#!/bin/bash # exit this script if any commmand fails set -e DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" COCOS2DX_ROOT="$DIR"/../.. CPU_CORES=4 function build_linux() { CPU_CORES=`grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo` echo "Building tests ..." cd $COCOS2DX_ROOT/build mkdir -p linux-build cd linux-build cmake ../.. echo "cpu cores: ${CPU_CORES}" make -j${CPU_CORES} VERBOSE=1 } function build_mac() { NUM_OF_CORES=`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` xcodebuild -project $COCOS2DX_ROOT/build/cocos2d_tests.xcodeproj -scheme "build all tests Mac" -jobs $NUM_OF_CORES -arch x86_64 build | xcpretty ##xcpretty has a bug, some xcodebuid fails return value would be treated as 0. xcodebuild -project $COCOS2DX_ROOT/build/cocos2d_tests.xcodeproj -scheme "build all tests Mac" -jobs $NUM_OF_CORES -arch x86_64 build } function build_ios() { NUM_OF_CORES=`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` xcodebuild -project $COCOS2DX_ROOT/build/cocos2d_tests.xcodeproj -scheme "build all tests iOS" -jobs $NUM_OF_CORES -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone Retina (4-inch)" build | xcpretty #the following commands must not be removed xcodebuild -project $COCOS2DX_ROOT/build/cocos2d_tests.xcodeproj -scheme "build all tests iOS" -jobs $NUM_OF_CORES -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone Retina (4-inch)" build } function build_android() { # Build all samples echo "Building Android samples ..." source ../environment.sh # build cpp-empty-test # pushd $COCOS2DX_ROOT/tests/cpp-empty-test # cocos compile -p android --android-studio # popd # build cpp-tests pushd $COCOS2DX_ROOT/tests/cpp-tests/proj.android ./gradlew assembleDebug popd # build js-tests # should uncomon it when building time not exceed time limit # pushd $COCOS2DX_ROOT/tests/js-tests # cocos compile -p android # popd } function build_android_lua() { # Build all samples echo "Building Android samples lua ..." source ../environment.sh # build lua-tests pushd $COCOS2DX_ROOT/tests/lua-tests/project/proj.android ./gradlew assembleDebug popd } function genernate_binding_codes() { if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "linux" ]; then # print some log for libstdc++6 strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 | grep GLIBC ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++* dpkg-query -W libstdc++6 ldd $COCOS2DX_ROOT/tools/bindings-generator/libclang/libclang.so fi if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then eval "$(pyenv init -)" fi which python source ../environment.sh # Generate binding glue codes echo "Create auto-generated luabinding glue codes." pushd "$COCOS2DX_ROOT/tools/tolua" python ./genbindings.py popd # We don't support building js projects for linux platform, # therefore, don't generate js-binding code for it. if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME != "linux" ] || [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then echo "Create auto-generated jsbinding glue codes." pushd "$COCOS2DX_ROOT/tools/tojs" python ./genbindings.py popd fi } function generate_pull_request_for_binding_codes_and_cocosfiles() { COCOS_ROBOT_REMOTE="https://${GH_USER}:${GH_PASSWORD}@github.com/${GH_USER}/cocos2d-x.git" LUA_AUTO_GENERATE_SCRIPT_PATH="$COCOS2DX_ROOT/cocos/scripting/lua-bindings/auto" JS_AUTO_GENERATE_SCRIPT_PATH="$COCOS2DX_ROOT/cocos/scripting/js-bindings/auto" COCOSFILE_PATH="$COCOS2DX_ROOT/templates/cocos2dx_files.json" ELAPSEDSECS=`date +%s` COCOS_BRANCH="update_lua_bindings_$ELAPSEDSECS" COMMITTAG="[ci skip][AUTO]: updating luabinding & jsbinding & cocos_file.json automatically" PULL_REQUEST_REPO="https://api.github.com/repos/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pulls" pushd "$COCOS2DX_ROOT" #Set git user for cocos2d-lua repo git config user.email ${GH_EMAIL} git config user.name ${GH_USER}#Set remotes git remote add upstream "$COCOS_ROBOT_REMOTE" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null # Run status to record the output in the log git status echo echo Comparing with origin HEAD ... echo git fetch origin "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" # Don't exit on non-zero return value set +e git diff FETCH_HEAD --stat --exit-code "$LUA_AUTO_GENERATE_SCRIPT_PATH" LUA_DIFF_RETVAL=$? git diff FETCH_HEAD --stat --exit-code "$JS_AUTO_GENERATE_SCRIPT_PATH" JS_DIFF_RETVAL=$? # generate cocos_files.json and check diff echo "Updates cocos_files.json" $COCOS2DX_ROOT/tools/travis-scripts/generate-template-files.py git diff FETCH_HEAD --stat --exit-code "$COCOSFILE_PATH" COCOSFILE_DIFF_RETVAL=$? if [ $LUA_DIFF_RETVAL -eq 0 ] && [ $JS_DIFF_RETVAL -eq 0 ] && [ $COCOSFILE_DIFF_RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "No differences in generated files" echo "Exiting with success." echo exit 0 else echo echo "Generated files differ from HEAD. Continuing." echo fi # Exit on error set -e git add -f --all "$LUA_AUTO_GENERATE_SCRIPT_PATH" git add -f --all "$JS_AUTO_GENERATE_SCRIPT_PATH" git add -f --all "$COCOSFILE_PATH" git checkout -b "$COCOS_BRANCH" git commit -m "$COMMITTAG" echo "Pushing to Robot's repo ..." git push -fq upstream "$COCOS_BRANCH" 2> /dev/null echo "Sending Pull Request to base repo ..." curl --user "${GH_USER}:${GH_PASSWORD}" --request POST --data "{ \"title\": \"$COMMITTAG\", \"body\": \"\", \"head\": \"${GH_USER}:${COCOS_BRANCH}\", \"base\": \"${TRAVIS_BRANCH}\"}" "${PULL_REQUEST_REPO}" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null popd } function run_pull_request() { echo "Building pull request ..." # need to generate binding codes for all targets genernate_binding_codes # linux if [ $BUILD_TARGET == 'linux' ]; then build_linux fi # android if [ $BUILD_TARGET == 'android' ]; then build_android fi # android_lua if [ $BUILD_TARGET == 'android_lua' ]; then build_android_lua fi if [ $BUILD_TARGET == 'mac' ]; then build_mac fi if [ $BUILD_TARGET == 'ios' ]; then build_ios fi } function run_after_merge() { echo "Building merge commit ..." # Re-generation of the javascript bindings can perform push of the new # version back to github. We don't do this for pull requests, or if # GH_USER/GH_EMAIL/GH_PASSWORD environment variables are not set correctly # by the encoded variables in the .travis.yml file. (e.g. if cloned repo's # want to use travis). if [ -z "${GH_EMAIL}" ]; then echo "GH_EMAIL not set" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${GH_USER}" ]; then echo "GH_USER not set" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${GH_PASSWORD}" ]; then echo "GH_USER not set" exit 1 fi genernate_binding_codes generate_pull_request_for_binding_codes_and_cocosfiles } if [ "$BUILD_TARGET" == "android_cocos_new_test" ]; then source ../environment.sh pushd $COCOS2DX_ROOT python -u tools/cocos2d-console/bin/cocos.py --agreement n new -l cpp -p my.pack.qqqq cocos_new_test popd pushd $COCOS2DX_ROOT/cocos_new_test/proj.android ./gradlew build popd exit 0 fi if [ "$BUILD_TARGET" == "linux_cocos_new_test" ]; then pushd $COCOS2DX_ROOT python -u tools/cocos2d-console/bin/cocos.py --agreement n new -l cpp -p my.pack.qqqq cocos_new_test popd CPU_CORES=`grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo` echo "Building tests ..." cd $COCOS2DX_ROOT/cocos_new_test mkdir -p linux-build cd linux-build cmake .. echo "cpu cores: ${CPU_CORES}" make -j${CPU_CORES} VERBOSE=1 exit 0 fi # build pull request if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then run_pull_request fi # run after merging # - make cocos robot to send PR to cocos2d-x for new binding codes # - generate cocos_files.json for template if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then # only one job need to send PR, linux virtual machine has better performance if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "linux" ] && [ x$GEN_BINDING_AND_COCOSFILE == x"true" ]; then run_after_merge fi fi