcePath' -d '$destPath' -l `$true 2>`$null""" Write-Host "mklink_args={$mklink_args}" Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList $mklink_args -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait -Verb runas } } $Global:is_wasm = $TARGET_OS.StartsWith('wasm') $Global:is_win32 = $TARGET_OS -eq 'win32' $Global:is_winrt = $TARGET_OS -eq 'winrt' $Global:is_mac = $TARGET_OS -eq 'osx' $Global:is_linux = $TARGET_OS -eq 'linux' $Global:is_android = $TARGET_OS -eq 'android' $Global:is_ios = $TARGET_OS -eq 'ios' $Global:is_tvos = $TARGET_OS -eq 'tvos' $Global:is_watchos = $TARGET_OS -eq 'watchos' $Global:is_win_family = $Global:is_winrt -or $Global:is_win32 $Global:is_darwin_embed_family = $Global:is_ios -or $Global:is_tvos -or $Global:is_watchos $Global:is_darwin_family = $Global:is_mac -or $Global:is_darwin_embed_family $Global:is_gh_act = "$env:GITHUB_ACTIONS" -eq 'true' $Script:cmake_ver = '' $Script:use_msvcr14x = $null $null = [bool]::TryParse($env:use_msvcr14x, [ref]$Script:use_msvcr14x) if (!$is_wasm) { $TARGET_CPU = $options.a if (!$TARGET_CPU) { $TARGET_CPU = @{'ios' = 'arm64'; 'tvos' = 'arm64'; 'watchos' = 'arm64'; 'android' = 'arm64'; }[$TARGET_OS] if (!$TARGET_CPU) { $TARGET_CPU = $HOST_CPU } $options.a = $TARGET_CPU } elseif ($TARGET_CPU -eq 'arm') { $TARGET_CPU = $options.a = 'armv7' } } else { $TARGET_CPU = $options.a = '*' } $Global:darwin_sim_suffix = $null if ($Global:is_darwin_embed_family) { if ($options.sdk.StartsWith('sim')) { $Global:darwin_sim_suffix = '_sim' } $Global:is_ios_sim = $Global:darwin_sim_suffix -or ($TARGET_CPU -eq 'x64') } $Global:is_darwin_embed_device = $Global:is_darwin_embed_family -and !$Global:is_ios_sim if (!$setupOnly) { $b1k.println("$(Out-String -InputObject $options)") } $HOST_OS_NAME = $('windows', 'linux', 'macos').Get($HOST_OS) # determine toolchain $TOOLCHAIN = $options.cc $toolchains = @{ 'win32' = 'msvc'; 'winrt' = 'msvc'; 'linux' = 'gcc'; 'android' = 'clang'; # xcode clang 'osx' = 'clang'; # xcode clang 'ios' = 'clang'; # xcode clang 'tvos' = 'clang'; # xcode clang 'watchos' = 'clang'; # xcode clang 'wasm' = 'clang'; # emcc clang 'wasm64' = 'clang'; # emcc clang } if (!$TOOLCHAIN) { $TOOLCHAIN = $toolchains[$TARGET_OS] } if (!$TOOLCHAIN) { throw "1kiss: Unsupported target os: $TARGET_OS" } $TOOLCHAIN_INFO = $TOOLCHAIN.Split('-') $TOOLCHAIN_VER = $null if ($TOOLCHAIN_INFO.Count -ge 2) { $toolVer = $TOOLCHAIN_INFO[$TOOLCHAIN_INFO.Count - 1] if ($toolVer -match "\d+") { $TOOLCHAIN_NAME = $TOOLCHAIN_INFO[0..($TOOLCHAIN_INFO.Count - 2)] -join '-' $TOOLCHAIN_VER = $toolVer } } if (!$TOOLCHAIN_VER) { $TOOLCHAIN_NAME = $TOOLCHAIN } $Global:is_clang = $TOOLCHAIN_NAME -eq 'clang' $Global:is_msvc = $TOOLCHAIN_NAME -eq 'msvc' $external_prefix = if ($options.prefix) { $options.prefix } else { Join-Path $HOME '.1kiss' } if (!$b1k.isdir($external_prefix)) { $b1k.mkdirs($external_prefix) } $b1k.println("proj_dir=$((Get-Location).Path), external_prefix=$external_prefix") # load toolset manifest $manifest_file = Join-Path $myRoot 'manifest.ps1' if ($b1k.isfile($manifest_file)) { . $manifest_file } # choose mirror for 1kiss/devtools $sentry_file = Join-Path $myRoot '.gitee' $mirror = if ($b1k.isfile($sentry_file)) { 'gitee' } else { 'github' } $devtools_url_base = @{'github' = 'https://github.com/'; 'gitee' = 'https://gitee.com/' }[$mirror] $mirror_conf_file = $b1k.realpath("$myRoot/../manifest.json") $mirror_conf = $null if ($b1k.isfile($mirror_conf_file)) { $mirror_conf = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content $mirror_conf_file -raw) $devtools_url_base += $mirror_conf.mirrors.$mirror.'1kdist' $devtools_url_base += '/devtools' } function devtool_url($filename) { return "$devtools_url_base/$filename" } # accept x.y.z-rc1 function version_eq($ver1, $ver2) { return $ver1 -eq $ver2 } # $ver2: accept x.y.z-rc1 function version_ge($ver1, $ver2) { $validatedVer = [Regex]::Match($ver1, '(\d+\.)+(-)?(\*|\d+)') if ($validatedVer.Success) { return [VersionEx]$validatedVer.Value -ge [VersionEx]$ver2 } return $false } # $verMain and $verMax not accept x.y.z-rc1 function version_in_range($ver1, $verMin, $verMax) { $validatedVer = [Regex]::Match($ver1, '(\d+\.)+(-)?(\*|\d+)') if ($validatedVer.Success) { $typedVer1 = [VersionEx]$validatedVer.Value $typedVerMin = [VersionEx]$verMin $typedVerMax = [VersionEx]$verMax return $typedVer1 -ge $typedVerMin -and $typedVer1 -le $typedVerMax } return $false } # validate $env:PATH to avoid unexpected shell script behavior if ([Regex]::Match($env:PATH, "`'|`"").Success) { throw "Please remove any `' or `" from your PATH list" } # validate cmd follow symlink recurse function validate_cmd_fs($source, $root) { $fileinfo = Get-Item $source if (!$fileinfo.Target) { if ($source -ne $root) { $b1k.println("info: the cmd follow symlink $root ==> $source") } return $true } $target = $fileinfo.Target if (![IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($target)) { # convert symlink target to fullpath $target = $b1k.realpath($(Join-Path $(Split-Path $source -Parent) $target)) } if (!$b1k.isfile($target)) { $b1k.println("warning: the symlink target $root ==> $target is missing") return $false } if ($target -eq $root) { $b1k.println("warning: detected cycle symlink for cmd $root") return $true } return (validate_cmd_fs $target $root) } function validate_cmd($source) { return (validate_cmd_fs $source $source) } function find_cmd($cmd) { $cmd_info = (Get-Command $cmd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($cmd_info -and (validate_cmd $cmd_info.Source)) { return $cmd_info } return $null } function find_prog($name, $path = $null, $mode = 'ONLY', $cmd = $null, $params = @('--version'), $silent = $false, $usefv = $false) { if ($path) { $storedPATH = $env:PATH if ($mode -eq 'ONLY') { $env:PATH = $path } elseif ($mode -eq 'BOTH') { $env:PATH = "$path$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH" } } else { $storedPATH = $null } if (!$cmd) { $cmd = $name } $params = [array]$params # try get match expr and preferred ver $checkVerCond = $null $requiredMin = '' $preferredVer = '' $requiredVer = $manifest[$name] if ($requiredVer) { $preferredVer = $null if ($requiredVer.EndsWith('+')) { $preferredVer = $requiredVer.TrimEnd('+') $checkVerCond = '$(version_ge $foundVer $preferredVer)' } elseif ($requiredVer -eq '*') { $checkVerCond = '$True' $preferredVer = 'latest' } else { $verArr = $requiredVer.Split('~') $isRange = $verArr.Count -gt 1 $preferredVer = $verArr[$isRange] if ($isRange -gt 1) { $requiredMin = $verArr[0] $checkVerCond = '$(version_in_range $foundVer $requiredMin $preferredVer)' } else { $checkVerCond = '$(version_eq $foundVer $preferredVer)' } } if (!$checkVerCond) { throw "Invalid tool $name=$requiredVer in manifest" } } # find command $cmd_info = find_cmd $cmd # needs restore immidiately since further cmd invoke maybe require system bins if ($path) { $env:PATH = "$path$ENV_PATH_SEP$storedPATH" } $found_rets = $null # prog_path,prog_version if ($cmd_info) { $prog_path = $cmd_info.Source if (!$usefv) { $verStr = $(. $cmd @params 2>$null) | Select-Object -First 1 if (!$verStr -or $verStr.Contains('--version')) { $verInfo = $cmd_info.Version $verStr = "$($verInfo.Major).$($verInfo.Minor).$($verInfo.Build)" } # can match x.y.z-rc3 or x.y.z-65a239b $matchInfo = [Regex]::Match($verStr, '(\d+\.)+(\*|\d+)(\-[a-z0-9]+)?') $foundVer = $matchInfo.Value } else { $foundVer = "$($cmd_info.Version)" } [void]$requiredMin if ($checkVerCond) { $matched = Invoke-Expression $checkVerCond if ($matched) { if (!$silent) { $b1k.println("Using ${name}: $prog_path, version: $foundVer") } $found_rets = $prog_path, $foundVer } else { # if (!$silent) { $b1k.println("The installed ${name}: $prog_path, version: $foundVer not match required: $requiredVer") } $found_rets = $null, $preferredVer } } else { if (!$silent) { $b1k.println("Using ${name}: $prog_path, version: $foundVer") } $found_rets = $prog_path, $foundVer } } else { if ($preferredVer) { # if (!$silent) { $b1k.println("Not found $name, needs install: $preferredVer") } $found_rets = $null, $preferredVer } else { throw "Not found $name, and it's not in manifest" } } if ($storedPATH) { $env:PATH = $storedPATH } return $found_rets } function exec_prog($prog, $params) { # & $prog_name $params for ($i = 0; $i -lt $params.Count; $i++) { $param = "'" $param += $params[$i] $param += "'" $params[$i] = $param } $strParams = "$params" return Invoke-Expression -Command "$prog $strParams" } function download_file($url, $out) { if ($b1k.isfile($out)) { return } $b1k.println("Downloading $url to $out ...") Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $out } function download_and_expand($url, $out, $dest) { download_file $url $out if ($out.EndsWith('.zip')) { try { Expand-Archive -Path $out -DestinationPath $dest } catch { Remove-Item $out -Force throw "1kiss: Expand archive $out fail, please try again" } } elseif ($out.EndsWith('.tar.gz')) { if (!$dest.EndsWith('/')) { $b1k.mkdirs($dest) } tar xf "$out" -C $dest } elseif ($out.EndsWith('.sh')) { chmod 'u+x' "$out" $b1k.mkdirs($dest) } } # setup nuget, not add to path function setup_nuget() { if (!$manifest['nuget']) { return $null } $nuget_bin = Join-Path $external_prefix 'nuget' $nuget_prog, $nuget_ver = find_prog -name 'nuget' -path $nuget_bin -mode 'BOTH' -silent $true if (!$nuget_prog) { $b1k.rmdirs($nuget_bin) $b1k.mkdirs($nuget_bin) $nuget_prog = Join-Path $nuget_bin 'nuget.exe' download_file "https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/v$nuget_ver/nuget.exe" $nuget_prog if (!$b1k.isfile($nuget_prog)) { throw "Install nuget fail" } } if (!$env:PATH.Contains($nuget_bin)) { $env:PATH = "$nuget_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH" } $b1k.println("Using nuget: $nuget_prog, version: $nuget_ver") return $nuget_prog } # setup python3, not install automatically # ensure python3.exe is python.exe to solve unexpected error, i.e. # google gclient require python3.exe, on windows 10/11 will locate to # a dummy C:\Users\halx99\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python3.exe cause # shit strange error function setup_python3() { if (!$manifest['python']) { return $null } $python_prog, $python_ver = find_prog -name 'python' if (!$python_prog) { throw "python $($manifest['python']) required!" } $python3_prog, $_ = find_prog -name 'python' -cmd 'python3' -silent $true if (!$python3_prog) { $python3_prog = Join-Path (Split-Path $python_prog -Parent) (Split-Path $python_prog -Leaf).Replace('python', 'python3') create_symlink $python_prog $python3_prog } } # setup glslcc, not add to path function setup_glslcc() { if (!$manifest['glslcc']) { return $null } $glslcc_bin = Join-Path $external_prefix 'glslcc' $glslcc_prog, $glslcc_ver = find_prog -name 'glslcc' -path $glslcc_bin -mode 'BOTH' if ($glslcc_prog) { return $glslcc_prog } $suffix = $('win64.zip', 'linux.tar.gz', 'osx.tar.gz').Get($HOST_OS) $b1k.rmdirs($glslcc_bin) $glslcc_pkg = Join-Path $external_prefix "glslcc-$suffix" $b1k.del($glslcc_pkg) $glscc_url = devtool_url glslcc-$glslcc_ver-$suffix download_and_expand $glscc_url "$glslcc_pkg" $glslcc_bin $glslcc_prog = (Join-Path $glslcc_bin "glslcc$exeSuffix") if ($b1k.isfile($glslcc_prog)) { $b1k.println("Using glslcc: $glslcc_prog, version: $glslcc_ver") return $glslcc_prog } throw "Install glslcc fail" } function setup_ninja() { if (!$manifest['ninja']) { return $null } $suffix = $('win', 'linux', 'mac').Get($HOST_OS) $ninja_bin = Join-Path $external_prefix 'ninja' $ninja_prog, $ninja_ver = find_prog -name 'ninja' if ($ninja_prog) { return $ninja_prog } $ninja_prog, $ninja_ver = find_prog -name 'ninja' -path $ninja_bin -silent $true if (!$ninja_prog) { $ninja_pkg = "$external_prefix/ninja-$suffix.zip" $b1k.rmdirs($ninja_bin) $b1k.del($ninja_pkg) download_and_expand "https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v$ninja_ver/ninja-$suffix.zip" $ninja_pkg "$external_prefix/ninja/" } if (!$env:PATH.Contains($ninja_bin)) { $env:PATH = "$ninja_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH" } $ninja_prog = (Join-Path $ninja_bin "ninja$exeSuffix") $b1k.println("Using ninja: $ninja_prog, version: $ninja_ver") return $ninja_prog } # setup cmake function setup_cmake($skipOS = $false, $scope = 'local') { $cmake_prog, $cmake_ver = find_prog -name 'cmake' if ($cmake_prog -and (!$skipOS -or $cmake_prog.Contains($myRoot))) { return $cmake_prog, $cmake_ver } $cmake_root = $(Join-Path $external_prefix 'cmake') $cmake_bin = Join-Path $cmake_root 'bin' $cmake_prog, $cmake_ver = find_prog -name 'cmake' -path $cmake_bin -mode 'ONLY' -silent $true if (!$cmake_prog) { $b1k.rmdirs($cmake_root) $cmake_suffix = @(".zip", ".sh", ".tar.gz").Get($HOST_OS) if ($HOST_OS -ne $HOST_MAC) { $cmake_pkg_name = "cmake-$cmake_ver-$HOST_OS_NAME-x86_64" } else { $cmake_pkg_name = "cmake-$cmake_ver-$HOST_OS_NAME-universal" } $cmake_pkg_path = Join-Path $external_prefix "$cmake_pkg_name$cmake_suffix" $assemble_url = $channels['cmake'] if (!$assemble_url) { $cmake_url = "https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v$cmake_ver/$cmake_pkg_name$cmake_suffix" } else { $cmake_url = & $assemble_url -FileName "$cmake_pkg_name$cmake_suffix" } $cmake_dir = Join-Path $external_prefix $cmake_pkg_name if ($IsMacOS) { $cmake_app_contents = Join-Path $cmake_dir 'CMake.app/Contents' } if (!$b1k.isdir($cmake_dir)) { download_and_expand "$cmake_url" "$cmake_pkg_path" $external_prefix/ } if ($b1k.isdir($cmake_dir)) { $cmake_root0 = $cmake_dir if ($IsMacOS) { $cmake_app_contents = Join-Path $cmake_dir 'CMake.app/Contents' if ($b1k.isdir($cmake_app_contents)) { $cmake_root0 = $cmake_app_contents } sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine "$cmake_root0/bin/cmake" } $b1k.mv($cmake_root0, $cmake_root) if ($b1k.isdir($cmake_dir)) { $b1k.rmdirs($cmake_dir) } } elseif ($IsLinux) { if($scope -ne 'global') { $b1k.mkdirs($cmake_root) & "$cmake_pkg_path" '--skip-license' '--exclude-subdir' "--prefix=$cmake_root" 1>$null 2>$null } else { & "$cmake_pkg_path" '--skip-license' '--prefix=/usr/local' 1>$null 2>$null } } $cmake_prog, $_ = find_prog -name 'cmake' -path $cmake_bin -silent $true if (!$cmake_prog) { throw "Install cmake $cmake_ver fail" } $b1k.println("Using cmake: $cmake_prog, version: $cmake_ver") } if (($null -ne $cmake_bin) -and (!$env:PATH.Contains($cmake_bin))) { $env:PATH = "$cmake_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH" } return $cmake_prog, $cmake_ver } function ensure_cmake_ninja($cmake_prog, $ninja_prog) { # ensure ninja in cmake_bin $cmake_bin = Split-Path $cmake_prog -Parent $cmake_ninja_prog, $__ = find_prog -name 'ninja' -path $cmake_bin -mode 'ONLY' -silent $true if (!$cmake_ninja_prog) { $ninja_symlink_target = Join-Path $cmake_bin (Split-Path $ninja_prog -Leaf) # try link ninja exist cmake bin directory create_symlink $ninja_prog $ninja_symlink_target } return $? } function setup_nsis() { if (!$manifest['nsis']) { return $null } $nsis_bin = Join-Path $external_prefix "nsis" $nsis_prog, $nsis_ver = find_prog -name 'nsis' -cmd 'makensis' -params '/VERSION' if ($nsis_prog) { return $nsis_prog } $nsis_prog, $nsis_ver = find_prog -name 'nsis' -cmd 'makensis' -params '/VERSION' -path $nsis_bin -silent $true if (!$nsis_prog) { $b1k.rmdirs($nsis_bin) download_and_expand "https://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/nsis/NSIS%203/$nsis_ver/nsis-$nsis_ver.zip" "$external_prefix/nsis-$nsis_ver.zip" "$external_prefix" $nsis_dir = "$nsis_bin-$nsis_ver" if ($b1k.isdir($nsis_dir)) { $b1k.mv($nsis_dir, $nsis_bin) } } if (!$env:PATH.Contains($nsis_bin)) { $env:PATH = "$nsis_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH" } $nsis_prog = (Join-Path $nsis_bin "makensis$exeSuffix") $b1k.println("Using nsis: $nsis_prog, version: $nsis_ver") return $nsis_prog } function setup_nasm() { if (!$manifest['nasm']) { return $null } $nasm_prog, $nasm_ver = find_prog -name 'nasm' -path "$external_prefix/nasm" -mode 'BOTH' -silent $true if (!$nasm_prog) { if ($IsWin) { $nasm_bin = Join-Path $external_prefix "nasm-$nasm_ver" if (!$b1k.isdir($nasm_bin)) { download_and_expand "https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/$nasm_ver/win64/nasm-$nasm_ver-win64.zip" "$external_prefix/nasm-$nasm_ver-win64.zip" "$external_prefix" } if (!$env:PATH.Contains($nsis_bin)) { $env:PATH = "$nasm_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH" } } elseif ($IsLinux) { if ($(which dpkg)) { sudo apt-get install nasm } } elseif ($IsMacOS) { brew install nasm } } $nasm_prog, $nasm_ver = find_prog -name 'nasm' -path "$external_prefix/nasm" -mode 'BOTH' -silent $true if ($nasm_prog) { $b1k.println("Using nasm: $nasm_prog, version: $nasm_ver") } } function setup_jdk() { if (!$manifest['jdk']) { return $null } $arch_suffix = if ($HOST_CPU -eq 'x64') { 'x64' } else { 'aarch64' } $suffix = $("windows-$arch_suffix.zip", "linux-$arch_suffix.tar.gz", "macOS-$arch_suffix.tar.gz").Get($HOST_OS) $javac_prog, $jdk_ver = find_prog -name 'jdk' -cmd 'javac' if ($javac_prog) { return $javac_prog } $jdk_root = Join-Path $external_prefix "jdk" $java_home = if (!$IsMacOS) { $jdk_root } else { Join-Path $jdk_root 'Contents/Home' } $jdk_bin = Join-Path $java_home 'bin' $javac_prog, $jdk_ver = find_prog -name 'jdk' -cmd 'javac' -path $jdk_bin -silent $true if (!$javac_prog) { $b1k.rmdirs($jdk_root) # refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/java/openjdk/download download_and_expand "https://aka.ms/download-jdk/microsoft-jdk-$jdk_ver-$suffix" "$external_prefix/microsoft-jdk-$jdk_ver-$suffix" "$external_prefix/" # move to plain folder name $folderName = (Get-ChildItem -Path $external_prefix -Filter "jdk-$jdk_ver+*").Name if ($folderName) { $b1k.mv("$external_prefix/$folderName", $jdk_root) } } $env:JAVA_HOME = $java_home $env:CLASSPATH = ".;$java_home\lib\dt.jar;$java_home\lib\tools.jar" if (!$env:PATH.Contains($jdk_bin)) { $env:PATH = "$jdk_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH" } $javac_prog = find_prog -name 'jdk' -cmd 'javac' -path $jdk_bin -mode 'ONLY' -silent $true if (!$javac_prog) { throw "Install jdk $jdk_ver fail" } $b1k.println("Using jdk: $javac_prog, version: $jdk_ver") return $javac_prog } # setup llvm for windows only function setup_llvm() { if (!$manifest.Contains('llvm')) { return $null } $clang_prog, $clang_ver = find_prog -name 'llvm' -cmd "clang" if (!$clang_prog) { $llvm_root = Join-Path $external_prefix 'LLVM' $llvm_bin = Join-Path $llvm_root 'bin' $clang_prog, $clang_ver = find_prog -name 'llvm' -cmd "clang" -path $llvm_bin -silent $true if (!$clang_prog) { # ensure 7z_prog $7z_cmd_info = Get-Command '7z' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($7z_cmd_info) { $7z_prog = $7z_cmd_info.Path } else { $7z_prog = Join-Path $external_prefix '7z2301-x64\7z.exe' $7z_pkg_out = Join-Path $external_prefix '7z2301-x64.zip' if (!$b1k.isfile($7z_prog)) { # https://www.7-zip.org/download.html $7z_url = devtool_url '7z2301-x64.zip' download_and_expand -url $7z_url -out $7z_pkg_out $external_prefix/ } } if (!$b1k.isfile($7z_prog)) { throw "setup 7z fail which is required for setup llvm clang!" } # download llvm clang and install extract it at prefix download_file "https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-${clang_ver}/LLVM-${clang_ver}-win64.exe" "$external_prefix\LLVM-${clang_ver}-win64.exe" $b1k.mkdirs($llvm_root) & $7z_prog x "$external_prefix\LLVM-${clang_ver}-win64.exe" "-o$llvm_root" -y | Out-Host $clang_prog, $clang_ver = find_prog -name 'llvm' -cmd "clang" -path $llvm_bin -silent $true if (!$clang_prog) { throw "setup $clang_ver fail" } } $b1k.println("Using llvm: $clang_prog, version: $clang_ver") # add our llvm root to PATH temporary if (!$env:PATH.Contains($llvm_bin)) { $env:PATH = "$llvm_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH" } } } function setup_android_sdk() { if (!$manifest['ndk']) { return $null } # setup ndk $ndk_ver = $TOOLCHAIN_VER if (!$ndk_ver) { $ndk_ver = $manifest['ndk'] } $IsGraterThan = if ($ndk_ver.EndsWith('+')) { '+' } else { $null } if ($IsGraterThan) { $ndk_ver = $ndk_ver.Substring(0, $ndk_ver.Length - 1) } $my_sdk_root = Join-Path $external_prefix 'adt/sdk' $sdk_dirs = @("$env:ANDROID_HOME", "$env:ANDROID_SDK_ROOT", $my_sdk_root) $ndk_minor_base = [int][char]'a' # looking up require ndk installed in exists sdk roots $sdk_root = $null foreach ($sdk_dir in $sdk_dirs) { if (!$sdk_dir -or !$b1k.isdir($sdk_dir)) { continue } $b1k.println("Looking require $ndk_ver$IsGraterThan in $sdk_dir") $sdk_root = $sdk_dir $ndk_root = $null $ndk_major = ($ndk_ver -replace '[^0-9]', '') $ndk_minor_off = "$ndk_major".Length + 1 $ndk_minor = if ($ndk_minor_off -lt $ndk_ver.Length) { "$([int][char]$ndk_ver.Substring($ndk_minor_off) - $ndk_minor_base)" } else { '0' } $ndk_rev_base = "$ndk_major.$ndk_minor" $ndk_parent = Join-Path $sdk_dir 'ndk' if (!$b1k.isdir($ndk_parent)) { continue } # find ndk in sdk $ndks = [ordered]@{} $ndk_rev_max = '0.0' foreach ($item in $(Get-ChildItem -Path "$ndk_parent")) { $ndkDir = $item.FullName $sourceProps = "$ndkDir/source.properties" if ($b1k.isfile($sourceProps)) { $verLine = $(Get-Content $sourceProps | Select-Object -Index 1) $ndk_rev = $($verLine -split '=').Trim()[1].split('.')[0..1] -join '.' $ndks.Add($ndk_rev, $ndkDir) if ($ndk_rev_max -le $ndk_rev) { $ndk_rev_max = $ndk_rev } } } if ($IsGraterThan) { if ($ndk_rev_max -ge $ndk_rev_base) { $ndk_root = $ndks[$ndk_rev_max] } } else { $ndk_root = $ndks[$ndk_rev_base] } if ($null -ne $ndk_root) { $b1k.println("Found $ndk_root in $sdk_root ...") break } } if (!$b1k.isdir("$ndk_root")) { $sdkmanager_prog, $sdkmanager_ver = $null, $null if ($b1k.isdir($sdk_root)) { $cmdlinetools_bin = Join-Path $sdk_root 'cmdline-tools/latest/bin' $sdkmanager_prog, $sdkmanager_ver = (find_prog -name 'cmdlinetools' -cmd 'sdkmanager' -path $cmdlinetools_bin -params "--version", "--sdk_root=$sdk_root") } else { $sdk_root = Join-Path $external_prefix 'adt/sdk' if (!$b1k.isdir($sdk_root)) { $b1k.mkdirs($sdk_root) } } if (!$sdkmanager_prog) { $cmdlinetools_bin = Join-Path $external_prefix 'cmdline-tools/bin' $sdkmanager_prog, $sdkmanager_ver = (find_prog -name 'cmdlinetools' -cmd 'sdkmanager' -path $cmdlinetools_bin -params "--version", "--sdk_root=$sdk_root") $suffix = $('win', 'linux', 'mac').Get($HOST_OS) if (!$sdkmanager_prog) { $b1k.println("Installing cmdlinetools version: $sdkmanager_ver ...") $cmdlinetools_pkg_name = "commandlinetools-$suffix-$($cmdlinetools_rev)_latest.zip" $cmdlinetools_pkg_path = Join-Path $external_prefix $cmdlinetools_pkg_name $cmdlinetools_url = "https://dl.google.com/android/repository/$cmdlinetools_pkg_name" download_file $cmdlinetools_url $cmdlinetools_pkg_path Expand-Archive -Path $cmdlinetools_pkg_path -DestinationPath "$external_prefix/" $sdkmanager_prog, $_ = (find_prog -name 'cmdlinetools' -cmd 'sdkmanager' -path $cmdlinetools_bin -params "--version", "--sdk_root=$sdk_root" -silent $True) if (!$sdkmanager_prog) { throw "Install cmdlinetools version: $sdkmanager_ver fail" } } } $matchInfos = (exec_prog -prog $sdkmanager_prog -params "--sdk_root=$sdk_root", '--list' | Select-String 'ndk;') if ($null -ne $matchInfos -and $matchInfos.Count -gt 0) { $b1k.println("Not found suitable android ndk, installing ...") $ndks = @{} foreach ($matchInfo in $matchInfos) { $fullVer = $matchInfo.Line.Trim().Split(' ')[0] # "ndk;23.2.8568313" $verNums = $fullVer.Split(';')[1].Split('.') $ndkVer = 'r' $ndkVer += $verNums[0] $ndk_minor = [int]$verNums[1] if ($ndk_minor -gt 0) { $ndkVer += [char]($ndk_minor_base + $ndk_minor) } if (!$ndks.Contains($ndkVer)) { $ndks.Add($ndkVer, $fullVer) } } $ndkFullVer = $ndks[$ndk_ver] ((1..10 | ForEach-Object { "yes"; Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 }) | . $sdkmanager_prog --licenses --sdk_root=$sdk_root) | Out-Host if (!$ndkOnly) { exec_prog -prog $sdkmanager_prog -params '--verbose', "--sdk_root=$sdk_root", 'platform-tools', 'cmdline-tools;latest', "platforms;$($android_sdk_tools['platforms'])", "build-tools;$($android_sdk_tools['build-tools'])", $ndkFullVer | Out-Host } else { exec_prog -prog $sdkmanager_prog -params '--verbose', "--sdk_root=$sdk_root", $ndkFullVer | Out-Host } $fullVer = $ndkFullVer.Split(';')[1] $ndk_root = (Resolve-Path -Path "$sdk_root/ndk/$fullVer").Path } } return $sdk_root, $ndk_root } # enable emsdk emcmake function setup_emsdk() { $emcc_prog, $emcc_ver = find_prog -name 'emsdk' -cmd 'emcc' -silent $true if (!$emcc_prog) { # no suitable emcc toolchain found, use official emsdk to setup $b1k.println('Not found emcc toolchain in $env:PATH, setup emsdk ...') $emsdk_cmd = (Get-Command emsdk -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if (!$emsdk_cmd) { $emsdk_root = Join-Path $external_prefix 'emsdk' if (!$b1k.isdir($emsdk_root)) { git clone 'https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git' $emsdk_root } else { git -C $emsdk_root pull } } else { $emsdk_root = Split-Path $emsdk_cmd.Source -Parent } $emcmake = (Get-Command emcmake -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if (!$emcmake) { $emsdk_ver = $manifest['emsdk'] Push-Location $emsdk_root ./emsdk install $emsdk_ver ./emsdk activate $emsdk_ver . ./emsdk_env.ps1 Pop-Location } } else { $b1k.println("Using emcc: $emcc_prog, version: $emcc_ver") } } function setup_msvc() { $cl_prog, $cl_ver = find_prog -name 'msvc' -cmd 'cl' -silent $true -usefv $true if (!$cl_prog) { if ($VS_INST) { Import-Module "$VS_PATH\Common7\Tools\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll" Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstanceId $VS_INST.instanceId -SkipAutomaticLocation -DevCmdArguments "-arch=$target_cpu -host_arch=x64 -no_logo" $cl_prog, $cl_ver = find_prog -name 'msvc' -cmd 'cl' -silent $true -usefv $true $b1k.println("Using msvc: $cl_prog, version: $cl_ver") } else { throw "Visual Studio not installed!" } } # msvc14x support if ($Script:use_msvcr14x) { if (!"$env:LIB".Contains('msvcr14x')) { $msvcr14x_root = $env:msvcr14x_ROOT $env:Platform = $target_cpu Invoke-Expression -Command "$msvcr14x_root\msvcr14x_nmake.ps1" } println "LIB=$env:LIB" } } function setup_xcode() { $xcode_prog, $xcode_ver = find_prog -name 'xcode' -cmd "xcodebuild" -params @('-version') if (!$xcode_prog) { throw "Missing Xcode, please install" } } # google gn build system, current windows only for build angleproject/dawn on windows function setup_gclient() { $OutputEncoding = [console]::InputEncoding = [console]::OutputEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding if (!$ninja_prog) { $ninja_prog = setup_ninja } if ($Global:is_win_family) { setup_msvc } setup_python3 # setup gclient tool # download depot_tools # git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git $gclient_dir $gclient_dir = Join-Path $external_prefix 'depot_tools' if (!$b1k.isdir($gclient_dir)) { if ($IsWin) { $b1k.mkdirs($gclient_dir) Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://storage.googleapis.com/chrome-infra/depot_tools.zip" -OutFile "${gclient_dir}.zip" Expand-Archive -Path "${gclient_dir}.zip" -DestinationPath $gclient_dir } else { git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git $gclient_dir } } if (!$env:PATH.Contains($gclient_dir)) { $env:PATH = "${env:PATH}$ENV_PATH_SEP${gclient_dir}" } $env:DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN = 0 } # # Find latest installed: Visual Studio 12 2013 + # installationVersion # instanceId EnterDevShell can use it # result: # $Global:VS_VERSION # $Global:VS_INST # $Global:VS_PATH # $Global:VS_VERSION = $null $Global:VS_PATH = $null $Global:VS_INST = $null function find_vs_latest() { $vs_version = [VersionEx]'12.0' if (!$Global:VS_INST) { $VSWHERE_EXE = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" $eap = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $vs_installs = ConvertFrom-Json "$(&$VSWHERE_EXE -version '12.0' -format 'json')" $ErrorActionPreference = $eap if ($vs_installs) { $vs_inst_latest = $null foreach ($vs_inst in $vs_installs) { $inst_ver = [VersionEx]$vs_inst.installationVersion if ($vs_version -lt $inst_ver) { $vs_version = $inst_ver $vs_inst_latest = $vs_inst } } $Global:VS_PATH = $vs_inst_latest.installationPath $Global:VS_INST = $vs_inst_latest } } $Global:VS_VERSION = $vs_version } # preprocess methods: # -inputOptions [CMAKE_OPTIONS] function preprocess_win([string[]]$inputOptions) { $outputOptions = $inputOptions if ($options.sdk) { $outputOptions += "-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=$($options.sdk)" } if ($Global:is_msvc) { # Generate vs2019 on github ci # Determine arch name $arch = if ($options.a -eq 'x86') { 'Win32' } else { $options.a } # arch if ($VS_VERSION -ge [VersionEx]'16.0') { $outputOptions += '-A', $arch if ($TOOLCHAIN_VER) { $outputOptions += "-Tv$TOOLCHAIN_VER" } } else { $gens = @{ '120' = 'Visual Studio 12 2013'; '140' = 'Visual Studio 14 2015' "150" = 'Visual Studio 15 2017'; } $Script:cmake_generator = $gens[$TOOLCHAIN_VER] if (!$Script:cmake_generator) { throw "Unsupported toolchain: $TOOLCHAIN" } if ($options.a -eq "x64") { $Script:cmake_generator += ' Win64' } } # platform if ($Global:is_winrt) { $outputOptions += '-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=WindowsStore', '-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0' if ($Global:target_minsdk) { $outputOptions += "-DCMAKE_VS_WINDOWS_TARGET_PLATFORM_MIN_VERSION=$Global:target_minsdk" } } if ($options.dll) { $outputOptions += '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=TRUE' } } elseif ($Global:is_clang) { $outputOptions += '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang', '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++' $Script:cmake_generator = 'Ninja Multi-Config' } else { # Generate mingw $Script:cmake_generator = 'Ninja Multi-Config' } return $outputOptions } function preprocess_linux([string[]]$inputOptions) { $outputOptions = $inputOptions if ($Global:is_clang) { $outputOptions += '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang', '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++' } return $outputOptions } $ninja_prog = $null $is_gradlew = $options.xt.Contains('gradlew') function preprocess_andorid([string[]]$inputOptions) { $outputOptions = $inputOptions $t_archs = @{arm64 = 'arm64-v8a'; armv7 = 'armeabi-v7a'; x64 = 'x86_64'; x86 = 'x86'; } if ($is_gradlew) { if ($options.a.GetType() -eq [object[]]) { $archlist = [string[]]$options.a } else { $archlist = $options.a.Split(';') } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $archlist.Count; ++$i) { $arch = $archlist[$i] $archlist[$i] = $t_archs[$arch] } $archs = $archlist -join ':' # TODO: modify gradle, split by ';' $outputOptions += "-P__1K_CMAKE_VERSION=$($Script:cmake_ver.TrimLast('-'))" $outputOptions += "-P__1K_ARCHS=$archs" $outputOptions += '--parallel', '--info' } else { if (!$ndk_root) { throw "ndk_root not specified!" } $cmake_toolchain_file = Join-Path $ndk_root 'build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake' $arch = $t_archs[$options.a] $outputOptions += "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$cmake_toolchain_file", "-DANDROID_ABI=$arch" # If set to ONLY, then only the roots in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will be searched # If set to BOTH, then the host system paths and the paths in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will be searched # If set to NEVER, then the roots in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will be ignored and only the host system root will be used # CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is preferred for additional search directories when cross-compiling # $outputOptions += '-DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PACKAGE=BOTH' # $outputOptions += '-DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE=BOTH' # $outputOptions += '-DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY=BOTH' # by default, we want find host program only when cross-compiling $outputOptions += '-DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM=NEVER' } return $outputOptions } function preprocess_osx([string[]]$inputOptions) { $outputOptions = $inputOptions $arch = $options.a if ($arch -eq 'x64') { $arch = 'x86_64' } $outputOptions += "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=$arch" if ($Global:target_minsdk) { $outputOptions += "-DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=$Global:target_minsdk" } return $outputOptions } # build ios famliy (ios,tvos,watchos) function preprocess_ios([string[]]$inputOptions) { $outputOptions = $inputOptions $arch = $options.a if ($arch -eq 'x64') { $arch = 'x86_64' } if (!$cmake_toolchain_file) { $cmake_toolchain_file = Join-Path $myRoot 'ios.cmake' $outputOptions += "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$cmake_toolchain_file", "-DARCHS=$arch" if ($Global:is_tvos) { $outputOptions += '-DPLAT=tvOS' } elseif ($Global:is_watchos) { $outputOptions += '-DPLAT=watchOS' } if ($Global:is_ios_sim) { $outputOptions += '-DSIMULATOR=TRUE' } } return $outputOptions } function preprocess_wasm([string[]]$inputOptions) { if ($options.p -eq 'wasm64') { $inputOptions += '-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-Wno-experimental -sMEMORY64"', '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-experimental -sMEMORY64"', '-DEMSCRIPTEN_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=x86_64' } return $inputOptions } function validHostAndToolchain() { $appleTable = @{ 'host' = @{'macos' = $True }; 'toolchain' = @{'clang' = $True; }; }; $validTable = @{ 'win32' = @{ 'host' = @{'windows' = $True }; 'toolchain' = @{'msvc' = $True; 'clang' = $True; 'gcc' = $True }; }; 'winrt' = @{ 'host' = @{'windows' = $True }; 'toolchain' = @{'msvc' = $True; }; }; 'linux' = @{ 'host' = @{'linux' = $True }; 'toolchain' = @{'gcc' = $True; 'clang' = $True }; }; 'android' = @{ 'host' = @{'windows' = $True; 'linux' = $True; 'macos' = $True }; 'toolchain' = @{'clang' = $True; }; }; 'osx' = $appleTable; 'ios' = $appleTable; 'tvos' = $appleTable; 'watchos' = $appleTable; 'wasm' = @{ 'host' = @{'windows' = $True; 'linux' = $True; 'macos' = $True }; 'toolchain' = @{'clang' = $True; }; }; 'wasm64' = @{ 'host' = @{'windows' = $True; 'linux' = $True; 'macos' = $True }; 'toolchain' = @{'clang' = $True; }; }; } $validInfo = $validTable[$TARGET_OS] $validOS = $validInfo.host[$HOST_OS_NAME] if (!$validOS) { throw "Can't build target $TARGET_OS on $HOST_OS_NAME" } $validToolchain = $validInfo.toolchain[$TOOLCHAIN_NAME] if (!$validToolchain) { throw "Can't build target $TARGET_OS with toolchain $TOOLCHAIN_NAME" } } $proprocessTable = @{ 'win32' = ${function:preprocess_win}; 'winrt' = ${function:preprocess_win}; 'linux' = ${function:preprocess_linux}; 'android' = ${function:preprocess_andorid}; 'osx' = ${function:preprocess_osx}; 'ios' = ${function:preprocess_ios}; 'tvos' = ${function:preprocess_ios}; 'watchos' = ${function:preprocess_ios}; 'wasm' = ${Function:preprocess_wasm}; 'wasm64' = ${Function:preprocess_wasm}; } validHostAndToolchain ########## setup build tools if not installed ####### $null = setup_glslcc $cmake_prog, $Script:cmake_ver = setup_cmake if ($Global:is_win_family) { find_vs_latest $nuget_prog = setup_nuget } if ($Global:is_win32) { $nsis_prog = setup_nsis if (!$Global:is_msvc) { $ninja_prog = setup_ninja } if ($Global:is_clang) { $null = setup_llvm } } elseif ($Global:is_android) { $ninja_prog = setup_ninja # ensure ninja in cmake_bin if (!(ensure_cmake_ninja $cmake_prog $ninja_prog)) { $cmake_prog, $Script:cmake_ver = setup_cmake -Force if (!(ensure_cmake_ninja $cmake_prog $ninja_prog)) { $b1k.println("Ensure ninja in cmake bin directory fail") } } $null = setup_jdk # setup android sdk cmdlinetools require jdk $sdk_root, $ndk_root = setup_android_sdk $env:ANDROID_HOME = $sdk_root $env:ANDROID_NDK = $ndk_root # sync ndk env vars for some library required, i.e. will fix openssl issues: # no NDK xxx-linux-android-gcc on $PATH at (eval 10) line 142. # Note: github action vm also have follow env vars $env:ANDROID_NDK_HOME = $ndk_root $env:ANDROID_NDK_ROOT = $ndk_root $ndk_host = @('windows', 'linux', 'darwin').Get($HOST_OS) $env:ANDROID_NDK_BIN = Join-Path $ndk_root "toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/$ndk_host-x86_64/bin" function active_ndk_toolchain() { if (!$env:PATH.Contains($env:ANDROID_NDK_BIN)) { $env:PATH = "$env:ANDROID_NDK_BIN$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH" } $clang_prog, $clang_ver = find_prog -name 'clang' } } elseif ($Global:is_wasm) { $ninja_prog = setup_ninja . setup_emsdk } $is_host_target = $Global:is_win32 -or $Global:is_linux -or $Global:is_mac if (!$setupOnly) { $BUILD_DIR = $null function resolve_out_dir($prefix, $sub_prefix) { if (!$prefix) { $prefix = $sub_prefix } if ($is_host_target) { $out_dir = "${prefix}${TARGET_CPU}" } else { $out_dir = "${prefix}${TARGET_OS}" if ($TARGET_CPU -ne '*') { $out_dir += "_$TARGET_CPU" } } if ($Global:is_ios_sim) { $out_dir += $Global:darwin_sim_suffix } return $b1k.realpath($out_dir) } $stored_cwd = $(Get-Location).Path if ($options.d) { Set-Location $options.d } # parsing build optimize flag from build_options $buildOptions = [array]$options.xb $nopts = $buildOptions.Count $optimize_flag = $null for ($i = 0; $i -lt $nopts; ++$i) { $optv = $buildOptions[$i] switch ($optv) { '--config' { $optimize_flag = $buildOptions[$i++ + 1] } '--target' { $cmake_target = $buildOptions[$i++ + 1] } } } if ($options.xt -ne 'gn') { $BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS = @() $BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += $buildOptions if (!$optimize_flag) { if ($cmake_optimize_flags) { $optimize_flag = $cmake_optimize_flags[$TARGET_OS] } if (!$optimize_flag) { $optimize_flag = 'Release' } $BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += '--config', $optimize_flag } # enter building steps $b1k.println("Building target $TARGET_OS on $HOST_OS_NAME with toolchain $TOOLCHAIN ...") # step1. preprocess cross make options $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS = [array]$(& $proprocessTable[$TARGET_OS] -inputOptions @() ) if (!$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS) { $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS = @() } if ($options.u) { $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS += '-D_1KFETCH_DIST_UPGRADE=TRUE' } # determine generator, build_dir, inst_dir for non gradlew projects if (!$is_gradlew) { if (!$cmake_generator -and !$TARGET_OS.StartsWith('win')) { # the default generator of unix targets: linux, osx, ios, android, wasm if (!$cmake_generators) { $cmake_generators = @{ 'linux' = 'Unix Makefiles' 'android' = 'Ninja' 'wasm' = 'Ninja' 'wasm64' = 'Ninja' 'osx' = 'Xcode' 'ios' = 'Xcode' 'tvos' = 'Xcode' 'watchos' = 'Xcode' } } $cmake_generator = $cmake_generators[$TARGET_OS] if ($null -eq $cmake_generator) { $cmake_generator = if (!$IsWin) { 'Unix Makefiles' } else { 'Ninja' } } } if ($cmake_generator) { $using_ninja = $cmake_generator.StartsWith('Ninja') if (!$is_wasm) { $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS += '-G', $cmake_generator } if ($cmake_generator -eq 'Unix Makefiles' -or $using_ninja) { $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS += "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$optimize_flag" } if ($using_ninja -and $Global:is_android) { $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS += "-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=$ninja_prog" } if($cmake_generator -eq 'Xcode') { setup_xcode } } $INST_DIR = $null $xopts_hints = 2 $xopt_presets = 0 $xprefix_optname = '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=' $xopts = [array]$options.xc foreach ($opt in $xopts) { if ($opt.StartsWith('-B')) { $BUILD_DIR = $opt.Substring(2).Trim() ++$xopt_presets } elseif ($opt.StartsWith($xprefix_optname)) { ++$xopt_presets $INST_DIR = $opt.SubString($xprefix_optname.Length) } if ($xopt_presets -eq $xopts_hints) { break } } if (!$BUILD_DIR) { $BUILD_DIR = resolve_out_dir $cmake_build_prefix 'build_' } if (!$INST_DIR) { $INST_DIR = resolve_out_dir $cmake_install_prefix 'install_' $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS += "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$INST_DIR" } if ($rebuild) { $b1k.rmdirs($BUILD_DIR) $b1k.rmdirs($INST_DIR) } } else { # android gradle # replace all cmake config options -DXXX to -P_1K_XXX $xopts = @() foreach ($opt in $options.xc) { if ($opt.startsWith('-D')) { $xopts += "-P_1K_$($opt.substring(2))" } elseif ($opt.startsWith('-P')) { $xopts += $opt } # ignore unknown option type } } # step2. apply additional cross make options if ($xopts.Count -gt 0) { $b1k.println("Apply additional cross make options: $($xopts), Count={0}" -f $xopts.Count) $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS += $xopts } $b1k.println("CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS=$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS, Count={0}" -f $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS.Count) if ($Global:is_android -and $is_gradlew) { $build_tool = (Get-Command $options.xt).Source $build_tool_dir = Split-Path $build_tool -Parent Push-Location $build_tool_dir if (!$configOnly) { if ($optimize_flag -eq 'Debug') { & $build_tool assembleDebug $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host } else { & $build_tool assembleRelease $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host } } else { if ($optimize_flag -eq 'Debug') { & $build_tool configureCMakeDebug prepareKotlinBuildScriptModel $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host } else { & $build_tool configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo prepareKotlinBuildScriptModel $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host } } Pop-Location } else { # step3. configure $workDir = $(Get-Location).Path $mainDep = Join-Path $workDir 'CMakeLists.txt' if ($b1k.isfile($mainDep)) { $mainDepChanged = $false # A Windows file time is a 64-bit value that represents the number of 100-nanosecond $tempFileItem = Get-Item $mainDep $lastWriteTime = $tempFileItem.LastWriteTime.ToFileTimeUTC() $tempFile = Join-Path $BUILD_DIR 'b1k_cache.txt' $storeHash = 0 if ($b1k.isfile($tempFile)) { $storeHash = Get-Content $tempFile -Raw } $hashValue = $b1k.hash("$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS#$lastWriteTime") $mainDepChanged = "$storeHash" -ne "$hashValue" $cmakeCachePath = $b1k.realpath("$BUILD_DIR/CMakeCache.txt") if ($mainDepChanged -or !$b1k.isfile($cmakeCachePath) -or $forceConfig) { $config_cmd = if(!$is_wasm) { 'cmake' } else { 'emcmake' } if($is_wasm) { $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS = @('cmake') + $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS } if ($options.dm) { $b1k.println("Dumping compiler preprocessors ...") $dm_dir = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'dm' $dm_build_dir = Join-Path $dm_dir 'build' &$config_cmd $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS -S $dm_dir -B $dm_build_dir | Out-Host ; Remove-Item $dm_build_dir -Recurse -Force $b1k.println("Finish dump compiler preprocessors") } $b1k.println("Build Command: $config_cmd $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS -B $BUILD_DIR") &$config_cmd $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS -B $BUILD_DIR | Out-Host Set-Content $tempFile $hashValue -NoNewline } if (!$configOnly) { if (!$is_gradlew) { if (!$b1k.isfile($cmakeCachePath)) { Set-Location $stored_cwd throw "The cmake generate incomplete, pelase add '-f' to re-generate again" } } # step4. build # apply additional build options $BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += "--parallel" $BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += "$($options.j)" if (($cmake_generator -eq 'Xcode') -and !$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS.Contains('--verbose')) { $BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += '--', '-quiet' } $b1k.println("BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS=$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS, Count={0}" -f $BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS.Count) cmake --build $BUILD_DIR $BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host } } else { $b1k.println("Missing CMakeLists.txt in $workDir") } } Set-Location $stored_cwd } else { # google gclient/gn build system # refer: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/eca97f87e275a7c9c5b7f13a65ff8635f0821d46/tools/gn/docs/reference.md#args_specifies-build-arguments-overrides-examples $stored_env_path = $null $gn_buildargs_overrides = @() if ($Global:is_winrt) { $gn_buildargs_overrides += 'target_os=\"winuwp\"' } elseif ($Global:is_ios) { $gn_buildargs_overrides += 'target_os=\"ios\"' if ($Global:is_ios_sim) { $gn_buildargs_overrides += 'target_environment=\"simulator\"' } } elseif ($Global:is_android) { $gn_buildargs_overrides += 'target_os=\"android\"' $stored_env_path = $env:PATH active_ndk_toolchain } $gn_target_cpu = if ($TARGET_CPU -ne 'armv7') { $TARGET_CPU } else { 'arm' } $gn_buildargs_overrides += "target_cpu=\`"$gn_target_cpu\`"" if ($options.xc) { $gn_buildargs_overrides += $options.xc } if ($Global:is_darwin_embed_device) { $gn_buildargs_overrides += 'ios_enable_code_signing=false' } if ($Script:use_msvcr14x) { $gn_buildargs_overrides += 'use_msvcr14x=true' } if ($optimize_flag -eq 'Debug') { $gn_buildargs_overrides += 'is_debug=true' } else { $gn_buildargs_overrides += 'is_debug=false' } Write-Output ("gn_buildargs_overrides=$gn_buildargs_overrides, Count={0}" -f $gn_buildargs_overrides.Count) $BUILD_DIR = resolve_out_dir $null 'out/' if ($rebuild) { $b1k.rmdirs($BUILD_DIR) } $gn_gen_args = @('gen', $BUILD_DIR) if ($Global:is_win_family) { $sln_name = Split-Path $(Get-Location).Path -Leaf $gn_gen_args += '--ide=vs2022', "--sln=$sln_name" } if ($gn_buildargs_overrides) { $gn_gen_args += "--args=`"$gn_buildargs_overrides`"" } Write-Output "Executing command: {gn $gn_gen_args}" # Note: # 1. powershell 7.2.12 works: gn $gn_gen_args, but 7.4.0 not works # 2. only --args="target_cpu=\"x64\"" works # 3. --args='target_cpu="x64" not work invoke from pwsh if ($IsWin) { cmd /c "gn $gn_gen_args" } else { if ([VersionEx]$pwsh_ver -ge [VersionEx]'7.3') { bash -c "gn $gn_gen_args" } else { gn $gn_gen_args } } # build autoninja -C $BUILD_DIR --verbose $options.t # restore env:PATH if ($stored_env_path) { $env:PATH = $stored_env_path } } $Global:BUILD_DIR = $BUILD_DIR $env:buildResult = ConvertTo-Json @{ buildDir = $BUILD_DIR targetOS = $TARGET_OS targetCPU = $TARGET_CPU hostCPU = $HOST_CPU isHostTarget = $is_host_target compilerID = $TOOLCHAIN_NAME } }